On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Seventy-Three

Three Hundred And Seventy-Three

After we returned to the Material, Eleanor awoke, and actually apologised to Hyacinth for doubting her and the insinuation that I was taking advantage of the girls. Hyacinth was rather surprised at this, but on seeing that Eleanor was sincere, Hyacinth’s opinion of her improved a little, though she was still fairly hostile, telling Eleanor that she should be more understanding. To my surprise Eleanor accepted that criticism without complaint, though she still insisted that if ever I proved unworthy, the girls could contact her and she would do her all to help. Hyacinth pouted at that, but had to accept that she was at least standing by her principles.

Henry and Eleanor saw us off, and we returned to our hotel, where we had a nice dinner with Fujiwara-san, his granddaughters and Major Sasaki, before we had another night of fun in our room. Passing the night together, I managed to grab several hours of sleep, and within my dreams I could see the moon reflected in a lake of fire, just as I had witnessed in the Boundary earlier. The fires were trying to consume something both wondrous and baleful, a being both beautiful and hideous, while behind me stood a black tower, looming overhead like a massive tree, and roots were reaching in all directions, shimmering with adherence, funnelling energy to… something. I had awoken before the vision concluded, but it was enough for me to make some guesses about what it meant. It was surely the same being that Eleanor was kneeling before, if she is indeed the knight of green and copper, which she must be…

“I have to confess, I will miss the United Kingdom.” Motoko said, as our limousine was taking us the short journey towards London City Airport, and Fujiwara-san’s private jet that would be flying us back to Tokyo. “After all, this weekend, you were ours and ours alone.” she said affectionately, having become much closer to me, after the debut and also a number of bouts of lovemaking in both the Fae and mortal ways, often both together. I seriously thought they’d drain me dry like Succubae, some nights. Well, if I told Yasu-san that, he’d try and murder me for being ungrateful, so I’ll take it to my grave. Besides, I can’t say I didn’t like it…

“I feel the same way!” Natsumi said, sinking into my embrace, her eyes bright and sparkling. “Sometimes I feel we aren’t as fortunate as girls like Eri and Shaeula, we only get to gaze on you from afar.”

“Well, Eri had it hard when she didn’t live with me.” I said. “Shaeula definitely gets a lot of my time, but recently the Spring has kept her busy… I feel bad though. If I had my way I’d spend as much time with each of you as possible, but we have a lot going on.” I paused, thinking. “But if it ever gets to the point where you’re lonely, you can come find me, Natsumi. You too, Motoko. Unless it’s something dangerous I’m doing, I can always make time for you both.”

Behind me Hyacinth nodded. She was less concerned with such things, being a Fae who had lived countless years, and she was happy to dwell in the background, as long as she had my affection once in a while. Though I do want to show her more love as well. She looked amazing in that white dress…

“We appreciate that. But we want you to be able to take us to dangerous places too. Like you do with Shaeula, Hyacinth or Shiro.” Motoko said solemnly, her brown eyes resolute. “As I said to the Princess, I am no shrinking damsel, distressed and fearful. We will be women who can stand proudly by your side, even when the fires of war blaze.” She let out a brief sigh. “We both understand that will not be easy, and if we are to be hurt it will only dismay you, but we will continue honing ourselves until we can stand by your side without worrying you. So, we ask your continued aid with our training.”

“I ask it as well.” Natsumi echoed. “In fact, when we return to Tokyo, Motoko and I are going to get those weapons you promised Master Bjarki was making for us and battle fiercely, gaining many levels.” She giggled. “After all, we have many more to gain now, don’t we? At this rate, we might catch up Eri while she’s unable to enjoy your love.”

“It is a grand thing, to be able to tell father and grandfather that I am training hard, while making love.” Motoko said such a lewd thing with a perfectly composed face, which made me feel a little embarrassed. It was certainly true that their Lovers’ Link had increased though.

“Levels are good, in fact, levels are vital, but keeping your skills up is as important, if not more so.” I warned. “So, have you decided on water element next? I’d also advise light element. It doesn’t clash with the four base elements, and we have an ample supply being ferried in from Haru-san’s Territory. The twins and Haru-san can link with you to share our experiences as well. I’m confident that you could master the process in a few days. And as you saw, light is a very effective attacking element when used with our scientific knowledge. A bit of study on lasers goes a long way.”

“We shall take your advice to heart. Hinata should learn as well. I feel guilty leaving her behind.” Motoko agreed.

“Yes, you need to make her yours, or she’ll start to think you don’t love her.” Natsumi pressed, and I bit down on a sigh. True. But… first…

“Thinking abooout Princess Eleanor?” Hyacinth said. “That woooman, she frustrates me, but you have won her respect, Akio. If you had nooot, Hyacinth would have surely questioned her sanity.” She giggled, and we all exchanged looks as Hyacinth was calling someone mad. “Looove listens to no slander. That is the Fae way.” She laughed then, elated. “But mistress Eri will be happy that yooou did not bring her back with you. She thought it likely.”

Me and the Princess? I can’t see it. She’s the lead Chosen of Britain, and well, she didn’t think that highly of me. Plus she has a normal sense of values. Well, that’s not the issue. “Eri can rest assured, that’s not going to happen. Though we do have work to do. It would be so much simpler if we could have set up a Ring Gate. But there’s limits to what we can do. We’ll keep working on her via diplomatic channels. Maybe if we persuade the Queen…” as we talked, we reached the airport, the limousines around us pulling up, disgorging Fujiwara-san and the others…


“So, did you have fun, Miyu, Honoka-san?”

