On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Arc 8 – The Shattering Calm – Two Hundred And Ninety-Six

Arc 8 – The Shattering Calm – Two Hundred And Ninety-Six

“You know, it’s strange how those cat ears and tail worked.” I mused, looking at Eri as she sat in her borrowed wheelchair in the corner of the helicopter. “I wonder if I fill you with aether again, they’ll come back.”

Eri flushed as Shaeula chuckled and Hyacinth smiled slightly. “If… if you liked them, I don’t mind. It’s really embarrassing though.”

“Well, I admit it was fresh, but Eri, you’re fine just the way you are. And nothing about that has changed.” I reassured her. “I know you are happy to come and live with me, but it’s also a big step, being away from home and your family, especially since your body is in a poor state at the moment. Don’t worry, I’ll do everything to make life as easy as possible for you.”

“Left my family?” Eri tilted her head, puzzled. “Yes, mother and father, uncle and auntie, Aiko too, they are remaining in Nishimorioka, for now. But my family is also you, Akio. Shaeula and Hyacinth as well. Shiro too, though I need to get to know her. She seems a bit… intimidating.”

Shiro? Intimidating? She’s certainly unique and thinks highly of herself, but then, that’s a cover to cover her own insecurities, I think. Although Tan definitely has a sharp vibe… “It’s fine. She’ll sympathise with your situation. You saw her on the video, she’s been hurt herself.”

“Well that doesn’t matter. You chose her Akio, so I have to accept her.” Her smile was a little tense, but forgiving. “Besides, it was partially my fault as well. If I’d have been braver before you left Nishimorioka and been honest, maybe you’d never have left at all. Then you’d never have met and fallen for Shiro. But if she’s a girl you love, then she must be something special.”

“Well, I do not-not think that Akio would have been able to accept your confession back then.” Shaeula disagreed. “Perhaps I am mistaken, but he did not-not feel himself worthy of love then. Of course, had you succeeded, then it is quite-quite certain I would now be dead. So forgive me if I am grateful for how it has all turned out.” Shaeula was grinning, a beer in her hand despite the early hour and the fact the helicopter was a military transport.

“I dooo not think that mistress Eri is worried abooout living with us.” Hyacinth said, surprising me. Her earnest violet-silver eyes were looking at us as she explained. “I knooow her, she is oooverjoyed to spend more time with you, Akio. Scars and hurt is temporary, precious memories and time is fooorever. I know this well. Nooo, she worries about your sister.”

Really? “Is that right?” I asked, and Eri managed to nod, the effort a strain, which still hurt my heart to see. I have a lot to do today, almost too much, but I need to make time to do another round of healing on Eri, alleviate some of her symptoms and reduce the scarring further.

“I know she’ll be all right, Aiko isn’t a fool, especially not after… the deaths.” Eri sighed. “It’s just, unlike us, she’s all alone in Nishimorioka. Well, I know she has the dogs from Chairoakitara. Even so I worry. She’s wanted to get stronger so badly, and now she has her chance. I just hope she isn’t reckless.”

“Well, she has it easier than I first did.” I chuckled. “I had some advice from Ortlinde, sure, but I started with no skills other than Examination ones, and my out-of-shape physical stats. You know, I still wonder how I made it to this stage without dying. Though I think it was worth it.” I tapped my wrist, where the bracelet was embedded into my astral body. “There’s more for me to gain if I get stronger, I know it. The power of Tyr at least. And it’s time to start working towards that. Next time I meet Nurarihyon, there’s no way I can let him look down on me, overpower me.”

“Yes, we all desperately need-need strength. That goes most for you, Eri.” Shaeula agreed. “Lest Aiko leave you trailing in her dust.” Noisily gulping her beer, she belched happily. “No, I am most-most pleased Aiko now has the chance to grow as she wishes. I had feared that if nothing else-else changed, she would grow more and more reckless to reach out after you and Akio. Now she has the safer means, we can rest somewhat assured. If naught else good-good has come from this tragedy, we should be pleased at that.”

“So now I’ll be left behind instead huh? Yes, it does hurt a bit.” Eri sighed.

