One Wild Night

Chapter 188 - CEO Versus Driver

"What? Why are you still grinning?" Harry asked Jade, suspecting that she was probably still thinking about his father's phonecall.

"Nothing," Jade said with a giggle as they both got out of the car and started walking in the direction of the building that housed the spa.

Although Harry didn't exactly believe her, but he decided to let sleeping dogs lie, as he wasn't ready to have an awkward conversation with her.

"How old is your dad by the way?" Jade asked curiously, making Harry look at her with a slightly raised brow.

"He is in his early fifties, why?" Harry asked as he held out the door for her.

"Thanks. He's not too old. He has a very attractive voice, and he sounds fun," Jade said with a wink.

Harry stopped to look at her in disbelief, "You're not crushing on my dad right now, are you?" Harry asked making Jade laugh out loud.

"Why not? You want to report me to your mom?" Jade asked in a teasing tone, as she led him in the direction of the spa which was on the fifth floor of the building.

Harry was silent for a moment, "She is late. My mother I mean. She died while giving birth to me and he never remarried," Harry said as they both stepped into the elevator, and Jade turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry about that. I had no idea," she said apologetically as she pressed the button for the fifth floor.

"It's fine," Harry assured her with a small smile.

"Your father must have really loved her to have not remarried," Jade said sadly.

"She was his first and only true love according to him," Harry said with a shrug.

"Aww, I guess that explains it then," Jade said with a small smile.

"Explains what?"

"Why you're not so good with ladies. Assuming your mother was around or you had sisters, they probably would have been giving you good advice..."

"You mean like the advise you gave to Tom to get piercings?" Harry cut in dryly, and Jade giggled.

"I didn't exactly ask him to do that, but I don't think piercings would look bad on you though," Jade said as she looked at him and tried to picture him with his hair dyed and a nose and ear piercing.

"Wipe that smile off your face, I'm not doing anything so juvenile!" Harry warned when he noticed the way Jade kept staring at him with a grin, and he quickly got off the elevator while Jade hurried after him.

"Come on, don't be such a spoilsport! It will look good on you, I promise," Jade pleaded with a giggle as she caught up with him.

"I'm not doing anything of the like, so get that thought off your head!" Harry said as he kept walking ahead of her with quick strides.

"So uptight. Tsk," Jade said with a shake of her head, "But seriously though, you mean your dad never got involved with anyone else after your mother's death?" Jade asked, sounding serious once again.

"None that I know of. It has always been just the both of us," Harry said as he kept looking ahead of them.

"Well, I guess that explains why you are this way. That's the spa," Jade said, pointing to one of the beauty spas which was at the left wing of the floor.

"What explains what?" Harry asked in confusion as he wondered what she was talking about.

"What I mean is, because your dad is a one woman kind of man, you didn't really associate much with ladies and you didn't have the opportunity to watch him flirt around either, else with your looks, you would have been quite popular among the ladies," Jade explained as they walked into the spa.

"I see," Harry murmured and then reached into his pocket for his cellphone when it started ringing, "Excuse me for a moment," Harry told Jade as he stepped out of the spa to find a quiet spot where he could receive the call.

"Good morning. What do you have for me?" Harry asked curiously once he received the call.

"The private investigator is searching for a lady. Her name is Candace Roberts," the man at the other end of the line informed Harry without beating around the bush.

"Candace Roberts?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully when he remembered that that was the exact same person Jade had said she needed to find in order to find Jero as her back up plan.

"Yes, sir. Candace," he confirmed.

"Okay, thanks for the information. Keep following him around, and the moment he finds the lady, I want you to get her first before he does. I want to meet with her," Harry said without giving away more information than was necessary.

Once he was done with the phonecall, he returned inside to join Jade, "Hello, ladies!" Harry greeted the four ladies who were seated at the reception with Jade, and then paused when he noticed the way the ladies there stared at him with interest as though Jade had told them something about him in his absence.

"Hello, handsome!" One of the lady's greeted with a flirtatious smile, and Harry gave Jade a suspicious look while she merely grinned at him.

"As I told you, I and my old uncle Harry are here to relax, so please take good care of him," Jade told the youngest of the four ladies with a wink.

"You didn't tell me he was this hot!" The lady whispered to Jade before returning her attention to Harry.

"I'm not here to relax. I only brought her here," Harry explained with a shake of his head when the beautiful lady approached him.

"Come on, uncle Harry! Don't be shy. Your father would be very upset if he gets to know that you're refusing to cooperate with me," Jade chided softly.

Harry glared at Jade as he had no idea what she was up to, "I'm not shy..."

"Hello! My name is Aurora, but you can call me, Aura. You're welcome to my spa." the lady said with a cheerful smile as she extended her hand to Harry.

"Hi! My name is Harry," Harry said politely as he shook her hand, and let go of it almost immediately.

"Hm. Aura and Harry... There's a nice ring to it," Jade said with a girlie giggle making Harry give her a weird look.


Lucy who was busy tapping away on her laptop suddenly paused when something occured to her and she glanced at Tom's office door with narrowed eyes. Since Tom was the CEO, that meant it was Tom who had put the policy about everyone leaving the company environment once it was closing hour. And it was also Tom who had banned the act of taking back office work to the house.

Why hadn't she thought of that? That law had been put in place just the next day after she kept him waiting at the office because she was busy with work. She had to admit that he was pretty sneaky.

Once Lucy glanced at the wall clock and realized that it was almost time for lunch, she picked up her phone, 'Hey! I hope I'm getting lunch soon?' she texted Tom.

Tom who was in the middle of a meeting, picked up his phone when it vibrated with a text message notification, "Give me a moment," he said as he clicked on the text.

He blinked in surprise when he read the text, and then glanced at the door in the direction of her office as he tried to figure out if she was okay. How could she be asking him for lunch when she knew that he was in the middle of a meeting?

He glanced at his phone when it vibrated once again, and this time he sighed when he read the text, 'I'm missing you. Let's see a movie when we get home'

What was she playing at this time? He wondered as he decided to respond to her text, 'I'm sorry, the CEO sent me on an errand. I will have him send someone to deliver your lunch' Tom texted back, and then dropped his phone.

Lucy giggled to herself as she read his text, "Errand indeed," Lucy murmured.

She glanced at her office telephone when it started ringing, and picked it up, knowing that it was Tom, "Hello, sir!" Lucy greeted politely.

"Your driver just informed me that he was supposed to deliver lunch to your office. I sent him on an errand, so I'm sorry you'll have to pick it up yourself, for today. I hope you don't mind?" Tom asked curtly, and Lucy grinned to herself.

"I don't."

"Good. You should get ready. We are leaving for Oceans Airlines the moment this meeting comes to an end," Tom instructed her, and then hung up before she could say a word.. Since she wanted to be silly, he was going to be ridiculously silly with her too.

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