On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Seventy-Four *Contains Status – Akio, Shiro, Hyacinth, Grulgor*

Three Hundred And Seventy-Four *Contains Status – Akio, Shiro, Hyacinth, Grulgor*

While I waited for Shaeula to return, I decided it was a good time to take stock of my abilities, in preparation for honing my close combat skills. I went through some stretches, before practicing with my sword and spear, as well as with the various styles of unarmed combat I had studied online, though other than a few moves, most of my strikes just relied on pure speed and accuracy, which was fine against ordinary opponents, but against skilled combatants like Ulfuric or David, it wasn’t enough. Soon, silvery sweat was dripping from me, evaporating to the darkening skies above.

Yes, the ether density is rising again, just like in London. Looks like we are definitely leaving the calm… As I thought that I heard some applause, and looked over to see Shiro, Eri and Asha watching me.

“Not bad Aki. You’ve got some moves. Tan is impressed too.” Shiro said, only for her eyes to glimmer red.

“Do not get conceited, man. I merely advised the princess that your strengths would put you on par with an Einherjar of the World Tree.” She snorted. “Though that is hardly cause for conceit. Many Einherjar are recruited from the countless worlds and formed into armies. I believe the closest comparison could be that Einherjar would be the Special Forces, ones plucked out for special attention and training. But unlike this world, there are many heights above.”

“I see. But you’re saying I’m at the foot of the mountain? So all I have to do is keep climbing and I’ll reach the top?” It was gratifying to hear praise from Tan, a being so far above us in understanding and power. It proved that my path was right.

“If it was that simple, there would be no end to the powerful. No, each step is a chasm that yawns wider than the step before, with more dangers, and more who fall. But I concede, you have surpassed my expectations.” Tan admitted. “Therefore, do not fall into the chasms of arrogance and haste now. Compared to those that tower above, such as the Valkyrie, all but the captains and lords of the Einherjar would be as troubling as those goblins you dismissed as no danger at all.”

“I have a question. You’re not from the World Tree, Tan, so why are you not explaining in terms of your own pantheon?” Eri asked shrewdly, and she laughed.

“Why would I share information about my own? Far better to use some others as a comparison, and it seemed apt, considering.”

“I guess that makes sense.” I shrugged. “So, how strong would I have to be to reach the level of a Valkyrie?”

“The mountain towers higher than you could imagine, far taller than your Fuji. But if you show the will to improve as you have and avoid foolishness and misfortune, it is not impossible.”

“Even now, you are strengthening yourself.” Asha said, surprising me. “Your wood element has grown, though it is still weak.”

“Yeah, I’ll put more effort into that.” I promised. “Oh, that reminds me, where’s Daiyu?” It wasn’t as though I’d been in Material Tokyo much since my return, but I hadn’t seen her yet.

“Studying Japanese. She was a bit discomforted on our night out, having to be translated for, or only understanding easy sentences. So she’s determined to fully master Japanese by Christmas. I’m sure she can. She’s motivated, a quick learner, and has the stats.” Shiro said, Tan having returned to her rest.

“That makes sense. She’s in a foreign land, so not being able to understand others must be unbearable.” I agreed. “Remind me later to spend some time with her.”

“Lucky.” Shiro snorted. “Well, Aki, what do we do now? I can tell you’re worried about Eleanor, maybe you should have kidnapped her and brought her back to Japan.” She joked.

“I can’t do that. It’d lead to the complete breakdown in relations between us and the UK. She’d fight me constantly too. This situation is different to Tsukiko-san. In the end, Tsukiko-san wanted our help, and had nothing to lose by it. Therefore we could work with her, but even then, she still wouldn’t leave Kyoto, would she? Eleanor is even more stubborn. She says she has to protect something, and whatever it is, it’s under the Tower. If only we knew what that was it’d give us some leverage. But she values defending that above her own life. Nothing I can do would persuade her to run away, and it’s not like I can stay and guard her twenty-four seven is it? If I did, all my work here would go to waste.”

