On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Ninety-One

Three Hundred And Ninety-One

“I say this every time, but whoa, way to make us all look bad, Aki!” Shiro said, though there was touch of pride on her face, as if my achievements were hers. Which I can allow. I’ve only come so far thanks to everyone working together, and the next stage of strength relies heavily on her efforts…

“I don’t really get it, I find it hard to visualise.” Kana said, idly stroking the torc around her neck, thinking. “I know I feel a lot stronger, faster and smarter with just my own gains from the Divine Favour, but I don’t know my numbers to compare.”

“It’s like this, Kana-san…” Eri explained her own numbers, from the last time I told her, before the disaster in Kyoto, and Shaeula then jumped in, grinning.

“It seems I am the closest to Akio in terms-terms of strength. Though…” she looked at Hyacinth, who was constantly improving. “I should not-not rest on my laurels.”

“Strength is important.” Daiyu added, understanding most of our conversation, and having the rest translated. It makes sense, but she has been focusing her learning on concepts related to the Boundary, Cultivation and more, though that has apparently confused her language teacher a lot. Oh well, the pay is good… “But without talent, these skills as you call them, you are but a paper tiger, all sound and fury, no true strength. It is these which I am interested in. Especially this Silver Connection.”

“Yes, that one seems exceptionally valuable.” Motoko agreed. Looking at the Ring Gates, she realised the most important fact. “It means that you can effectively move between Tokyo, Kyoto and even London at will, and if Hyacinth can create more…”

“I can dooo it. I have understood just what to do. If Akiooo needs mooore, I will make it so!” she said, her silver-violet eyes now shining with a vivid purple sheen, sparks of the same colour dancing in her hair.

“…think of it. A hub, connecting every important country in the world. You would be able to respond to any incident within mere minutes.” Motoko finished, awed by the prospect.

“Poor Akio, he’ll be stretched thin, won’t he?” Natsumi laughed. “It’s amazing though. I think… if Fujiwara-sama hadn’t acted, then the nobility would be left behind, and would find their glory fading.”

“Thank me for that!” Hinata said happily, before glancing at me. “Though I suppose I should thank the fact that Akio, Shaeula and Eri aren’t good at keeping secrets. But you’re right. We’ll be working with more and more Chosen, right? Those from the JSDF aren’t bad, and from what I know, Saionji-san from the faith is powerful. But compared to Akio…”

“Yes, I doubt any could have saved me and my Tree, much less achieved this. But no other will enter my eyes now.” Asha vowed, her skin tinged a faint red.

“Of course, it’s not simply a matter of strength. It’s utility that counts.” Hinata continued. “Imagine if that could be combined with the Divine Favour of Laverna? Moving items the same way would have endless possibilities.” I could almost see her eyes lighting up as she thought about it.

“There’s something else.” Natsumi pointed out. “What does it mean that you can create a body?”

“I wondered that too.” Kana admitted.

“I love you, but I don’t want copies of you running around.” Eri said, shaking her head. “I never did like the idea of shadow clones.”

I was a little surprised at Eri remembering that skill from the old anime with the highly visible ninjas, but she had watched it together with Aiko when we were younger. I found I agreed though. Before I could say so, Daiyu spoke up, intrigued.

“Such cloning Techniques are written of in the scrolls and tags my Sect held.” She looked momentarily downcast, before her dark eyes firmed with resolve, her damp hair and clothes perhaps reminding her she had achieved a Foundation beyond her wildest expectations. “There are those said to be independent beings, while others are merely split bodies, that are controlled by the Cultivator. As Techniques go, they are said to be amongst the most esoteric and arduous to master safely. I wonder if even any from Kunlun, the Saints of old, were able to create them?”

“I have concerns.” Motoko agreed. “How would I know which is my true husband?” She also looked troubled, and the other girls agreed.

