On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Forty-Four – Mori Eri

Side One Hundred And Forty-Four – Mori Eri

“Are you comfortable enough?” Fukumoto Kenji-san, Hinata’s grandfather, asked me, a look of concern on his face. I’m not an invalid! I suppose it’s unfair to complain about him being kind though.

“I’m fine, thank you.” I said, still a little stiff with him, as I barely knew him, but he was Hinata’s grandfather, so he was almost a relative to me. And isn’t that a strange thing to think. But what’s stranger is I’m almost used to it by now. I suppose it’s because my days are so full there’s no time to concern myself with such things… “See? I can walk a bit now, but Hyacinth worries.” I flexed my legs a little. It annoyed me how stiff and unresponsive they still were, but it was a huge improvement, being able to walk with crutches, and my bad arm was able to grip the crutch and move me just fine. I wouldn’t have wanted to do any delicate work with that hand, as it still felt like I had sausage fingers, but just being able to grip and move it was such a huge relief.

“Ooof course I am worried. Akio worries toooooo!” Hyacinth said, sitting beside me. “But I knooow you are strong. Every day you get better, right?”

“You two have a good relationship.” Fukumoto-san said jovially. “I think that’s a necessity. But… I’m glad you are recovering, Mori-san. By the way, that’s a lovely dress. Designer, right?” he said, and I nodded.

“Yes, Hinata gave it to me. She’s been getting a lot of clothes recently.” I don’t normally wear such expensive, fancy dresses, in fact, other than my school uniform I prefer jeans. I’m not comfortable having people stare at me. Aiko is the same. But then I do want to look pretty for… Shaking my head I changed the subject. “It’s Hyacinth who won’t change out of that maid outfit. I don’t know why. Shaeula loves dressing up. Sure, most of her clothes are fancy yukata or western-style summer dresses, but on occasion she’ll wear other things.”

“This is my proooper dress.” Hyacinth insisted, looking down at her maid outfit, which was rather flashy but I admitted was cute. “Besides, this was what Akio wished fooor.”

“In that case, I should have words with him.” I tossed my head, but I wasn’t really annoyed. As the expensive foreign car was driven out into Tokyo, Fukumoto-san seemed amused by our argument.

“Yes, you definitely get along. As for the dress, enjoy it. After all, Hinata may have made the deal, but it’s Akio-kun who did the healing. A marvellous thing that. I can still hardly believe how healthy and young I feel.” He grinned. “It’s not just clothes too. Makeup, perfumes, champagne… LVMH provides everything. Though I suspect they might get more than they bargained for.”

LVMH?” Hyacinth asked, and Fukumoto-san happily explained, while I only half-listened. Some big French company. It’s not important. It is a nice dress though. Black and white…

“The makeup isn’t all that necessary. You all have such lovely skin. A perk of Chirurgery, right?” he grinned, his explanation done, Hyacinth only grasping that some important people were in debt to Akio, which pleased her. “Though it’s all very expensive stuff. Even with your youthful charms, now and then a bit of makeup can do wonders. I’m sure Akio-kun would be surprised.”

“Right now there’s no point.” I said, and then immediately regretted being so short with him. Mellowing my tone, I managed a nod. “Thanks for the advice though. But until I’m completely better, I’m more concerned with my recovery. I know Akio, that’ll make him happier than anything else.”

“I think you’re right. He’s certainly a man who cherishes those he loves.” He agreed, and as Hyacinth nodded, I cast my gaze out of the window, watching the streets of outer Tokyo passing by. I don’t dislike him, he’s rather like a friendly uncle, but… it’s awkward.

“Can I speak freely?” I asked, and Fukumoto-san chuckled.

“It seems to me you always do, Mori-chan.” He said rather informally. “But this old man isn’t so thin-skinned as to be offended, so go ahead.”

“I never used to. I always used to hide behind Akio and Aiko. But I can’t anymore.” If I do, then what am I here for? I’m already falling behind, but no more. I made up my mind… “So, don’t you hate us, Fukumoto-san? Your granddaughter, her situation…” I trailed off, unsure of how to explain it, but the sentiments were obvious, so Fukumoto-san merely smiled wryly.