“But Tsukiko-san’s visions say she’s needed, or the world could be doomed.” Eri pointed out, and I shrugged.

“True, but then Tsukiko-san was also going to be devoured and her spirit destroyed by the golden-eyed toad, and we stopped that. The future isn’t absolute, not definite, no matter what Tsukiko-san believed.” I was sure of it. Indeed, right now I was just getting a vague prickling burr of Foresight, signalling a vague, nebulous threat. It’s not reliable. Yes, I have to act on it, I’ve learned from my mistakes on taking it lightly, but even then, I can’t be ruled by it. “If the end of the world is coming, then we just have to grow strong enough to defeat any threat, even if Eleanor doesn’t survive. But…” my expression was resolute. “... obviously I’ll do all I can to protect her, but I can’t destroy who she is just to do that. Which makes this tougher than Tsukiko-san, alas. But then, there are still two Princesses out there who could be dying even now. I can only do what I can do.”

“No, what we can do.” Eri said boldly, tail lashing.

“Yeah, what she said, Aki.” Shiro agreed.

“I am pleased that the one I Kissed is so bold and resolute.” Asha smiled benevolently. “You saved me from my fate, I believe you can save this woman too.”

“What she said, yet again, Aki.” Shiro snorted, amused. “The downside is, we girls are simple creatures, right Eri? Save us from our despair and show us a bright future, and it moves our hearts.”

“I know. I’ve already accepted it.” Eri sighed. “But… what can we do from here?”

“I don’t know, but for now we need to wait for Eleanor or the Prime Minister to get back to us. Before that…”

“Yeah, training. Well, for me that’s just more damn buffing, though I can feel my insight into Anesidora’s blessings growing. Maybe we should share our stats?”

I nodded. That’s a good idea. “Yes, I wanted to take stock of our progress. Though Eri…” I looked at her, and she rolled her dark eyes at me, ears twitching.

“I know. I have no progress. Damn Kijo bitches.” She spat. “But I’m getting there. My goal is Christmas, just like Daiyu. If we both succeed, then you can spend Christmas Eve with the two of us!”

“Hey, that’s not fair, Eri!” Shiro protested, to which Asha laughed softly, a knowing expression on her face. It’s good to lighten the mood. Since we spoke to Yasaka-san, confirmed some conspiracy around Eleanor, it’s been a bit dark.

“All right, all right. Me first.” I snorted.

Akio status part 1

Akio status part 2

Akio status part 3

Akio status last part

On reading out my stats, Shiro was frowning. “Shit Aki, every time you make me so jealous. Considering all you started with was an appraisal cheat, you make the rest of us look bad.”

“Shaeula isn’t much weaker than me.” I pointed out, and she shrugged.

“Maybe so, but she’s a Fae. Well, I guess it doesn’t matter, having you strong is good for us, right Eri, Asha?” she winked at the girls. “There’s always a lot of shade under a big tree.”

“I very much like that thought.” Asha said, eyes sparkling.

“I can’t believe that despite being so strong Akio would be nothing special in the upper Astral.” Eri said, and Tan spoke up again, Shiro’s eyes red.

“You misunderstand. In a world of billions like your Earth, likely only a few million or so might be chosen for the Einherjar. The average citizen will have skills with aether and combat strength, perhaps along the lines of you, Eri. In worlds with powerful Territories of the Sixth and higher, ether is plentiful, and there are no shortage of beings with powers such as I. But true strength is always rare. You would not rank as a Captain of the Einherjar, surely not, but you are far from the weakest that would be chosen. Even so, do not let arrogance blind you.” She warned. “There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers everywhere in the higher Astral, and entire armies of Einherjar and citizen warriors perish against… matters I cannot speak of, and even those with wings can be struck from the skies and perish.”

“I see. Thanks Tan, that was helpful.”

“I merely clarified for that girl.” Tan said, and I thought she sounded a little bashful. “You may be looking up at the mountain, the summit hidden by clouds above, piercing through the heavens and even out into what you could call space, but you have climbed the foothills.” With that she was gone, leaving a grinning Shiro.

