On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Ninety *Contains status – Akio ?*

Three Hundred And Ninety *Contains status – Akio ?*

“I have to say, that’s one massive tree.” David looked up, whistling. “So, is this what you wanted? Judging by Raidre, it’s a big deal.” The building glow of prismatic ether shimmering around the Tree and the surrounding area was drawing their attention.

“This… do the treekin know about this?” Raidre said, frowning. “This Tree… the strength of it matches the great Trees that Primal Forest has in his diminished groves.”

“Not in truth.” Asha said wryly, addressing the Selkie. “Though my precious Tree has grown indeed. It will one day soon match them, I believe it.” She smiled at me now, the faith in her yellow eyes unshakable. “Instead…” she continued. “… this is the act of working together, of combining strengths, under Akio’s leadership. As for your question…”

“Yes, Primal Forest is quite-quite aware.” Shaeula answered for her, arriving with the other girls, their treasures selected. “Perhaps he does not-not care for such Trees being under the dominion of others, but he respects that Asha, the Dryad of the Tree, has chosen so…”

Great Dryad, I wooould say.” Hyacinth giggled, interrupting, and Shaeula’s eyes glowed amber as she looked at Asha, before nodding, a pleased smile on her face.

“I see-see. Yes, congratulations Asha. You now have the power to stand beside us. And more-more. Are you happy?”

“Of course. My decision was made when you saved me, all of you. I am merely living such a choice I made already.”

David looked at Eleanor and Raidre, Eleanor looking a bit puzzled by the conversation. “I can’t say I get all this shit, but when it comes down to it, they’re making us look like losers, right? Raidre, explain it better, you’re like them, right?”

Raidre looked sour, but did so. “The Rhyming Trees are precious Fae plants, not merely simple trees. They bring prosperity to the Seelie Court, strengthening the elements and filling the twilight with light. Over the long years, their numbers have declined, lost to war, mischance and other sorrows. Those that remain, the treekin and plantkin led by Primal Forest, one of the lords of the Seelie, they see as theirs, their nature making them perfectly suited to be their custodians. Though against the word of a Dryad…” he trailed off, rather shocked at the great number of powerful Fae here.

“He would have little recourse.” Ulfuric rumbled. “Besides, Primal Forest is a slow, but a deep thinker. He is no fool. None of the Princes or Princesses are. To contest the liberators of the Spring of Clear Reflections is foolish, especially when our princess here…” he nodded at Shaeula, as she was continuing to congratulate Asha. “… has made it her dream to restore nature around the Spring, and not just there, but in the Mortal world as well.”

Raidre nodded, unwilling to argue with Ulfuric, and that irritated David. “You’re a big bastard. I can tell you’re skilled too. Your movements, the way you’re constantly alert… you’re a fighter.”

“Show some respect.” Raidre hissed, surprising him, as he seldom spoke well of other Fae. “That is Ulfuric, one of the last badgerkin of Salamandrastrae, and a mighty warrior, leader of Prince Shaetanao’s armies. To see him here, working for a mortal…”

“I work for the princess and her consort.” Ulfuric corrected. “The Prince wishes his precious daughter to be able to spread her wings and continue her journey. You merely know the rumours, not the truth of things.”

“So it seems.” Raidre admitted. “Nothing surprises me now. Ring Gates, Rhyming Trees, famous Fae…”

“So I was right. We do look like losers.” David snorted.

“David. Be polite!” Eleanor said, embarrassed, but he merely shrugged, chuckling nastily.

“Why? I know you’re annoyed as well. Our guy here, he and his girls are plundering you dry. Sure, it was a deal, but you can’t tell me you’re not unhappy.”

“I don’t see why you should be.” Eri said, her dark eyes hard, ears twitching. “Aren’t your lives more important? Akio, Shaeula, Shiro, Hyacinth… Grulgor too…” she didn’t mention Chen Na, not knowing or caring about her. “… they put their own on the line. Good deeds should be rewarded. Besides, I know Akio plans to defend you in the future and help you become less vulnerable.”

