One Wild Night

Chapter 205 - Office Date

Once it was lunchtime, Tom quickly dismissed the directors in his office before dialing Lucy's line, "Care to have lunch with me, Princess?" He asked once the call connected, making Lucy smile.

"I will join you in a minute," Lucy said as she hung up the call and quickly cleared her desk. When she was done she clicked on her phone's camera to check her face, and once she added a coat of pink lipstick to her lips and took off her glasses, she stood up and headed for his office.

"What took you so long?" Tom asked when she opened the office door and walked in.

"Traffic," Lucy said with a silly smile, and Tom chuckled.

"Very funny. I'm glad you left the glasses. Come in here," Tom gestured to her as he walked into his mini bedroom and started taking off his wig and false beards.

"It must not be easy putting those on and off," she observed when she followed him inside and saw him taking off his costume.

"Huh huh. Things we do for love," Tom said with a shrug, and Lucy looked away from him.

She raised a brow curiously when she noticed for the first time that he had set a table in there, "When did this get in here? Don't tell me you have like an underground kitchen here with a chef hiding somewhere around?" Lucy asked dramatically as she looked around the room.

Tom chuckled, "My butler delivered it here. He's the one who cleans my office and takes care of my clothes here, so he has access to the private elevator," Tom explained as he took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh, I see! You must trust him a lot," Lucy observed as she watched Tom.

"I do. He came to me highly recommended by my mother, and has been with me ever since I got a place of my own after college," Tom said with a nod.

"Your mother? Is your butler the same man who I met at your place the morning after we met?" Lucy asked with a wince as she prayed that she was wrong.

"The middle-aged man? Yes."

"He doesn't happen to report back to your mother, does he?" Lucy asked, shifting uncomfortably.

Tom who noticed her sudden discomfort hid a smile. He was glad that she was already thinking far ahead, enough to be worried about what his mother thinks about her, "Whatever he sees or hears, you can be rest assured that my mother has seen and heard it too," Tom said making Lucy blink at him.

"You're kidding, right? He must have thought I was some sort of whore or something," Lucy complained with a frown.

"He did think so," Tom said in amusement when he remembered his mother's phone call to him the morning after their first night together, "But you don't have to worry, I already corrected that impression," Tom assured her as gestured to her to sit on the bed, before sitting down next to her.

"You did? How?" Lucy asked, but before Tom could respond his phone started ringing, and he smiled when he saw that it was his mother.

"Speak of the angel, my mother is calling," Tom informed Lucy as he received the call.

"Hey, mom!" Tom greeted.

"Something good must have happened today? You don't usually sound this excited to speak with me when I call," Evelyn said suspiciously, making Tom chuckle.

"I am always excited to hear from you, and you know it. Anyway, I was just talking to my girlfriend about you," Tom said, and then abruptly disconnected the call when he realized that he hadn't asked Lucy if it was okay to talk to his mother about her.

"I'm sorry. Hope you don't mind speaking with my mom? I know I should have asked you first, but it just kind of slipped, and she is going to want to talk to you," Tom said apologetically.

"It's fine. But are you sure that she doesn't think I'm a loose lady?" Lucy asked uncomfortably.

"She doesn't. I already cleared that up with her," Tom assured her, "And I need her to know that I have a girlfriend for real so that she can stop bothering me," Tom added.

"Okay. If I speak with her, then you will have to speak with my parents too when next they call, deal?" Lucy asked, and Tom grinned.

"Of course, I would love to speak with them," Tom assured her as he dialed his mother's line.

"Sorry mom, I had to clear up something," Tom said apologetically once the call connected.

"Did you say your girlfriend was there with you? Or were you just talking to her over the phone?" Evelyn asked, ignoring his apology.

"She is right here. You want to speak..."

"Hand her the phone," Evelyn ordered excitedly without letting him finish his sentence.

"Here," Tom said as he passed Lucy the phone.

"Hello, ma'am!" Lucy greeted cautiously, her heart beating really fast as she didn't know what to expect.

"Hello, my dear! How are you?" Evelyn asked in a sweet voice.

"I'm fine, ma'am. And you?" Lucy asked cautiously.

"Lose the ma'am, and call me Evelyn. What is your beautiful name?" Evelyn asked curiously.

"Lucinda. Lucinda Perry."

"Why does the name sound so familiar. Hold on a second," Evelyn said to Lucy before calling out to her husband whose memory was better than hers, "Hey, Honey! Didn't we meet someone called Lucinda Perry recently?" Evelyn called out as she got off the couch to check on her husband who was mowing the lawn.

"No. Not, Lucinda, it was Lucas Perry. The young doctor you kept fawning over," her husband called back.

"Oh! Yeah. Sorry, my darling. I had to confirm with my husband. It was..."

"Lucas Perry. Yeah. That's my twin brother. He mentioned meeting you," Lucinda said, making Tom turn to look at her in confusion as he wondered what they were discussing.

"What? You mean that handsome doctor is your twin brother?" Evelyn asked, making Lucy smile despite her initial nervousness. The woman seemed to be very easygoing.

"Yes, he is."

"But he didn't mention anything about his sister being in a relationship with my son all the while I kept trying to hook him up with my daughter," Evelyn said thoughtfully.

"You did?" Lucy asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Although my husband was against it, but what does he know?" Evelyn asked dismissively.

"Lucas probably didn't mention it because he isn't aware of the nature of my relationship with Tom," Lucy explained.

"Oh, I see! It's good to finally speak with you. I hope I get to meet you really soon. You'll be attending Bryan's wedding, right?" Evelyn asked curiously, making Lucy raise a brow.

"They already fixed a date?" Lucy asked, turning to look at Tom.

Evelyn giggled, "Not yet. I'm working on fixing a date for them really soon before Bryan changes his mind," Evelyn confided with a small laugh which Lucy returned.

Tom snatched the phone from Lucy before she could say another word, "Mom, now that you have heard from her can we talk later? We were about to have lunch before you called and the food isn't going to remain hot forever."

"Sure. She sounds like a nice girl. And her twin brother is decent too. I like her. I hope you've been hearing from your siblings?"

"Yes. Almost every day now," Tom assured her.

"Let's talk later then. I can hear the impatience in your voice," Evelyn said and hung up before Tom could defend himself.

"Your brother met my mother? When? How?" Tom asked once he dropped the phone.

"Yeah. The same day you told me the truth about your identity. He was the doctor on seat when your parents arrived for their routine check-up," Lucy explained.

"Wow! Such coincidence! Good thing I told you the truth when I did," Tom said, not wanting to imagine how easily everything would have blown up in his face had he held back.

"Good thing you did. Now can we eat? Lunchtime is almost up," Lucy said as she glanced at his bedside clock.

"Should I just extend the lunchtime?" Tom asked with a straight face and Lucy laughed out loud.

"You are an abuser of power," she said with a shake of her head as she picked up her cutlery.

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