On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Ten – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Side One Hundred And Ten – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Once inside the Boundary, I was greeted with the kami Chairo, the brown dog of the mountains, and his canine followers. I found it hard not to giggle at the amusing appearance of the dogs, wearing their comically oversized hats and some even wore strange capes that looked a bit like a poncho. I mean, I’m not particularly fond of dogs, but I’m not as scared of them as my bro and Eri are. Though I don’t think there are many dogs that can threaten my bro anymore…

“Grr, welcome back, child of the shrine.” Chairo growled at me. “Will you be seeking our assistance again?” He tilted his head comically, tongue lolling out. “I do not see your comrade, the other daughter of this shrine, grr.”

“Yeah, Eri won’t be returning for a while, so it’s just me.” I answered, feeling a little lonely. I have to shake it off. It’s only for now. Besides, Eri managed alone when I wasn’t able to enter with her. “I don’t think I need your support, but my bro will worry if I don’t take you up on it.” My excitement was bubbling up, and I closed my eyes, concentrating on the Divine Favour within me, picturing it as a sparkling mixture of golden and indigo light, much like the sunlight element I had obtained.

“Come forth, Golden Warriors!” I declared, feeling aether flooding from me. I could hold a lot more within me now, but it still wasn’t enough to fully utilise the power I was given. Even so, four golden statues appeared, golden women carrying various weapons. One that looked a bit like Eri had an axe, while another resembled Shaeula somewhat, with a thin, rapier-like sword. A third carried a great shield, while the fourth was holding a brutal-looking spiked mace. Those two look a bit like Rika-chan and Yae-chan. Maybe they were on my mind?

“Such a summoning, grr!” Chairo barked, surprised. “You have grown strong, daughter of the shrine.” He sniffed me, and I dropped back so that none of his drool got on the leather jerkin my bro had made for me. “That power, grr, it is of a God far beyond me. You now follow your brother, I see.”

“I do!” I couldn’t help but smile, forgiving the kami for nearly soaking me with drool. Yes, I’m walking with my bro now. Or I will be, when I catch up… “Like brother, like sister, right? Well, I need to test out my new abilities, so if you could let me know if there are any enemies that threaten the shrine, I’ll go take care of them!” I pumped one fist, psyching myself up as I would before a volleyball game, and then drew my bow, the brilliant, ruby-red weapon I had received from Shaeula’s brother. Well, it was really from my bro and Shaeula, I suppose.

“Very well, grr. There are those who have wandered in from neighbouring Territories, who seek to claim this shrine, or prey upon us, grr.” As Chairo explained his foes, supposedly some rather large walking trees, and their locations, I idly toyed with my bow. I want to challenge Shaeraggo again. Sure, he kicked my ass, showing me I’ve still got a long way to go, but you learn more in defeat than victory, right? Besides, he did give me some helpful pointers as well… I truly loved kyudo, so being able to put it to use in arenas other than sport was thrilling for me. As the kami finished up, I nodded, eager to get started.

“All right then, doggies, lead the way!” I declared, and four of the adherents of Chairoakitara shrine raced ahead of me, leading me up into the mountains, and I stifled another giggle at their antics. I followed, marvelling at the ease in which I was running over the rough terrain, my movements agile. The four golden girls stomped after me, their feet crushing smaller rocks and strange plants underfoot. The mountains in the Boundary were home to lots of unpleasant creatures, many of which seemed to be giant insects and arachnids, and I soon caught sight of one, a spider the size of a car, spinning webs across the paths between trees. Yellow, compound eyes blinked at us, and it hissed, venom dripping from oversized fangs that were like knives.

“Yuck. Disgusting. I’m not scared of bugs, but I do hate them. Well, time to try out my skills.” I was an Archer of Light now, so I had to try and see what that meant. I remember bro saying I could add flame or light into my arrows, or create them myself. I guess I’ll do it like bro would. Experimentation!

Drawing an arrow from the quiver I had been given, I fitted it to the bow, flaming yellow energy springing to life. I then tried to add my own flame to that. Before, when I first learned it, in a way that made bro really mad, I found it pretty hard to control, but now it seemed far easier, and soon the arrow was blazing, my face feeling the heat. Yeah, maybe burning myself to understand fire was a little bit crazy, but it worked.

Moving through the stages of kyudo rapidly, as speed was important, as Shaeula’s brother had taught me, I made to release the arrow, before shifting my aim a little, as I instinctively had a grasp of the path my arrow would take. And… loose. Releasing my indrawn breath, the arrow left my bow, piercing the air noticeably faster than I had ever managed before.

