On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Four

Three Hundred And Four

Shaeula and I took Daiyu to a nearby department store, buying her some new clothes and the daily necessities she would need. It was entertaining seeing her overwhelmed by the crowds of people and the large buildings of Tokyo. When I asked her why she found it so surprising, it seemed that other than a few rare occasions, such as when she was summoned by the new Chinese Ministry (which was surprisingly similar to my concept, although I wasn’t intending to force everyone to donate their strengths to me, of course) she was seldom outside her Sect’s mountain home, constantly Cultivating.

On the way back to Shirohebizumi, we took a car provided by the military. Daiyu was uncomfortable, seemingly wondering if she would be taken back to prison, but after a while she relaxed. Dressed in a Chinese-style tunic and trousers, her hair now neatly tied together, she looked a different person, some light in her eyes.

“So, this Cultivation.” Shaeula was asking her. “I am most-most curious how it compares to our own training methods. For example, this Qi. It seems merely like ether and aether to me-me.”

Daiyu was a bit troubled by this question, but after a moment of thought, she answered. “The world around us is full of Earthly Qi, though it is scarce compared to the heights our ancestral scrolls talked of. Did talk of.” She said, eyes glittering with moisture, probably remembering the loss of her Sect’s home and histories. “The Spirit World is far denser with Earthly Qi, and supposedly there is a purer, stronger Qi, from the Heavens.” She looked at me then, curious, as I had told her a little of the description of Spiritually Pure Physique, which did indeed mention Heavenly Qi. “A Cultivator must first learn the art of refining the Qi of the world around them into a form suitable for the body, for using Cultivation arts and techniques.”

“I see. Do you not-not make the distinction between elemental energy and ether?” Shaeula asked, having seen the same as I did when she refined the droplets of Spirit Water.

“It is all Qi, though some Qi is flavoured by an element. Earth, Water, Wood, Metal, Fire. Yin and Yang.” She said. “My Foundation requires earth and yang energy to progress and strengthen itself. That is why…” she looked down, seemingly embarrassed. “I am grateful. The Spirit Water was rich in yang energy. It is… difficult… for a woman to raise such energy, without resorting to certain troubling techniques.”

“I think I get it.” I mused. “Elemental energy can be converted into aether, I did that initially with wind, right?” I reminded Shaeula, who nodded. “It caused damage to my network doing it, as wind energy isn’t the same as aether, but I’ve long thought they are all connected. After all, aether can be changed to the elements at a high loss of efficiency, and the body can convert elements to aether, at the risk of spiritual injury.”

Daiyu was listening, clearly interested in such information, anything that might help her improve her Cultivation, and as we pulled up the hills towards the shrine, I asked her if she would be willing to partake in our training session.

“I would need to observe. I cannot do anything which would affect my Foundation. Now is the most critical time for me, if I am to complete my Foundation and progress to Accumulation. Though were I to be able to learn your Spiritually Pure Physique…” she paused, a little confused. “… I still do not understand how you have a Foundation when you have clearly not mastered Qi Refining though, Young Master Akio.”

My lips twitched at how she was addressing me. I’m not a Young Master! “Well, we have other skills that deal with aether, rather than Qi. I’ll give you the rundown when we start.” As the military driver opened the door for us, we stepped out into the rapidly darkening evening. Up ahead the training school could be seen.

“Do not-not worry. You shall be granted a room here.” Shaeula promised. “Anything you require, Akio will pay for it. All we ask is your cooperation, and if the moon wills-wills it, those who destroyed your Sect, they shall-shall receive due retribution in time.”

“Anything I require…?” Daiyu shook her head. “I need little. Food, a place to Cultivate. What I require, the ancient scrolls, tablets and tags, they will not be found in this land. Though perhaps…” the look in her eyes was greedy. “If you have any more of that Spirit Water… I am aware it is a great treasure, so were the Incorruptible Jade still strong…” her face was impassive now, denying the harsh reality. “… then such would win our favour, and we would offer riches or knowledge for such a precious treasure that could aid me in breaking through the Foundation. I expect if you provided me with two droplets, you have several times that remaining to trade or coerce with?”

Cultivator logic. I see. “Putting aside the Spirit Water, I’d like to make a portrait of your chakra network, all your meridians and chakras, the capillaries and… dantians, I guess?” I asked. “In exchange, I can show you ours, and you will be clearly able to see the differences. It might be useful.”