Miyu nodded. The jet was flying over the ocean below, the view obscured by clouds, and as she looked back towards me from her seat by the window, she smiled. “Yes, it was certainly more exciting than I had expected. Though to think you could rile up Princess Eleanor so thoroughly… it reminds me of when you and Hinata-san came and crushed my insolence and foolishness, Akio-san. In the end, seeing the perspective of other Chosen was valuable to me. I have it easy, despite all my wretched self-pity. At least all I need do is dance.” Her lips quirked into an elegant smile.

“Were you really so base?” Honoka-san asked curiously, while Koga-san behind her scowled. Really, I would have hoped the trip would have helped Michiru-san and her sister to get along better, but I suppose these things take time. “I find that hard to believe. You have always been so quiet and refined, Miyu-sama!”

“I have told you, as cousins we don’t need such formality between us. As for my quiet and refinement, it was all rooted in timidity.” She changed her style of speaking to a less formal one, more like Hinata or Mayumi-san, choosing her words less carefully. “So I understand the Princess. She is rather like me.”

“Surely the weight on her must be far greater than on us.” Motoko said, listening. She and Natsumi were spending a little time with Motoko’s family, and once on the flight, I had performed Chirurgery on both Hikari-san and Minoru-san, since there was no reason not to. Natsumi’s family, Hinata’s… there’s a lot to do. Then there’s my grandparents… They had promised to visit Japan soon, before Christmas, in fact, so I would let mother be the one to break the news of what was really going on to them. Perhaps I should have told them the full truth, but when I do, there’s no going back for them. It’s not something I can decide alone.

“Us daughters of nobility are seldom seen by the common people of Japan, existing in internet rumours of Hanafubuki Private Academy, and in the whispered tales of big business and politics. Whereas Princess Eleanor, despite her lack of public appearances, unlike her brothers, still is firmly in the public eye, and the British press is notoriously vitriolic and mocking.”

“I see.” Honoka-san said, understanding. “And when she has this responsibility as well, it is no wonder she is struggling. Sometimes I find it hard. I am the youngest of the daughters of the Three Great Houses at Hanafubuki, I often feel I am unable to compete with you or Mayumi-sama.”

“Nonsense!” Koga-san declared loudly, only for Michiru-san to tell her to be silent, and as the two squared up to each other, I reached out, grabbing them both.

“Enough. Not now. Can’t the two of you just get along? I understand that Honoka-san and Miyu are the two heirs to Fujiwara house so there’s rivalry, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends as well as family.”

“If you say so, master, I shall relent and let worthless Kozue off!” Michiru-san said, her apology being another insult, and as Koga-san steamed, it was up to Honoka-san to chastise her, which she did.

“Kozue, please stop this! I love my cousin, and with grandfather now healthy and strong, the struggles for succession can be put aside for now. And I am no fool. Miyu-san has an advantage I lack. She is a Chosen.”

“That is not necessarily a boon.” Fujiwara-san said, speaking up, having watched us talk for a while, a glass of brandy in his hand. “After all, you’ll be working her hard, won’t you Akio-san? I wonder, will she ever have time for marriage, much less for the time and effort ruling an enterprise with such scale as Fujiwara House entails?” At the talk of marriage both Miyu and Michiru-san stiffened, but everyone pretended not to notice.

“That’s up to Miyu. But as I said when I made her my vassal, her value is too great to be tossed away in some political union, even for Fujiwara House. And whether that’s true or not, my vassals are my responsibility, and I’ll protect them and their dreams.” Hell, even Kikuchi Shuta is my responsibility. Well, his daughter is improving her skills and gets on well with Hisano-san, so things are under control there. It’s just a shame his Territory is in a fairly useless spot, but perhaps I can use it to protect some buildings later down the line… asking him to move it wasn’t an option, as he would never leave Hisuikomushi shrine, and there was no mileage in upsetting the Jade Beetle kami.

“Besides…” I finished, lightening the mood with a smile. “I want to keep Miyu’s Dances all to myself. They truly are miraculous.”

“It’s talk like that which makes Eri worry.” Natsumi laughed, as Miyu reddened a little. “Surely you’re doing it on purpose?”

“No, it’s what I genuinely think. Miyu’s Dance is going to save us weeks, months, years of time progressing. I’d rather have allies with skills like Miyu, Shiro or Yasaka-san than combat powerhouses. After all, Shaeula, Grulgor and I can do the fighting.”

“Us too, in time!” Motoko declared, and I nodded.

“Yes, though you have to get at least to where Eri was in Kyoto before I’ll consider you battle-ready. Even that’s a bit on the weak side, considering what happened there…”

“We understand. But with Tsumura Arts as our foundation, we will not fail to grow stronger.”

“So see, Honoka.” Fujiwara-san said, lecturing her. “While nothing is impossible, it is likely that you will be the one inheriting. Or your husband, perhaps.”

“I will do as you say, of course, grandfather. But in that case, what will happen to Miyu-san?”

“That depends on her. She will receive assets of course. But perhaps as a Chosen under the guidance of Akio-san, she will reach far greater fortunes than even Fujiwara House enjoys?”