“Left behind? Hardly.” Shaeula snorted, reaching for another can. Several soldiers, special forces that had also gone through Chirurgery with me, were looking on, amused and awed at being in our presence, as we were apparently somewhat famous, according to the Major. “You will be training harder than ever-ever. Your light and darkness elements must surely be improved, as Aiko’s was. Lovers’ Link can grow, and you can gain levels. Just because you do not-not have a Divine Favour, you are not-not limited in your growth. Besides, there are others who need it more. Hinata, Natsumi and Motoko, they do not-not have the leisure to strengthen Lovers’ Link. It is quite foolish, though as a daughter of royalty, I do understand it.”

“Yes. I suppose I am luckier than them.” She smiled. “Akio, I know you want to hold them, embrace them, like you do us. Can you not do something?”

Hold them? Make love? Well, I won’t deny it… Hinata was a touch on the young side, enough to sting my conscience, but it wasn’t like it was an actual crime, being as we were engaged. She was full of vitality and excitement, always eager to do things together, to build an empire of finance. Besides, it was nice to be desired, and she said she had found me attractive from the first time she saw me. Motoko was the epitome of a noble woman, graceful, elegant and trained in what they deemed necessary for a noble bride, nearly from birth. Her body was honed by traditional martial arts, and her enthusiasm for those and unbending will to rebel against the nobility to preserve her family arts without compromising her standing was shining.

Then there was Natsumi. She seemed rather quiet, standing beside Motoko, but her kindness, her devotion, it was appealing. She was also fit and trained, with a great figure, and yet also was charming and graceful. Compared to Motoko, who was reserved, and Hinata, who was forward, Natsumi was rather in the middle, but that made her fresh. She was also prepared to give up everything to see Motoko, her friend, reach her dreams. Such self-sacrifice moved me.

Lastly, there was Shiro. Can’t forget her. Obviously I loved Shiro, and had for years, though I denied it to myself, dense protagonist that I was. She was crude yet charming, beautiful yet lonely, at times one of the guys, and at other times a woman you knew was out of reach. And with her painful past and sad life, it made me want to take care of her. Though I’ll not embrace her until she’s ready. I understand. I don’t care about her scars. To me, those scars are a mark of how much she cared. But… I want it to be perfect, the first time of her dreams…

“It looks like he is thinking about it.” Eri smiled softly. “Really, you’re engaged, what’s the big problem? As long as they use birth control, it’s not like anyone would know. You are going to marry them, right?”

“Of course.” I defended myself. “I’ll do right by them. No, that’s not it. I want to. No matter how it started, my reluctance, they’ve grown on me, and now I can’t bear to part with them. With any of you.” I chuckled, feeling like a bastard, but burying that deep, as I promised Eri I would. “Well, Natsumi’s father… he said he would allow it, if it made Natsumi safer.” I remembered that awkward talk when I visited their shop and home. “But she wants her first time to be with Motoko as well, so it’s difficult. As for Hinata, I still can’t help but feel she’s a little too young, despite how mature her attitude is…”

“That’s crap.” Eri shook her head. “She can make her own choices. If she wants it, and you want it, why not? Although…” Eri shared a look with Hyacinth and Shaeula. It was Shaeula who spoke next.

“There is another, is there not-not?” Shaeula asked, and I froze, momentarily confused. Kana, right? No way, we’ve had this conversation. I like Kana, I do, and it seems she likes me, but it isn’t like with the others, we don’t need each other, so…

“This Tsukiko, the so-called Diviner.” Shaeula said, surprising me. At my obvious shock, she raised an eyebrow at me sardonically, taking to the others. “Look, he does seem surprised, does he not-not? I find it endearing.”

“Me toooooo!” Hyacinth giggled.

“I just find it frustrating.” Eri declared, her good arm moving a bit, her other arm twitching, and I imagined she wished she could cross them in annoyance. “Akio, you should know we can read you like a book. Ever since I heard stories about her from other people at Conclave, I knew you’d feel sorry for her. And when she said she was going to die… ugh, my head hurts. The worst thing about the apocalypse is it puts too many girls in danger! This isn’t Pokémon, you don’t have to save them all!” she let out a long breath. “But… that’s who you are. I don’t mind, I guess… though it is frustrating. Endlessly frustrating.”

