On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Ninety-Seven

Three Hundred And Ninety-Seven

“I’m sorry about my brother.” The man in front of me said, his face set in a frown. “I think father will certainly speak to him, so I hope you haven’t taken any unnecessary offense.”

Beside me, Miyu, still in her school uniform, and Michiru-san, also dressed in the elegant Hanafubuki clothing, albeit with a long red scarf covering the lower half of her face, both pulled strange, unpleasant expressions. Seeing that, the man in front of me, Miyu’s father Fujiwara Kazuhito looked at his daughter quietly. “Miyu, I understand you don’t care for me, but in front of Oshiro-san…”

Miyu tossed her head, her expression one I hadn’t seen since the first time I had met her, when she was desperate, angry and bitter, wishing that Ame-no-Uzume had passed her by. “My relationship with Akio is between us, and is none of your business, father!” Her tone was cold, and he winced.

Akio? Relationship?” His gaze flickered to Michiru-san, something none of us missed, and Miyu’s expression somehow became sterner. “You seem very intimate. Considering your tastes…” he trailed off, before continuing. “I admit, when father explained that you were one of the Chosen, I could hardly believe it. You’ve changed.”

“Or perhaps you simply never knew me.” Miyu shot back. Michiru-san looked like she wanted to comfort her, but in front of Fujiwara-san, she held back. “This is the longest conversation we have had in years. Of course I would change.”

“You’ve never respected me as a father, have you…?” he began, and she snorted, an inelegant noise quite unlike her.

“I respect grandfather deeply, as head of Fujiwara house. But when it comes to raising sons… I suppose I should be grateful I am not Honoka. If she was here she would be mortified…”

I cast my mind back a few minutes, to when I had been performing Chirurgery on a number of high-ranking nobility, as well as the next ten to join the training school. Mostly sons this time. Though there were those two sisters who seemed almost pathetically grateful, the older one shedding tears, and I don’t think they were from the pain of Chirurgery. Admittedly, they were both gorgeous… That aside, Honoka-san’s father, Fujiwara Hidemasa, a man who gave off a rather oily feeling, with his dyed hair and expensive suit that somehow made him appear older than his mid-fifties age would suggest, had been extremely condescending, and talked down to me as if I was a servant. He hadn’t even noticed Fujiwara Shige-san looking at him coldly. I was tempted to refuse him, I’m done taking disrespect, but…

I also remembered Hinata’s teachings. Always collect what we’re owed… Instead, I would extract some more concessions to cover my magnanimity. And Miyu’s father, he works for…

As I pondered that, I was putting a lot of my attention back on my second self, which was back in the Boundary again, training. The Tsumura Arts were deep and complex, even as a martial art without any added powers, and the more I practised them, the more I grew to enjoy it. I can certainly see why Motoko and Natsumi wished to preserve them… Unfortunately, the situation at this meeting was getting rather tense.

“Miyu, I understand. I didn’t want to be tied down by Fujiwara house either, so I blazed my own path…” he began, but Miyu snorted again.

“Blazed your own path? Father, you are an unpleasant man, but I never thought you a fool. You think your position and success in MEXT is down to your talents? How many times have people listened to you, or let your ideas pass, simply because you are grandfather’s son?” Her scorn was withering, and I was surprised. I do remember she told me she hadn’t spoken to her father in years. I never knew it was this bad. I mean, my relationship with my own father was complicated, but I knew he cared, even if he was bad at showing softer emotions…

“Really, grandfather spoiled you both.” Miyu continued. “But even Hidemasa-sama has a better grasp of his position than you!”

Miyu’s father froze, surprised, before his face paled with anger. “Daughter, you go too far! I understand you loathe me, though I have done nothing to earn your ire. You think you are any better? All you have is due to your lineage! Without our wealth and prestige, you would just be an ordinary girl, the sort of mediocre one that can be found anywhere, a commoner.”

I find that a little offensive. There’s nothing wrong with ordinary girls. My sis, Eri… Kana, even other girls like Hisano-san, Yae, Rika-san…

Miyu looked at me then, and her cheeks were slightly flushed, before she confronted her father once more. “You think I am not aware of this? I have had my tantrum, father. Though I have to shoulder a weight that you never had to bear. My life has been hard, but everyone has their hardships, and be it a common girl, a bodyguard like Michiru, or a girl living in both worlds like Hinata, there are always worries, hardships, trials. I had this pointed out to me, and it was a painful lesson. But I feel much happier for it.” She looked at me again. “But now, I do bear a burden that you cannot understand. Fortunately I was able to say the magic words, so now I do not have to carry it alone.”