“I can see why you’d think that. But I’m an old man who grew up in a different era. I’m not one of those nobles, who treat their daughters like prized horses, just for breeding and forming connections.” He paused, perhaps remembering that his daughter-in-law was one such. “Now don’t get me wrong, when I was a boy, arranged marriages were commonplace. Even now, it’s around five percent, so most people know someone who had their marriage settled by their parents. But that’s not what you mean, is it?”

“Sooo foolish.” Hyacinth snorted softly. “Mistress Hinata loooves Akio, and she likes all ooof us. Why worry? Compared toooooo our past sorrows, Hyacinth thinks everyone is far happier now. If there are tears ooor sadness, Akio will wipe them away, and if he alooone is not capable, then all ooof us together will work hard. Hyacinth… I love being here. I looove everyone, who smiles at me and what I dooo!”

I found myself with damp eyes, feeling hot. I sympathised with the girls that had suffered, so Shaeula, Hyacinth, Asha and Daiyu, I found it impossible to be too resentful of them. Especially Hyacinth and Asha, who had been hurt in ways I could never comprehend. And I hope I never have to. Hinata and the others were different, but I was getting used to them and our live together. There are hassles, but… Hinata reminds me of Aiko. They are both very forward, energetic and also kind. “I know, Hyacinth.” I reached out and took her hand. “But from the outside it looks strange.” I turned to Fukumoto-san, sitting opposite us. “The Fae all think in different ways to us. They don’t care about the things we do.”

“My son married a noble daughter. He hated the way that despite me building up Nichibotsu from nothing.” Fukumoto-san said mildly. “As for me… the arrogance of the nobility sure is annoying, but they have a long history and a great deal of financial power. Even so, in terms of technology, Nichibotsu is the equal of any. But my son couldn’t face being looked down on by them. When you’re an old man like me…” he said conspiratorially. “… the words of others doesn’t matter. As long as we were profitable, putting money in our pockets, I could live with the scorn. But my son, well, he was young. I doubt you enjoy being spoken badly of, Mori-chan?”

“I don’t much care. Let people say what they want.” I said, surprising him.

“I see.” He let out a dry chuckle. “You’re quite unusual for a young girl then, Mori-chan. Hinata is very sensitive to the opinions of others. It’s why she struggles with her place as a half-hearted noble daughter. Or at least she did. Things have certainly changed.”

“All she needs to worry about is what we think of her.” I repeated. “I can’t say I like that Ichijou girl very much. She’s not achieved anything herself, only borrowed her parents authority.”

“I see.” Fukumoto-san slapped his thigh, amused. “That’s exactly the problem with nobility. But there are some who understand. Fujiwara-san does. He knows that merely protecting what they have won’t work in the modern world. Especially now. As for achieving… isn’t that what Akio-kun is doing now, with the help of everyone?”

You mean… “Building from scratch? It’s not exactly the same, after all, he’s got the support of you, and those nobles, and even the government…”

“You think I built Nichibotsu without support? Nothing is ever achieved in a vacuum, Mori-chan. Even I had friends in power, even if they weren’t the nobility, who smoothed my path, and several other businesses aided me. But that doesn’t make the achievement any less.” He lectured me, which I would have ordinarily found annoying, but since he wasn’t looking down on me, but earnestly explaining, I listened. I do want to learn how to be more helpful. I should listen to those who have succeeded in life. Hyacinth was listening too, though I did wonder just how much she was taking in, judging by her slightly vacant smile.

“If you want the purest definition, I’d have had to do everything myself. That’s simply impossible. No. I provided the vision, the know-how, the drive… it’s no different to Akio-kun, right? He’s building a new system that integrates these new powers into Japan, no, not just Japan. The whole world. That Press Conference in London sure was shocking.” He looked at Hyacinth, who was there. “I especially enjoyed the way Akio-kun and Shaeula took charge.”

“It’s annoying. Everyone tries to tell us how to live our lives. As long as we’re happy…” I began, irritated, and he looked triumphant.