“I think you’re right, Shige-sama.” Tsumura-san said, joining the conversation. “The more we see of this new paradigm, the more I’m sure that the old ways won’t hold. Our decision to accept some change was the right one.” He smiled. “Well, at least my Motoko has an eye for men.”

“Grandfather…” Motoko blushed scarlet as laughter filled the aircraft.

“Isn’t it true?” he pressed.

“Yes, but it is still embarrassing to have it said so boldly by you.”

“Considering what I’m sure you got up to in that suite every night, I’d say it is too late for blushing, granddaughter.” He retorted kindly. “Well, as customs go, there are good reasons to keep the daughters of nobility from men, and from learning about and enjoying premarital sex. But in your case they hardly apply. The marriage is certain, and the engagement debut went off without a… well, not without a hitch, but well enough from our perspective. So, what did you think of the Princess you needed to meet?”

“A pain the ass, to be honest.” I snorted. “We hardly hit it off. But in the end we managed to reach a bit of an understanding regarding our positions. The problem is that she’s protecting some secret so deep that she and the Queen won’t let me take any of our best precautions yet. So no Ring Gate for instant travel in the Boundary. But we did get through to her, so I hope she’ll be more careful in future, and we taught her a trump card for emergencies. Now… it’s time for Yasaka-san to show the fruits of his grinding.”

“Kyoto was certainly made easier by that transportation.” Tsumura-san said. “From a military standpoint, delays would have cost us a number of irreplaceable soldiers, more Chosen and perhaps many thousands more civilians. All we can do is have the fastest jet on standby, fully fuelled.”

“I’ll see it done.” Fujiwara-san said. “In terms of our business, we concluded a number of agreements with the United Kingdom, though some require ratification by their Parliament and House of Lords. Your presence did good work, Akio-san, it showed we have strength backing us up. The handling of the matter with the Americans is in our favour too, though I do not put much trust in this Christina Bakker woman.”

“Me neither. But I know mad scientists…” I grinned, thinking of Ixitt, and how he had sided with me even before he was offered as part of Shaeraggo’s Price, due to the techniques Shaeula and I were displaying. “… give them a taste and they crave for more. Plus I fed her the lie about needing maintenance. I expect Director White will try and exploit her rather than dispose of her or something, and try and get information out of us in exchange. But unless they can unearth someone like me, Yasaka-san or Tsukiko-san, then yes, we have the information edge. Of course, I’m hardly naïve enough to think that other countries don’t have similar powers to us, but we know what we have.”

“True, and knowledge is a weapon.” Tsumura-san agreed. “One we have to exploit before others do. You made a number of personal connections yourself, no?”

I nodded. “Yes, and I see that money is already in my account. Though getting double-taxed is a bit annoying.”

“I’m sure that you’ll receive accommodations for your sacrifice…” Tsumura-san laughed, and I had to shrug. Well, I’ll still have a good chunk left, as well as the shares. I could sell them, but Hinata would probably like to manage them…

“So, what else is on your agenda?” Tsumura-san continued. “Motoko and Natsumi will need to return to school, though they should be prepared for an interesting reception after those photographs…”

As the two girls grinned nervously, I counted off my goals on my fingers. “Well, firstly I have to check in on Eri, Shiro and the others. Then I’ll need to check everything is going well in Haru-san’s Territory. Getting information from Yasaka-san comes next. After all that… well, depending on what we learn, I think honing my skills is important. I’ve been putting off my combat skills for too long, and I had a bit of a rude awakening.” David was right. I’m relying too much on the solid basics. That makes me predictable…

“We would be more than happy to instruct you in Tsumura Arts!” Motoko said eagerly, and I smiled.

“Sure, though I’ll also want to seek guidance from Ulfuric as well, I think…” As we chatted and planned, the jet getting ever closer to Japan, my mind went back to Princess Eleanor. I hope you listen to me. If you die… not only will your family grieve, but you might plunge the world into disaster…


“I’m back.” I said, stifling a yawn. With the time difference, I didn’t make it back until very early Tuesday morning, Tokyo time, and after saying farewell to Motoko, Natsumi, Miyu and all the others, Hyacinth and I had returned to Shirohebizumi. The only person awake was Shiro, which wasn’t surprising, as she often stayed up late to play games or read manga, and her sleep patterns were irregular, a relic of when she used to collapse at seemingly random times and remained unconscious for hours.

“Welcome home.” Shiro said, as we entered the living area. She was reading, a single lamp shedding a dim light, but with her stats that was more than enough. She was wearing pyjama shorts, showing off her toned legs, and a white t-shirt.

“I think yooou were waiting like that tooo seduce Akio when he returned, mistress Shiro!” Hyacinth said, and Shiro laughed.

“You think? You’re such a cynical maid, aren’t you? So what if I was? You’ve had your fun all weekend, I bet.” At that Hyacinth flushed, and Shiro declared triumphantly that she knew it. “Besides, I’ve been buffing and buffing and buffing some damn more all weekend. I’m owed some rewards!” she pouted.

“Yes, I’m sure you worked hard.” I said, going over and stroking her hair, giving her a kiss, which she eagerly reciprocated. When that was done I asked her about her weekend, other than work.

