On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Ninety-Seven

Two Hundred And Ninety-Seven

“All right, let me give it a try.” Shiro said, lying down comfortably. “You know, this feels a little strange. I’ve never been in a guy’s room before. It’s unusual for me to be worried about something like that, not at all like me. Oh well, this princess will have to get used to it, I suppose.”

“This is not-not a male’s room.” Shaeula disagreed. “It is our room, for where Akio is, do we not-not belong?” With that said, she was preparing to depart for our Territory first, lying next to me on the large bed. “I shall go ahead and gather our forces. I shall see you soon-soon.”

With that her breathing stopped and her body lay still, an empty shell. Shiro raised an eyebrow at that. “That’s seriously creepy you know. So, go ahead, you can be honest Aki, have you played with her while she’s not at home?” her grin turned mocking. “Of course not.” I promised.  “I am the perfect gentleman, you should know that.”

“That just means herbivore.” she snorted. Eri was laughing at the banter. Hyacinth had also gone ahead, her body joining Shaeula’s in being still and immobile. “Well, I guess you don’t need to, do you? Not when she’ll freely let you if you ask.”

“Hey, a lot of the time, she comes onto me. She may not look it, but Shaeula has quite the appetite.” I turned my attention to Eri. “Eri too.”

“Akio! Don’t embarrass me in front of Shiro!” she protested, red-faced.

“Well, isn’t it true?” I pressed, and she nodded shyly, a barest movement of her head.

“Yes, but even so, embarrassing things are embarrassing.”

“You know, this feels very comfortable. Aimi would fit right into this conversation.” Shiro smirked. “When we are healed, Eri, I’ll introduce you to them. You’ll hear a lot of interesting stories about Aki here, I’m sure. Just watch out for Yasu, he’ll hit on you for sure. Just punch him. If he dies, he dies.”

“Harsh.” Eri giggled. “But I admit to being curious about all the parts of Akio’s life I don’t know, which I missed out on by being too young. If only I was a bit older I could have joined him in Tokyo.”

“No point regretting what could never be. Now, fun though this is, the experiment?”

“Oh stop being such a slavedriver, Aki. Considering how many harem comedies you used to enjoy, you should know having your girls get on well with each other is the most important quality-of-life issue you need to be attending to. Hell, isn’t your favourite Sekirei a troublemaker who doesn’t play well with others?” At Eri’s blank expression, she went on to explain.

“So that’s the sort of girl Akio likes, huh?” Eri mused, and I felt the need to defend myself.

Tsundere isn’t anywhere near as cute in real life as it is in fiction. Well, unless it’s the way Shaeula sometimes still does it. But violent tsundere’s are a definite no-go. Now can we please continue?” I asked.

“Stop being a whiner, Aki.” Shiro grinned. “Now, here goes.” She shut her remaining eye and tried to enter the Boundary, despite me willing the Territory to refuse her entry. For a few silent minutes Eri and I watched, before Shiro’s eye snapped open, beads of sweat on her skin. “Yeah, just as Tan thought. I can’t get in. The Barrier is too strong. I might be able to force my way through given enough time, but this close to the centre, if I do I’ll be utterly exhausted. Damn, putting a princess to hard labour like me, Aki, if my legion of adoring subjects knew about this, they’d have you executed for Lèse-majesté.”

“I’m pretty certain that’s not what that is.” I disagreed, and she pouted.

“Come on Aki, you won’t be popular with girls if you don’t learn to let the details slide.”

“I think that ship has sailed.” Eri chuckled happily. “So, I always thought it was strange the way these things worked. I must admit, I’m relieved.”

“Me too.” I agreed. “Otherwise protecting an Anchor would be impossible, as assassins and saboteurs could just dive into the Boundary from a nearby hotel or some similar place and easily strike before defences can respond.”

“If I may…” Shiro’s eye turned ruby red, a sign Tan was taking charge. “Such things can still happen, and do, even in the highest Astral, though the major Territories of the Pantheons are of course too well defended for such. But minor satellite Territories are often destroyed that way, it is easier than outright war.” She sighed. “Battle is costly in resources and manpower. It is best avoided where possible.” She licked her lips, well, Shiro’s, in a seductive manner. “The rewards for destroying Anchored Territories are quite rich, as you no doubt know.”

