One Wild Night

Chapter 189 - Petty Debate

Once Tom's meeting ended and the others left his office, Lucy walked over to his office door and knocked on it. She waited until he gave her the go-ahead and then walked in.

"Is there a problem?" Tom asked curtly without bothering to glance at her. His gaze remained fixed on his laptop.

"When are we leaving for Oceans airlines, sir?" Lucy asked while looking around his office curiously since that was something she had failed to do each time she had entered his office the previous times.

She noticed the door which led to his mini bedroom, and also another door which she guessed led to his private elevator. It all explained how always managed to play the boss and her driver at the same time.

Tom reached into his drawer and took out one of his cars key. He set it on the table and jerked his head towards it, "Take the elevator to my private parking lot and get the car started. I will join you soon," Tom instructed her.

Lucy walked over to his desk and picked up the car key, "Yes, sir," she said before walking out of the office.

Once she left the office, Tom raised his head from the laptop and glanced at the door. From her behavior, it seemed to him that what she really wanted was for him to act like a different person at the office, and then as her driver outside the office, and as her boyfriend at home. It was going to be difficult, but he was going to try. He would do exactly that until she got frustrated, Tom thought with a smirk as he shut down his system and then stood up.

A few minutes later Tom got out of his private elevator with a newspaper in hand as he joined Lucy who was waiting for him beside the car. He had not gotten himself a company driver because Harry often drove the car most times they were out together, and the few times he went out alone he preferred to drive himself or have any of his household staff drive him.

Without saying a word he got into the backseat of the car, leaving her to drive the car.

It was even better for him this way. She would be his assistant and driver during work hours, and he would be her driver off work hours. It all suited him as either way he got to spend time in her company.

Lucy adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she got into the car. At least this was way better than having her boss hold out the car door for her. She didn't want anyone, especially Anita to be suspicious of her relationship with him.

She glanced at him through the rearview mirror and noticed that his gaze was fixed on the newspaper he was holding. So now he has gone from trying to get her to talk to him, to completely ignoring her? Very nice, Lucy thought in amusement.

"Is there any particular reason why the car is still on one spot?" Tom asked coolly without glancing up.

"Uhm, sorry sir," Lucy apologized and quickly turned on the car's ignition.

Was she weird for finding this whole role-play thingy very sexy? She kind of really liked how he was being a mean boss to her right now. She was looking forward to seeing the switch from mean boss to caring driver in the evening, and then to boyfriend later at night. Now she was beginning to feel like a weirdo. Who knows? If something like this was a turn on for her, then maybe she was going to be into the whole BDSM shit too, Lucy thought with a small giggle, and then Tom glanced up from the newspaper to meet her gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Is something funny, Miss Perry?" Tom asked, trying not to sound as curious as he truly was.

"Nothing, sir. I'm sorry," Lucy said apologetically as she quickly returned her gaze to the road. Hot!

Tom shook his head as he continued to watch her. This had to be the most silly and ridiculous punishment ever. As simple as it all looked, it was difficult, pretending to be just her boss. He paused when something suddenly occurred to him, and his lips twitched in amusement.

"You were trying to get in touch with your best friend the last time, have you heard from her yet?" He asked, setting aside his newspaper. Although she didn't want him to talk to her as Tom her driver, he had established a kind of brother-in-law slash boss relationship with her by virtue of Sonia's relationship with Bryan, and as such he could talk to her freely that way.

Lucy glanced at him briefly, "I have sir. Thank you," Lucy said, wondering what he was trying to do.

"Remember what I told you at the resort development center?" Tom asked, and Lucy met his gaze in the rearview mirror.

"What was that, sir?"

"About waiting for as long as you want me to, to make you mine," Tom said in a very confident tone, causing countless butterflies to flutter in Lucy's belly at his words.

She quickly cleared her throat and looked straight ahead without responding. She had to admit that Tom's acting skills were beyond good. Listening to him, no one would guess that he was her driver or the same person that had made her cum countlessly few nights ago.

At the thought of the sex together, she felt the hot fingers of lust clench around her pelvic region. She had been so focused on his confession and everything that she was yet to really think about what had happened between them that night. She wanted to experience all of that again with him.

"You don't have a response for me, do you?" Tom asked in a mildly taunting tone.