Yeah, it does sound like some ero doujin scenario. But it’s too potentially advantageous an ability not to at least try out. From the way it sounds, we’re connected, so I think it’s like Split Thoughts…

“While Eleanor, David and Raidre are getting the tour and it’s just us, I might as well test it out. I need a volunteer to go back to the Material.”

“I’ll go.” Kana raised her hand.

“Are you sure?” Eri asked her, and Kana nodded.

“I am. Even if it’s a copy of Akio, he’ll still be Akio, so he won’t suddenly attack me, since we have an easy-going, slow relationship. It’ll be fine, Eri-chan.”

“I’m confident it’s not an issue.” I reassured her. With that, everyone watched curiously as Kana disappeared, and I concentrated, and a shining silver cord rippled into existence, connecting me with the Material. This is a strange feeling. It is like Split Thoughts, just so much more… My eyes shot open, and a wave of brutal vertigo assaulted me, my mind trembling. As I paled, I heard the girls asking if I was all right, some of them taking my arms to steady me. Simultaneously, I also could see the Material, a newly formed body appearing. Oh damn, what about my old one? I’ve not left a corpse, have I?

“Akio, are you all right?” Eri was asking me, the words running at a faster speed than the movement in the Material. Separating the two was proving difficult, so I allocated more and more of my Split Thoughts to processing the faster flow of time, and the pain and dizziness diminished, even as sweat was dripping from me. Both of me. It’s not a clone, I’m actively in both places. The doubled vision, hearing, smells… that’s not something easy to manage…

Your Resilience has increased by 2.

Your Resilience has increased by 1.

Your Resilience…

A slow steady drip of messages was burning in my Eye, each point minor, compared to my overall Resilience, but every gain was welcome. Yeah, even looking at the damn Klein bottle wasn’t this harrowing. But…

“I’m fine.” I declared, at the same time I entered my bedroom in the Material. Fortunately there was the empty body of Shaeula, but mine had vanished, gone as it if it never existed. Matter can’t be created or destroyed, huh? Not true it seems. Although… Mortal Engineering did largely follow scientific laws, but mixed with spiritual ones, so perhaps taking into account the Astral as well, the missing mass or energy still existed, merely transformed. “This is a strange feeling. Definitely.” I said, as the door to my room opened again, and Kana stepped in. She looked at my Material form warily for a brief moment, before asking the important question.

“Akio? Is it you? No, I’m so stupid. I mean… are you a separate you?”

I shook my head in denial, while answering questions from the girls around me in the Boundary too. “No, I’m in both places at once. It’s disconcerting. Worse, time flows at a different rate, so it’s giving me a headache like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I see. I’m relieved.” She leant in and kissed me on the cheek, smiling. “The only you we care about is you. Even someone identical wouldn’t do.”

Hearing the same said by some of the other girls, I smiled back. “They are saying the same thing. Damn, this will take some getting used to. It’s way more intense than Split Thoughts.”

“I’m going back then.” She smiled. “Can I use one of the other rooms?” At my nod, Kana turned to leave, before turning back, her smile wicked. “Oh, and no peeking on me when I’m sleeping, all right?”

I let out a chuckle as she left, opening up my laptop and switching it on, all the while having a conversation in the Boundary.

“Motoko, Natsumi, can we spar?” I asked them, and they readily agreed. Soon I was clashing practise spears with them both, but my movements were slower and less coordinated, the simultaneous overlay of both realms throwing me off. Motoko even landed a hit on me, which just inspired Natsumi to try harder. Meanwhile I was scrolling through some Wikipedia articles I had been meaning to look at for a while, memorising the knowledge. Yes, in theory I can double my productivity, but…

“You’re definitely slower.” Natsumi said, taking a hit from my practise weapon, even as she landed her own blow. “Not so much in how fast you move, but your reactions are dull.”

“It’s no wonder.” I said, feeling like I was making an excuse. “I’m having to use all my Split Thoughts just to cope with the variation in time-flow, which means I’m having to tough it through the jumbled, overlapping sensations with pure Intellect. I can do it, but I’m bound to be less effective.”