“I see. So how do we defend against that?” I asked. It’s important to know, as my plan revolves around a strong Territory overlapping the Material for the assorted benefits.

“Your barrier, to me it is but pretty paper, something I can tear through easily, were I not bound to this mortal vessel.” Tan sighed. “But I confess, it is not terrible for how little time it has taken. Generally, stronger Territories manipulate their barriers, centring them around important points and leaving areas that can be risked with lesser protection. This makes it far more difficult to siege a prepared Territory. Yes, you can cause some damage to outlying areas, but the core remains stubborn and solid.”

“I see. I remember…” There was a Barrier Anchor Spire amongst the choices. I decided not to go for that one, as I could only build three for now. Maybe when we reach Rank 4 I’ll consider adding it… “Well then.” I clapped my hands. “I guess this was worthwhile. Shiro, I welcome you to my Territory. Try now.”

“All right.” Shiro’s eye darkened once more, then after a few moments it slid shut, her ample chest rising and falling with her steady, soft breaths.

“I guess she’s in.” I pointed out.

“I guess so. Ugh, those scars are blasphemy. I’m a girl, and I have no interest in that sort of thing, despite the rumours that used to go around about me and Aiko… even so, she must have been beyond beautiful. I mean, she still is…” Eri flushed, ashamed. “Scars and injuries don’t make people ugly, right?” her own insecurities were shining through. “… but I can see why you were hopelessly smitten with her. She’s kind of funny too.”

“I wouldn’t say I was smitten…” I protested. “Well, anyway, we might as well go in, and to answer your question…” I rolled over, kissing Eri softly. “… you’re still beautiful to me. Shiro too. Now come on, we need to catch up.”

“All right then.” She whispered, and I slid shut my eyes, quickly awakening in my Territory, beside a wide-eyed Shiro, who was admiring the Earth Altar, the Rhyming Trees that were towering above the hill, and more.

“This is wild, Aki. My Territory isn’t bad, but this is way better.” She puffed out her cheeks. “As a princess, I find it annoying my Territory is inferior.”

“Well, it makes sense, does it not-not?” Shaeula chuckled, appearing with her brother trailing along behind her, as well as Ixitt, Bjarki, Asha the dryad and more. “After all, this is my Territory as well. And I am a princess too-too.”

“I guess.” Shiro admitted, thrown for a loop by the crowd, as weaselkin, ratkin, trolls and more appeared. “Quite the eclectic group here. Looks like you are running this more as an RTS than an RPG. You know… this is what I wanted my game to be.” She looked down, lost in thought, only to jump in surprise as I placed an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my embrace. “What?”

“You said you wanted a world that’ll be kind to you. Well, if you still want to make your game, I won’t stop you. I’ll pay for as many helpers, programmers and artists as you need. But… look around. This is the start of that world. Everybody here will respect and support you. And you’ll support me. Together we’ll make the world you wanted, I wanted. We wanted.”

Shiro went silent for a moment, before surprising me by leaning over and kissing me, just a brush of our lips, but it was enough. “You’re just an Aki.” She complained. “No saying things that makes my heart race.” She then let out a long sigh. “I get it. My game was just escapism. Because I had nothing else. But now, this is real life, and I can’t hesitate any longer. All right, Aki. I’ll help you.” She looked around, taking in all the details, only to pause, amused. “Eri, rocking the cat girl look I see. What’s up with that?”

Eri looked bashful, reaching up with her good arm to feel her cat ears. “Oh, they’ve come back. I think it’s because my Astral body is more intertwined with Ginneka, right?” she said. “I can move by myself here, even if it’s difficult.” She wobbled beside me on shaking legs, her black-furred cat tail lashing.

“I must say, I am rather displeased by this-this.” Shaeraggo grimaced, swaggering in, ignoring the look his sister gave him. “Another female? When you already have my adorable, darling sister? It beggars belief…”

“I do not-not want to hear that from someone who consorted with many-many lowly females of ill-repute and made Selensha and your other wife sad, brother.” Shaeula admonished him, causing him to shift restlessly. Hyacinth appeared with the two weaselkin maids and started handing out juice made from the fruits of the dryad orchard, as well as honeyed mead and wine.