“You forget, I too-too am linked to your bonded Kin, as you are to mine.” Shaeula grinned. “I can faintly feel her, as I expect you realised. I knew it was much too-too suspicious, your behaviour when she was mentioned, after that meeting. So confess your burdens, I am your elder and quite-quite wise. I shall listen.”

“Yes, something happened.” Eri agreed. “You said you didn’t ask her to be your girlfriend, so what did you do? I know you wouldn‘t have slept with her. Surely not. But there must be some connection if you are Kin now.”

Eri’s perceptive as ever. I guess it’s time to come clean. I didn’t really want or intend to hide it anyway, and Eri’s mood seems stable, I don’t think her injuries are playing on her mind as much as I feared they would. “All right. I wasn’t going to keep it secret. Besides, it’s not like I seriously want a relationship with Tsukiko-san. I felt sorry for her, as you imagined. I mean, sure, she’s absolutely stunning, but… uh, wrong thing to focus on. I wanted to save her, yes, not just that, she deserves to be saved, after all those years of lonely service, appreciated but never rewarded. But I’m no longer confident to say that I can definitely protect her. Too much has happened. So I wanted a safety net. I’m not like you though, Shaeula, I can’t easily think of my fellow humans as Kin, like you can with Weaselkin.” I took a moment to orientate my thoughts. “No, I needed a connection that I believed would tie us together. So… I, well I asked her to marry me.” There. I said it.

“I see, so you asked her to… what?” Eri’s eyes went wide. “Marriage? That’s a bit far isn’t it? You barely know her!”

“You move fast.” Shaeula cackled. “So, what-what did she answer?”

“Obviously she wooould say yes. Nooobody can turn down Akio, it would be foolish!” Hyacinth declared stoutly.

“Actually she never answered. Instead… well, as you know, she gave me her Divine Favour, and that was enough of a connection.” I grimaced, remembering. “I don’t know if I’m the one she foresaw, but I’m the one to protect you, Shaeula. Shiro too. As for why I asked her to marry me… well, you become family via marriage, right? It’s common sense. It isn’t like we’d consummate it, we could get divorced afterwards, no problem.”

Eri let out a long sigh. “Yes, that sounds just like poor dense Akio. You still don’t understand the heart of a maiden, do you, impossible though that should be? And from her circumstances, Matsumuro-san has less experience in love than anyone her age should.” She sighed again. “Well, logically you are correct, but you should have talked this over with us first. Well, I hardly want her to die, but… ugh, it’s frustrating.”

“Have no fear-fear.” Shaeula chimed in. “I intend to return to the Spring of Clear Reflections and arrange a meeting with Primal Forest so that we may-may acquire the Ring Gate as soon as we are able to. Kin Restoration is quite-quite the useful safety net, though as we saw against those Kijo, it is not-not unbeatable.” She looked at Eri with a trace of sadness.

“Yes, but I still feel better. If she is so certain she’ll die, well, if I can restore her and then use a Throne, like I did for Haru-san, at least she can live a relatively normal life. Though I still intend to prevent her death in the first place.”

“In that case, Akiooo, I shall be more than happy tooo kill any invaders!” Hyacinth declared stoutly.

“I’ll help too.” Eri said. “Assuming I’ve recovered enough. Maybe if we save her, she won’t fall for you. In fact, that’s a great idea. Shaeula, we should be in charge of saving girls in danger. Akio can save the guys!”

“But Eri…” her grin was wicked. “What if these males-males fall for Akio then? Do we want such-such rivals?”

“Ugh, no way! That’s a no go!” she shuddered. As the girls laughed, I felt the mood lift. Well then, Shaeula’s right. We have a lot that needs doing, and not much time to do it…


As the helicopter headed for its usual landing site by Shirohebizumi shrine, I could see a number of people through the observation port, waiting for us. At one figure, my heart twinged, but it was good to see her waiting, even if she was standing rather stiffly, her body covered by jeans and a form-fitting, long-sleeved jumper.

“So that’s her in person then.” Eri murmured, steeling herself. “No, there’s no point in being intimidated. I’m just as much of a woman as her.”

Yeah, the dynamic between Eri and Shiro is likely to be… interesting. “Look, she’s haughty and proud, but she’s a nice girl. You’ll be fine.” I reassured her as the helicopter descended to the ground, rotors spinning down to stillness.