“Tan sure isn’t honest, is she? I’d say she’s rocking the tsundere for sure. Well, what do you think, Aki? Can you get even stronger?”

“Always. I can get more levels, Rank up my Territory, find a combat style and raise my elements…” seeing Asha’s sparkling eyes, I laughed. “Especially wood, earth and water I guess. Shaeula and I also need to exchange wood and lightning elements. So the path to power never stops.” There’s also Tyr’s Divine Favour. If I could unlock that power… “I sympathise with Daiyu. The urge to continue growing stronger and perfecting oneself is deep.”

“In that case, might as well see how I’ve improved.” Shiro said. “No laughing you two. I know I can’t compete with Aki’s growth. Yet. I’m a Chosen now, a true one, so there’s a chance.”

“Yes, I was always more into battle harems where the girls were badass alongside the guys.” I said. “I’d feel less worried all the time too.”

“Aww, poor baby Aki.” Shiro laughed. “Well, come on, we’re waiting.”

“Fine.” My Eye flared amber, and letters scrolled across my vision. Faint flickers of red were in Shiro’s eyes and hair, Tan probably not enjoying my peeking, but she would have to ignore it.

Shiro's status part 1

Shiro's stats last part

“Yeah, you’ve really worked hard.” I praised Shiro, and she puffed out her ample chest, looking happy, her face red.

“Of course I did! Not only did Tan get me that Divine Favour, I’ve been grinding when I could, and I’m constantly using my new skills, it only makes sense that my Blessings and related skills were going to see improvements as I learned what they did and how they are doing it. Guess I left you in the dust, Eri.” She stuck out her tongue. “You’d better get yourself healthy soon if you want to compete!”

Eri snorted. “At least try and be fair. Getting a Divine Favour… well, the level cap isn’t a big deal as my Lovers’ Link is still higher than yours.” She had to get a dig in, making us laugh. “I can get plenty of levels due to that. But my skills can’t keep up.”

“Yes, having a Divine Favour seems to basically guarantee your silver cord and chakra network is boosted, probably as a powerful Astral body is needed to contain the power.” I had to build mine from scratch. Well, I probably wouldn’t have an Eight Moons network otherwise, so I can accept Ortlinde made the right call. “But Shiro still lacks in a lot of areas. Her physical stats are nothing special. Sure, the days of Shiro’s weakness and fainting spells are over, and she could beat the shit out of a group of thugs harassing her easily enough, but any competent combat-focused Chosen will kill her before she can react.”

“That’s what Divine Possession is for.” Shiro grinned knowingly. “Maybe I’m not so hot, but Tan can see off most threats.”

“True.” I said. “Though it does put a lot of strain on your body. So, strength and basic combat training. I think light element for you as well. You, Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi, all of you should learn it.” My gaze flickered over to Asha. “I shouldn’t ask again, but are you serious about us?”

“Of course. I and my Tree, we are both yours.” She said calmly, radiating a mature feeling that was missing from the other older Fae I knew.

“In that case… you’re going to have to push your limits.”

“No Dryad has ever changed like the princess has.” Asha said softly, her yellow eyes looking into mine. “We are far more tied to our elements than other Fae, as we are also tied to our Tree.”

“I see. Well, that doesn’t mean that you can’t. But I’ll get Shaeula to speak to the experts about it. I’m not going to put you at risk. Primal Forest might have insights. Anyway, I’d get Daiyu to as well, but we still haven’t decided if it’ll cause problems with her Cultivation. But this is all for later.”

“Yes, there’s someone who has been waiting here quietly, fit to burst.” Eri said dryly, looking at Hyacinth, who was peering at me with her shining silver-violet eyes.

“All right. You are next.” I said, laughing.

Hyacinth's status part 1

Hyacinth's status last part

“Yeah, the only way to deal with Hyacinth is a swift attack to take her out, which would take someone like David using his full strength and Favour, and even then, if he missed the kill he’d be dead moments later.” I whistled. “You got so strong ever since Kyoto. I guess the massacre of the Kijo and the battles since have really strengthened you.” In fact, when it comes to grinding, Hyacinth puts in more effort than anyone. She really wants to be strong…

“Hyacinth will destroooy the world for you, if yooou ask.” She giggled, and I patted her head, to which she snuggled into my grasp happily.