“Thanks?” Shiro muttered, before taking a sip. “Hey, this is damn good. A drink fit for a princess!”

“But of course.” Shaeula grinned, likewise partaking of the smooth alcohol. “After all, are we not-not princesses in the truest-truest meaning? After all, we are Akio’s brides.” She took another long sip. “The bees from that hive have been producing well, I see. A wise acquisition indeed-indeed.” Her grin turned sinister. “I must surely take-take a few bottles with me when I return to the Spring. It might sweeten our negotiations.”

“Great, anyway, can I have an update on the Territory? Shaeraggo, how goes matters?”

“Everything is proceeding well.” He gave up trying to protest, merely scowling at me, his deep green eyes showing his irritation. “We have extended the Territory as you wished, bringing in the spirit tree grove and those Yokai who resemble cats.” He glanced at Eri for a moment. “Since you have those-those Hunting Cats you took from your enemies…” Ginneka reacted at that within my bond, but this time I sent no ill-will towards her, only a soothing thought, continuing to allow my aether to trickle towards her trapped spirit-light.

“… integration has been smooth. We have also claimed much other land within your sphere-sphere of influence. It shall not be long until all within these ten kilometres of here is claimed. Some other scattered beings did join too, though there were other conflicts that ended with violence. Of course-course we triumphed though.” He puffed out his chest proudly, as if seeking praise from his sister, and with a sigh, she gave it.

“Good-good work, brother. I am inclined to forget some of your many transgressions in light-light of this.” She smirked. “Now, tell me of the Spring. Do matters progress as planned?”

She certainly knows how to handle her brother. Hey, I wonder if she’s been learning from Aiko, as she pushes me around easily enough. Eri must have been thinking something similar, as she was smiling, her ears and tail twitching.

“Of course there are few problems. Our father, Primal Forest, that elf, the annoying fairy, even that bastard Duke Formor, all seem quite-quite invested in the protection of the reclaimed Spring. Seeing giants and trolls labour to install Warding Stones is a strange sight. Your… alterations… around the Spring itself are progressing well too. Many dwarves and other Fae who enjoy construction have been working hard.”

“Excellent. When that is done, we can see about setting up-up Fae Stones around the perimeter of this Territory.” Shaeula declared. “For now though, I have much-much to do. Brother, may I ask a favour of you?”

At that he stood up straighter, and nodded pridefully. “Of course.”

In my arms Shiro snickered, having worked out Shaeraggo already.

“I need a Faerie Ring Gate pair and rather-rather urgently at that. Can you set up a meeting with Primal Forest for me?”

Shaeraggo expressed doubt at the need and the cost, but Shaeula was resolute, and in the end, he departed, taking the Ring Gate back to the nearly rebuilt mansion he had gifted his sister, and then onto the Seelie Court proper.

“That said, I be needin’ tae give ya my report.” Master Bjarki was next. “T’mines that we can build, they be all dug out.” His small, bearded face lit up. “Already, there be good metal comin’ from them. Silver, gold and jewels for t’ladies here as well.” He nodded at my fiancées, a little curiosity on his face at the newcomer, Shiro. “I hope ye nay be mad, but we took it upon us tae start the Foundry. If’n ye wants tae improve production, it be a must.”

I see. Well, I have plans of what to build, but this isn’t a bad idea either. I opened up the Territory build queues, and explained to Eri and Shiro the current status.

The first queue held a Build Queue Anchor Spire to Rank 2, and there was just under seven days remaining.

The second held the Ether Spire to Rank 4, with still a whopping two hundred and sixteen days left, though when it was done, it would generate a very nice amount of ether and adherence.

The last queue now contained a Dwarven Smelter And Foundry Rank 2 Special. It was nice it wasn’t coming in at Rank 1, but it still had around eight days left. Checking my buildings, we also had two new Kobold Mines, one at Rank 3 and one at Rank 4, as well as three Dwarven Mines, two Rank 4 and a Rank 5. Nice. No wonder the materials are flowing.