The spider tried to scuttle away, crossing the web rapidly, but my aim was true, and the arrow pierced deep, purple ichor spilling as the spider wailed. Flame flared, and suddenly the spider exploded, burning flesh and chitin consumed by the yellow blaze. “Nice.” I remarked, sending another arrow out to end its suffering, the arrow piercing the spider’s head, before another explosion of flame mushroomed. Silver ether scattered, sucked into my body, and I started circulating it around my chakra network, it being far easier than ever. “I could totally get used to this…”


“All right, there’s the first target.” I grinned, looking down from my perch amongst some rocks, bow in hand, golden warriors behind me. The walking tree was towering some ten metres tall, with numerous bare branches reaching out like dead, bony fingers. The trunk was weeping green sap, from knotholes that could have been eyes and a fissure that might have served as a mouth. Even as I watched, some scuttling beetle-like creatures were snatched up by the branches and ferried to the mouth, which ripped open with a tearing noise. Bugs were shoved inside, still alive, and the trunk closed, the grinding of bone accompanied by more green sap, and silvery-red innards.

“Wow, Gross!” I declared, repulsed by the sight. Looking at the dogs accompanying me, I addressed them. “I can totally see why you want these trees gone. Well, I could snipe from here and be done with it, but that’s boring.” I had tested the flame abilities of my arrows thoroughly now, and I could successfully conjure a flaming arrow out of nothing and shoot it, though that did tire me out much more than using the quiver. “I want to see the golden girls in action.” I gestured grandly, despite there being nobody to see me. “Attack, show me what you’re made of!”

With my willed command, the four golden feminine statues raced forwards. The tree reacted, turning swiftly, only for the shield-bearer to ram the towering brute. Despite being only a fifth or so of the height of the tree, the impact staggered it, driving it back. Branches lashed down, clawing at the golden figures, only for the axe in the Eri-like statue’s hands to swing out and sever the reaching branches, cleaving through the thick wood effortlessly.

The rapier-wielder was piercing the trunk, ripping open bark and sending green ooze scattering to the stony ground, though the damage to the massive tree was minor. The fourth and last, however, had more success, brutal spiked mace crushing branches and wood alike, blasting crater-like divots in the trunk.

Yeah, this is awesome. I totally get how bro feels now. Battle is scary, but… it’s thrilling too. The warriors I commanded were surrounding the tree, the dogs from Chairoakitara shrine merely watching the battle. Branches flashed down, and the statues were taking damage, scratches gouged deep into their golden frames, but they continued to push, the shield-bearer blocking the worst impacts, while axe and mace continued to strike the trunk.

It was then the second of the walking trees crested the rise, this one even taller, maybe fourteen metres high, trunk even thicker. It bellowed, green ichor spraying, sizzling on the ground, and on a tangled heap of roots began to slither towards us, weeping knothole eyes baleful and enraged.

“All right, guess I should lend a hand.” I said, no longer content to watch my golden girls bring down the brutish tree. Pulling back the glittering golden string of my bow, I felt flame blaze into existence, droplets of yellow and red falling to the ground. Well, lets try light this time… I concentrated on the sunlight within me, pouring it into the arrow, and the yellow deepened, becoming golden, flecked with sparking bolts of indigo light. The arrow vibrated, trembling with suppressed power, and I went through the steps of kyudo once more, the actions second nature to me.

“My arrow… hits the target.” I whispered, releasing the arrow. Unlike before, it fizzed through the air, leaving behind a trail of deep azure. Immediately I knew it was one of the best arrows of my life, a feeling I hadn’t experienced often. Splinters the size of daggers scattered, pinging off the great shield the golden warrior was carrying, inflicting minor damage to the others. Moments later the tree shuddered, before it started to sag, the weight of the tall tree unable to support itself now a great gouge had been carved out of the side of the trunk by my arrow. For a moment it flailed desperately, struggling to remain upright, only for the mace-wielding statue to strike, and with one last wail the top section of the tree snapped off, tumbling to the ground heavily, branches shattering.

“... and my arrow definitely pierced the target.” I was grasping at the edges of enlightenment, but it slipped through my thoughts, vanishing like fog. The barks and warnings from the dogs snapped me out of my momentary reverie, and I blinked, seeing that the second tree was almost upon us. “Wow, I need to be more careful, I totally spaced out then. Can’t do that in the middle of a match, right?” Pulling back on my bowstring once more I fitted another arrow, and flame blazed. The shot was true, digging deep into the bark of the charging tree, flames springing up along the trunk. A second and a third followed, and soon it was struggling to beat out the flames with its branches, failing miserably.

Well, the golden girls are finishing off the downed tree easily enough, so I guess this one’s mine. Another arrow of light streaked out, striking where one eye was, blasting clean through the trunk, leaving a plate-sized hole through which the sky could be seen.