“That’d be more convincing not coming from a catgirl.” David snorted, and as Eri’s dark eyes glimmered, Eleanor stepped in.

“Don’t mind David. Despite his rough speech, he’s not a bad guy.”

“I know that.” Eri sad, glancing at Motoko and Natsumi. “They’ve mentioned him. He’s not too smart though, if he thinks he can fight Akio and win.”

“Not too smart does describe him.” Eleanor agreed. “When he sees a strong opponent he gets excited. Men can be little boys. My brother Henry is the same…”

“Hey now.” David protested, but Eleanor ignored him.

“Your axe… I was surprised I had no affinity for it, considering I wear the armour of the Green Knight, but the treasures of the Tower choose who they will. Perhaps we are similar then?” she said. “And there must be a tale behind your appearance, surely. You’re human.”

“It’s a long story. And not one for now.” Eri shook her head. “What matters is what we were talking about, right Akio?”

I agreed. “That’s right. I think give-and-take is a solid basis for a relationship, an alliance. We’ve fought together against a dangerous opponent and came through it, so that makes us friends, right? And now we can work together, making us all stronger. You’ve seen the Ring Gate, we can now come and go between our Territories easily enough…”

“So long as they aren’t sabotaged.” David pointed out, looking around. “Your big tree too. I don’t want to put a dampener on your enthusiasm, but nice as your set-up is, there’s a ton of security flaws anyone can see after just a quick look. And we know the dangers of that.” He looked sad for a moment, perhaps thinking of someone.

“Yes, you’re not wrong. Obviously, some things are fixed, like we have to have the Ring Gates where the earth element is. But we’re definitely intending to rework what we can. On your end you need to fortify the Ring Gate too. Fortunately Raidre and his Selkie live there, which is one line of defence, but it’s not enough. With the Gates, we can dispatch forces to aid each other within minutes. I can also pull from Kyoto as well, if necessary.”

“That would be reassuring.” Eleanor agreed. “Your Territory is bustling with citizens and active. Not like ours.”

“It’s busier during the day. It’s late night here in Japan right now.” Hinata said. In her arms she was carrying a rather ornate pot, crafted from a reddish clay, and inlaid with what looked like emeralds around the rim. “We have all sorts of people here during the day, other trainees, soldiers, Akio’s private mercenary company… it gets quite busy.” Her face was clearly expressing her wish for me to tell her the details of what she was carrying, so I let my Eye shine.

Pot Of Faerie Gold – Item Class [Noble] Item Type [Rule]

This pot contains the treasures lost by slain Fae, killed by mortals in a dispute long forgotten. Golden and silver coins can be retrieved from the pot, as well as bright gemstones and Etherites. Faerie treasures are fickle and illusory though, and if the bearer allows their greed to overcome them or is lacking willpower, all that will be produced is fool’s gold, worthless pyrite, cheap glass baubles, and valueless junk that will fade away with the light of dawn.

“That’s so very you.” I laughed. “But… it doesn’t strike me as much use. I mean, the Etherites it contains are always in demand, but we have gold and other metals from our mines…”

“Maybe so.” Hinata said, agreeing. “But it called to me, so I took it. Besides…” she looked at me, her smile her usual impish, sly one. “… who is to say I can’t make it work in the Material world? It isn’t like we need money, my family is rich enough, but doesn’t it thrill you, a pot of mysterious treasures? And who knows… maybe it even contains some that should be given back. That’d win Shaeula some more respect, right?”

Seeing her thinking of others, I stroked her hair gently, before whispering something in her ears, so softly only she could hear. Her eyes widened, and she flushed, her face flaming, before nodding. “It’s fine. I’m not one to shy away from what I want. But for now… let me talk to our guests, there’s someone else who is desperate to seek your approval.” She inclined her head, and I could see Daiyu waiting patiently, also carrying an ornate jar, although…

Sacred Water Blessed By The Lady Of The Lake – Item Class [Noble] Item Type [Law]

Sacred Water blessed by ?????, the Lady of the Lake, one of the most powerful of all the Fae, she who holds court over her sacred lake. This Water is a blend of ancient water from the Spring Of Clear Reflections, long before its loss, and the lake which she still guards and dwells in. Consuming the Water of this vessel will increase the affinity and understanding of the element of Water, and will allow a state of enlightenment to be achieved for a short time, allowing rapid strengthening of Water element and related abilities.