The soldiers accompanying us got the door, and a ramp descended. Grabbing the wheelchair, which was hardly necessary as it was electric, but I felt I needed to do, I led the girls out into the morning chill. The skies above were cloudy and it looked like rain was coming, so I wanted to get Eri inside as soon as possible. Even so…

“Welcome back, Akio-kun.” Karen-chan greeted us, the guys behind her also offering their greetings. “I heard it was pretty awful. I’m glad to see you safe.” As soon as she said that, she gasped, putting a hand over her mouth, eyes going wide.

“Sorry, Eri-chan. I didn’t mean to make light of your injuries.” She apologised, mortified at her lapse.

“It’s fine.” Eri smiled slightly. “I’ll recover. I’m getting a little tired of telling everyone that, actually. You know Akio, you should be aware he’ll get it done.”

“Yes, I guess Aki will.” Shiro said, striding over, her movements still a bit wobbly. She stopped in front of Eri’s wheelchair, her dark eyes kind. Reaching out a hand, which was marred with nasty scars and fissures in her flesh still, the sight giving me pause, she smiled, which was still beautiful, if you asked me. Beautiful, but melancholy too. “Well, we’ve talked, but we meet at last. I’m Shirohime. I can call you Eri, right?”

Eri managed to move her hand and they shook gingerly. “Of course. It would be silly to be formal or keep our distance. Akio was right, you really are inhumanly pretty.”

“Hardly.” Shiro sighed. “I look like I’ve lost a fight with an industrial shredding machine.”

“Even so. It’s like painting over a marble statue. You can still see the beauty beneath.” Eri answered.

“Rather poetic of you, Eri.” Shaeula approved, also eyeing Shiro. “I am quite-quite impressed to meet you at last, White Princess. Eri speaks the truth. Such wounds are temporary, as-as are Eri’s.”

“So you’re the one that idiot the Raven was unable to forgive, huh?” Shiro smirked, a smile rather like her old ones, which brought a smile to my face as well. As I rejoiced at a flash of the old Shiro I could feel Hyacinth behind me, her silent presence reassuring. “Well, I have a lot to say about that, but for now… you look cuter in person. I’d say Aki has all the makings of a lolicon, but… well, I’m no child and you look pretty well developed.” She smiled at Eri again, as well as spotting Hyacinth. “It all still shocks me you know.” Shiro whispered conspiratorially, though loud enough for everyone to hear, as she clearly intended to poke fun at me. “Aki was such a damn herbivore. I had little hope he’d ever man up. I mean, with me, Ami and Hina around, you’d have thought he’d be making smooth moves.”

“You can’t expect that from Akio, or you couldn’t…” Eri agreed, tickled. “Otherwise he’d have been asking me out…”

As Shiro turned to look at me properly for the first time, her whole demeanour changed, eyes burning red, hair shimmering with crimson flame. Tan’s come to play, I see.

“You have another Divine Favour.” Tan licked her lips, the expression looking particularly lascivious, as it was using Shiro’s face. “A strong one as well. You grow ever tastier, mate of the Princess. Would that I could devour you now, drink deep of your…”

”Enough of that.” Eri said sharply. “We agreed to let Shiro be with Akio, but you… you just sit there quietly. You’re not drinking anything from Akio!”

“Yes, that belongs to us-us! The bitter liquid, the smell which…” Shaeula chuckled, laughing as despite Tan being in charge, Shiro’s face reddened.

“And that’s enough from you too, Shaeula. This is a serious conversation.” Eri had no hesitation in telling Shaeula to be quiet. As Shaeula shrugged, giggling to herself, I turned my own Eye on Shiro, to check her health and status. It seemed she was recovering well, other than the adherence poisoning her wounds, the additional ability since last time I checked likely the Divine Favour of the one she called Daizen.

“So, maybe we should take this inside?” I said. “Shiro, Eri, you need your rest.”

At that Tan retreated with a muttered grumble, Shiro taking charge again. “Damn Aki, I’m not made of glass. I’m ugly, not an invalid. Although I suppose you are used to me collapsing out of nowhere.” She joked, though I could still hear the underlying hurt. “Besides, first, isn’t there something you forgot?”