“It was fine. I took everyone out for drinks, other than Shaeula and Hinata, who were busy. All the old gang was there, Suzu and Arisu too. Get this, Yasu…” as she regaled me with talk of the party, a noise distracted us, and the door opened, Eri wheeling herself in, in her own pyjamas.

“Welcome back Akio, Hyacinth.” Eri said, stifling a yawn. “Shiro, you should have woke me up when they got back.”

“No need, it seems your Aki-sensing radar is on full blast as always.” Shiro snickered nastily. “Eri missed you a lot, but don’t worry, I kept her company. When I wasn’t doling out buffs like candy anyway…”

“Oh, and I suppose you didn’t miss him at all, Shiro?” Eri said archly, eyebrow raised, and Shiro shrugged.

“I never said that. You know I miss you, Aki.”

“Did nobody miss poooooor Hyacinth?” she giggled, joking, and they assured her that wasn’t the case.

“So, how was our Princess of Humans? Any match for me?” Shiro asked.

“She was hard-headed, and we didn’t exactly hit it off. But compared to the mess with you and Tan? I guess she was easier.”

“I see.” Eri said, sighing. “So, Hyacinth, tell me the truth. How did it go?”

“Dooo not worry, mistress Eri! She doooes not approve of Akio’s affairs. She was rather rude and cooold. Though in the end, she did apologise, though Hyacinth still doooes not care for her. But since we need her, I shall swallow my anger, I prooomised!”

“Really? I was sure she’d fall for you.” she said to me, surprised.

I shook my head. “No, she’s an upright sort of woman, very proud too, with strong opinions on romance. In fact, she looked at me as though I was scum exploiting young girls to start with. It left me a little hurt.” I admitted.

“You mean you aren’t, Aki? Are you sure?” Shiro teased me as Eri looked relieved. “More importantly, did she believe you about her danger? Since Tsukiko said we need her, we can’t let our personal feelings get in the way. Even if Shaeula and I should be the only Princesses you need!”

“To an extent.” I sighed. “At first she was extremely distrusting of me, and she has real belief in her allies, which is praiseworthy, but…” I explained our conclusion, and in the end, Eri and Shiro looked at each other.

“What an idiot.” Eri said, and Shiro nodded.

“Yes, classic sheltered rich girl stupidity. Aki went out of his way to help her, and she scorned him.”

“I’m relieved, but also somehow really angry.” Eri said, and indeed, her onyx eyes were glittering coldly.

“Hyacinth feels the same way, I assure yooou.” Hyacinth declared. “But Akio put in much effooort to make her safer, and he has plans for mooore. I feel effort would be better spent ooon us, but his kindness is what we looove, is that not so?”

“I’d love it more if he didn’t spread it around so freely. But I understand that these Six Princesses need to be safeguarded, until we learn otherwise.” Eri sighed. “So, what’s the play? It seems to me by the time anything bad happens to her and we find out she’ll already be dead.”

“No kidding.” Shiro agreed. “Without a Ring Gate, we can’t rush over and do a Kyoto-style beatdown of her enemies. So, Tan, what do you think?”

“That woman is definitely an adherent of the One True Throne, as your surmised.” Tan declared, Shiro’s hair shading to red, her eyes blazing with annoyance. “I despise their ways, but perhaps that is jealousy speaking. After all, The Six Paths cannot match the Throne, the Ninth Heaven as they call it.” She snorted bitterly. “If you do nothing, the world will either be destroyed, or if you are more fortunate, fall into their hands. Other pantheons winning is rare indeed. Though it would not be remiss to argue that your world would be safer in their care, though there are great prices to pay. Independent thought is… not encouraged by the Throne.”

“I’d accept that for survival, but it’s too soon to throw in the towel.” I said. “Do you have any idea what their plan would be, or what is under the Tower of London that could be drawing in so much adherence?”

“I cannot speak of much, or if I am found out by some unknown means, it will put my father in a difficult position and invite retaliation from other pantheons. But I can say that the Candidates of the One True Throne are rather… unique. Their abilities lean very heavily on adherence, and the calling of those you would call Angels, or a reflection of them, anyway.” She sighed. “A true Angel here for more than a short time would have a devastating effect on the Boundary, much as my unleashed presence would.”

“I see. Well, that matches with some of the visions Tsukiko-san and I had.” I mused. “She kept asking for the Divine Favours from me and Eleanor. Is that to deny her rivals, or for some other reason?”

“The adherence within can be utilised, as you have done yourself.” Tan reminded me. “The adherents of the Throne could use it to strengthen their Angelic shadows, or even empower others. It is no wonder they crave them.”

“I see. Yeah, makes sense. I see the pieces forming a pattern. Yasaka-san is going to be cursing me out by the end of the day.” I paused. “Well, with that said, it’s late… or rather early, I guess? Why not get some sleep?”

“With you having just got back? No way, Aki.” Shiro shook her head, and Eri agreed. “I’ve always been a night owl, and Eri may be paralysed, but she’s still rocking the stats. She can cope with a late night or two.”

“May be paralysed? How rude…” Eri snorted, and after a little more banter, I gave in.

“All right. Well I might as well start getting things in order. How’s Haru-san’s progress?” I asked, and Shiro shrugged, which was an interesting sight in her t-shirt.