“Well, that one wasn’t as powerful…” I admitted to myself, my reserves of light element dwindling. “Though I have to be honest, I’m definitely a lot stronger.” Switching back to flaming arrows, aided by my bow, I landed an arrow inside the new hole, and flames started burning inside the tree, until it looked like it was weeping tears of golden flame.

I suppose I shouldn’t get too proud of being on target with all these arrows. It’s pretty hard to miss a target so large at this range… soon the larger tree was like a flaming pincushion, a score of burning arrows embedded deep, and my golden girls were engaging it, having finally destroyed the grounded enemy, the ether from it restoring a chunk of my strength, leaving me buzzing with energy.

“Wow, this combination is unbeatable!” I grinned, watching as my statues forced the towering tree back. I winced as one burning branch raked deep furrows in the golden armour of the smaller, Shaeula-like statue, rainbow ether scattering along with fragments of gold. “Well, maybe not unbeatable…” I amended. “But it’s still a good combination.” More arrows left my bow, peppering the tree, and it was starting to tilt to one side, most of the branches nothing but burning stubs. The shield-bearer slammed the tree again, while the axe and mace were hacking and smashing away, and the final, smallest statue was darting in and out, attracting the attention of the monstrous tree.

Ikuzo! Timber!” I shouted, first in Japanese, then in English, as with a final powerful swing of the heavy axe by my warrior, the walking tree collapsed, striking the ground with an ear-splitting cacophony. Flames were burning deeply within it now, and black, acrid smoke was drifting into the silver-streaked skies, though since there was little to no wind in the Boundary, it was a strange sight, the smoke drifting straight up in long, regimented columns. The golden girls were continuing to rain blows down on the fallen tree, and moments later, the flames must have inflicted enough damage, as the tree largely disintegrated, spilling a shower of glimmering ether, which I gladly absorbed, my body tingling.

I can feel it. Definitely. Jumping up and down on the spot, stretching and flexing, I could feel my body being more responsive. It was subtle, but I worked my body enough normally to notice the difference. I must be levelling up. Well, it’d be unfair if these giant trees didn’t give a few levels, right? Stowing my bow, I asked the dogs from Chairoakitara to lead me towards where the other walking trees had been sighted…


“Wow, an Etherite. I’ll take that!” I reached down and picked up the shiny orange crystal. Sticking it in the belt around my jerkin, I couldn’t help but be pleased. Bro’s always looking for these. It’ll make a nice present. Though it can’t compare to what he’s given me…

Following the dogs, we had defeated three more of the walking trees, though none had been as large as the first two we had defeated, being between six and eight metres tall. Again, my golden girls had taken the lead, holding back the trees while I peppered them with volleys of flaming arrows, with the occasional light arrow mixed in, when explosive force was needed. I had surely gained a number of levels, and I was eager for more. “I just wish I could see my own statistics. Not knowing how much I’m improving sucks.” I pouted, before brightening again. There’s no way anything can keep me down at the moment!

“Well, I think I’ll explore the mountains behind us.” I looked out across the jagged, rocky peaks. I had been there a few times before, as the fire element Eri and I had learned was gushing from the rocks there. The ants that had been occupying the site previously had been cleared, but the various mountains and foothills behind it were likely teeming with prey. “Might as well get as strong as I can!”

“Grr, are you quite sure?” one of the dogs barked. “You have safeguarded our shrine, is that not enough for you, grr?”

“No way.” I protested. “I’m going to keep going until I’m at least as good, no, better that that jackass Yamato-san. Otherwise how can I face my bro? This gift, sure, I was compatible, but that’s not to say others weren’t a better choice. But my bro chose me! I know why, my bro worries about me, about all of us. That’s why I want to reassure him, and shit, I want to prove that he was right to choose me as well, not just because of pity and worry, but because I’m badass, the right girl for the job!”

The dogs gave me quite the interesting look, a bit judgemental, I thought. Though expecting me to interpret the gaze of some dogs is asking a bit much… Still, there was no way I was backing down. My pride, both as a younger sister, and an athlete, was on the line. Besides, Eri managed with far less advantages than me. I concentrated on the battered and cracked golden girls, and aether flooded from me, their visages reknitting, the scars fading. When I was done, I wiped sweat from my brow, feeling rather drained. “Cool, so I can repair them using aether. Makes sense I guess.” Even though I was very low on aether, I wasn’t feeling like I was going to be kicked back to the Material, like what would normally happen. It seems that I’m constantly pulling in enough of a baseline of aether to keep me here for now…

“Right, come on.” I declared, pressing onwards, keeping my eye out for more Etherites. Soon we reached the area of flame element, and that made me pause for thought. I know bro doesn’t have any fire element in his Territory. So if I could contribute some… no, it seems premature. I know sooner is better, for Territories, as it takes a long time to build, from what he and Shaeula told me, but… just like that idiot Yamato-san, I could be robbed of my power and hurt bad if someone destroys my Territory, and I’m not staying in Nishimorioka forever… I could feel the ability to anchor a Territory, and it was tempting, like an urge that was hard to control, but I had to remember it was my bro who gave me this chance. Not Kannon. She didn’t choose me, she chose a moron. So I owed my bro, not Kannon.