Oh, yes there was. With that I enfolded Shiro in a hug, pulling her close, my arms tight. I could feel her body trembling a bit, but I could tell she was happy. “I’m back, Shiro. And I’m happy you’re out of the hospital and here with me now.”

“Welcome home.” Shiro managed, embarrassment making her cuter than usual.

“Seeing you acting so shy, Hayato-san and the guys would be shocked.” I grinned.

“It’s your fault, Aki. Occasionally you surprise me with an entirely un-Aki move. Besides, is it my eye, or have you got hotter? Ugh, you’re just an Aki, it should be you falling for me, not me falling for you! It’s true, those who fall in love first lose.”

“In that case I lost years ago.” I grinned, and she went pink with further embarrassment and happiness.

“See? That’s not an Aki line! I could see it from Hayato, but I considered you only a step above Yasu. My whole world is collapsing.”

“Now I know you’re lying. I was never as bad as Yasu-san.” I laughed happily.

“All right, all right.” Eri complained. “I get it. You’re happy to see each other again, and you’ve grown close over the years. There’ll be time to flirt later. You have a lot to do today, Akio, right?”

Shiro turned to her. “I see. Cracking the whip, are you? I guess that’s the power of a childhood friend. I admit to being a touch jealous at that. Though it looks like I’ve known Aki for his best years, not his loser loner years.”

“Take it inside.” Eri insisted, and with that we went to the office by our home. Tanaka-san went to put on some tea, while Hashimoto-san was busy with some paperwork. As everyone sat down, Karen-chan pulled out her laptop.

“So, I hear the weekend was pretty terrible. I ended up having to come in over the weekend too to handle some of the fallout.”

I winced at that, after promising overtime only in rare cases. Sorry, Karen-chan!

“Don’t be stupid.” She said, reading my expression. “If this wasn’t an emergency, I don’t know what would qualify. Besides, you pay me generously for overtime, tight?” she winked, looking younger than her age, and I shrugged, defeated. “Besides, you had it rough.” She said solemnly, her jovial expression disappearing. “I … well, I’ve no experience in dealing with stuff like this, but I hope you can get over the deaths. From what Fujiwara-sama says, they weren’t your fault. Though it might be harder to get over her injuries…” she looked at Eri in her wheelchair, who was talking with Shiro, Shaeula and Hyacinth, though Hyacinth, while answering, was constantly distracted, eyeing Tanaka-san as if she wished she was doing the serving.

“Thanks to everyone, I’ve got some perspective on it.” I admitted. “I can’t say is doesn’t trouble me. I’m not that strong.” Mine-san, she died in my arms, after all. Even if it was through simple accident, rather than violent death, that would still be haunting. “Even so, I need to be resilient, press on, so that such tragedies don’t happen easily again.”

“Right.” Karen-chan agreed. “Good.” She seemed relieved. “If my boss was set back by recent events, it’d be trouble. Especially when we have so many issues to address.” She listed them one-by-one.

“The first matter is the training school. I believe you had promised to perform Chirurgery on Ichijou Mayumi-sama?” she asked, and I nodded, remembering the fiery, opinionated and somewhat annoying noble girl who was friends with Hinata. “Well, apparently the nobility want you to do a few more, to show the school still has their support. Oh, and you still have the rest of the Special Forces to do as well, right?”

I nodded. “Yes, well, I should be able to finish quicker than planned again. I’ve got a bit of a boost recently. So, more nobles huh? Do we know who?” It makes sense, as they can get the benefits of the Chirurgery while the compensation from their end is modest, merely support. I lose out a bit, but it might not be a bad deal.

“Not specifically, no. Maybe some of your fiancées might know?” Karen-chan joked. “Speaking of Ichijou house, apparently they want to move forward with the plans for a factory, and they have lawyers drafting up a new company to be co-owned by you and Ichijou Mayumi-sama. Don’t worry, apparently you’ll still get your shares in their main company.”

“I see. Well, we need Ixitt for that. Has he been around much?”

“I’ve seen him a few times.” Karen-chan said, and Hashimoto-san snorted, perhaps remembering their interactions. “He ordered a lot of books, DVD’s and more, as well as a ton of tools and machine parts. He’s certainly worked out how to use the internet and your company credit card. I hope it’s worth it.” She sighed, before remembering something. “He did say he had a few good ideas, and apparently he found a fascinating person to talk to who had some ingenious plans. I don’t know if that’s relevant?”