“Magic words? What stupidity is this? I understand that you are a Chosen, and it can be frightening, but you…”

“You understand nothing, father. Not your own role, nor mine.”

“Your role? You would say that to me? You made no effort to do what a noble daughter should. I understand your… proclivities…” he looked at Michiru-san, shaking his head. “It isn’t uncommon, finding someone to comfort you, cling to… I admit being a noble daughter is hard. But you were supposed to be obedient, marry for the good of Fujiwara house and bear heirs. And now…”

“Noble? You claim you have given up the Fujiwara name, and succeed on your own merits, yet you demand your daughter acts as a noble, and sell her the same way? Pathetic.” Miyu said scornfully. As she did so, Michiru-san met my eyes pleadingly, and I nodded.

“All right.” I held up a hand. “Miyu, I get that you have grievances, but… this isn’t helping. As for you, Kazuhito-san… I can call you that, right? Since you are the father of my precious Vassal…”

He grunted an affirmative, looking sour at being interrupted by me, and I did understand a little of where Miyu was coming from. For someone that claims he’s free of the nobility, he certainly has the arrogance of someone who expects to be obeyed, which far outweighs his position as a high-level bureaucrat in MEXT. “Good.” I said mildly. I see why Fujiwara-san is skipping over his sons and having Honoka-san or her prospective future husband inherit. Though if the Chirurgery he’s now had helps him live longer he might not have to hurry so… “Miyu can’t escape her birth. Nobody can. A child born to a poor family has to struggle against their poverty, while someone born sickly and frail has their options limited. And someone born to wealth and privilege has to play their part. But that’s not to say Miyu hasn’t her own value.”

With my Majesty captivating him, Kazuhito-san was unable to look away, listening to my words. “Miyu’s love of Japanese dance, her piano… her grades at school, the fact that the other girls at Hanafubuki respect her as a good senpai and a polite kouhai. Those are all her own achievements. And more than that… she may have been terrified, may have wished none of this came to her, but she does her duty. She stands in the Boundary and she Dances for the Dawn, giving strength to her allies, and when the time comes…” I looked at Miyu fondly. “… I know she’ll Dance for the Dusk too, if it’s to protect others, and the promises she’s made.”

As Miyu looked down, embarrassed, I continued. “… so I think you should respect your daughter’s choices. Just like you chose to follow your own path, so has she. Well, her choices might have been limited thanks to being Chosen, but then, doesn’t everyone in life have their choice restricted by circumstance?”

“Father…” Miyu said, her dark eyes hard. “…it is too late to take an interest in my life now.”

“Miyu, I have always tried to do my duty as a father. But…” he tried to apologise, but she shook her head.

“Even grandfather arranged my fiancé, you had no say. If you wanted to be ordinary, you should have completely abandoned the Fujiwara name, taken me away, and lived a normal life. That way perhaps we could have been a family in truth, rather than just in name…”

“I couldn’t do that…” he said, and she smiled sadly.

“I know that. Fortunately now… there will be no marriage for me.”

“Yes, it was called off. It is good fortune the fiancé for you and Honoka-sama wasn’t announced publicly, so there is no shame, although, for you to be the Vassal of this man… what will you do? The higher nobility of the Fifty-Seven…”

Fifty-Eight.” She corrected. “Even though Hinata is Takatsukasa Hinata now, grandfather and Itsuki-sama declared that Fukumoto House met the criteria to be true nobility. Thanks to Akio here.” she smiled at me.

“The Fifty-Eight then.” he said, exasperated, and while he wasn’t as annoying and rude as his brother, I once more felt sorry for Fujiwara-san, having such sons. Maybe I can understand at least a little of how father felt now. I may have disappointed him in some ways… “Despite your lineage, interest in you as a bride has dropped. Sure, some would want to tie closer links to Fujiwara house, or please father, but… the better options have passed you by.”

“I hardly care.” Miyu said calmly. “I am a Vassal. I can hardly marry and be beholden to my new husband. You think that any noble son worth the name would allow me to spend my time obeying Akio’s orders? In fact, would any man be satisfied with such a relationship, knowing I will prioritise Akio’s will?”