Leaving the gushing geysers of yellow flame energy behind, after I spent around an hour drawing in energy to replenish my dwindling supplies, I continued to explore, my golden girls crushing the occasional giant spider or other nasty creature we encountered. Soon though, we started to run into trouble. Chittering ants the size of large dogs were gathering in groups numbering ten to twenty, and as they saw us they started to attack, several ants trying to retreat while the rest engaged us.

“Looks like the experience points have turned up!” I grinned savagely. The dogs from the shrine whined their displeasure, but I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. It’s definitely addictive, growing stronger, I see why my bro likes it. My first arrow pierced the head of the lead fleeing ant, slaying it, while my second ripped several chitinous legs from another, before a final arrow ended it.

“Go, my golden girls, crush them!” I urged my warriors forwards, and soon they were engaged in ferocious battle. The rapier pierced heads, the axe and mace crushed bodies brutally, while the shield held back my opponents. When there was an opening I unleashed an arrow, piercing my foes, and as the dead mounted up, I exulted as more and more ether was drawn into me. The only issue was further groups of ants were being drawn in. We were slaughtering them, but their numbers were increasing, and now we were up against sixty or so… I do remember from biology class that ants give off a pheromone when they die, to alert other ants…

Arrows were piercing the enemies with lethal accuracy, my instincts on where to shoot, what trajectory to pick, almost instinctive, and I wanted to try my luck against Shaeraggo once more. I didn’t think I’d win, but I knew I’d do better this time. One ant with garish red and black patterning on its chitin rushed at me, too close to shoot, and with a solid kick I flipped it over, allowing the dogs to savage it to death. Wait, the dogs… I had been swept up in the battle, and hadn’t noticed that as the numbers of ants were increasing, the size too, some being far larger and armed with savage, slicing jaws like pincers, the dogs had suffered a number of wounds.

“Grr, we need to fall back.” The bog barked, spitting a little blood, flank slashed, brown fur dark with red blood, silver mist rising. “Numbers of enemies are too great, grr.”

“Yes, but, we have the golden girls…” I said, surveying the battlefield, only to notice I was mistaken. Wow, shit. This isn’t good. Yes, bodies of ants were heaped high, dozens, scores of them decaying to aether, and I was getting stronger by the minute, but as the number and ferocity of the ants grew, the golden girls were unable to keep up. As I watched, the Eri-analogue with her axe stumbled, a leg mauled off by one of the larger ants. That ant died, axe buried in the skull, but other ants used that moment to attack, and soon it was limbless, golden arms snipped away. The smaller rapier-wielder was suffering similar indignities, buried under a writhing swarm of ants, and the other two were also hard-pressed.

I sent a few arrows flying, driving back the mob, freeing the small golden warrior, only to see it was also in no condition to fight anymore. Aether left me, starting to regenerate the limbs, but then a massive ant, bigger than any others, the size of a family car, trampled forwards, smashing the golden girl to pieces, a rainbow shower of aether all that was left.

Damn, I get it. I got too cocky. All right… “Yeah, retreat!” I declared, using my warriors to hold off the ants, drawing their attention, while I scuttled away, bow reaping a heavy toll on the ants, the dogs flanking me. I’m not my bro. I can’t take on armies. Not yet…


Opening my eyes back in the Material, I considered what I had learned. “Damn, the Boundary is still pretty dangerous, even here in Nishimorioka…” I muttered. I could hardly even imagine what my bro, Shaeula and Eri faced, going against the Night Parade. Standing up and stretching, I cricked my neck, working out the cramps. Though one thing is for sure. I certainly grew stronger. Nothing I did tonight was in vain. I learned, and I saw what the golden girls can do, and what they can’t. I may be better against a smaller number of stronger foes than a horde, but… next time, I’ll do better. I must have gained a few levels, maybe even a lot. Those ants… I’ll crush them. Their xp is mine!

With my mind made up to continue growing stronger, I smiled. “Sure, I lost today. But tomorrow… I’ll win!”

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