Someone Ixitt finds fascinating, huh? Must be an oddball. Well, I guess we’ll see what ideas he has. I have a couple of blue Etherites for him at least. “Great, so what’s next?”

“Well, the Black Wolf Company PMC has been cleared for immigration. But Tsumura-sama wants a meeting first to make sure there’ll be no trouble. Oh, and we did get a call from the Prime Minister’s secretary…” her expression betrayed her wonder at moving in such exalted circles now. “… apparently there’s something that’s cropped up regarding all this, that your expertise is needed to solve.”

I see. Well, I need to relay the information I gathered from Nurarihyon in full, just to be safe. As we went over the last details, such as my tutoring schedule on Chinese and a few other minor issues, my phone rang, and checking the number, I could see it was Hinata. “Hey, Hinata. Are you on your lunch break?” I said by way of greeting, and her cheerful voice answered me.

“I sure am. It’s good to talk to you again. So, how was last night? Did you like our messages? Or what came after?” at her teasing, I grinned. I can hear Kasumi-san telling her to show more decorum. Cute.

“I did. It was surprisingly cheeky of you all, but I needed the pick-me-up. Anyway, what’s up?”

“Can’t I call just because I want to speak to my fiancée?” she complained, though I could tell she was mostly joking by her bright tone. “Which of course I do, but… well, I wanted to check. Are we visiting the training school tonight?”

“Not tonight. Sorry. I want to get Eri and Shiro settled in, and then I have to see to my Territory, make sure everything is running smoothly.” I’m not sure how quickly Shaeula can get me a meeting with this Primal Forest, too.

“That’s a shame. But I guess I expected that.” Hinata said. “Oh well, tomorrow then. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’ll be some expectations of you. Don’t worry, they tried to say that having their support for your school and endeavours was enough, but I price-gouged them for you behind the scenes. Well, most of them, anyway!”

That’s my Hinata. Always looking for ways to profit. She continued. “My cousin, Sakura… well, she’s a bit of a pain, but in her heart she’s a good girl. Takatsukasa house is in a bit of a bind at the moment, so I couldn’t bring myself to exploit them. Is that fine?”

“Of course.” I reassured her as she faltered guiltily. “Family is important, right? Even if they sometimes can be trouble.”

“I’ll tell Aiko you said that!” she snickered, relieved. “Oh, well and another thing, the first guests for your healing have arrived from abroad. My father is looking after them with help from mother. Since she’s from Takatsukasa house it’s enough of an honour to keep them happy, but I’d like to get it over with so we can reap the rewards. Can you manage that tomorrow as well? I know it’ll be tough, after the weekend you had…”

Should be fine, I think. My Aether went up a lot thanks to Tsukuyomi’s blessing. “I can handle it.”

“Great. In that case…” Our talk turned to light-hearted news, talk about what Hinata, Kazumi-san, Motoko and Natsumi were up to, as well as Miyu and her ninja bodyguard. I laughed at some of her stories, especially talk of a clash between Michiru-san and her sister, which seemed outlandish. I can just imagine it. If her sister is anything like her, it would look like an episode from an anime.

“Well, I have to go. I need to eat, or I won’t have energy for my afternoon lessons.” Hinata said after a while, and I wished her a good afternoon. “Love you. Bye!” she finished with words completely unlike the nobles usually spoke, and they caught me by surprise as she hung up.

“Just look at him.” Shiro sniffed. “Gaping foolishly when a girl says she loves him. I mean, doesn’t he hear that all the time now?”

“He most-most definitely does.” Shaeula snickered nastily. “But I find it charming he can still-still be caught unawares. It makes me wish to tease him.”

“I get that. Getting a rise out of Aki was always one of my favourite pastimes back at Uni. Though unlike Yasu, I don’t think he rose that way.” She raised an eyebrow, and Eri gasped, a little shocked at her ribald joke.