“Obeying orders? Prioritising him?” he said, glaring at me.

“Oh please, father.” Again, her tone was cold. “You care about my wellbeing now? Akio is hardly unreasonable.” She paused. “Except for making me dance for many hours. It is almost enough to make me loathe dancing.” Her smile was gentle. “But it is true that I am bound to obey. It is hardly any different to the past of Japan, is it? Vassals obey their noble masters…”

“He is no noble…” her father began, and Miyu sighed loudly, frustrated.

“How foolish you are, father. You and Hidemasa-sama are definitely brothers. Even if you ignore that he will inherit Takatsukasa house through Hinata, in this new Japan, power matters. Political, financial and most of all, spiritual. And he has it all. So you should be satisfied that I am under his protection. A clever man would be taking advantage.”

I winced at that. Ouch, that putdown was brutal. It’s amazing that when Miyu gets angry or upset, her claws come out. I suppose she’s repressed a lot of hurt over the years…

“Seriously, it is best you remain uninvolved in the running of Fujiwara house, father. You are better suited as a bureaucrat.” She finished, and he visibly held in his anger after looking at me.

“I see. In that case… don’t you need a marriage partner, Miyu? If it was Oshiro-san here, then your conflict of interest would be eliminated, and you seem content to follow his orders, despite your long-standing distaste for men. Don’t you want children?”

“Perhaps in future.” She sighed. “But if I do, I shall speak up then.” Behind her Michiru-san flushed, possibly remembering what nonsense she had spoken when we first met. “As for marriage… that is for Akio to decide. The master dictates the life of the Vassal.” She eyed me, willing me to keep silent, so I swallowed my words that it wasn’t, or at least I wasn’t so inclined, or controlling. “Also, you should have understood his distaste for political marriage…”

“That makes no sense, what with the Tsumura girl, and Fukumoto Hinata…” he began, only to stop as his daughter looked at him with further disdain.

“Old news. It so happens that Hinata, Motoko-san and Natsumi appealed to him successfully in their own ways. If he did not find them worthy, then they would be declined.” She smiled at me then. “Otherwise, I find it hard to believe you could have resisted those Elves. Putting aside Moira, Soliteare and Bellaera are incredibly attractive, and have made it plain they are there for a political union, and have no complaints. Really father… Akio needs no further ties to Fujiwara house, instead we need ties to him. I hardly think he needs me, nor lusts after me enough to take me as a wife.” Her face turned pink, now her turn to remember her accusations on our first meeting. “If that was his intent he has innumerable options. No… do you not see your opportunity?”

“I’m not a fool, my daughter.” He sighed, forcing down his annoyance. “I just worry…”

“So you say. I have never seen any real evidence of that. But I am not here to argue, I am here to accompany my master. So…”

“I know.” He turned to me then. “The charity concert and festival is under purview of MEXT. It just so happens that I am one of the people in charge. I acceded to your request to place this Suzanne girl as one of the opening acts, despite her being an unknown. But other matters… I want this to be a success. And not just in terms of the stated goals, of soothing the populace, raising awareness and showcasing Japan’s strength.” He paused. “I admit, I was a fan of Arisugawa Arisu-sama…”

Arisu-sama huh? Well, that’s certainly apt. She’s definitely someone who commands respect. “I’m sure she’ll be pleased to hear that.” I said, and he continued.

“… having her reappear to host, in addition to being like you, a Chosen… it will certainly cause an impact. But…” he looked at Miyu, before giving me his attention. “My daughter is right. Thinking politically, what do you want to achieve as well? If you have any other requests I can likely accommodate them.”

Requests, huh? “There is one… I’m not sure how feasible it would be, and the people involved might well say no, but…”

As I outlined my ambitious amendment, Kazuhito-san actually offered some useful suggestions, and soon we had our ideas fleshed out…


“I am deeply sorry about that.” Miyu apologised.

“I too offer my apologies.” Michiru-san followed up. “As our master, you should not be drawn into our quarrels. It is a grave failing as a ninja. If I did not have to guard Miyu-sama, I would atone with my life!”

“Don’t be stupid.” I sighed. “You know that’s not necessary…”

“Then punish me as you see fit! I shall endure any punishment, no matter how painful or shameful…”

“Miyu, can you stop Michiru-san? Her delusions are running away with her.”

