On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And One

Three Hundred And One

Bursting free from the surface of the chilly water of the Boundary Sagami bay, I held my prize in my hand, the shining green Etherite. All around me, the water was turning red from the bodies of the sea creatures that had attacked me, and gathering the scattered ether, I couldn’t help but grin, having seen amber letters flare across my vision, notifying me I had reached level one hundred and five. Sure, individually the monsters here vary from about as strong as one of Kondou Kazuo’s degraded orcs, all the way up to about as strong as a Silent Hound or similar threat, but the weight of numbers makes them good experience still. Though, out in the deeper waters…

My Eye glittered, and I could see shapes far out in the depths, vast shadows, that perhaps might have been whales or giant squid in the Material, but here, were no doubt very dangerous foes. When I had first noticed the glimmer of Etherites in the water, while I was training the girls, I had been excited, especially as I was in desperate need of them, and I had swum out too far, only to be attacked by a shoal of vicious shark-like fish. I had triumphed, beating them back, using my water element to turn the sea into a series of cutting blades, but even so, my body was hampered by the water, more sluggish than on land, so after that I stuck to the shallows. Besides, if I swim out too far, I can’t keep any eye on them…

The girls were practising still on the distant shore, though Eri and Shiro were rapidly reaching the end of their strength and stamina. No, they had gone beyond their limits, pushing themselves truly hard to try and master new skills. It made me both proud and worried, as they were both in poor condition. I can’t forget to praise Shaeula and Hyacinth too. Swimming back, I channelled a little more water element to send razor-sharp currents swirling around me, the maelstrom slicing up incoming predators. Earth is what, seventy percent oceans? There’s no way we can leave those resources or assets alone.

As I closed in on the shore, Shaeula waved at me, welcoming me back.

“Well, did-did you profit?” she asked, and I showed off my haul, a glittering three dozen Etherites, including a pair of green ones.

“Yes, the ocean is a treasure trove, even if the danger is great. I levelled up as well.”

“That’s lucky.” Shiro sighed, also coming over, followed by Eri and Hyacinth. “I’m supposed to be a Candidate, as you call them, yet I’m the only one who has a damn level cap. Aki, that’s just not fair.” She puffed out her cheeks adorably, pouting, and I had the brief, amused thought that if the gang could see the cold, aloof Shiro acting so… well, so cute, they’d likely be shocked.

“Well, any time you want to raise your cap, we can.” I suggested, only for Eri to turn to Shiro, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

“You see? Akio just wants to sleep with you. He’s phrasing it like he’s doing you a favour, but secretly he wants to indulge, I know it.”

Before I or Shiro could answer, Shaeula burst out laughing. “Really, Eri? You who-who seduced Akio first and always craves physical intimacy would say such? Your words, they do not-not have much persuasiveness.”

Eri flushed. “Well, that’s because Akio was too shy and gentlemanly then! He didn’t really see me as a woman, just a little sister to protect! I had to be bold to shatter that image. That was then, this is now!” she paused, taking a breath to steady herself. “Well, I get it. I do. You want to have your first time when you feel a hundred percent, when you are as beautiful as you want to be. I still remember that nice penthouse suite in Las Vegas, the night so beautiful. I knew it was time. But… how about the way the Fae do it? That usually gets a Rank in Lovers’ Link, right? It did for all of us.”

Hyacinth nodded, but Shaeula dashed her hopes. “I do not-not think that is possible.” Her eyes shone a brilliant amber. “Shiro, your chakra network is rather-rather distinct. It has many strange features, but it lacks a lunar chakra. Without that, I do not-not see how the sharing may be done.”

“Ugh, way to make me feel inferior.” Shiro continued to pout.

“I don’t think your network is in any way inferior, just different.” I consoled her. “Anyway, it’s getting late and you are all tired. We might as well think about finishing up.” I looked at Shiro, nodding approvingly. “Your Silver Cord has thickened noticeably, and you’ve Ranked it up to 2. Good job!”

“What about me?” Eri asked, and I investigated her as well.