That… it’s a one-use item. And it doesn’t say who the Lady of the Lake is, huh? As I thought that, Daiyu nodded, seemingly guessing my thoughts. “Yes, while Cultivators often use talismans, weapons and treasures to fight with and protect ourselves, we would cast aside even the most powerful to find something that can increase our Cultivation, for in the end, one’s own power and Dao is all we can truly rely on. A dragon’s scales, a phoenix’s flames, a tiger’s claws… all are worthwhile, but compared to solidifying my Foundation, all are simply distractions.”

David cocked his head, not understanding her Mandarin, but Shiro translated, and David nodded, smiling. “Your girls, they have good heads on their shoulders. Another fighter, huh? Tell her this.” He said, serious. “You’re right. Honing your body and your skills will never betray you. Keep that attitude, and you’ll grow up to be a great warrior. Queen of the Octagon.” He laughed.

As Daiyu nodded, not knowing what an octagon had to do with anything, I snorted, amused. “Daiyu is already a warrior. She’s been training longer than any of us, living a life of aesthetic rigour and occult practises we can only imagine. Now then…”

I looked at the patiently waiting Motoko and Natsumi. Both were wearing their new treasures, since they had selected pieces of armour. “I’ll let you go first, Motoko.” Natsumi said, but she shook her head.

“No, you should not always defer to me, Natsumi. We are equals here. Besides, I am curious about your treasure as well.”

“I won’t stand on ceremony then.” Natsumi bounced over, nodding at David. “Here.” she stuck her arm out, a leather bracer covering the wrist of one arm, a stylised eagle stitched on it in golden and red thread, some faint stains that might have been ancient, dried up blood remaining on the leather.

Bedwyr’s Protective Bracer – Item Class [Powerful] Item Type [Artifice]

This bracer was used to protect the spear arm of a great one-handed warrior. Those wielding the spear will inherit a portion of his knowledge of the weapon, a residue of his thoughts and will during battles. While wielding a spear, the wearer will find their Fortitude and Alacrity increased. However, if the spear is used for evil, this bracer will offer no protection, and will tighten, constricting blood flow to the arm, leaving the bearer weakened and eventually the arm will atrophy.

Ouch, that’s a nasty penalty. Not that I ever expect Natsumi to be doing evil, but still… I explained, a little worried about the residue knowledge, but she surprised me. “I understand your concerns, and I’m happy you worry about me, but Motoko and I are resolved. When we were helping you train, we too were resolved to change and improve the Tsumura Arts, right Motoko?”

She nodded gracefully. “As long as we incorporate the best of them, they remain Tsumura Arts. But to reject other techniques and skills that could strengthen them is folly.” She glanced at Ulfuric, who was discussing something with Raidre. “No, rejecting the advice of a great master of the spear, even one long dead, is not a mistake we will commit.”

She then revealed her own treasure, a glove crafted of a series of interlocking bronze and copper rings and plates, protecting her hand and wrist, similar in function to what Natsumi had chosen. “We do think alike.” Motoko said fondly, looking at her friend.

Pelleas’ Glove Of Lovelorn Folly – Item Class [Powerful] Item Type [Artifice]

This glove was worn by a consummate but foolish knight, who was equally skilled with sword, spear and bow. Never will blade, shaft or string slip from the wielder’s grasp so long as their love is pure, and in fighting in challenges to defend their honour or those of one they love, the faint traces of his determination and folly will raise the Alacrity and Might of the bearer. However, should love ever turn to hate, this glove will bring great ill-fortune, and attract the attention of Fae of a darker persuasion.