“Well, I did say I would follow your orders. I do not know how you will see such details, is it another technique?” she answered.

“I have a good Eye. As does Shaeula here.” We reached the door of the training school, only for it to open as we arrived, Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi, Eri, Hyacinth and Shiro all waiting for me, Eri still in a wheelchair of course.

“Akio, welcome home!” Hinata said, flying into my arms for a hug. “it must have been hard.” She consoled me, beaming a smile. “I’ve missed you!”

Motoko and Natsumi also greeted me warmly, though they were far more reserved than Hinata. Shiro looked at them with a mocking smile. “No need to be so shy. I know you want to hold Aki as well. I know Eri here does.” She turned to Eri, who was looking at Daiyu beside me, a wary expression on her face.

“Who’s that?” She asked, and everyone’s eyes were now on us. Daiyu seemed a little wary, adopting a fighting stance, but Shaeula patted her back, calling her down. Well, I knew this was coming. But there’s nothing to worry about. She’s an ally and I suppose my ward, in a way, as I’m responsible for her now. But there’s nothing else going on.

“This is Zhao Daiyu. She was picked up by the military after some… trouble, and as she’s a Candidate too, I seemed the best person to look after her.”

“She holds a strong favour.” Tan said, taking over Shiro for a moment. As her hair flickered red with flames, Daiyu called out in shock.

Luocha!” she cried, on full alert. “Young Master Akio, Shaeula, we must prepare to defend ourselves!”

“Silence, little girl.” Tan said in faultless Chinese. I didn’t recognise the word Daiyu had used, but Tan seemingly did. “I am no mere Rakshasi, I am Taṇhā, daughter of Māra. Your feeble arts, cribbed from your betters, are nothing but words howled into the empty night against me. Were I to so wish, I could crush you and devour you whole.” Her ruby eyes flickered to me then. “Alas, I cannot drink deep of your Divine Favour, unless this one here allows.”

“No, I think you know I won’t let you. I’ve agreed to shelter Daiyu’er here, and in exchange she’s sworn to help me with her talents. She’s a Cultivator.” I told everyone, Hinata still in my arms, looking between the newcomer and Tan with an expression of wonder.

“Sworn? A Heavenly Oath. I see. I did so wonder why I could smell the stink of it. Well, fools will be unwise. Drawing the attention of the dwellers in darkness and flame is pitiable, but those of light are hardly any less dangerous.” Her eye slid shut, and once more Shiro was in control, seeming to have understood what Tan said, even though she didn’t speak Chinese. I wonder if Tan translated for her in her mind?

“A Cultivator?” Shiro laughed. “Well Aki, you’re certainly collecting the tropes. So, sure nothing’s going on? You can tell me, big sis Shirohime won’t be mad. Best confess now, or Eri here might just get her axe…”

“I won’t do that!” Eri pouted. “Besides, how can you be his big sister? Akio’s older than you!”

“Well, I’m wiser, aren’t I?” Shiro laughed. “Anyway, so, she’s really just an ally? She’s pretty, and you like the younger, troubled sort, right?”

“Seriously.” I assured them. “I only met her a few hours ago, how fast do you think I work?”

“Well, I liked you from first sight!” Hinata said proudly, refusing to get out of my arms. “Maybe she’s the same? But what’s a Cultivator?”

Before I could answer, the shaken Daiyu, who was still eyeing Shiro warily, asked me what was going on.

“Who are all these people? That Luocha! Is she really Taṇhā, She Who Thirsts? How can that be possible, such a great being of evil here… Young Master Akio, just who are you?”

“This again?” I sighed. “Yes, she’s that Taṇhā, but she’s kind of stuck in a symbiotic relationship with Shiro here. We have an agreement, so she can’t hurt you. The others… well, they are all my fiancées. Though not Tan, obviously.” At that Shiro’s eye glimmered red and Tan laughed mockingly. “No, Shiro, the girl she inhabits is one of mine. Oh, and please stop calling me Young Master. It’s depressing me.” I put down Hinata, who moved away from me a touch regretfully.