“No breakthroughs yet, but I think you are close.” I could observe her network and cord in detail, and they were definitely pushing noticeably more aether through her body, though I could see from the numbers she hadn’t managed to Rank up. “A day or two more of hard training and I think you’ll breakthrough. I’m hoping it being higher Rank might stabilise the chaos that your network is now.” I paused, a little guiltily. “But we need to do another round of Ether Healing training first.”

Eri shuddered at that, but her face was resolute. “I hate that. But I want to get better, and I know it’ll help. I suppose it’s too much to ask the twins for help with that.” She sighed. “I’m a bad girl for even thinking I wanted to share this pain, especially after what they’ve been through.”

“I don’t know. Ren-san was tougher than we gave him credit for, and his sisters seem like brave little fighters. They might be back sooner than we think. But if they do genuinely want to quit, of course I’ll honour that. Anyway…” Shaeula and Hyacinth were next, and neither had Ranked up, though that was to be expected, as they were working towards higher Ranks. Besides, considering how long it took me to Rank up some of these skills, seeing them do it so quickly does sting a little…

“It’s damn inconvenient that we don’t have any way to check our skills.” Shiro sighed, sitting down, exhausted. “Can’t you focus on teaching us those, Aki? Well, it’s not terrible having you oversee our progress, but…”

“Sorry.” I apologised, holding in a smile at her hints of tsundere. Despite her protests, there’s definitely a touch of it in her personality. “I got Examination skills to start with, but I don’t know how I’d teach anyone else them. Tan, surely the pantheons had similar methods of determination?”

Shiro’s eye flashed ruby as Tan took over. “We do indeed. I myself can roughly gauge a person’s strength and skills through their ether.” She licked her lips, well, Shiro’s, and continued, “I can also smell and even taste the calibre of a skill. It is how I know you would be such a divine way to quench my thirst.” The hungry look she was giving me was disconcerting. She then laughed bitterly. “Have no fear. I cannot eat you now, much as I would wish to drink in your essence. As to these exact numbers, these… game-like measures…” she shook her head in denial. “World Tree is fascinated by knowledge, they likely have a way. Some of the other pantheons too. We merely use colours to mark Rank. It works adequately. Most wish their exact strengths concealed anyway.”

I agreed with that. Shaeula then spoke up, as Hyacinth, exhausted through she was, was busily preparing drinks and snacks for us. I need to remember to show her some affection later.

“You know games?” Shaeula smiled. “Fascinating. I did not-not understand these things until I ventured to the mortal world. Though now I would not-not be without them, as they are rather entertaining.”

“Well, I have been with the princess for many months.” Tan clarified. “I would be a fool not to have learned from watching and listening. I could not hope to rule a world I did not understand. Besides, there are worlds with technology greater than yours within the pantheons, I said so mere hours ago, remember?” she said, a touch huffily. “Though most technological worlds do not endure to reach the higher Astral, I admit. Too hidebound and stubborn, and Material laws yield to Astral. While technology and culture spreads between worlds of a pantheon, many distrust such Material ways. Therefore I had heard of such things, but until now had little detailed knowledge of them.”

“Really? Well, I suppose in a way that makes sense. I get a bit uncomfortable when my abilities seem to break immutable laws like conservation of energy, so maybe some scientific civilisations would outright reject such abilities. I’d think more would study them though…” I’m also not entirely convinced that the Material laws don’t apply. I’m no scientist, but I’ve heard of things like zero-point energy, parallel universes and more. The energy could be coming from somewhere, like the Astral itself… also… I had thought on this. Ixitt was combining the two, and Shaeula and I had benefited from modern scientific knowledge in breaking through with our elements, though that was obviously only a portion of the whole picture, else we would have been much higher Ranked now, most likely.

Shaeula seemed to think so too, as she looked troubled. Even so, she kept her silence, and after some refreshments and banter on more recreational topics, we left the coast behind and returned to the heart of my Territory. There I had a meeting with those of my advisors that were present, hammering out our expansion and defence plans. Moira, looking as stone-faced and austere as ever, was delivering a report, when Shaeraggo returned.

“… so, where we have reached the furthest extent we can claim, we have begun to draft kobold and dwarf architects and artisans to fortify the area. We hope to install Fae Stones and Warning Bells as soon as we have succeeded in conquering the entire radius, and…” Moira paused as Shaeraggo swaggered in, a smile on his face. For a moment she looked very irritated, before professionally standing aside.