“Those names…” Eleanor said thoughtfully. “They were supposedly knights under King Arthur, not that he existed in the form we now know of.” She scratched her head, trying to remember. “If Henry was here, I could ask him. Men like those stories much more than us women.”

“The Lady of the Lake is real.” I said, remembering I had heard Shaeula mention her once or twice, and it was on the description of the water Daiyu had taken. “And there’s too much other evidence that they were real. Sure, the stories are probably greatly changed, but then, the Fae aren’t quite what the books say either, are they?” I looked at Raidre and Ulfuric, then at Asha, Shaeula and Hyacinth. “I think it’s an area ripe for study.”

As I talked, I realised there was one person who was standing a bit away, looking embarrassed. On seeing her, I gestured for her to come over, and she did, a bit shy, casting glances at Eleanor. On seeing that, she was amused, not used to any deference from my party.

“Kana, why are you hiding over there?” I said, and she gave me an uncomfortable look, stroking a golden knotted torc which was around her throat. It was slender and elegant, looking quite fitting on her slender neck, with snake-like scales and a serpentine head carved into the gleaming metal.

“I just… I’m not sure I deserve this.” Kana said. “Compared to the others, I feel a bit of a fraud.”

“At last, one of you with some sense of shame.” David chortled, only for Eleanor to shush him as Kana blushed and tears formed in the corner of her eyes. I put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her against me, and stroked her hair reassuringly.

“Kana, you’ve done a lot, and you deserve it just as much as anyone. You don’t see Daiyu looking worried do you?” She was still hugging the jar of water, casting me inviting glances, and I knew I would have to aid her with using it shortly. “Besides, you’re my girlfriend, aren’t you?” At that David grimaced, muttering about the tenth round I owed him. “What kind of guy would I be not to get you a present?”

“But…” she looked at Eleanor. “They came from her, right?“

“They did indeed. But as Akio here says, a deal is a deal. At least we are done now, the plundering completed.” She said wryly, only for me to disagree.

“Not quite. There’s still Asha, she hasn’t had her treasure yet. My sister and the vassals too.”

“But Asha, she took the power that sleeps beneath the Tower…” Eleanor protested, only for me to deny her again.

“No, that wasn’t for her, that was a different arrangement. Besides, strengthening us is strengthening you.” I looked up at the Tree. “In fact, since the Tree and Shiro’s buffs have exceeded what I planned, I’m thinking of a downpayment above what we agreed on. Since I’m very grateful for your support.” I smiled brightly, and Eleanor looked down, embarrassed.

Yes, we’re not too far from getting all of Haru-san’s Spires to Rank 3. The rest of the day’s ether we can send through to London. There’s a lot they need to do… “You can spend the windfall on protecting the Ring Gate, and also relocating all your Ether Spires and similar structures. The Tower sure is something special but it does have one hell of a downside. You’ll need to move as much of your key facilities away from it as possible.”

“We should defend the borders where we overlap with that redheaded traitor and the nugget bastard.” David cursed the two who had betrayed them, though again his expression betrayed his melancholy. “It would be easier just to just do what she did, and damn the consequences. If they die… so be it.”

“No, I’ve told you David, we have to be cautious.” She looked at me then. “Do you think that you can provide us enough to make things secure?” She looked at the shimmering energy around the Tree, which was being sucked into my Silos.

“I think I can provide you with more than you think is possible.” My smile was reassuring. “So I hardly think a few extra treasures from the Tower are going to be a problem in exchange.”

“So, how many vassals do you have?” David asked “And how many of them are women?”

“Good question. I have five. Three are women, but there’s nothing going on with Haru-san, Miyu and Suzu-san.”

“That’s right.” Shiro said. “Suzu is a total airhead, she only cares about her performances, being an idol. She’s quite ruthless when it comes to battle though. Miyu's more interested in girls, I think. And Haru… yeah, David, you should be more careful about what you say. Her life has been tragic. Fortunately, her afterlife…” she made the same sort of joke Haru-san would, and after Shiro explained, Eleanor was sympathetic, her face solemn, while David clenched his fists, then clapped me on the back.