“I quite agree. Change is terrifying, but if we never changed, then girls such as you and Hinata wouldn’t even be able to get an education, Mori-chan. No, you said it yourself. Hinata is happy, and living her dream. How can I resent you all for that? Besides, you’re a friend to her, aren’t you?”

I nodded. “Yes, she’s very pushy, but she’s a good girl.” Conceding that point, I was rewarded with a grin. Yes, Fukumoto-san is extremely cheerful. Hinata must take after him…

“I understand.” Hyacinth said suddenly. “It is like hooow mistress Shaeula wishes to rebuild the Spring and reform the Seelie Cooourt. Having it handed tooo her is not what she wishes.”

“Exactly.” Fukumoto-san agreed. Our conversation had continued for a while, so now the car was pulling into central Tokyo, and the bay was visible, shining a brilliant blue in the weak autumn sunlight. “This Boundary is like a blank slate, right? If that isn’t building from scratch…”

“Akio is very happy.” Hyacinth giggled. “Mistress Asha’s Tree and mistress Shirooo’s abilities have combined to make him rich.”

“Hyacinth, you shouldn’t be revealing such…” I began, and Fukumoto-san agreed with me.

“Yes, keep your cards close to your chest. My Hinata believes the same. After all, not everyone is going to be friendly or supportive. While the nobility and the political elite currently supports your aims, they don’t realise just what they’ve done. Takatsukasa house is a sacrifice they are prepared to make to placate you, especially since Hinata is descended from Itsuki-san. But with such a foundation Akio-kun will build something that exceeds anything that has come before, and when they realise they are no longer on top, they will only have regrets.”

“You seem certain.” I said, satisfied.

“As do you, Mori-chan. And why not? Your husband is going to shape the world, assuming he chooses his allies wisely. And Hinata is part of that. As long as she keeps smiling and realises her dream, why would I complain? Her mother is happy now, but Kokoro-chan wasn’t pleased at first, marrying beneath her, as she saw it. You think that Hinata is just trying to gather Akio-kun money? Well, he needs it…” he launched as the car pulled up, and I looked out the window at the large two-story mansion, eyes wide.

It's beautiful. Is that…? “Is that the new house for us?” I asked, hardly able to believe it.

“No, that’s your parent’s house.” Fukumoto-san enjoyed my reaction. “Yours is a little further over the hill. It has a view out over the bay too. And it’s bigger. You are a big family, right?”

“Getting bigger tooooo.” Hyacinth giggled. “Soon mistress Asha will be able to join us. She will like it here, I knooow.” The hillside, a rarity in Tokyo, was filled with trees and plants, giving it a soothing, almost rustic appeal, despite the heart of central Tokyo surrounding it.

“The Jonan hills are certainly a nice area.” Fukumoto-san said, and as the bodyguard that came with us opened the door, not that we needed one with Hyacinth here, he offered a hand to help me out. I hesitated a second, before deciding it was fine, being as he was Hinata’s grandfather, and rather old. Once I was in my wheelchair, Fukumoto-san finished his talk. “… the money is necessary. After all, we got these mansions by paying well over the odds. I think if you knew just how much, you’d provably faint, Mori-chan.” He teased me.

I probably would. I still have my poverty mindset, as Akio calls it. Even this dress seems wasteful… “I understand the rationale behind the move. But Akio needs money for other things too…”

“Yes. But it’s not just money. It’s a web of favours. Really, it’s enviable.” He said, as Hyacinth started wheeling me up the hill. As we crested the summit, an even bigger three-story mansion came into view, as well as Tokyo bay, which was filled with a number of large yachts. It’s beautiful…

“If only I had such opportunities in my youth… but with political power and connections, including abroad… after all, Britain owes Akio-kun a great deal, and their most famous Chosen, their very own Princess, is in an alliance with him, combined with personal power on a scale that only appears in manga, and financial strength… there’s nothing stopping Akio-kun from building a dynasty that can rule Japan, if he so chooses.”