“Brother, did you not-not learn how to knock?” Shaeula objected sourly, but her criticism did little than momentarily dampen his enthusiasm.

“Pay it no mind, little sister.” He said cheerfully, nodding an apology to the annoyed Moira, who accepted it with a dignified inclination of her own head, her black hair, neatly held in place by hairpins as always, glittering in the light of the lamps around us. “I have met with Primal Forest, and when I did-did tell him he would be meeting your… husband… my sister…” He stumbled over the word a little, but at least he had ceased scowling, like he was eating rotten food, when saying it. “… he was most interested, and agreed to a trade, though I could not-not get him to give me a hint as to the price.” He sighed, no doubt remembering how his own finances were gouged at the purchase of not one, but two pairs of Ring Gates.”

“Great.” I agreed. “You’ve done good work, brother-in-law.”

“Yes, I am quite-quite impressed. Perhaps you are growing up, brother.” Shaeula also approved.

With a complicated expression on his face, half happiness, and half chagrin, we hashed out the details, and agreed I would meet Primal Forest when I next dived into the Boundary, at the Spring of Clear Reflections. Apparently Shaeraggo had kept this a secret from everyone, as he didn’t want his father, Prince Shaetanao, to barge in yet, our first meeting having to be in a rather more… private… setting. Which I totally understand. Meeting Shaeraggo and Shaeranna was trial enough…

“That should not be an issue.” Shaeraggo explained. “Primal Forest, like most-most Fae, has a loose sense of time. Waiting a little while will not phase the old tree.”

“Right. I’ve too much to do in the aftermath of the mess in Kyoto to spend the day here as well.” Keeping track of time was somewhat easier during the slowing, as it was coming close to a one to one correlation, and even the lower Astral was slowing, though not as much. That reminds me… perhaps next time we should train at the rebuilt mansion. The higher ether density and greater time dilation might make for a better training environment. I think they’ll be able to take the higher ether pressure…


Leaving Eri and Shiro to get some actual sleep, not wanting to push their broken bodies too far, Shaeula, Hyacinth and I got dressed and headed out into the morning sun. Greeting me there with a yawn was Trey, who was standing guard along with Lieutenant Nakano, the two of them seemingly having arrived from Kyoto overnight.

“Rough night?” I asked sympathetically, and Trey shrugged.

“All part of the job, man. Besides, I had to be here now, since Luciana is bringing the remainder of the Black Wolf in today. I got word they have just arrived in Japan, where the military met them. I let Aliyah grab some sleep, my sister can be a bitch when she’s tired, and we don’t need the hassle today.”

“No kidding.” The Lieutenant laughed. “Anyway, you have a lot on your schedule. But just so you don’t worry, we have soldiers in Nishimorioka keeping an eye on your family, along with those noble security goons. Around all the shrines where there were casualties too. We can’t stop all the leaks, but we can at least stop shit spreading.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” I said, and his smile was mocking.

“I bet you do. Just like we’ll appreciate your next batch of Special Forces you do Chirurgery on. They’ve been drawing lots on the order, sounds like they are all pretty hyped after seeing their comrades outperform them in tests. And that’s not all…” he grinned, but wouldn’t be drawn into saying more. “I’ll let your secretaries fill you in.” he clammed up, clearly amused at something.

I wonder what he means. With that, I entered the office, to see Karen-chan, the guys, and also Haru-san, all looking flustered.

“Hey Haru-san, you got back all right?” I asked, and on hearing my voice, everyone was looking at me hungrily, like I was some sort of fresh meat. I then realised there was someone else in the room, my Chinese tutor, the fussy-looking older gentleman.

As Tanaka-san hurried to put on some tea, helped by Hyacinth, Karen-chan spoke first. “Akio-kun, I know I should be getting used to these important people who keep calling, but it’s hard, you know!” she complained. “I’m just a personal assistant, a secretary! I’m not cut out for this.” She let out a long sigh as Haru-san silently patted her on the back comfortingly, her expression sympathetic.