“Good fucking job. Too clean an end for the piece of shit. Just like Donovan, the little armless prick.” He sighed. “Yeah, I may like to mock, but I’d rather my ally look after those he cares for, even if he’s greedy and loose with women. Less likely to stab us in the back, Princess.”

“Aki? Backstab you? There’s no way. Shit, if anything, we should be watching you.” Shiro shot back. Before it could break out in an argument, I held up a hand.

“That’s enough of that. We’ve all fought together, and this has sealed our alliance. Now, to finish, we might as well get the details on the last treasure.” I looked at the quiet Kana, who took a deep breath, before smiling at me happily.

“I guess you win, Akio. Sorry. I just…compared to those who fight, I feel a bit pathetic sometimes. I guess my old inferiority complex over my abilities is harder to overcome than I’d like. But…” she shook her head. “No more. I’m your girlfriend. I’ll be as good as any of the others!”

“Well said, Kana-san.” Eri said, and Kana smiled at her.

“I learned from you, Eri-chan. You never back down, not even in the face of opponents like Shaeula, Shiro, Motoko-chan or Hinata-chan. Whether they are beautiful, strong, rich or noble, you think you are their match, right?”

“Their match? No, I know I’m the best for Akio. You’re welcome to think the same, Kana-san.” she shot back, and David groaned.

“We’re not here for your damn soap opera romance. Just tell us the details. I’m bored…”

“Yes, I should.” I agreed, my Eye shining.

Earth Serpent’s Torc – Item Class [Noble] Item Type [Rule]

This torc was once worn by the leaders of a clan of men who had traffic with the Fae, before war and strife led to the sundering of relations, and the fall of this clan, their people scattered, the survivors abandoning all their treasures. This torc contains the blessing of an earth serpent, wound into the gold and silver threads that make up the torc, and it significantly strengthens earth-aspected powers and abilities, as well as increases the beauty and fertility of the wearer. However, the wearer must never kill a snake without good cause, lest they be cursed with infertility.

“That’s troubling. I wouldn’t want you to suffer that…” I said. “But it is perfect for you. You are the shrine maiden of Shirohebizumi, after all. Looks like you and earth-aspected snakes have a destiny.”

“I don’t kill anything without good cause.” Kana insisted. “Uh, I don’t mind having greater beauty, but fertility…”

“Just use birth control. We do.” Shiro chimed in, and Eri nodded.

“Enough with this crap again.” David protested. “Looks like the girl over there is fit to burst, do something!” He pointed at Daiyu, whose usually expressionless face was nowhere to be seen, the naked hope in her eyes painful.

“Fine, while I’m doing that, Ixitt and some of the others can give you the grand tour. No café terrace at the moment I’m afraid due to renovations…” I looked up at the towering Tree, chuckling. “… but there’s a lot to see and do, and he can organise the first Mobile Ether Silo caravans so you can make a start on your own refit. I’m confident the tour should blow away any remaining doubts you have about our alliance…”


After David, Eleanor and Raidre left to check out the rest of my Territory, Raidre shrinking in on himself even more when Shaeranna turned up, I turned my attention to Daiyu. We had moved to an area with more privacy, creating a dome of earth and vines to hide us from view, and the girls had gathered around us, curious, and Shiro was translating for me, though Daiyu was saying more and more of her thoughts in Japanese nowadays. Though she still needs more study, but in a few weeks she should be fluent, maybe less…

“I am ready.” Daiyu said, and between Shaeula and I, we managed to squeeze out a few more tiny drops of High Spirit Water. Ordinarily such would merely have been a little help to Daiyu, but she was hoping the treasure she had gathered would aid her in breaking through to understanding of the Spiritually Pure Physique. “This treasure would be priceless, even in Kunlun. I feel I did not earn it, but I am not too proud to accept treasure gained by you, my Dao Companion. One day I shall repay you in kind, and if not…” she blushed. “… with my companionship and care.”