“Oh relax.” Shiro said. “When our usual conversations were about which anime waifu those idiots wanted to be real, or whether harem was better than one true romance, or whether knee socks beat thigh socks, you have to expect a bit of lewd banter. This princess remained stubbornly pure of course. I was waiting for my prince to come, though I expected he never would. I guess I’ll have to settle for Aki after all.” Her eye was sparkling with humour, and I was relieved to see it.

“I had-had feared.” Shaeula chuckled. “I did wonder whether two princesses such as us could get along, but now I can see my fears were quite-quite groundless.”

“Yes, from what I gather, you’re quite the pervert yourself, always trying to hook Aki up with every girl he meets.” Shiro observed. “We’ll have to talk about that. At length.”

“Yes, we should!” Eri agreed brightly. “She’s been better recently, but I’m glad there’s someone else here who understands why she shouldn’t!”

“Well, enough of that. I think it’s time we started sorting out your rooms.” I changed the subject before Shaeula could get in trouble. Besides, I kind of was the one who proposed to Tsukiko-san, even if I never intended to treat it as real. But she’s right. I guess that wouldn’t have worked if I didn’t believe in it. I feel a bit guilty taking her Divine Favour, but if it ends up saving her…


“It’s nice.” Eri smiled, looking around. “Though I don’t see why I’m not staying in your room, Akio.”

“Eager, isn’t she?” Shiro asked Hyacinth, who was staying quiet.

“Mistress Eri is quite the fooorward girl. She doooes enjoy making love with Akio too.” Hyacinth admitted.

“I see. So, what about you? I mean, I dig the maid outfit, maid cafes are great. Aki and the guys used to take me sometimes, though they went way more than I ever did, and not because they are mad perverts… well, mostly because they are, I suppose… but mainly because I had usually collapsed and was taken home by then.” She sighed. “This beautiful princess always used to attract attention there anyway. Now I would for a different reason. So, putting that aside, you seem a bit hesitant around me. Hyacinth, wasn’t it?”

A troubled expression crossed her features. I paid some attention as I explained to Eri that she was more than welcome to stay in my room when she wanted, but she should have her own space too, especially due to her health right now.

“Sooorry, mistress. I just… I dooo not quite know how to treat you yet.” She admitted, frustrated.

“That’s easy isn’t it?” Shiro shrugged. “Just like everyone else. Don’t take me too seriously, it’ll actually trouble me. You think that Aki and the others ever used to call me Shirohime, no matter how often I asked? I knew they wouldn’t either. It was just a mixture of teasing and a defence mechanism. I feared getting hurt, so I always wanted to appear different, special, precious. My own parents let me down too often. Sure, I liked the attention it got me, but I feared it a bit too. Not Aki and the guys though. Aki was kind and I didn’t think he had the guts to make a move on me. Yasu was a pervert, but an honest, harmless one. Hayato… well, he’s got Hina now, but I can’t say I didn’t think maybe he would have been all right as a boyfriend…” seeing my expression, she grinned triumphantly, pulling at the scars around her empty eye-socket, mostly hidden by her hair.

That reminds me. If I can fix the eyes of the injured girl, then I should be able to fix Shiro’s eye too, at least…

“Considering you asked me out when you were already carrying all this baggage, I think the least you can do is let me discomfort you. Besides, you had my first kiss. I was white as the purest winter snow. I still am, I guess. For now.” She grinned. “As for Shugo, he was non-threatening as well. Aimi… well, she wasn’t put off by my looks, since she was confident in her own, and the sort of girl geeky guys loved. Aki here was crushing on her too.” She pointed out, earning me a glare from Eri. “Thank goodness neither she nor Hina are single. Hina’s such a shy little treasure. If they were, Aki would be salivating like a wolf looking at prey now, I bet. Well anyway, I was too used to men desiring me, and girls hating me. It was… really comfortable, being with them. I miss it. I even miss those busybodies back at my dorm.”

“I see.” Eri said. “That was enlightening. I think I understand you a bit better now. We aren’t so different.”

“I guess not. Especially now.” She winked, pointing to her ruined arm. “We should be sure to make Aki feel terribly guilty so he pampers us until we recover. It’s only fun because we will recover, right?” she winked.

“In that case. Mistress Shirohime…” Hyacinth changed her manner of address, and seeing Shiro gape, open-mouthed, we all laughed.

“I wooould like to know you better. And for you to knooow Hyacinth, too.”