“That’s a concern.” Natsumi said, and moments later Kana reappeared, giving everyone a pair of victory signs. She winked at me, and I knew she realised she was teasing me with her gestures.

“It’s all good. It’s not a clone.” Kana advised them.

“Yeah, and the Aki here hasn’t changed either. Though he’s flailing about like an idiot. I guess being some sort of hivemind isn’t easy if you aren’t used to it.” Shiro smirked, enjoying my discomfort.

“I believe you have to overcome this, and train until you are as effective with both selves at once as you are just as one.” Daiyu said. “A Technique is to be mastered, it must not master you. Besides, the benefits…”

Agreeing, I opened my mouth to speak, only for Shaeula to beat me to it. “Indeed, the best-best benefit.” Her smile was teasing. “Now Akio can easily accommodate another dozen-dozen females of worth!”

“Are you stupid?” Eri shot back, shaking her head in denial. “That doesn’t make sense! Though…” she looked at me then. “If you can be in two places at once, that does mean we can expect twice the time with you, right?”

“It’s strange that Eri-chan and Shaeula think in almost the same way.” Kana said theatrically, and Hinata giggled.

“No, it’s perfectly normal. After all, weren’t they the first two, and the reason we have our chance?”

“Look, I’ve not gained this ability just to spend more time with you all…” I began, and at the looks on some of their faces, I hastily amended my words. “… of course I’m happy it will probably work out that way, you know my biggest fear is I won’t be able to give you all the love and attention you deserve. But…”

“But it’s more about making it useful, right Aki?” Shiro said for me. “You’ve always been an industrious guy, even helping me out with my game. Although any man worthy of the title would give their right arm to aid a beauty like me.” She couldn’t resist her usual jokes. “But with this, you can still train even while doing other things, or even train two things at once. It’s a growth cheat to the max!”

“Assuming I can master it.” I said, blinking away another couple of notifications about increased Resilience. “But yeah, even now I’m scrolling through some articles and sources I wanted to read up on but never had time for.”

“Awesome, I want to test that.” Shiro grinned. “Anyone got an obscure question Aki won’t know the answer to, and can look it up?”

I spent the next few minutes doing various online searches, greatly amusing the girls. Shiro asked obscure questions about anime, manga and games, while Hinata asked for stock prices and data on the commodity market. Even the others got in on the act. When that was done, I was slowly starting to adapt to the storm of information I was pulling in from two separate places.

“There’s so many illegal and unethical things you could do with that, Aki.” Shiro grinned. “Sitting an exam and being able to just google all the answers for one. Or perving on our sleeping bodies while we’re here…”

“I said that.” Kana laughed. “Akio wouldn’t though. Why would he need to? Everybody here…” she blushed.

“Exactly. Good girl.” I praised Kana, rubbing her head affectionately. “It’s not that easy anyway. The other body is linked by the Silver Connection, so at least for now it has to be in the Material while I’m here in the Astral, and the opposite is also true. So we need to get the Treetop café back up.” I winked at Asha. “How else can I take you all on Boundary dates while I’m doing boring busywork on the Material?”

“I will welcome you any time, my husband.” Asha smiled soothingly, and after some more humour regarding that, I dismissed the Material body, the relief of not having to use all my Split Thoughts on it palpable. The keen-eyed Motoko noticed my stance was different, and after I explained I now wanted to test travelling to the Material in London in person, she understood why. Though honestly, while I do need to test that, it just feels so horrible using both bodies. I know I have to train it, but… not tonight. Too much has already happened and I’m mentally exhausted, despite my stats.

Relaxing with some of Asha and Hyacinth’s drinks, the honey and fruit meads and wines pleasant, we waited for the return of David and the others. It didn’t take too long, and judging by the expressions on their faces, our tour had the desired effect.