At that, Kana looked at me wryly, recognising her own worries but different viewpoint.

“I’d rather have it strengthening you, than sitting in that Tower until someone else claims it, if they ever do. Or it could be destroyed. Apparently a number of relics were ruined by that bastard Max Power. So go ahead. I’ll be watching.” My Eye glowed, illuminating the inside of our makeshift hut.

“Then, I shall begin.” Daiyu said, licking the drops of precious Spirit Water from her palm. She shuddered, feeling the energy surge within her, before quickly breaking open the jar and gulping down the contents, her throat working. Once she emptied the jar, I could see a surging tide of water energy inside her, and it was very compatible with the Spirit Water, perhaps as some water from the Spring was mixed in. Daiyu’s sacral chakra surged wildly, a maelstrom of brilliant orange energy forming. Sweat was leaking from her, silver and black, and I recognised them as impurities. Her body was being purged, and I realised that she would wake up back in the Material covered in filth.

“I am… pure, I am… resolute. My Foundation is unshakable.” Daiyu was chanting to herself as she concentrated. Her focus was incredible, enviable, and I once more realised the difference between someone with talent and those without. Though it’s not just talent. She works hard and has all her life. The path of Cultivation requires such rigour.

As the girls stood around her, either in silence, or offering quiet support, I watched, holding my breath, my Eye able to see into her, where her subtle body was changing. Hers was arranged differently to our Eight Moons Chakra Network, certainly, and thus I wasn’t able to fully guide her, but I had explained what had happened when I gained the ability many times. As the energy formed a secondary pool, a brilliant orange star behind and between her root and sacral chakras, she suddenly groaned, a wave of brilliant energy passing through her body. She coughed, throwing up a vile, disgusting bile, and her pores were leaking a virulent mist.

I didn’t ooze anywhere near as much impurity here in the Boundary… is it something to be worried about? I reached out to offer Ether Healing, but her onyx eyes snapped open, and she shook her head slightly, mouthing that she was fine and could bear it.

“I believe she shall-shall be fine.” Shaeula reassured me, also watching, and having had the same experience. “The water she drank was powerful indeed. This is a trial she must-must overcome. If she can not-not break through, even with such aid…”

“She’ll do it.” I said, no trace of doubt left within me. At my words a smile crossed Daiyu’s face, and she focussed her will, drawing on the ether around us and aether within her. Is that Qi? It’s definitely mostly aether… I had noticed there was a significant portion of wastage before when I observed her, her body not converting all the aether into the alternate form, but as I watched that percentage was dropping significantly, her body, now awash with brilliant orange elemental power, rapidly adapting as it repelled impurities. Soon her effective rate of conversion was around ninety-nine percent, only a small amount still circulating as aether.

“I… my Foundation…” The earth energies she had gathered had condensed to a hard ruby ball around her chakra network, it no longer circulating, and likewise, the faint wisps of light element, that she called Yang energy, had also solidified, looking almost crystalline. With those obstructions gone, the power of the water energy increased, now fully pure, and soon her Astral body settled down, and Daiyu shuddered, tears at the corners of her eyes.

“It is stable.” She said at last, her expression radiant, before she wrinkled her nose, realising her body and clothes, as well as the ground around her, were soaked with foul impurities, and that she was splattered with dark vomit. Flushing a little, she looked as us all watching with warm expressions on our faces.

“Congratulations, Daiyu.” I said, and the others echoed me.

She managed a nod, before drawing on her Qi, which was then dyed with the shimmering orange elemental energies of the High Spirit Water. Yeah, there’s no moonlight in it. But it’s still powerful… I was curious at the very different way she was manipulating the water element, but as a tide of water poured down over her, she rubbed the filth from her body and hair, her clothes sticking to her body. Seeing me looking, Shiro elbowed me.

“I’m just checking out her techniques.” I protested. And Shiro rolled her eyes.

“Sure you are, Aki, her techniques, not her assets.” Shaeula, Hyacinth and Eri all laughed at that. Realising she was in an embarrassing state again, Daiyu frowned, but I took pity on her, drying her off with a little flame and wind energy, creating a warming breeze.