You know, as horrible as Kyoto was, at least some good has come from it. Haru-san seems a little brighter, a touch more confident, maybe? Perhaps the thought of finally having a Territory, becoming a genuine Candidate in her own right, has helped focus her mind?

“So, I surmise something has occurred, yes-yes?” Shaeula asked, curious, and Karen-chan nodded.

“Well, I had a call from Tsumura-sama…” she paused. “Not your pretty fiancée number one million, or whatever number you’re at now.” She sassed me, feeling both comfortable enough with me as her boss, and also stressed enough, to do so. “No, her grandfather. With the schedule for meeting the newcomers from abroad, those mercenaries.”

“Yes, Treyvon said that was today.” I agreed. The training school also starts up again this evening after school finishes. Hinata said she had some rich foreigners who need Ether Healing too. Damn, I am going to be very busy. I wonder how many will attend tonight, after… after the deaths.

“That’s far from all.” She said. “I also had a late-night call from the secretary to the Prime Minister, since he couldn’t get hold of you, since you were over in that other world, the Boundary.” She continued. “The Prime Minister wants you to call him as soon as you can. Like, right now!”

“The Prime Minster? Call him directly, not his secretary?” I queried.

“Yes, that’s what I said! This is bad for my nerves. If I make a mistake on the job, I’m going to upset plenty of important people…”

“You’re doing just fine.” Haru-san soothed. “Our master owes us a reward. I may be dead, but I still deserve compensation. You too. Why don’t we go drinking later, just the two of us? On Akio-kun, of course.” She grinned.

“Master?” Karen-chan spluttered. “Oh, right. Yes, I guess to you he is…”

I half-listened to their banter, pleased to hear more liveliness in Haru-san’s tone, a little surprised she’d volunteer to go out with just the two of them. I’ll definitely pay for their night, no question. Soon my phone was answered, and I was greeted by the Prime Minister, Abe-san.

“About time you called, Oshiro-san.” He said with no preamble. “We have a situation. Another one.” He complained. “You see your Chinese teacher there? You bragged you were able to learn fast, right? Well, prove yourself. Every second you aren’t spending with work today, learn.”

“Why the rush?” I asked, and he snorted bitterly.

“Two matters. Only one of which I dare speak of over the phone. You never know who might be listening. Damn Americans.” He complained. “Let’s just say I need you to pay particular attention to any Chinese that might be helpful to talk… Cultivation.”

Cultivation? The term surprised me. “You know about that sort of thing?” I said, curious.

“Not until now.” He said, sounding like he had a terrible headache. “I’ve been using search engines frantically, checking Wikipedia, more… oddly enough my daughter had heard the term, even if she didn’t know much about it, and it turns out one of the undersecretaries read some literature on the side…  no, there’s no time for this. Get the Chirurgery on our Special Forces done as quickly as you can, then deal with these mercenaries, get them settled. Then come to…” he rattled off an address, and it turned out to be a secure military facility on the outskirts of Tokyo.

“All right, I’ll be there.” I promised, taking a deep breath. Yeah, this is going to be a busy day. No rest for the wicked, as my mom would say, it seems…


“… so, if anything feels out of the ordinary, or the pain becomes unbearable, do alert someone. Just because the Chirurgery has always been safe before, that doesn’t mean somebody won’t have side-effects.” I warned the man before me, who was merely wearing his underwear, which wasn’t strictly necessary now my Eye had improved, but the Special Forces didn’t seem to mind, not even the few women who were being attended to by Shaeula, who only wore sports bras and comfortable, extremely unsexy panties.

“Yes sir, I understand!” the soldier said, saluting me, sweat dripping from his body, the faint tremors of the pain he had endured remaining. As he left and the next soldier took his position in front of me, my Chinese teacher was constantly saying new phrases, which I would memorise and repeat back, occasionally being asked a previous phrase or combination of several, which I answered flawlessly, the teacher continuing to be shocked. Though what was more shocking is that as I learn Chinese, Shaeula seems to understand it as well. It’s extremely strange.

I began my work on the next soldier, ignoring his groans of pain, constantly parroting what the teacher was telling me, committing it to memory. A lot of the terms were ones I had only heard Japanese translations for, things like Dao, Realms, Dantians and other strange, yet slightly familiar terminology. The teacher couldn’t hide his puzzlement at the request, and I was a bit confused myself. I need to learn Chinese quickly, especially around Cultivation? Does that mean… are Cultivators real? Or are some Divine Favours Cultivation-related? Or… yes, it’s probably that.