There was also this.

Kodama Grove Rank 4 Special – This grove of living trees has existed long within the Boundary. It generates noticeable quantities of ether as a by-product of its existence, as well as enriches the elemental energies of earth, water and air within the area. Mines nearby will produce additional resources and Etherites. The surrounding area will grow many plants, herbs and fruits of interest.

“Great. Looks like everything is well in hand then.” I said. “Although…” our Ether stocks were rather low, with only a couple of hundred thousand in the Silos. Even taking into account the spending on the mines and the Foundry, it was low. I guess the slowing is reducing what we are pulling in noticeably as well. At least it should be affecting everyone. Well, it just gives us time to consolidate. I want to keep that for now, as when the Build Queue Anchor Spire is done, I’ll have two slots available again…

“Speaking of forgiveness though…” I looked to Bjarki, before handing him my Twin Fang, as well as Shaeula’s remaining pinwheel. Though it’s hardly a twin anymore. “… sorry, but we came up against some really troublesome foes and one blade was destroyed.”

“I… see.” Bjarki frowned, his eyebrows drawing down ferociously, giving him an angry mien. “So, where be the rest of’n the metal?”

“I… I used it.” Retrieving the bag full of feathers and other materials I had brought from Kyoto, I showed him how the feathers worked, that they vibrated dangerously with only a little aether added. “It was an emergency, I needed to make gear for someone, so I used the scraps.”

“I… see.” He said again, ominously. For a moment, there was silence, before he sighed explosively. “Well’n, there be nae point cryin’ over spilt milk, right Ixitt?”

Ixitt cackled his agreement, before Bjarki continued. “Fine. I be makin’ ye a new set of weapons. And more o’these pinwheels too. Thinkin’ about it, I be sure I can improve them. Ye be not bad as a craftsman, for a human, but ye has a long way t’go afore ye be ready to match dwarven crafts.”

“I shall help too.” Ixitt grinned, tail lashing excitedly. “But first I have some matters to discuss, my own reports.”

“You certainly do have a rather… colourful… cast here.” Shiro observed. “It reminds me of Suzu. She’s been collecting a lot of weird creatures. She calls them cute, but I think they are just creepy and odd. That girl has weird tastes.” She paused. “I’m still going to punish her for running off and getting in your way, though.”

I patted her head, causing her to blush and mutter that she wasn’t a child, but she didn’t look to me as if she minded all that much. I waited for Ixitt to elaborate.

“I have been fascinated by the ideas your mortal world holds, and I have been doing quite the amount of research. Books, the internet, DVD’s, the sources of knowledge available are quite endless. I also found some rather fun people to talk to. Exchanging messages with fellow geniuses of mortal engineering is quite liberating.” He smiled, and I told him to get to the point, as I was quite busy.

“Oh, of course, many apologies.” He lashed his tail again. “Well, I have come up with three areas to focus on. Weaponry of course, as we need it to improve your army. Then, and more pertinent to the mortal realms, power generation and resource acquisition.”

“I see. What do you mean by resource acquisition?” I asked, curious.

“Well, firstly… here in the Boundary, you need ether, do you not? As much as can be gathered. I have been working on an artificial Building for some time, gathering the silver material they are made from. It was not going well, but I have had a breakthrough, thanks to some knowledge from one of my new friends.”

At that, my eyes sharpened, and it wasn’t just me. Eri spoke up, her tone harsh. “You’ve been giving away secret information? Hinata is going to skin you alive. I’m not sure if rat fur is good for anything, but…”

“Hardly. I would never be so foolish.” Ixitt protested. “They have rather fascinating ways of thinking, so even with my subtle obfuscations, their ideas were revolutionary. Behold…” he gestured, and a group of ratkin wheeled a device forwards, a solid metal carriage of some sort, with a thin silver spire rising out of it, the top of the spire sparkling with an orb of crystal embedded within the needle point, a blue glow winking within. “… the Artificial Ether Spire!”

Okay, now he has my attention. My Eye flared, and looking at it, I was shocked.