“You have my thanks.” She said. “Even with the sacred treasure which would have cost more than my own self in Kunlun, it was a great trial. But the path to the Heavens is seldom smooth. I had to make a sacrifice…”

“You mean locking your earth and light energies?” I asked, puzzled. “How did you do that? It’s like they have stopped. Also, your way of using the water element is strange.”

Daiyu tried to explain. “I create the water Qi and manipulate it. Speaking of Qi…” she was excited now. “I feel my Qi Refining has improved dramatically. The Qi I command is now nearly pure Earthly Qi.”

“That I do understand. Before, you were converting aether, but not all of it. Now it’s nearly a hundred percent efficient. In fact…” my Eye could see flavours of aether, at least the lowest classes, and the previously red Qi, with occasional orange flickers, was now almost entirely orange, with only faint hints of red, and some I couldn’t determine, which I guessed might be yellow, maybe? “…the shade of it has changed too.”

“Fascinating. Your Eye truly is a great tool. And now…” she let out a sigh, relief writ large on her features. “… with my Qi Refining and Foundation improved beyond my wildest dreams, even if I had to largely seal my work on my previous Foundation, I can finally progress to the Accumulation Realm.”

“What about your frozen chakras and their elements, the leftovers from your discarded technique?” I asked. “Wont it cause problems later?”

She nodded. “Shortcuts to power often have great consequences. But… I do not intend to abandon them forever. After all, the Invincible Jade Yang technique is treasured knowledge of my Sect. I will see the heights of Kunlun and beyond.” She assured me, confidently. “However, the Accumulation Techniques… finding one suitable for me is not something I would do recklessly. Accumulating water Qi would now be trivial, but… I am greedy. I wish to reclaim earth and yang Qi, as well as perhaps…” she smiled at us then. “I am jealous, you find it so easy to obtain further elemental Qi…”

“Easy, she says?” Kana snorted. “I don’t think so. We have to struggle for every single success.”

“You say that, but mastering the elemental Qi required for Foundation Techniques is a harrowing trial. Whereas many of you know multiple elements.” Daiyu demurred, Shiro and I translating the more difficult words. “And I can no longer settle for merely what my Sect considered a success. Not now. Now when my Foundation and Qi Refining are as solid as any from ancient, departed Kunlun.” She said, determined. “My Accumulation must be greater than any I had dreamed of. To that end…” she bowed to me. “I will be in your care. One way to Accumulate is certainly through Dual Cultivation, especially for the yang element I so desperately need to make a breakthrough to a potential double Foundation.”

“This again?” Eri rolled her eyes, tail lashing, but Hinata took her hand, blushing.

“It’s all right, Eri. It’s time for this. After all, Asha has joined you all, and I…” she looked at me, remembering my earlier words. “… soon.” She said, face scarlet, which was so cute Eri sighed, shook her head and squeezed her hand.

“I’m not mad, not really.” Eri said. “Everyone here is fine. Even you, Kana-san. I’ve accepted it.”

“Well thanks, Eri-chan. That’s big of you…” Kana laughed.

“I still have strong feelings about profiting from sex, but I accept that Daiyu would be doing it anyway, so… I suppose it doesn’t make a difference. But Akio wanted to be sure it didn’t cause problems with your Cultivation, right?”

Daiyu agreed. “Yes, he is kind like that. But…” she looked at me, her dark eyes intense. “… you are my goal. I want strength like yours. And your mastery of the elements… I would feel shamed unless I could be comparable to you all. Merely water, I cannot accept it, no matter how potent a water it is. So, Akio, enlighten me. How high is Mount Tai I see before me? I would know before I start climbing it. Though the height will only thrill me.” She flushed, and Shiro laughed uproariously.

“Shit, she can’t wait to start climbing you, Aki. And that was totally a reference to your…” at Eri’s stern look she chuckled, whistling innocently.