“I don’t think he has a choice. There’s a lot of ambitious girls beside him.” I said, thinking of Shaeula and Hinata. “But he’ll have to anyway, as he can’t protect us by just keeping quiet. Not anymore.”

“Yes, it’s all very medieval. In a way, everything’s changed back to the time of the Shogun.” He chuckled as we reached the door to the stunning mansion. “Now a single person can dominate through force of will and power, and just like the past, they can have as many partners as they wish.”

I had to laugh at that. So Akio is like Tokugawa Ieyasu, is he? I hope he doesn’t get to nineteen wives, but… I’m not confident…


“This is too luxurious.” I said, amazed. The balconies that looked out over both central Tokyo and the bay were wonderful, and it even had a basement containing the sort of amenities the training school did. The indoor pool was a bit smaller, but still more than enough for our needs, and the large living areas and kitchen were astonishing. “How did you even convince anyone to sell such a perfect house?”

“Like I said, paying well over the odds.” Fukumoto-san laughed, amused by my open-mouthed gawking. “And also by offering a favour. If the previous owner or his family are ever in need of healing, Akio-kun is on the hook for it. They can buy an equally nice house elsewhere and still have decent money left over, but money can’t buy health, right? Consider it an insurance policy.”

“This hooouse, may it be blessed with faith and good fortune!” Hyacinth said, and I felt aether flow from her. Fukumoto-san may have had Chirurgery, but he wasn’t trained, so he looked at her with some confusion.

“She’s a Brownie, or she was.” I said. “She’s a house spirit. A bit like a Zashiki-Warashi, maybe? So she’s very invested in the home.”

“This hooouse has a good feeling!” Hyacinth was ecstatic, her silver-violet eyes glittering. “I believe we will all be happy here.”

“Hinata too. For some of the week.” Fukumoto-san said. “I still find it hard to believe, that we humans aren’t alone on this Earth. But then, I’ve seen too much to deny it. So, what does this blessing do?”

“Ward ooof sickness, misfortune and sadness. The dwellers will be fecund and fertile, and the garden will bloooooom!”

“And that works? No, forgive me my rudeness.” He apologised to Hyacinth. “I shouldn’t be surprised by anything. Fecund and fertile, hmm?”

“Worried about Hinata?” I said, unable to hide my grin. “It’s a bit late if you are letting her live here for part of the week.”

“Worried? Not exactly. I’m a good judge of character, that’s one thing I pride myself on, I would never have built Nichibotsu from nothing otherwise, and Akio-kun isn’t the sort to mistreat a woman. Besides, when I was young, girls got married at that age all the time, and babies followed quickly. I’m not nobility, even if I’m definitely nobility adjacent. I’ve never liked the greenhouse-styled way they raise their daughters. But I let my son and his wife decide, it’s their business.”

“So you don’t have concerns then?” Eri pressed, and he laughed.

“Concerns? Of course I do. Hinata’s pushing herself, what with trying to manage her takeover of Takatsukasa house, the business with Mayumi-chan, her training and more. I worry she might have taken on too much… but then, building something from nothing is hardly easy or free of risks.”

I understand. It’s one reason why I’m going to try and learn lots of things, so I can help Akio and the others. As I nodded my head, I pointed this out. “That’s right. And if your business failed, it wouldn’t be your death, right? Whereas when Akio fails, he could die. Hyacinth and Shaeula too. Perhaps even Japan might fall.” I can’t see any of the others being able to defeat that terrible slimy toad they’ve talked about…

“That’s where you’re wrong, Mori-chan.” He disagreed. “A failing business could have meant poverty and death back after the War. It was a grim time. Japan has it better nowadays. But…” his expression was worried yet kind. “… it seems that war could be coming back to us. In war, nobody is safe. Just look at the bombing of Tokyo, or the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Women, Children, Elderly, the innocent and the guilty alike, all died just the same.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but Hyacinth beat me to it. Shaking her head as if to clear something unpleasant from her mind, she spoke. “Hyacinth… remembers a little. War is a terrible, terrible thing. Sooo many screams and cries, the hiding, the shaking. Wet face, boooth salt and metal.” As she trembled, I got to my feet. Without my crutches walking was hard, but Fukumoto-san put a hand on my shoulder to steady me, and I drew on all my stats to keep my balance. Staggering to Hyacinth I put my arms around her.