“Nice place you have here.” David sighed. “My confidence has definitely taken a damn hit.”

Raidre beside him was looking at Shaeranna and Shaeraggo warily. On seeing that, Shaeranna scowled, and he flinched. “You had best protect, must guard your Isle and the Gate my precious little Ula wishes secured. Understand?”

“By the salt and smoke, what a pain.” Raidre griped. “Of course I will guard it. Bermondsey isle is our home. And the Princess needs this alliance. I see that now.”

“Yeah, how come your place is full of all these powerful royals, and we get lumbered with Raidre here?” David slapped the Selkie on the back to take the sting from his words. “If we’d have had this level of defender, then the mad nun bitch, stupid redhead and nugget-boy wouldn’t have stood a chance, they’d be floating dead in the Thames about now.”

“Language, David!” Eleanor said, scandalised. “I apologise for him, he’s a rough speaker, but he means no offense.”

“We get it.” I said, waving away her apology. “It wasn’t easy to build up to this. I was fortunate, but I also worked hard.”

“Indeed.” Shaeula agreed and told the tale of how I bested her and forced her to yield, which was one of her favourite stories. She then went on to the Trial of Three, which left Shaeraggo looking chagrined at his attitude, and worse, Shaeranna grabbed him by the ear and twisted it painfully, before giving him a beating, for letting her darling Ula suffer such indignities, grave injuries.

“You have lived an interesting life since July.” Eleanor said, amused, even if her pleasant expression was cracking a little at the one-sided brawl between Shaeula’s two siblings. “I can hardly imagine how you must have suffered, without access to such boons as the Armour of the Green Knight. I feel rather shamed at my own worries and incompetence.” She frowned, remembering. “I think it is no coincidence you succeeded to this extent. It takes a certain willingness to risk oneself, and unshakeable resolve.”

“That’s right. Akio has always been like that!” Eri nodded, ears flickering. “Ever since he was a young boy.”

“From where I’m standing, you’ve done all right.” I consoled Eleanor, who was still feeling down and rife with melancholy about the betrayals and her own killings, even two weeks later. “You made the hard choices you had to. And it doesn’t matter how you start, it’s how you finish that decides whether you did a good job.”

“It’s how we finish. Yes, that’s true.” Her expression changed, to a genuine smile now. “And we have a long way to go until the finish, don’t we?”

“No kidding.” David complained, pointing at the Tree and the White Snake Earth Altar, surrounded by Silos and the glittering silver needles of Ether Spires. “We have a lot of catching up to do. But I’ve never been a quitter. Old man Arthur isn’t either. Nor the schoolteacher or our little Princess-lover. And you aren’t either, Princess.”

“I can’t afford to be. Not now. For the dead, and for those who suffered thanks to my naivety.” Eleanor also gazed up at the towering Tree. “And also, I have made the choice to give away some of what my ancestors have guarded. Until I see that was the right decision, there’s no quitting.”

“Excuse me.” Hinata interrupted. “Can I ask a question?”

“Of course you can.” Eleanor looked at me, pursing her lips. “She’s young, isn’t she?”

“Yes. I feel bad about that myself. But she’s of an age where she can make her own relationship decisions. I don’t feel she needs to justify her choices. Nor do I, except to my own conscience.”

“I know. I can’t say I approve of it, as a woman, but I am not a fool. I was just surprised. Perhaps I shouldn’t be though.”

“No kidding. Girls like strong men, men with power. I could tell you a few stories about my own conquests…” David began, but Hinata raised a hand.

“I’m sure they are fascinating, but I’d rather talk business.” Hinata grinned. “Besides, when it comes to conquering, look around. There’s a Faerie Princess, a legendary Dryad, a powerful maid, then there’s a woman possessed by a Goddess, girls from the nobility, another Chosen a mysterious foreign Cultivator… and a catgirl.” She smiled slyly at Eri, who made an indelicate noise but didn’t say anything. “And that’s just his fiancées. There are famous crafters, other Fae royalty and heroes, we have a trade agreement with the famous Night Parade of a Hundred Demons… our foundation is rock solid, so long as Akio holds firm.”