“Indeed, can you blame-blame her for looking at Akio with yearning?” Shaeula agreed. “I do not-not. But I too am curious. It has been a while since you shared your full-full strength with us. And you have made many gains.”

“Fine then.” I agreed. Yes, it’ll be good to take stock, as while I will be continuing my training, especially with trying for a combat style, the next step is to build my Territory…

[Material Statistics]   [Intangible Statistics]  
Might 1580 1762 Fortune 33 38
Fortitude 1571 1752 Majesty 25 29
Intellect 1640 1820 Charm 39 44
Resilience 1831 2051 League 22 26
Alacrity 1660 1839 Determination 22 25
Precision 1651 1833 Foresight 30 32
Aether 5857 6463 Fate 19 21
[Material Skills] Rank Class Type
[Aetheric Skills]      
Silver Cord Silver Connection Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Imperious (6)

Foundation (4)

Rule (5)

Eight Moons Chakra Network Rank 5 Rank 6

Noble (5)

Imperious (6)

Rule (5)
Aether Manipulation Rank 7 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Aether Combat Technique Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Body Enhancement Rank 4 Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Ether Healing Rank 9 Imperious (6) Artifice (6)
Aetheric Chirurgeon Rank 9 Imperious (6) Principle (7)
Spiritually Pure Physique Rank 1 Rank 2 Noble (5) Principle (7)
Adherence Manipulation Rank 3 Noble (5) Law (8)
Split Thoughts Rank 4 Rank 5 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
[Elemental Skills]      
Crown Chakra Of Space Rank 3 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Space Manipulation Rank 3 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Third Eye Chakra Of Full Moon Light - Mangetsu Rank 4 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Light Manipulation Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Throat Chakra Of New Moon Darkness - Shingetsu Rank 3 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Darkness Manipulation Rank 2 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Heart Chakra Of Wind Rank 6 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Wind Manipulation Rank 6 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame Rank 6 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Flame Manipulation Rank 6 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Root And Sacral Chakra Of Wood Rank 2 Rank 3 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Wood Manipulation Rank 2 Rank 4 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Sacral Chakra Of High Moonlight Spirit Water Rank 4 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Water Manipulation Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Root Chakra Of Earth Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Earth Manipulation Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)

Lunar Chakra Of Four Elements, Light And Darkness

Lunar Chakra Of Seven Primal Elements And Wood

Rank 3 Rank 4 Imperious (6)

Rule (5)

Artifice (6)

[Physical Combat Skills]      
Spatial Perception Rank 2 Powerful (4) Rule (5)
Spear Technique Rank 5 Cantrip (1) Simple (1)
Sword Technique Rank 5 Cantrip (1) Simple (1)
Combat Technique Rank 5 Cantrip (1) Simple (1)
Elemental Weapon Technique Rank 3 Sufficient (3) Foundation (4)
False Void Motion Void Motion Rank 1 Rank 2 Noble (5) Principle (7)
Tsumura Arts Rank 1 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
[Practical Skills]      
Ether Crafting Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Dvergr Techniques Rank 1 Noble (5) Rule (5)
[Intangible Skills]      
[Unique Skills]      
Mystic Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge Rank 3 Rank 4 Legendary (7) Law (8)
Kin Bonding And Restoration Rank 5 Rank 6

Imperious (6)

Legendary (7)

Principle (7)
Foehn, Inextinguishable Blaze Rank 6 Rank 7 Imperious (6) Rule (5) Principle (7)
Might Of The Furious Earth Rank 2 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
The Future Reflected By The Moon Rank 3 Legendary (7) Fate (9)
Prominence Twilight Rank 1 Rank 2 Imperious (6) Principle (7)
[Level] 127 134 [Class]

Kami-Blessed 10/20

Conqueror 17/50

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 6/10 7/10

Wielder Of Elements, Classic Western 6/10

Wielder Of Elements, Primal Seven 2/20

True Faeduine 3/30

[Mastered Classes]

Fae-Souled 30/30

Wielder Of Elements, Classic Western 10/10

Territory Rank 3

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