“I’d rather we save the world. But destroying our enemies is fine. Really, you take the whole battle maid concept to the extremes. But as for your future growth plan, like Shiro, you need combat skills. Having great strength and speed is only useful if you know how to use it. Someone with half your physical stats but experience and skill could overwhelm you… though to be fair, your spores would kill them first. You also need to learn water and earth elements to focus on your already impressive strengths. More studying as well, light element is useless if you don’t employ it properly.”

“Ooof course I will do it.” Hyacinth promised. “I would do anything for yooou and the mistresses!”

“Good girl. Well, we might as well make a start while we wait for Shaeula to return and word from the UK…”


I was starting to get a little worried as it had been several hours and still no news. My only relief was that the slowing was ending, so time was gradually starting to accelerate here, so it wasn’t quite as long back on the Material. As I put the girls through their paces, Eri and Asha watching with me, Shaeula returned, trailed by her maids, and also Grulgor. On seeing them I was surprised. Really? My Eye shone, and Grulgor laughed, clenching his massive fists.

“Grulgor did it. Though Grul must thank the little ladies for their help. But now Grulgor is truly unkillable, and strong!” He roared his delight to the skies.

Grulgor status part 1

Grulgor status last part

“Grulgor can’t let the princess be the only one getting stronger.” He roared proudly. “Besides, Grul has to put Duke Formor’s other followers in their place.” He showed off his massive slab-like teeth in a sly grin. “Grulgor is no longer a fool. Grul has satisfied the Duke. He will hear from those he sent to us to train, and also spy… that we are strong, and growing stronger. Soon the Unseelie can only quake before us. Salamandrastrae will surely fall and be reclaimed one day!”

“I never thought I would see-see the day when I was delighted at the growth of Grulgor. But it is quite reassuring having a strong ally by our side, is it not-not?” Shaeula crowed. “I believe if you and I are the DPS, then Grulgor is the ultimate tank. Or would-would you be a hybrid, Akio? Since you are rather durable yourself.”

“With his stats, he’d get booted from the game for hacking.” Shiro snorted, impressed, looking at Eri. “Sorry. Guess I was a bit mean messing with you over our strengths. Compared to Hyacinth and Grulgor I’m still a little chick too.”

“Yes, but you have-have the advantage, Shiro.” Shaeula reassured her. “Mortals change so rapidly. For us Fae it is quite-quite difficult to grow. Only the guidance and aid from Akio has enabled us all to cast off the chains of what is-is possible, and shatter them, and our limits.” She looked at Eri sympathetically then. “Have no-no fear, Eri. When you are well again, I shall take you in hand myself.”

“I’d appreciate that.” Eri said, her expression heartfelt, before Shaeula noticed Asha standing with us.

“Oho, what-what is this?” her gaze narrowed. “Have you spoken up at last, Asha?”

The Dryad nodded, her smile bright. “I have indeed, princess. It seemed time. The winds of change are blowing, rattling the leaves of my Tree. I would not be left alone again.”

“And what did-did Akio say?”

“He wishes to know me better, princess, but he has not rejected my intentions.” Asha said, and Shaeula smiled.

“I see-see. I am happy for you. And politically, it will please Primal Forest, taking a Daughter of Orion. Though Prince Aethelathrion will likely be most-most dismayed, and curse his great-granddaughters for failing to woo you successfully.” She laughed brightly, and I decided it was prudent to change the subject.

“You’ve got a couple of interesting new skills, Grulgor.” I said, eyeing them.

Grace of the Raging Waters Rank 1. As long as you possess water elemental energy, you can fortify either your Alacrity or Precision significantly, based on a percentage of your base statistics, as well as the amount of water elemental energy you currently contain.