“I know this. I find it hard to forget when you all came to my aid.” Eleanor conceded. “At the moment of despair, hope blossomed. But what is your point?”

I know that smile. Hinata’s about to try and gouge Eleanor for everything she can.

“My point is, what’s your overall goal, Eleanor? I can call you that, right?” Hinata said, and under her cute smile, Eleanor agreed.

“I suppose so. Here I’m not so much the Princess as just another Gods’ Chosen.”

“That’s right. So, a question. Just what are you trying to achieve? Is it just protecting Britain, keeping it safe from danger? Or do you have ambitions to rule?”

“Rule?” Eleanor shook her head. “I may be a royal, but I was never comfortable in the limelight like Richard and Henry. I attended a few social events, it was unavoidable, but I mostly kept to myself. No, I have no aspirations to rule. Even in leading, I’ve been rather a failure, haven’t I?” her expression was rueful.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Princess.” David sighed. “I didn’t see the betrayal coming. I did have my eye on that bitch Mary Stuart, and I never trusted that fucker Max, but to think the ungrateful…” he ground his teeth, eyes flashing with deep anger and regret.

“Yes, but I was warned.” She looked at me, shaking her head. “I did take some precautions, but it wasn’t enough. I’m not cut out to be a leader.”

“We all fail. I did the same. I lost people too.” I told her about not taking my Foresight seriously, and how the yakuza attack could have ended tragically for Kana and her family.

“Yeah, that was seriously scary.” Kana shuddered at the memory. “But it was when I realised I wasn’t a coward, I wasn’t as selfish as I thought. It was when I made my resolve you owed me, and you’d be mine.” She met my gaze resolutely, and I shrugged.

“Sorry it took so long for me to stop being unfair.” I then continued, explaining about Yamato, and also the death of Tsukiko-san during the second Kyoto incident. Eleanor, Raidre and David listened in silence, before Eleanor apologised to me.

“I’m sorry. I should have expected you would have had your own suffering as well. Once more I was being naïve, lost in self-pity.”

“That Yamato prick, what an idiot. Though compared to our womanising little traitor, he was just a greedy fool, not a scumbag. But…” he looked at me, his face set firmly. “…everyone makes mistakes. As long as you own them, I think that’s fine. Shit, not even I win every fight.”

“That’s right.” Natsumi laughed. “Akio beat you eight to one, if I recall?”

“Yeah.” He admitted. “But he still owes me one, no two more rounds.”

“Such a power. Kin Restoration…” Raidre said, shocked. “I had heard rumours that you were born with a great power, princess, but that you were spoilt, arrogant and too weak to use it properly.”

“All true.” Shaeula admitted, despite Shaeranna and the battered and subdued Shaeraggo denying it. “But now-now I can use it flawlessly, as can Akio. Tsukiko will return. There is no-no doubt of that.”

“So, we got a little off track.” Hinata chimed in, her sly smile charming. “What I can see is, you care for your home country, as you should. Akio, he was born there, and his mother is British. I think you can count him as one of your own.”

“I do see him as British. I am not so foolish as to discount your love for Japan, your homeland for many years, but I hope you have a fond place for Britain in your heart.” Eleanor said to me.

“Of course. My mom, my grandparents Jack and Evelyn… they wouldn’t want Britain to be destroyed. Nor would I.” I confirmed, and Hinata continued triumphantly.

“You see? If all you want is to protect Britain and have it prosper, then look around.” She spread her arms happily. “Akio has built this all from nothing. He’s going to help you rebuild too, and form a mutual defence agreement. But is that actually enough?”

“What do you mean?” Eleanor asked, and Hinata waved her hands, illustrating her point.