“Of course. Michiru, stop making Akio uncomfortable. If anyone should be punished it would be me, since it is my father and uncle who have annoyed him so. But he is kind, and would not blame us for our family and their rude actions, no more does he hold you responsible for Kozue’s ongoing disrespect…”

As they debated that, I went over the agreed improvements. To show unity, I had wondered if perhaps we could have a British presence, and it would be ideal if such was Princess Eleanor. If she was introduced along with Yukiko-san, it would have a worldwide impact, as well as calm the populace of both countries. It would also get them used to working together. If Eleanor and Yukiko-san, as well as Shiro and Shaeula, are four of these six Princesses, we need to get everyone on the same page…

As Miyu finally calmed Michiru-san’s mood, I mused about the other idea. Inviting some South Korean idols as well? With tensions between our countries high it might be a good idea to show that we can still pull together, with the Chinese threat looming… But what are we going to do about the incident that’s happening over there? It certainly wasn’t my problem from any reasonable standpoint, I couldn’t solve every problem in the world, but if Chosen ended up becoming reviled, feared and even hunted worldwide due to the actions of some irresponsible idiots, then that would cause me and mine a number of problems…

“I am sorry about that.” Miyu repeated. “At least I hope father was helpful? He is a weak, foolish man, thinking he has cut his own path through life with his own power. Does he really think that his suggestions do not get precedence because he is the son of Fujiwara Shige? It makes me feel foolish. Perhaps I am more like him than I care to admit.” As she looked saddened, I told her to cheer up.

“Don’t worry about it. I was a rather pathetic man myself in the past, running away from what I found hard to deal with, rather than confronting my issues. But like you, I changed when I got this power. So we’re quite well suited to be allies after all.” I promised her, and her gloom lifted, and she gave me a pretty smile, a relieved Michiru-san nodding to me approvingly.

“It seems so. But… I feel that with your Tree, my abilities are far less useful than before.” she admitted. “Perhaps you do not need my dancing…”

“Is that wishful thinking?” I grinned, amused. “Sure, we’ve done great work with Asha’s Tree and Shiro’s buffs and will continue to do so… but think of it like this. We’re spending a bit under two million ether rush building each Ether Spire to Rank four. We can do that, expensive though it is, and in a reasonable timescale it’ll be a profit for us. But what about a Rank five? Even the base cost is three and three quarter million ether. To rush build it is twenty-two and a half million. Sure, that’s in reach of what the Tree can provide, but… what about Rank six? Over a hundred and thirty million ether for the rush build? Sure, you could say that we can still do it… but it quickly reaches the point where it’s more effective to load four queues with them, and let them tick down over time, using the remaining queue to do other quick builds. And at that point, your dances can significantly shorten their build times, if we upgrade in localised clumps. So…” my grin broadened. “Don’t worry, my Vassal, you won’t be out of work any time soon!” No, just like these gacha games, we have to spend more and more for each upgrade, and it's not like we can just slack off, else we’ll fall behind, or when we finally encounter other worlds and other threats we’ll be easy prey…

“I am not sure whether I feel reassured or just weary.” Miyu said, the stress of the evening getting to her a little. “But suffice it to say, I will continue my dancing so long as you require it.”

“It’s late.” I checked my watch. “That ran long. Dealing with you nobles always does.” I smiled to rob that of the sting. “And I wish that was the end of my meetings, but I still have to check the details of the Pilgrimage route Yasuhide-san and Saionji-san are finalising, have a meeting with my account manager at Midas Gold, gather some information on the group Mary Stuart belonged to as well as possibly the situation in South Korea with Yasaka-san, and…” The worst task of all, one I’ve been putting off…

My face must have shown my regrets, as Miyu smiled gently. “There is no need to strain yourself. You are doing your best, and many people support you. I can go to grandfather if I need to…”

“It’s fine. But thanks.” I said, a bit touched by the younger girl’s kindness. “No, I was just thinking we have to come to a decision on Nie Ling soon. Though it’s not just us…” Eleanor’s situation is worse. She has traitors as well as a legitimate enemy… or is it? At least her situation is more clear-cut. Nie Ling may have done terrible things, but she was coerced, threatened, enslaved… ugh… I honestly don’t think there is a solution that is fair and offers justice to all. In the end, it might come down to the least bad decision…

“I think you should consider it tomorrow. You may be strong, but you are not used to the many burdens of leadership.” Miyu advised. “And while I have not seen it, I have heard of your new ability to split your body from Motoko-san and Hinata. Surely that means you are just working twice as hard?”