Artificial Ether Spire, Rank 2.5??? – This device, made from Alchemy, Mortal Engineering, Ether Crafting and other esoteric arts, is constructed from extracted materials created by upgrading and constructing Buildings, as well as anchored by a Blue Etherite. It generates around half as much ether as a Rank 3 Ether Spire, but has a side-effect of reducing the ether density within the area over time, though this will recover when the device is moved. This side-effect also lends itself to the creation of red and occasionally orange Etherites in the vicinity.

Seeing my look of wonder, Ixitt grinned proudly. “Once I had the idea to catalyse the materials to life with Etherites, I made progress. Though any below green shatter and break from the strain. Such a waste.” He sighed. “Fortunately a blue one was recovered from the grove, and I took the liberty of borrowing it for my research. I hope you can find it to forgive me.”

Fine then. I tossed my two blue Etherites to Ixitt, who caught them in surprise. “Set up another couple with these. We can’t have too much ether coming in.” This’ll work out better longer-term than breaking them down for ether. We just have to remember to keep the spires in an out-of-the-way place and rotate them regularly to prevent over-depletion. “Can you make any other artificial buildings?”

Ixitt shrugged. “I was focussed on Ether Spires, but I believe at the least I can make mobile Defensive Emplacements. As well as one other idea.”

“Yeah, that would be great too. Damn, now we need as many Etherites as we can get. No wonder they are supposedly always in demand, even in the higher Astral.” I wonder what the other idea is?

Tan let out a snicker using Shiro’s mouth at that observation, and I realised I could use her knowledge more often, if I could persuade her to share it. “Anyway, do you have anything else for me?” I asked.

“I do. Since I am tasked with coming up with a product you can sell in the mortal world… oh, how my blood boils with excitement at the thought…” he waxed lyrical for a good few minutes. “… anyway, I wondered, clearly my Material body is made from something that can exist on that plane, so why can I not similarly create something that will exist there? I ran experiments on my body.” He grimaced. “It was rather painful, I admit, but I came up with some interesting results!”

“Well, I suppose it isn’t unethical if you are doing it to yourself, but wow, that’s messed up.” I echoed what Aiko might have said. Ixitt merely laughed.

“Perhaps, but I am prepared to suffer for progress. For many years my throat, skin and lungs were horribly mutilated thanks to experimental catastrophes, until you healed me, for which I am most grateful.” He bowed. “But this shows progress always comes at a personal cost. This was trivial in comparison. Anyway, I believe that I can make an artificial variant of your Throne of Heroes. Though not how you are thinking.” He cut off my sudden shock at the idea.

“But the Throne creates the matter that makes up a Material body and moderates it. So I do believe we can create a facsimile that may be able to, if not create, at least support the existence of matter on the Material. Thus power generation.” He grinned. “I have so many ideas for batteries and more. As for resource acquisition, there is so much waste in your world. Now, Alchemy can easily separate matter, and it is used by great blacksmiths like Bjarki as well. What if…” he grinned. “… well, let me set the scene first.” he declared grandly. “I did speak to your noble wife Hinata first, and…”

“He’s quite the attention-seeker.” Shiro muttered. “Reminds me of Yasu.”

“No way, Ixitt has tons of wives and kids. He’s surprisingly enough a riajuu. Despite being a research and development otaku.” I was both complimentary and not.

 “… made her promise not to tell you until I was ready, but her eyes were sparkling. She does like money.” Ixitt grinned. “So, for this factory, we shall make devices for power generation and storage with half, while the other half… waste goes in…” he smirked. “… component resources come out.” He then revealed an artistic sketch of old refrigerators, tin cans, bottles, old books and more in a conveyer belt, going through some devices, and then on the other side… ingots of various metals, piles of black powder, yellowing crystals and more…

“They will pay handsomely for you to take their waste.” Ixitt grinned. “And then we turn it from waste to a treasure trove of resources, you can either sell or use yourself. I believe the saying Hinata used was printing money!”

No kidding. If that could be possible… I considered the joint venture with Ichijou house. With their clout, and if Ixitt could make the devices in my Territory that supported the factory… damn, it’s making money by cleaning up the world!

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