“It’s going well. Ixitt’s goons are still ferrying over all our ether, and one by one the Spires are hitting Rank 3. Another trio have gone up since you’ve been gone.” She paused. “Bjarki has been missing you though, Hyacinth. He wants you to regrow those pieces of mushroom. He’s running low after making a few more suits of armour.” She grinned. “Mine’s done. I look rather cute in it if I do say so myself, Aki.”

“Asha is looking for you too.” Eri said, frowning, before smoothing out her scowl. “She says she’d like more wood element poured into the Tree. Apparently with Shiro’s blessings, the Tree has been growing little by little, and it’d help her. I didn’t really understand her explanation, something about fruits? It doesn’t look like a fruit tree to me.”

“If the Rhyming Tree could just Rank up, with your buffs, we’d easily be able to reach Territory Rank 4 as well as build all the infrastructure we’ve planned. I’ll definitely go and see her.” I said, and with that we entered the Boundary…


“I be thankin’ ye, missy. This’n be just what I need.” Bjarki gloated, as the lump of what was once Duke Myrcolaxriath swelled and expanded to a huge size, Hyacinth putting all her all into growing it. I looked at Shiro, who was now dressed in a similar armour to me, only the trenchcoat was cut more femininely, with a skirt, and she had armoured leggings underneath. Seeing me looking, she twirled around happily.

“Obviously with all the buffs I’m giving our dwarf here, he had to make my armour first. I’m not sure what weapon I want to use, but maybe I’m more a gun girl?” she snickered. “We do look a bit like edgy Kirito-clones, Aki, but at least you’re actually banging your harem!”

“Shiro, don’t be crude!” Eri said, her black tail lashing and ears twitching. She was still in her old, ragged armour, as she had said there was no point in Bjarki wasting time crafting her new armour yet as she couldn’t fight effectively with her network still messy, although when I observed her with my Eye it seemed ever-so-slightly more stable, and when I had pointed that out, she had smiled beautifully, proud, and declared she had stepped up her exercises, using every waking minute she wasn’t studying or being dragged about by Shiro.

“It’s true though. Fortunately you’re not dual-wielding anymore, or it’d be too funny.” Shiro continued to tease me, while Ixitt watched on, happily laughing. That reminds me… I picked up the lantern, which I didn’t have time to inspect earlier. On seeing it, Bjarki and Ixitt both held their breaths, eyes wide.

“By great Ivaldi’s damn beard, if’n my eyes nae be deceiving me, is’n that a Wild Hunt lantern, ye ken?” he asked Ixitt, whose tail was lashing restlessly like an overexcited dog.

“Surely it must be. But how?” He pulled down his array of lenses, covering his eyes, peering at it with a glint of eager desperation, the magnification effect making his eyes look huge. “The Seelie Court has taken your advice, and the Way-Wardens have killed several Red Caps by aiming for the gaps in the distortion fields, but doing so always destroys the lantern.”

“Well, I used False Void Motion to attack the Red Cap rather than the lantern. Hence this.” I grinned, looking at the still-burning violet flame, my Eye glowing.

Lantern of The Violet Void – Item Class [Noble], Item Type [Principle]

A lantern that traps and generates a portion of spatial element, using the Principle of Space to warp the area around the bearer, forming both a shield and a sword of impenetrable distortions, directed by the spiritless husk of a trapped Will-o’-the-wisp of the lightless, labyrinthine swamps of Pandemonium. The Will-o’-the-wisp is bound by some dark enchantment to continue to produce spatial element despite being a mere empty shell, and the wielder can exercise some control over the power by waving the lantern in a proper manner, directed by the careful crafting of the lantern body.

I see. That’s rather cruel. Faint violet sparkles were rising even now, a trickle of spatial element. “Wait, is this…?” I examined the metal, etched with small runes, which had been destroyed as the lantern shattered in my previous battle, and my Eye was saying the material was a bluesteel alloy, just not one I’d seen before. I explained what I had learned to Ixitt and Bjarki.

“This is a grand discovery!” Ixitt chortled. “Though these arts… dark indeed. Even though that Will-o’-the-wisp is likely an Unseelie, it is still cruel beyond words. To be reduced to a state of death, yet the body living, still producing and manipulating elements. This is more than simple Fae cruelty.”

“Aye, it’n be vile indeed. But, we nae be fools, if’n we have this in our hands, surely it’n be destiny.”

“Master Bjarki is of course correct. Can we borrow this? I wish to run experiments. I will endeavour not to break it.” His eyes glittered. “And our findings will please the Way-Wardens. Congratulations, you have likely gained more favour with the Court for you and the princess. When she returns, I shall provide her our findings.”

“I’m also concerned about the kobold bluesteel in the mix.” I mused.

“The Wild Hunt and the Unseelie have many slaves. Likely they have them toiling in the mines somewhere.” Ixitt sighed. “Ratkin too are often used as slave labour. Well, liberating them is but a dream, Pandemonium is unassailable for now, and who even knows where the Wild Hunt hail from?”

“I see. A shame.” I had grown rather fond of kobolds, after all, they were my first allies here. “Do you think the lantern will continue to work?”

“Hard to say. Keeping the Will-o’-the-wisp in this state long-term… I simply am not versed in such dark arts. But I believe it might be possible to supply it with large amounts of aether via mortal engineering and amplify the effect.”

“Good. That seems a promising avenue to research. If we could replicate a source of spatial element, like we have access to other elements, that would be an advantage in many areas.” If I could learn spatial element, then False Void Motion would likely evolve…

As Ixitt and Bjarki took the lantern to the laboratory, Eri looked at me curiously. “You were getting into trouble again, it seems.”