Water Absorption – This skill allows the assimilation of water, ice and blood into the body of the bearer while water elemental energy lasts, allowing it to share the properties of the bearer such as regeneration and resistances, and the bearer can liquefy their flesh, becoming resistant to physical attacks.

“Grace of the Raging Waters is awesome. I hope I end up getting that too.” I had obtained the Might of the Furious Earth from Grulgor via my Fae-Souled class, so since that couldn’t increase any further I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to, but perhaps in the future it would be possible.

“Yes, Grulgor says he will be unstoppable and mightily hard to kill.” He laughed.

“That’s true.” I agreed. “Your defensive and offensive power has spiked a lot.”

We talked for a little while, before Shaeula shrugged. “Enough of this. So, Akio, Hyacinth, tell me about your trip, and this-this Princess. Did things go well?”

A good question… Taking a deep breath, I started telling Shaeula about what had transpired…


“I see. That is most-most troubling.” Shaeula said when I had finished.

“I agree, mistress Shaeula. She was quite foooooolish.” Hyacinth slandered Eleanor again. “Akio oooffered her his hand, and she slapped it away.”

“It doesn’t sound quite like that.” Eri said, drawing our attention. “Don’t misunderstand, if I heard her talking to Akio and the others like that, I’d have put her in her place, Princess or not. But I do understand. If she believes she has something to protect that’s more important than her life… I bet you didn’t explain that her death would potentially doom one of the other Princesses and also the world, did you?”

“No, it’s not something I can just say.” I sighed.

“For her, her country is everything, Aki. It’s like you’d never abandon us.” Shiro agreed. “But the problem is, whatever she’s hiding is so secret she doesn’t want the usual help. Not letting you near the Tower is a problem. We’re too far away to respond.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” I agreed.

“So, what solutions do we have-have?” Shaeula asked, her expression thoughtful. “We could send aid to her, as a guard, but if she will not-not allow anyone into the heart of her Territory, such would be of limited use. Her enemies… these two, Maxwell Power and Mary Stuart, we could try-try to deal with them, but acting on foreign shores…”

“Yes, we’d need a Ring Gate, and we could always drop Shiro’s Territory over there, though having her away from Tan’s is problematic in another way.”

“It’s fine. Arisu is still doing a good job looking after mine. I can trust her. It’s a shame her Room has no way of teleporting us overseas.” Shiro muttered. As we debated our course, Azuki came running towards us, running on short legs.

“Your phone, it’s a reply!” Azuki said, hiding behind my legs, still a bit nervous of Hyacinth.

“Good job.” I praised her. “Right, time to head back. Let’s see what happened.”

A few minutes later I was looking at a text on my phone, puzzled.

“Can confirm Lorraine MacGregor. Ex-Palace maid, taken into custody, confessed. Michael Silversmith also found. Has been dead since early August. Very confused. Still, enough evidence to move on Silver Hands Foundation and Maxwell Power. Plan to watch Mary Stuart for now.”

“What the hell?” I thought back to the question we asked Yasaka-san, and there didn’t seem to be a mistake. “Wait, Max Power has deception abilities? Can that be…” I turned to Shaeula then. “I feel a bastard after putting him through the wringer, but call up someone in Kyoto and get Yasaka-san back to the Boundary and start Healing him.” I told Shaeula. “I’ll join you as soon as I make a call…”

As Shaeula rushed back to her own room, ready to implement my plans, I hastily dialled the Prime Minister of Britain, who fortunately picked up. “I got your message.” I got straight to it. “What’s going on?”

“A good question. Firstly, how did you get the information on Lorraine MacGregor, she had quit her job before you ever came to Britain?” he asked me.

“I would say that’s a secret, but the situation could be critical.” I sighed. “I have a way to gather information, it’s a bit like the Diviner’s visions. I had thought it was entirely reliable, but if Michael Silversmith is already dead, it seems I was wrong.”

“I see. That is a dangerous secret to keep.” The Prime Minister declared. “Intelligence agencies around the world would kill for it, and powerful people would wish it to disappear. I’m not overly comfortable with it myself, young chap.”