"I don't expect that you need one, sir," Lucy said in a mocking tone as she continued to drive.

A few minutes later they arrived at Oceans Airlines, and like before a couple of the staff were all lined up waiting for him there. Once the car stopped and Tom got out of the car, Anita looked at him with a slightly surprised expression on her face as they had all been expecting Harry, and not Tom.

She turned to look at Lucy who stepped out of the driver's seat, and she couldn't help wondering what was happening between them. Just few days ago the CEO had held open the car door for Lucy and had driven the car himself, and now Lucy was driving him? Perhaps was this about the misunderstanding she had caught them having that morning? Was the CEO angry with her now and had decided that he had had enough?

"We weren't expecting you. We were supposed to have a meeting with Mr. Harry," one of the men present there informed Tom as they shook hands.

"That I'm aware of. Mr. Harry had to travel for a business meeting yesterday, and he will be away for some time, so until his return I will be meeting with you," Tom said as he gave Anita a pointed look.

Anita's face was flushed in embarrassment upon the realization that her lie earlier on had been a stupid one, and she glanced at Lucy who quickly turned away as if she didn't know what was going on.

"Let's go in," Tom suggested as he led the way and they all followed him to the meeting room.

Once they were all seated, Lucy took the spot next to him, and Anita sat on the seat opposite Lucy, where Harry had occupied during the last meeting.

Anita looked from Lucy to the CEO and she couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be some sort of friction between them as the CEO wasn't giving her as much attention as he had given her the last time. Perhaps Lucy was right, and she had heard wrongly? Or maybe it was just the CEO who had lost interest in Lucy? Whatever it was she didn't care to know. All she wanted right now was to find her way into the CEO's heart.

Anita tried her best to remain quiet all through the meeting while the others took turns to answer all of the CEO's questions Seeing how he had shunned her during the last meeting, she didn't want a repeat of that episode. If he preferred docile women, then she was going to try to be a docile woman, at least until she finally got him where she wanted him.

"Do you have any contribution to make, Miss Miller?" Tom asked when he was done hearing from the others, and Anita glanced at him surprise, while Lucy tried to stifle the sudden jealousy that rose unside her upon hearing Tom refer to Anita.

Anita cleared her throat as she tried to appear modest, "I think all they have said is correct, but may I also suggest that to better improve our services, we could take out time to hear from the passengers who use our airline, and find out if there is any service they would like us to add to our services?" Anita asked, and Tom considered it for a moment, before turning to look at Lucy.

"What do you think?" He asked with a slightly raised brow.

Lucy wished Anita's suggestion was stupid so that she could counter it, but she couldn't, "I think Ani... Miss Miller has a point. Maybe questionnaires or a survey form could be given to passengers during each flight or online to those who book their flights on the company's website," Lucy added.

"I don't think the passengers would like to go through the stress of doing that as most of them just want to relax during their flights instead of answering such questions," Anita said, countering Lucy's point as she didn't like that Lucy was stealing her spot once again.

Tom looked from Lucy to Anita, "So how do you suggest we go about getting feedback from them?" Tom asked Anita curiously, making Lucy shift in her seat uncomfortably as she didn't like that it was beginning to seem like a debate between her and Tom's ex-girlfriend.

"Maybe we can get some top celebrities to get on the flight with them. The celebrities will hand out the questionnaires to them and make it seem like it is from them and not the company. I think they will be more willing to give their feedback this way. Say, male celebrities hand out the survey forms to the females, and female celebrities do the same to male passengers," Anita suggested.

"Isn't that what I just said?" Without thinking Lucy blurted out in a tight voice, and Tom had to stifle the urge to laugh when he heard the annoyance in her voice.

"You didn't mention celebrities. I did," Anita pointed out with a polite smile while the others on the table kept moving their gaze from Lucy to Anita in amusement as they tried to understand why it seemed like both ladies were having a petty argument.

"But I did say we could hand the passengers the survey forms during their flights and you countered it, yet managed to suggest the same thing. The only thing you added to my suggestion was the person who should hand out the forms," Lucy said pettily and Tom couldn't stop the amused twitch of his lips.. She was the one who wanted him to treat her like a regular staff, so why was she getting annoyed already? Be careful what you wish for.

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