“Hardly. We just ran into the Wild Hunt while I was trying to win Eleanor over. They were no trouble, not like the first time, so no need to worry.”

“Shit, listen to Aki boast, Eri! He thinks he’s a hotshot now that he’s hobnobbing with princesses. Oh, while I remember… that photo. Hyacinth, I must say you looked rather happy in that white dress!”

As Eri’s and Shiro’s obsidian eyes gazed at us with dark intensity, Hyacinth looked away, blushing, and I laughed, a touch embarrassed. “Well, we needed to make a statement. Besides, I was very pissed off with Eleanor, so…” I began to explain, enjoying being back home again…


“Akio, Shiro, welcome, I am happy to see you both.” Asha smiled at me, her long auburn hair and faintly green-tinged white skin looking glossier than ever. Her eyes sparkled as she saw us, and Shiro flushed.

“Of course she’s friends with me, I’m constantly dropping Anesidora’s Blessings on her and her Tree.” Shiro said, embarrassed, and I felt a warm glow inside. Seeing Shiro making more friends is great. I’m so happy that we were able to reach this point, and not end up enemies. She was also getting close to Eri, which was doubly rewarding, as I wanted Eri to make more friends other than Aiko as well. The problem is, they are picking up each other’s bad habits. They grilled us hard over that photograph…

“I have missed you!” Asha said, and I smiled.

“Really? It’s not like I haven’t been away a lot before.” I said, and she shrugged.

“I find myself thinking of matters as of late.” She stroked the bark of her Tree happily. “My Tree is growing proud and strong, and the earth element here is deepening. I look back on my time in that land of death and rot, and sometimes it seems a mere bad dream. Well, a growing Tree needs a good source of vitality. If I could ask you to fill it?”

“Sure, I don’t use my wood element much.” I placed my hand on the rough bark, which felt a little warmer than usual, and as I trickled in my wood element, feeling the Tree drinking it in, Asha shivered, letting out a little gasp. I paused for a second, looking at her, only for her skin to tinge red.

“It is nothing, Akio. Please do continue. I notice your wood element is far richer than before. Have you made a breakthrough?”

“A little, though it’s still far from my best element.” As I continued filling the Tree, chatting to Asha, Eri looked at Shiro, head tilted in curiosity or annoyance.

“Is it just me, or does this seem very… intimate?”

“Yeah, it does seem different to usual. But then, Asha has always been a bit… happy to see him.” Shiro answered.

“Do you think Asha is… well, you know?” Eri looked at me, so was choosing her words carefully it seemed.

“Give it up.” Hyacinth said from behind me. “It was toooooo late the moment Akio received her Kiss. Dryads are proud, they will never bear fruits nooor seeds with someone they have nooot formed a unique connection with.”

I paused, remembering the Kiss of a Dryad  I had received from Asha after her rescue. I had been a bit nervous at the time, but since then Asha hadn’t made any moves on me or even seemed to express much interest, so I assumed it was merely gratitude, and a reward to strengthen me. Or did I delude myself into that, as wishful thinking?

“Asha…” I said carefully. “Is what Hyacinth said true?”

She nodded, her expression warm. “Of course. I hope you did not think I was inconstant, dear Akio, the sort of woman who would kiss merely anyone?” I looked a bit ashamed, and she snorted at that, tossing her head, irritated.

“You saved my Tree, me. You were rich in earth element, and had the scent of a Noble Fae about you. How could I not have found my heart captured then? I did not wish to be like my sisters, dying a needless, cruel death, without ever having sown seeds, sprouted fruit, and nurtured new daughters. Does… does this dismay you?”

“Dismay? I’m flattered, but… well, I have a lot of women already, and … no, it’s too late, isn’t it?” I shook my head, pouring more of my wood element out. “I said I’d never look away again from the truth, run from people’s feelings. If you can only share one Kiss, and I’ve taken it…”

“Yes, give it up.” Hyacinth advised. “Mistress Shaeula knooows too. It is no burden, Primal Forest and the ooother plantkin will respect you more, if yooou have won the heart of a Daughter of Orion.

“I see. Another one.” Eri sighed. “I suppose for once Akio isn’t at fault though. Not if it’s already done.”

“Hinata already noooticed. This is all within expectations.” Hyacinth promised.

“I see. She and I are going to have words, she needs to tell me these things.” Eri warned.

“Maybe she thought you knew? To be honest, as I said earlier, she always seemed so happy to see him, so I sort of assumed she was into him.” Shiro confessed, annoying Eri more.

“I see. Well, an amnesty. Anyone want to confess anything else?” she growled, and Hyacinth laughed, amused, while Shiro assured them there wasn’t anyone else.

“Asha, is that what you want?” I asked her, and she nodded.

“It is you, or my Tree will stay without offspring until I eventually pass, becoming one with the Tree. But I was loathe to say so. I do not believe in pressuring you. I selfishly gave you my Kiss, even if I was overflowing with heartfelt gratitude that budded quickly into love for my saviour. If you have no need for me, then simply give me your energies when you can, and…”

I stopped her words with a hug, feeling her warmth. “I don’t really know you that well. So, Asha, if you want to be my girlfriend, we’ll have to fix that. As for children though… that seems a bit sudden. We have time to get to know each other, right? Though I guess it’s more for my sake. You seem to have made up your mind, no?”