“It’ll be all right. You don’t have to remember it. It’s over.”

“Yes.” Hyacinth agreed, eyes moist. “The hiding, the tears. All over. But war… Hyacinth has been ooon both sides. The prey and the predatooor. I hate it. I like this.” She gestured to the house around us. “Seeing happy smiling faces, Akio and the mistresses living together in joooy.”

“You too.” I told her, and she nodded.

“Ooof course. Hyacinth too. At first it was hard.” she said to us, her expression wry. “I wanted tooo go back to being a Brownie, to tend hearth and hooome, but… sooo many years of hatred and suffering, sooo much pain. It changes you.”

I had heard Hyacinth say a little about her past, but she always claimed she remembered little, and nobody wanted to push her on it, least of all Akio or me. Even so, it was equal parts fascinating and terrible, hearing her tale, seeing the pain in her eyes. Beside me, Fukumoto-san was also at a loss.

“I gooot so angry, felt so much darkness.” She conceded. “But if ooone is cared for, one can gradually come to looove themselves again. But I can never gooo back to who I was before. Even if I dooo not remember most of the time in the hands of the Dark Maidens or in the booox, I remember too much. Thus I know…” her expression was serious. “… I will nooot allow those I serve, those I looove, to go down the wrong path again, ooor get hurt and suffer. Never. No.” she clenched her fists. “This home and all whooo dwell in it, including you, mistress Eri, mistress Hinata all the others… your family whooo will live in the other house…”

Our family.” I said to her, and she nodded happily, before continuing.

“… they shall all be blessed. I will make it sooo. Before I was strong in hatred, but weak in spirit, not nooow… now I am strong in purpose, and strong in belief.”

“It’s rather amazing…” Fukumoto-san said to us. “…to hear stories from someone of so long ago, who lived so long ago. You can feel the weight of years, of history. Of the mistakes made. I guess you aren’t any wiser than us humans, always doomed to repeat the same mistakes.”

“You shouldn’t talk about a woman’s age. Not even a Fae.” I chided him, and he laughed.

“That’s true. My apologies, Hyacinth. And my thanks. I’m glad you are looking after Hinata.”

“Ooof course.” She said, nodding. She then realised my legs were trembling wildly and scooped me up in her arms, carrying me back to my chair effortlessly, great strength in her slender arms. As I flushed in embarrassment, I changed the subject.

“Hinata isn’t the only one who wants to build. I do too. I thought about doing some internship or other at the Ministry. I figured I could work under Haru-san.” I said. “If Akio puts in a good word he could make it happen. I can’t just be a housewife, no matter how sweet that might be. I’d feel ashamed seeing Shaeula, Hinata, Shiro all working hard.” Damn, even Kana-san has become a different person, putting her all into the training school. I knew I had to be wary of her, but… at least as she is now she’s good enough for Akio… and far less annoying for me.

“That’s a good idea.” Fukumoto-san agreed. “But let me give you another option. Why not spend some time learning business too? I can find you a role at Nichibotsu. Nothing important…” he said dryly. “… but somewhere you can learn.”

Business, huh? That’s Hinata’s province, but it would be good to know more… “You know, that’s an interesting idea. I’d like to learn a lot of things, to work out what I’d like to do and what I can do…” Shiro and Asha have their roles. Shaeula goes without saying. Hinata and Kana-san. The others too… but I need to find my reason for being by Akio’s side. In the past I’d have been arrogant enough to say my reason was because I loved Akio, and was his childhood friend, but having seen Daiyu so happy, and so useful, I wasn’t naïve enough for that now. No, those aren’t reasons, those are just simple facts of life… Looking at Hyacinth, I decided if I was going to change myself, she was too. “You know, Hyacinth, I want you to do something for me…”

As she agreed instantly, as I knew she would, I smiled. Akio has it hard, he’s got a lot of tiring meetings today, so… at least he should have a nice surprise when he gets home…

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