The only reason I could think of was that there was a Chinese Candidate we had somehow captured. The location I was asked to go to was suspect, and this sudden rush… It seems a risky move though, especially after what the Americans tried… well, I’ll soon see.

The morning passed like a blur, and there was a flurry of extra lots drawn, as with Shaeula’s help and my noticeably strengthened aether reserves, we were able to do significantly more Chirurgery than planned. One more day should see Special Forces completed, though I guess they’ll try and persuade me to expand my work to military personnel where reflexes and stamina is vital, such as fighter pilots. I certainly can, but… well, I’ll need some concessions.

Once we had quickly washed ourselves off, the extreme mental concentration trying, we were in a transport vehicle heading towards Tsumura-san’s base, Aliyah, Trey, Manx and Travis accompanying Shaeula and me, along with the Lieutenant, and the now somewhat-afraid Chinese tutor, who I was starting to feel a great deal of sympathy for, as he continued to drill new words, phrases and language rules into me. The poor man. He even had to continue shouting through to me while I was showering…

“Fuck, it’s creepy how quickly you learn.” Aliyah cursed, the few hours of sleep she had snatched obviously not helping her temper. Though, I still remember she was useful when the disaster in Kyoto happened. I guess when she needs to she can turn it on. As expected from a top mercenary, I suppose.

“It’s purely a matter of numbers.” I shrugged, before committing the next set of phrases to memory. “My processing power and memory are insane. Of course, it doesn’t help so much with abstract thinking, like relationships, but if it needs calculative abilities, I’m fine.”

“The whole world’s going mad. If we can’t compete with people like you, then there’s no point to us anymore.” She sighed, hair beads jingling as she shook her head bitterly. “And shut up Trey, I get it, I do! I’m just venting. I know that’s why we had that painful treatment shit they do. I already feel faster, smarter and stronger. Though it’s nothing compared to these monsters.” She said, her tone grim.

“For now.” Shaeula answered, amused by her irritation. “Aliyah, you would do well not-not to think so small. Otherwise, what use do you have to us? We are shouldering your lives, and the lives of your comrades, and paying them quite-quite well, are we not-not?” her gaze was fierce.  “If you are of no use, then we should…”

“Yeah, I know.” She interrupted, frustrated. “When it’s time for shit to go down, I’m your woman. Fuck, I’m even a little grateful, much as it tears me up inside. But we are mercenaries, not good little soldier boys like him over there.” She nodded at Lieutenant Nakano. “If you want polite words and ‘sir, yes sir’ then you’re damn well out of luck!”

“As it happens, I’m not the most respectful of soldiers.” The Lieutenant grinned. “If it wasn’t for all this, my career path would have stagnated.”

The talk continued along those lines, until we reached the compound. We were waved through by numerous armed soldiers, the place having a heavier guard than ever before. Soon, we were seated in a large gymnasium, nearly a hundred people lined up, their ethnicities and skin tones varied, yet all looked foreign, exotic. At the front was someone I recognised, having met her in Las Vegas briefly. On seeing Aliyah and Treyvon, her tense expression loosened.

Beside us sat Tsumura-san, Motoko’s grandfather, as well as several ranking military officials. “So, these are the Black Wolf Company members who remained after accepting your offer.” He said. “They have all passed the background checks. We have had to be noticeably more careful than usual, due to the current circumstances. Besides…” he looked at me, his gaze fierce. “As a grandfather, I cannot help but worry.”

“I get it. Motoko will be safe with me, I promise.” I reassured him. “Now then…” I turned back to Luciana, who was leading the group. “Luciana, it’s been a while.”

Her gaze strayed to Treyvon, who nodded to her. Taking a deep breath, she replied, smiling as best she could, despite her nerves. “Ciertamente, it has been. I… hope there are no hard feelings?”

“Hard feelings? Well, I have my complaints, but… it’s all water under the bridge, right?” I turned to Trey and Aliyah. “Well, why don’t you two start things off?”

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