One Wild Night

Chapter 204 - Beauty Salon Gossip

"What? How could you convince her to change her mind?" Jade exclaimed in disappointment as she paced around the living room of the suite which she shared with Harry, while he followed her with his gaze.

"It's the same. The only difference is that she won't be there with her son. Besides, her sister already offered to stay behind as the bait you need. While Candace will help you with every information you need from the comfort of your brother's home," Matt suggested over the phone.

"It seems like you have it all figured out," Jade said with a sigh.

"I did think it through. So? Have you spoken to him about it yet? Has he agreed to let them stay with him?" Matt asked curiously.

"You don't have to worry about it. I have it all covered," Jade assured him, "Just make sure they arrive there safely without being followed."

"Sure. I will let you know how it goes," Matt said before hanging up.

"You really should inform Tom that you're taking them to his home," Harry spoke up behind Jade the moment she dropped her phone, startling her.

"Jeez! I almost forgot you were here. How do you do that?" Jade asked as she turned to look at him.

"Do what?" Harry asked, looking at her with a blank expression.

"I meant, how do you manage to stay so silent. Never mind," Jade said as she returned to her seat and picked up her laptop.

"When are you going to inform your brother that you're taking strangers to his house?" Harry asked again when it was beginning to seem like she had no intention of answering his question.

"You are his assistant, so tell me. When should we tell him?" Jade asked without looking up at him.

"We? This has nothing to do with me. It is between you and your brother. And you should have told him last night from the moment you came up with that ridiculous idea!" Harry said with disapproval.

"I thought we were in this together?" Jade asked, looking up from her laptop to meet his disapproving gaze.

"Are we? Cause the last time I checked, I don't remember you asking for my opinion until after you were done sharing your plans with them, or did you?" Harry asked as he got off the couch and dipped his right hand into his pocket.

"What's the big deal anyway? His home is big enough to house twenty people without them crossing paths for at least a week. I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing his guest room with a helpless young lady and her son," Jade called out dismissively as Harry headed for his bedroom.

Once he got to the door he paused, "Your brother doesn't like such surprises, so make sure you call him and inform him of your plans!" Harry repeated irritably before shutting the door behind him, leaving Jade to wonder why he seemed to be in such a foul mood.


"You will never guess what my cousin told me last night," A beautiful lady blonde lady who seemed to be in her early forties told her friend who was seated beside her, and as expected four other ears in the VIP room of the ultramodern beauty salon perked up.

The first lady's eyes shone excitedly, and from the gleam in her eyes, one could tell that she couldn't wait to share her juicy gossip as almost everyone at the salon always had one gossip or the other to share.

"Hey, go easy!" She scolded the girl who was giving her a pedicure.

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

"What did she tell you?" Her friend who was equally receiving a pedicure asked in excitement, eager to hear whatever gossip was about to be shared.

"This can't leave this room, okay? Or else we will all be in trouble," the first lady said, looking around at all the other four ladies in the room. Three of them were looking at her eagerly, while the last one seemed to be too occupied with her phone as they styled her hair.

"I won't tell," her friend promised, and all other three nodded their consents.

The lady eyed the beauty therapists in the room, but then chose to ignore them since she knew they were trained to keep their mouths shut, "So according to my cousin, her husband who works at I-Global hospital told her that the CEO of I-Global is currently working as a driver for one of his female staff, and she doesn't even know that he is the CEO," the lady said, and all the others gasped in surprise.

"That doesn't make sense. How can that be true?" Her friend asked in disbelief.

"It is true. He told her that he saw it with his own eyes, and he even heard it straight from the CEO's lips," the lady said confidently.

"Did you say she doesn't even know he is the CEO? How can she not know him if she occupies such a high position in the company that she even has a driver?" Another asked.

"Have you forgotten that he loves to stay away from public view? More than half of the staff in the company doesn't even know what he looks like," the first lady reminded them.

"Why would he do such a thing? Although I find it weird that he chose to keep his identity hidden this whole time, but still, stooping so low to be a driver?" One of the other ladies asked with a shake of her head.

"Perhaps he likes the female staff in question?" Her friend asked.

"And he couldn't just ask her to go out on a date with him?" The other lady countered.

"Did your cousin's husband happen to mention the name of this female staff?" Another lady asked curiously, echoing the question someone else was curious about.

"I'm not sure he did. I don't think her name is of any importance to us," the first lady said.

The lady who had been busy with her phone listened to all the conversation going on around her with a smirk, "Are you done?" She asked the young lady who had been styling her hair.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good," she said as she stood up and dropped some money bills on her seat, "Have that," she said and walked away without saying a word to the other ladies. Her mother had taught her better than to be involved in such public gossip. She was too classy for that.

Once she stepped out of the building and got into her car, she signaled to her driver to get out of the car before dialing her sister's number.

"Hello, little sis.. I've got a present for you," she announced with a smile once the call connected.

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