“Stop laughing at me! I’m a princess, not a comedian.” She grinned, caught up in the mood. When the laughter was spent, she nodded. “I’ve heard a bit from Aki, and I met Motoko and Natsumi briefly, but… I want us to make this work.” She reached out with her good hand then, clasping mine. “Aki, I may joke around, but I was serious back then. I would rather have died than killed you. I never really realised how lonely I was, how thirsty…” she grimaced at the ironic word choice. “… I was for love, for someone to genuinely love me, not just for my appearance, but for who I was. If the world was normal, sane, I’d be pissed off at your infidelity, but… looks like we are living in some anime now.” She sighed. “I thought I was the protagonist, a female lead in a battle seinen series. Turns out I was just a Haremette for the true lead. Well, since it’s you, Aki, I’ll let it slide. I find myself kind of looking forward to all the hijinks, you know?”

“Well I’ll try not to barge in on you in the bath.” I grinned, glad that Shiro was sharing in front of the girls, remembering she had rarely, if ever, shared so much of herself to others. Just in the taxi, to me, anyway.

“You’d better not. Not until I’m the way I want to be. I’m hideous right now. My pride might have been mostly a shield, but I still have it. Until I can be my best self, there’s none for you, Aki! Though I think you’ll manage.” She looked at the other girls, who laughed again.

“Fine then. And speaking of that…” I filled her in on the information we got from Nurarihyon, including their promise of a healer.

“I see.” She said at last. “Tan says she feels this creature may be like her, something that has found a way in prematurely. That makes it dangerous. Very dangerous. And it’s to save another girl, a real Princess, no less.” She frowned. “So, collecting princesses now? Six of them. That’s kind of crappy. We’ll need a bigger house. Best start earning piles of cash, Aki. Princesses have expensive tastes.” She winked again, though it was more like blinking with her vacant orb.

“We certainly do.” Shaeula agreed. “Though I believe that Tsukiko is a more likely candidate. At least-least for now…”

“Well, can we change the subject? Shiro, Tan, are you willing to help?” I asked, and she shrugged.

“If you’re with me. I’m not doing it alone. Not anymore. Oh, that reminds me. Sorry for the behaviour of that idiot Suzu. I’ll be sure to punish her when she gets back…”


We finished talking about Shiro’s companions, including the fact that Arisu-san wanted to meet me, but only in her very dangerous room. I was nervous, mostly because Shiro had a bad feeling and worried Arisu-san would hate me on sight due to my… relationships… but hearing she had a powerful spatial ability really piqued my curiosity.

We all gathered in my room, preparing to enter the Boundary.

“So, Taṇhā.” Shaeula warned her. “I shall-shall be watching you closely. I trust Shiro now, but I do not-not trust you! Do not-not cross us!”

Shiro’s eyes turned red. “I have no intention of causing trouble. After all, her man and I, we have an agreement. Besides, the princess would die to spite me should I betray you all. I have no doubt of her resolve.”

“Tan won’t do that.” Shiro agreed. “She’s right though. When I accepted this weird ring…” she grinned at the ring I had made from cutlery on the spur of the moment. “… I accepted Aki as the one for me. I don’t go back on what I choose. I’m Shirohime, the proud white princess. One of the many wives of the one who is going to save the world. I’m not going to be the one who goes down in infamy for betraying him.”

“Good. Because I’ll kill you if you do.” Eri warned, black eyes cold.

“So scary. Aki, you like yandere’s huh? Well, I guess I’m more tsundere? And would this maid here be a different type of -dere? Are you going for the full set?”

“Enough of that. We have a lot to do. I’m curious about your Territory and how it’s doing without you. I worry about it.” I said. “But for now, we should get to mine.”

“Arisu is watching it. She can protect hers and mine without much trouble.” Shiro promised. “Though from what the others say, your Territory is powerful. I’m excited to see how different it is.”

I see. I really hope Arisu-san can be trusted…

“Well, before we go, there’s an experiment I’d like to try. I meant to test it in Kyoto, but… well we know what happened there, so…” as I explained, Shiro nodded.

“That does make sense. Well, I don’t mind. Tan doesn’t either, though I suspect she already knows what will happen, judging by her amused thoughts.”

“Great, in that case…”

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