Shiro was calling me the enemy of all Yasu’s, while Eri leaked out a long sigh. As I looked into Asha’s yellow eyes which were filled with diamondlike tears, she smiled. “I must have survived for a reason. I tell myself that often. Why else would I have devoured my sisters in my madness, simply to stay alive? If I did not have a future to live for, I would break.” The Tree suddenly rattled, as though a breeze was blowing through it, and a blizzard of leaves fell, like confetti, and Shiro, Hyacinth and Eri looked up in awe.


“Pretty…” Eri gasped, ears twitching.

“It is pretty.” I said with a smile. “Asha, let’s take things slowly, okay? But… if I like you, I’ll not turn you away.” That would be too cruel. Well, she’s certainly beautiful, I can’t argue with that.

“I see.” Asha turned to the girls. “I am most grateful to everyone for the kindness I have been shown. But I am not versed in human customs or courtships. But seeing that Hyacinth and princess Shaeula have found happiness with him, I hope the wall between Fae and mortal is not insurmountable. But I would ask you all to guide me.”

“Wall? There’s no girl our Aki won’t ensnare, it seems.” Shiro snorted. “Well, I’m hardly an expert myself, but we know what Aki likes, right Eri? Oh come on, don’t pout, even you agreed this one isn’t on Aki. Would you rather Asha was dead or forever alone?”

“No.” Eri puffed out her cheeks. “And thinking about it… I can’t believe I did miss Asha. I was too fixated on when Akio would finally take Kana, and these other Princesses. I won’t make that mistake again!” she looked at Asha and held out a hand, which Asha gingerly took.

“I am Eri, first wife. We have a set of rules to follow. If you can’t do that, we’ll chase you out, even if we have to make Akio hate us. The one thing I won’t accept is all the happiness we’ve built up crumbling because of some bitch.”

“I see. Well, I am eager to be guided!” Asha said earnestly. “And you need not fear me. I would be happy with some stolen moments, some peaceful times. I am not greedy…”

“That’s a relief, but no. If you win Akio’s heart, he’ll want to make sure you are treated fairly, so…”

Watching the two of them talk earnestly, I felt a strange feeling in my heart. Eri, when did you get so big-hearted?

“Smiling, Aki?” Shiro said, and I nodded. “I understand it.” She continued. “Eri portrays a cold front, but she’s actually rather soft on those who suffer. And like Hyacinth and me, Asha has had a cruel life. There’s no way Eri can spit on that. Though please…” Shiro rolled her eyes. “… learn not to get kissed by random women. Your mother may want a Rugby team of wives, so you say, but we’d like to keep it to the minimum we can get away with.”

Hyacinth laughed at that, and I nodded. “Well, at least Princess Eleanor is off the table. Speaking of…” I looked at Eri and Asha again, before nodding to myself. “We can leave these two to it. We’ll take the Ring Gate to Kyoto and check Haru-san’s Territory and call over Yasaka-san.”

“I’ll get Azuki to go back and make the call. She can even use a mobile phone now. Zashiki-Warashi sure are something…” Shiro laughed, before pausing. “Wait a minute, didn’t you save Azuki too? Shit. No, there’s no way you can make that work, she’s a damn doll.” Shaking her head, Shiro headed off, leaving me alone with Hyacinth and a very wry expression on my face…


After checking the very satisfactory progress of Kyoto, admiring the fleets of mobile Silos, as well as the large thickets of Artificial Ether Spires, we waited for Yasaka-san. When he arrived in a hurry, he eyed me sourly.

“Oshiro-san, let me guess, you have a ton of painful questions to ask me, and I’ll be laid up for the next few days in agony?”

Shiro snorted at that. “He’s got you there, Aki. But I sympathise. Aki has me handing out buffs until I’m so drained I feel like I could sleep for a week. And speaking of such… time to buff your Book of Providence…” Aether surged from Shiro into Yasaka-san as she gave both the general and specific blessings.

“If you’ve been keeping up with your training it should get easier.” I promised. “But this is a severe situation, so I’m going to have to use you harshly, I’m afraid.”

“All right. Fine then. Ask away.”

 “Right then. I’ll start small.” I remembered the rules of Book of Providence. Questions touching on predicting the future were hellishly difficult, but not impossible depending on the event. Also we had to understand what we were asking, and if there was a large difference in strength, or I guess adherence, maybe… between Yasaka-san and the thing we were trying to know, it wouldn’t work and he would suffer greatly from the backlash.

Better work my way up to the bigger questions, but hopefully we can unravel the dangers to Eleanor. “Who fed Eleanor the Bullaun water?” I asked, and as the answer came back after Yasaka-san repeated my question, it was a rather unhelpful “She drank it herself.”

“Obviously. Let me rephrase that. Who put it in her drink then?”

The answer came back with the name Lorraine MacGregor, which didn’t seem to be anyone I had heard the Princess mention. Asking further, we established she had been employed as a servant for the Royal family for a number of years. Something doesn’t add up. Further questioning revealed she had been blackmailed by someone into giving the Princess the tainted drink. Further questioning narrowed it down to one man. Maxwell Power, of course. The Bullaun water has been gathered by him, and on further questioning, it turned out he was a Chosen, with a gift of charming and deception, likely how he fooled everyone into not noticing his abilities.