“Maybe not, but I’m telling you this because the situation is dire. So, Lorraine MacGregor…”

“Yes, I’ll get to the point. We took Mrs MacGregor into custody, and she quickly broke down and confessed. It turned out her husband had significant, insurmountable gambling debts, so when she was approached by Maxwell Power, offering to clear them, she gave in. But he told her it wasn’t poison, but a strong aphrodisiac, as apparently Max wanted to seduce the Princess. Dirty bastard. Though it seems that’s not his goal.”

“She agreed to that? It seems odd for a woman to let another woman suffer that fate.” I mused. “Charm, maybe? Does it seem like mind control, did she know what she was doing?” Is it like the Befuddling Winds, or more subtle?

“It’s all a load of crap, Aki.” Shiro said, listening. “This isn’t some Chinese tale, if a woman ends up drinking an aphrodisiac that strong, she’s not just going to open her legs. I mean, she could always go get herself off in the bathroom.” She was a bit crude, but I agreed.

“Yes, it doesn’t make much sense, but… we brought in other workers from the Palace that knew her well, as well as her husband and her sister. That’s why it took us a while to respond.” The Prime Minister continued. “As far as they say, and also from our initial psychiatric evaluations, she’s perfectly lucid, and there are no issues with her mind, memory or judgement, it’s just that she found Max very persuasive.”

“I see. Charm. Not mind control. That would be the best case. Though it’s far too early to tell if that’s what he can do.” If it’s merely he’s extremely persuasive that’s still a danger, but less so than being able to order people to do things they otherwise wouldn’t, like Kiku’s Nails or the Befuddling Winds.

“As for Michael Silversmith… if he’s dead, did he ever have a Divine Favour, or is it some sort of red herring? Hmm, just what do you know about the Silver Hands Foundation?”

“Not a lot. Though the Palace did due diligence before allowing him to attend their events for the Princess. It’s a rather new organisation, a combination of several older charitable foundations. Maxwell Power is from an old, wealthy family and there is nothing suspicious about wishing to mix with Royalty and the political elite, even if it comes at great expense. Money can’t buy prestige.”

“When did the name change?” I asked, and the Prime Minister immediately understood.

“Let me bring up the details…” he shouted something at a Ministerial Secretary, and moments later he answered me. “Three days after the date of the death of Michael Silversmith. Wait, Nuada Airgetlám. Nuada of the Silver Hand. You don’t mean…?”

“I do. I think Max Power has been doing more than we expected.” I don’t want to talk about Conqueror and how it works. But I think that Max Power took his Favour and killed him. Then he set up a Foundation using the name. But why?

Azuki came rushing in as we talked, saying that Shaeula was in Kyoto with Yasaka-san. “I have to try and gather some more information. Don’t leave Princess Eleanor alone with any of her companions, she also hasn’t answered my texts.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. The Queen and Prince Henry are with her, and we have enough troops stationed there that even a God’s Chosen should be vulnerable. As for her teammates we are taking them in for a psychiatric evaluation and questioning. We’ll get to the bottom of this, have no fear.” He masked his doubt with joviality.

“Good. I’ll be back soon…” I hung up and rushed back to the Boundary, racing through the Ring Gate, and meeting a very weary Yasaka-san and Shaeula. On seeing me, he groaned.

“Are you trying to kill me off?” he said, and I shook my head.

“Sorry, after this you really will deserve a long break.” Not that you’ll get it though, I’m going to take charge of your levelling and Ranking up your skills personally. “These should hopefully be easier questions.”

“Fine.” He managed weakly. I aided Shaeula in healing him, and I refilled his aether, as Shaeula wouldn’t do that for another man. “So, I want to ask… did Max Power kill Michael Silversmith?”

“No.” came back the reply, confusing me.

“Okay, let me try again. Who killed Michael Silversmith in August?”

“Damn, that hurts my brain…” silvery blood spilled from one nostril as he winced. “Max Power did. Wait, that doesn’t tally with before…”

“Is Max Power alive?” I said, having a sudden flash of inspiration.