“Why not go further? Instead of mutual defence, why not have a full alliance? If you want to rule, to be the Astral Emperor, you’re going to have to beat Akio and those like him. Do you think you can? But if all you want is to safeguard your Country, why not get in early and become an important ally to someone who can rule? Do you want to be under the rule of those like this Mary Stuart, or benefit from someone fair like Akio?” she paused to let that sink in, before pressing on. “He even offered to give you extra ether, completely unasked, just because thanks to his, Hyacinth and Asha’s efforts, things went better than he hoped. I think that says more than my words can. He’d never mistreat those who depend on him. And you can depend on him. Let Akio take the lead, and take some of the burden off your shoulders. He can handle it.”

Shaeranna was watching silently, her green eyes shimmering with emotion. Shaeula laughed, joining Hinata in her praise. “Indeed. Eleanor, you know-know what it is to be one of our friends. Akio now is even-even stronger. In fact…” her grin was teasing. “… he can now move freely between the Material and the Boundary. So should danger befall you even in the mortal world, he could-could be at your side through the Ring Gate in but a mere moment. He can also be in two places at once-once.”

“Seriously? That’s bullshit. How do you get such a broken ability? I thought my Battle Hymn was good, but you have something just like it…” David was jealous, though looking at the giggling Natsumi, who he’d taken a liking to, he shrugged. “Laugh all you want, but I’ll hone my skills until I’m the King again.” He sighed, before his grin turned wicked. “I wouldn’t trust any sort of clone. Coming home to find him in bed with my girlfriend would be my worst nightmare. He might even try to replace me.”

“David!” Eleanor was scandalised again, but I shook my head.

“David’s right. I’d hate that too. But it’s not a clone, just…” I explained, and they nodded in understanding.

“Truly incredible. You have reached heights I never dreamed of. No longer human, but a spiritual being like Raidre, who can freely move between the worlds. I can’t compete, that’s true.”

“And you don’t need to.” Hinata continued, honeyed words dripping from her lips. “Wouldn’t it be reassuring to entrust all the hard work, the hard decisions, to someone who won’t betray you like the others did. You know he’s not that sort of person. His actions prove it. Deeds, not words.”

“I still don’t think I can. I have responsibilities…” Eleanor said softly, and Hinata laughed.

“Yes, and you can fulfil them by supporting Akio. You don’t want to take over the world, but others will. So pick a side. Just think about it. For now…” she yawned theatrically. “Motoko, Natsumi, we should be getting back, it’s really late. As for you…” she looked at me. “… you did want to test your new ability to see if you can manifest in London. Why not show it to the Princess? You can make a start on your generous, unasked for gift as well.”

“I’m off too.” Kana agreed. “Eri-chan, you should come too. I know Akio has improved your condition, but we don’t know how much it’s changed back in the Material.”

“I’ll stay here with the Tree.” Shiro said, looking at Asha. “I want to get a feel for buffing it, since I get that I’m going to be doing it a lot from now on…”

As we organised who was coming, I looked at Eleanor, who let out a small sigh. “I need to speak to my grandmother. I… I certainly will not turn down your assistance. Our Avalon, our Territories, they are certainly a mess. Your advice would be welcome, and appreciated. And we can talk more about your ambitions…”

Hinata gave me a stealthy thumbs-up, and I shook my head, smiling. More than an alliance, huh? She’s not wrong, despite having the Tower, I’m not confident that Eleanor and her group has the strength to dominate, nor the inclination. She strikes me as a woman doing her duty despite hating it. Being under someone else’s direction could relieve a lot of her burden, and I certainly wouldn’t hate having more Chosen on my side, as well as an allied country, especially when we still have to face the Red Dragon of the East, that which lurks within China, and the potentially massive host of their own Chosen and Cultivators…

With those thoughts in mind, I passed through the Ring Gate, accompanied by Shaeula and Hyacinth, back to London…

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