“That one hurt.” Yasaka-san declared, blood vessels in his eyes and nose bursting, one eye red with blood.

“That means he’s likely quite strong.” I mused.

“Charm, huh? That’s the absolute worst.” Shiro said. “How can you know if your thoughts and decisions are your own? I should be all right, As Tan wouldn’t lose in a battle of charm to anyone but the Buddha, right?” The only answer to that was an affirmative grunt.

“All right, check that I, Motoko and the others haven’t been affected by him, he was at the gala.”

“Damn, that hurts…” Yasaka-san was flagging fast, but fortunately none of our Japanese delegation had been affected. I gave him Ether Healing and topped up his aether with Chirurgery, prolonging his use.

“Are there any more bearers of Divine Favours in his organisation?”

“Yes, there is one more. With the Divine Favour of Nuada Airgetlám. I feel if I try to press deeper, I’ll just suffer though.” he said, although he managed to divine the name of the bearer, Michael Silversmith.

“Right, which of Princess Eleanor’s team are working with the Silver Hands Foundation?” The names came back with all of them, which couldn’t be right. I then realised the question was too ambiguous. We tried to narrow it down to which wanted to do the Princess ill, or which were affected by Max and his charm. None apparently wished her harm, but there was the presence of charm on all of them, including Eleanor herself. Fortunately the Queen and the Prime Minister weren't affected yet. More Ether Healing followed, and we asked about Mary Stuart. Asking about her plans for Eleanor nearly knocked out Yasaka-san, he coughed blood and went deathly pale, but after an hour of rest, he had recovered enough to try again. I guess all that training is paying off.

More questions, and we discovered that Mary Stuart was the only bearer of a Divine Favour from her organisation in London, though she did have a group of forty followers with her, a number of which from something called the Choir, and the rest were Judges of Revelation and their squires. Ominous names indeed. The Silver Hands Foundation apparently had several hundred staff too.

“I think we have enough intelligence for the British to move on them. Though any Chosen that’s been in contact with Maxwell Power shouldn’t be trusted.” I observed, looking at the exhausted Yasaka-san.

“Are we done?” he asked, pale, and I shook my head.

“One last question. This one might be a bad one, so I apologise in advance.”

“Oh, wonderful.” He sighed, preparing himself. “Very well, ask away.”

“Just what is under the Tower of London that is draining all that adherence?” I asked, and as he repeated the question, he collapsed, convulsing.

“Shit Aki, that was cold.” Shiro said reprovingly as I quickly Healed him. When his eyes fluttered open, he was barely able to speak, and I realised we had asked all we could. Patting him on the back for a job well done, I sent him back to rest, my fears confirmed.

“Maybe so, but I needed to know if at all possible. Whatever’s there is the root cause of all this, I’m sure. I have no doubt like Tan says, that Mary Stuart wants Divine Favours, but the way she was talking, it’s what is under the Tower she really wants. And whatever that may be is so important to the UK that Eleanor rebuffed almost all my help over it, despite starting to believe me. It would be of benefit to us if we knew. But from the adherence it was pulling in it was highly unlikely Yasaka-san would be able to answer that. He needs to level up some more.”

“Yeah, I see that, but it was still a dick move, Aki! Are you in a bad mood over Asha, and taking it out on someone else? Low, really low!” she joked, and Hyacinth laughed too, having watched in silence. Her violet eyes gleamed, as she considered what we had learned.

“Foolish Princess, spurning yooour help. No Ring Gate, nooo chance for aid. I believe she will regret it sooorely.”

“Maybe so.” I agreed, as we returned to the Material. “But we still have a chance…”


On returning to the Material, the first thing I did was text the Princess all of the details. I did say I didn’t expect her to believe me right away, but verifying the existence of Lorraine MacGregor and Michael Silversmith would show I wasn’t just making up intelligence. I had also gained the number of the Prime Minister, so I figured getting him to pass the information into the Queen and hopefully swing into action before it was too late, was the best move we could make for now.

As I did that, Kana swung by, her expression bright, in her school uniform, ready to head out. “Hi Akio, glad you made it back all right. I don’t have long, I’ll be late for school, but… it’s good to see you.” She lightly kissed my lips, demurely. “Did you miss me?”

“Of course I did, but I wasn’t lonely as Motoko, Natsumi and Hyacinth were there.” I joked, and she pouted cutely.

“Meanie! Talking about other girls and how happy you were with them will make me jealous. Or maybe you want that, so I’ll be nicer to you? Well, I want you to tell me all about it when I get home from school. And if you’re lucky, I might even see if I have a dress in my room that will please you, like those three.” She winked, before leaving with a wave. As I watched her go, I saw my phone blink, and it was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Damn, that was quick.

“Message received loud and clear. Will tell her Maj. about this immediately. Will dispatch soldiers rather than Gods’ Chosen when given the say so. Got to fact check though, or her Maj. will have my guts for garters.” I read. True, I wouldn’t act on such a dubious tip-off without doing due diligence, even from a reasonably well trusted source.

Pondering that, I waited for a response from the Princess, and when I didn’t get one, I called over the grumbling Azuki and gave her my phone, asking her to come find me in the Boundary as soon as any more messages came through. With that I headed back, as Shaeula should be returning from the Spring any time now…

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