One Wild Night

Chapter 246 - Being Sensitive

After confirming Anita's involvement from Mr. Wyatt, he decided that he wanted proper evidence, "How do I know that you're telling me the truth? How am I sure you're not just telling me what you think I want to hear?" He asked.

"How do you think I know that you were pretending to be your assistant's driver?" Mr. Wyatt asked with a frown since he had not expected Tom to turn the table. He was now making it sound like he was the one falsely accusing his niece when it was he who had come pointing fingers.

"I don't know. You tell me."

Mr. Wyatt sighed. Now he was beginning to feel like a snitch. He hated himself for what he was doing, but he didn't have a choice. It was either this or face his sister's wrath. At least he could still run away with what little money he has left before his sister finds out about his gambling problem and takes everything from him. She was a control freak. Always had been.

"According to Anita's elder sister, she was at a beauty salon when one of the ladies there happened to be sharing the secret about how the CEO was acting as his assistant's driver. She relayed the information to the family. Anita went to the company and confirmed it," Mr. Wyatt explained.

Tom said nothing as he tried to reason it out. How did the lady at the salon hear of it? And how did Anita confirm it? His eyes narrowed when he remembered the company's doctor. The doctor was the only staff who worked in the company and knew about him being Lucy's driver.

He doubted that Anita would have confirmed it just from the doctor. She was a smart person. He tried to figure out where he would go first if he wanted information on two employees. A director and her driver. The HR department.

"I still need a confirmation," Tom stated, surprising Mr. Wyatt.

"I don't understand. You said all you wanted was for me to tell you if my sister was involved. I told you already. What else do you want me to say or do?"

"Give Anita a call, and get an oral confession from her," Tom said, jerking his head towards Mr. Wyatt's phone.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Mr. Wyatt asked with wide eyes.

Tom sighed as he picked up his phone. He dialed Alicia's line and put it on speaker once the call connected, "I don't think Mr. Wyatt is willing to cooperate with me. You can release the article on his gambling habits."

"Alright. I will do just that," Alicia said so that Mr. Wyatt would know that Tom was really on the phone, and not bluffing.

"What? Why are you doing this?" Mr. Wyatt asked as he started sweating profusely now.

"Hang on, Alicia," Tom said as he looked at Mr. Wyatt, "Are you going to do it or not? I don't have all day. Unlike you, I don't gamble and I have business to attend to," Tom said impatiently.

Mr. Wyatt swallowed as he dialed Anita's line, and then placed the phone on the table between them.

"I will call you back," Tom informed Alicia before hanging up.

Meanwhile, Anita lay on her bed with a bowl of popcorn and a can of coca-cola as she entertained herself by reading through the comment session on the tweets about Lucy. She giggled when she saw the comments of those discrediting Sonia's testimony.

Sonia, that bitch! Although she had wanted to be the one to destroy Sonia's relationship with Bryan, it was a good thing that Sonia had done so herself. Her plan was still in place. The only new addition to it now was that she was going ruin the friendship between both girls. She couldn't believe that the bitch had spoken to her in such a rude manner. What little kindness she had left in her for Lucy, was all gone now, thanks to her big-mouthed best friend. She was going to make sure that she ruined both of them.

She sat up when her phone started ringing, and she saw that it was a call from her uncle, and she received it immediately.

Tom placed the phone on recorder just as the call connected, "Hello, uncle!" Anita greeted.

"How are you?" Mr. Wyatt asked, trying to sound like his normal self.

"I'm fine, thank you. How is your health today?" She asked in concern.

"I'm okay. I just saw the stuff on the internet. Was that the secret you talked about the last time?" Mr. Wyatt asked, sounding curious, and Anita giggled.

"C'mon uncle, you shouldn't be asking me something like this," Anita said, trying to evade the question.

Tom pointed to the documents in front of Mr. Wyatt and mouthed, "Get her to talk, or I will expose these."

"You are just like your mother. I'm sure she will be so proud of you. This should send that rat into hiding. You still intend to get Thomas Hank, right?" Mr. Wyatt continued.

"Of course, I do. It's something I have to do for not just myself, but for the family too. I just need to get his assistant out of the way first," Anita said, and Mr. Wyatt chuckled.

"So now you admit that you are behind it. I hope you didn't leave any traces? You know you are my favorite niece, and your mother would be very upset if this is traced back to you," Mr. Wyatt said as though he was worried about her.

"I don't know why I can never lie to you uncle," Anita said with a small smile, "Don't worry about me. The people I gave the job to do not know who I am. It can never be traced to me or our family," Anita said confidently.

"What will you do if this doesn't work as planned? What if she is able to clear her name easily? You must have a plan B, right?" Mr. Wyatt asked, and Anita sighed.

"She won't be able to clear her name that easily. I made sure of it. And if peradventure she is able to do that, I also have my plan B. I'm my mother's daughter after all. Don't let me bore you with the details of my plan, I'm sure you have enough on your plate already. Thanks for your concern, uncle," Anita said, and Mr. Wyatt raised a brow at Tom.

"Alright, dear. Take care of yourself. I need to rest now," he said and hung up the call after receiving the go-ahead from Tom.

"You're so good at this," Tom said with a mocking smile, "Send it to me," Tom ordered, and Mr. Wyatt immediately transferred the recorded phone conversation to him.

"Thank you for your help. I won't forget it," Tom said as he stood up, and then straightened his shirt before walking away.

As he drove back to his apartment, his blood boiled with anger as he replayed the phone conversation between Mr. Wyatt and Anita. Who did she think she was to do something like this? What did she mean by she made sure of it that Lucy wouldn't be able to clear her name so easily? And what was her plan B?

He thought about the different ways that he could deal with Anita. What punishment would ever be good enough for someone as despicable as her?


"Don't you think you were brutally honest just now? Lucas doesn't need that right now," Sonia said as she walked out of the apartment with Lucy.

"Really? Was I? Do you have any idea how things would have been for me if I didn't have you to rely on this whole time? Lucas is my only sibling. My twin brother. He was my only friend until Rachel came into the picture. I would never have chosen ANY guy over Lucas. Never. We had a bond and he let her come between us. After ten years he's only just realizing what I've been trying to say from the start? And you expect me to pat him on the back? No, I won't do that. He would have saved himself this heartbreak had he done the right thing from the moment she started all her nonsense."

Sonia paused to look at her, "I get that you're upset too, but Lucas is hurt. So what if it took him ten years or even thirty years to realize that she's not suitable for him? He is heartbroken right now and he needs you. He came all this way to be here for you. You can do better than this," Sonia said, and Lucy sighed.

"Yeah. I guess you're right," Lucy said as she looked from Tom's apartment to hers, and contemplated whether or not she should go back and say something to Lucas.

"But I have to admit that I'm happy he broke up with her ass. That bitch! I wish I could see her tears right now," Sonia said with a small laugh, and Lucy turned to give her a questioning look.

"Didn't you just scold me for rejoicing over it?"

"No. I meant we are free to rejoice and even celebrate behind him, but we can't do any of that in front of him. There is a difference. It is called being sensitive," Sonia said, and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I'm sure my parents will console him. I will just apologize to him when they're done," Lucy said as they both covered the rest of the distance to Tom's apartment.

Before they could ring the doorbell, Tom drove in, in one of his cars and both Lucy and Sonia turned to look at him. They waited until he had gotten out of the car before going to him, "So? How did it go? Anita is responsible for this, right?" Lucy asked curiously.


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