“No. Yes. Ugh…” he coughed blood, as Shaeula repaired the damage, having to resort to Chirurgery as well as Ether Healing, due to the damage to his network.

“So, let me put it together. Max Power both did and didn’t kill Michael Silversmith, and he’s both alive and dead…” This is all very confusing. Mary Stuart is the threat to Princess Eleanor, that’s what Tsukiko-san said, and my visions from Tsukuyomi agree. But all signs now are pointing towards Maxwell Power. I know they are pretty close, but… “I’ve got it. What was Maxwell Power called before he killed Maxwell Power.”

Yasaka-san looked puzzled at the question, but he asked it, and his eyes widened as he got a response, though at the cost of great pain. “The book has come up with gibberish. But it’s definitely not Maxwell Power. The letters aren’t in Japanese either.”

“Right.” I agreed. “It’s English, maybe, but English doesn’t use accents. French possibly? Or… do any British languages use them? I remember mom saying Welsh and Gaelic does. Last question, then you can rest.” I promised, and he groaned.

“Please, make this the last. It makes me wish I had a power like Saionji-sama’s, so that you can’t abuse me so.”

“Right. Where are the remains of the Maxwell Power killed by the newer Maxwell Power.”

“They are buried in…” he said in surprise as he read out the details.

“Fantastic. You can rest. I mean it now. But try and recover as quickly as you can.”

As we returned to the Material, Shaeula spoke to me, eyes curious. “Just what-what do you think?”

“I think we can’t trust anything we learned from Yasaka-san we can’t verify with evidence. Charm… does he even have charm? Or is he just shockingly persuasive? Deception though… that I can see. It seems able to fool Yasaka-san’s Book of Providence. Can it even fool Tsukuyomi’s visions? Shit.” My Foresight was still giving me gentle, uneasy prickles of general danger, which was useless. “The Princess is safe for now, and they are keeping an eye on Mary Stuart and her allies. The other Chosen are being taken into custody… it should be fine. But I’m still uneasy.”

Pulling out my phone, I dialled up the Prime Minister one more time. “I have information. I think that Maxwell Power isn’t the Maxwell Power from before. I think the original is buried here…”

The Prime Minister listened in stony silence, before letting out a long sigh. “I see. So, was Maxwell Power another Gods’ Chosen, or… just a man with background to be exploited? But I’ve seen old photographs. They look nearly exactly the same.”

Nearly? I seized on that. “What do you mean, nearly?”

“Just as I said. It’s definitely him, there’s no question, but Max looks a lot better nowadays, perhaps because he’s a Gods’ Chosen. You all have radiant skin and are the very pictures of health. My wife is jealous of your perfect bodies.”

“That’s odd.” Shiro said, looking up from her own phone. “Yes, we do tend to be in better condition, but… I’ve been looking up Nuada Airgetlám and he lost the kingship because he lost an arm, and all Kings had to have a perfect body.”

Coincidence, or… “Gather all the pictures you can of the original Maxwell Power and the new one. And see if the body is Maxwell’s. can you do DNA testing or something similar?”

“It might take a day or two to find a suitable family member…” he began, but I shook my head.

“No, get it done faster. Also, check if any of the Gods’ Chosen with Eleanor have any relation to either Michael Silversmith or Maxwell Power.”

“And what are you going to do?” he asked me, and I frowned.

“What I have to. Shit, this is a mess.” With that I hung up, and Shaeula and Shiro looked at me, troubled.

“What’s the play?” Shiro asked. “Oh, here’s the info on Nuada.”

“I’ll check that on route. I’m going to call Fujiwara-san…” Deception. Charm. Stealing identities… this goes beyond issues of being able to trust what we can learn. So to counter that, we have to rely only on ourselves, and our own abilities… “Fujiwara-san, this is an emergency. Can you make some arrangements for me…” The timing of this is awful, but… I couldn’t trust anything now, nothing except that I didn’t want Eleanor to die, visions and prophecies be damned…

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