I winced. Guilty as charged. Even now I was going up against a score of the Black Wolf Company with training weapons, continuing to try and refine my Tsumura Arts into something usable.

“… bastard, I’ll get you next time…” Aliyah was panting, lying on her back, her large chest heaving as silvery steam rose from her dark, coffee-coloured skin, some blood on her face where my practice sword had nicked her. All around us lay defeated mercenaries, while Trey was launching an attack from my blind spot, while Travis and Luciana were distracting me. Luciana is a fiend with that knife, she’s got a lot of natural talent…

As Trey was sent flying, since I had no blind spots when I used aether to expand my vision, I continued talking to Miyu. “I’m afraid so. Ideally, having two bodies should have halved my workload, but instead now I can just be more efficient at getting things done. There really aren’t enough hours in the day for me right now…”

“Michiru, seize him!” Miyu ordered, surprising me, and the ninja agreed, leaping forwards and grabbing my arm, as I was unsure of how to respond.

“I have captured him!” she said, suddenly winding her scarf around my wrists, binding me. It was futile, as I could easily have escaped, in fact anyone could have broken the scarf, though an ordinary person might have been surprised by Michiru-san’s many hidden weapons.

“Good. Akio, you should go home and rest.” Miyu advised me. “Part of being a leader is always taking care of your health and mental state. Grandfather knows this well. Father and uncle… please do not take them as a representative of powerful people. But if you break, it will cause trouble for those that rely on you, which in this case is the whole of Japan, no, not just Japan, but Britain too, no?” she lectured me.

“Fine. I admit all these meetings stress me out more than even fighting does, hard as that is to believe.” There’s just so much to plan. Sure, I’m delegating a lot to Haru-san and others, but… “I’ll take it easy for the rest of the evening, I promise!”

“In that case, Michiru, we shall lead him back to his home, otherwise he might slip away again, and find some other task to strain himself with.”

“A Koga ninja never lets slip her prisoner!” Michiru-san said happily. “You know, Miyu-sama, father has often shown me the reverse of this scenario. If I was to be captured and tied up, then…” As she began to describe what was essentially just porn with a shitty plot, I once more thought that the day I met her idiot father, I would give him a good punch in the mouth…


“I’m home.” I said wearily, Michiru having untied her scarf finally once we reached the training school, where she and Miyu went to their room to enter and practice. Since I was still in the Boundary as well, I knew that Eri and Hyacinth weren’t back yet, and I hadn’t seen Daiyu for a while either. I know Daiyu’s been practising her new Foundation, she might have returned for a break…

“Welcome home, Akio.” Eri called in from the other room. As I opened the door, I paused, greeted by a shocking sight.

“Does it looooook strange on me?” Hyacinth said, blushing furiously, and as my eyes took her in, her usual maid attire absent, instead her excellent figure wrapped in a combination of green and purple jeans and woolly jumper, I shook my head dumbly.


“No, not at all. You look great. It matches your hair, right?”

“See, I told you he’d like it.” Eri said smugly. Beside her, Daiyu was sitting, and she was wearing casual clothes as well. “So, the new house… it’s incredible.” Eri smiled. “I can’t wait for Aiko to move in.”

“Won’t she be staying with our parents in the other house?” I asked, and Eri laughed.

“Maybe. But they’re all on the same land so does it matter? But that aside… you look tired.” She said, looking at me, concerned.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I yawned, running a hand through my hair. “Mostly mentally exhausted really, getting physically fatigued would take some doing now.”

“Even if you can split your body and consciousness safely, stress accumulates.” Daiyu agreed, following along with the Japanese as best she could. “So Eri suggested…”

“It’s been a while. I was going to wait until I was fully better…” she smiled, lifting both hands, albeit one dragging a little. “…but after watching Daiyu…” her onyx eyes were earnest. “… I think I want to push myself. Besides… you still owe me that trip away together, right?”

I did agree that, but right now… “Don’t look so guilty.” Eri smiled. “I know now isn’t a good time. But… I’m tired of waiting.” And as she smiled, I felt the amusement of Ginneka in the bonds I was holding, and also… is that Tsukiko-san? It’s faint, but… I can feel her stirring…

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