“So many? You truly are one to rival that bastard Chong Gui. And you say you are not a Young Master? Well, perhaps then I shall call you Senior Brother, Akio.” Her expression was now a mixture of mockery and nostalgia. “Though that term is normally reserved for a senior in the Sect who has greater skills, or I have deep respect for. I have not been able to call anyone that since I was twelve. But now… the Sect is gone, and I must start anew.”

“Senior Brother, huh. I can live with that. Anyway, it isn’t like I go looking for girls, it… well, sometimes it’s unavoidable. But don’t get me wrong, I love them all, and I’ll cherish them forever.” As we entered, Daiyu asked me a question.

“Then why are two of them so grievously hurt? You seem a failure as a man to me, Senior Brother, letting your women suffer so.”

Ouch. Shaeula laughed at that, and I explained about how the injuries occurred, and how I was determined to heal them and never let it happen again. As I talked, the others seemed sad they couldn’t understand, Shiro asking me just when I managed to learn Chinese, and I told them they’d probably want to be learning as many languages as possible as their mental stats increased.

“Did you enjoy the video message?” Natsumi asked me as we neared the main training hall, her face pink, and beside her Motoko looked desperate for the answer too.

“I did. It was quite inspirational.” I smiled then, making their blushes deepen. “And on the day we can finally join together, I promise, we’ll do it together, the three of us.”

“I am most relieved. Natsumi has been a part of my life for many years. I need her beside me for courage.” Motoko sighed.

“That’s not true Motoko. You don’t need courage, you just want us to share everything, our love included. Isn’t that why we first set our sights on Akio? Because we could still be together, still carry on our arts, while upholding noble traditions and responsibilities? Of course, we were wretched and selfish then, and I’m ashamed of myself, as I know you are.” Motoko nodded at that, so she continued. “But now… I can hardly wait for the wedding. I’m jealous of you girls.” She smiled at Eri, Hyacinth and Shaeula.

“We also talked with Shirohime-san here…” Motoko began, too polite to shorten her nickname like everyone else.

“I said you can drop the -san. We are sisters, right?” Shiro protested, embarrassed. It’s always pretty funny when Shiro actually gets someone to call her Shirohime, she can hardly ever handle it.

“Shirohime then…” she said, and Shiro’s face reddened further, pink skin in stark contrast to the ugly black scarring that ran across her face that wasn’t hidden by her long silver hair. “… she is an interesting woman, and when she is healed, will make a beautiful, worthy bride.”

“I’ll be sure to sew the most beautiful wedding kimono. You have an amazing figure!” Natsumi praised Shiro, to her endless shame, and we continued the small-talk for a few more minutes, before Hinata grabbed my arm before we could enter the training hall.

“Sorry to trouble you, Akio. But we have guests today.”

“You mean the rich businessmen from abroad you want me to heal?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“Them too, but… well, you’ll see.” She sighed. “Try not to get too annoyed, all right?”

Opening the door, I could see Kana, Marika-san and surprisingly enough Keomi-chan. I wasn’t expecting to see her. She was pretty traumatised by the events of Kyoto and the injuries she had suffered. Even now, there’s still a lot of work to do to fully heal her, even though she is well out of danger, like the twins and the poor blind girl.

In addition, the neutral shrines were in attendance, but from the former Susanoo faction, the only ones present were Ren-san, still bandaged up and injured, and his father Hikawa-san. There was also… “Huh, Miyu, Michiru-san. What brings you here?” I asked, seeing my vassal and her ninja bodyguard.

“Please don’t forget me.” A bright, bossy voice said, and from behind them stepped out someone I had only met once. “Hinata, didn’t you tell him I’d be here?”

“I was just going to, Mayumi-sama.” Hinata said. “But we had other things to talk about.”

“More important than me, the daughter of Ichijou house?” She looked at me, her gaze inquisitive. “You do call Miyu-san without any honorifics. That’s quite… bold.”

“Well, Mayumi-sama, it is only proper.” Miyu said, a touch nervous, though I could see she seemed a little more confident than before. “After all, he is my master right now, and I owe him a great deal for his intercession with grandfather.”

“Mayumi-san will suffice. Are we not both daughters of the greatest noble houses in Japan?” At that, Miyu looked down, before managing a small, affirming nod.

“Well then.” Mayumi-san clapped her hands together. “Shall we get down to business?”


“… so of course grandfather has concerns, as do the other noble houses. The events in Kyoto were a disaster, right? You really made a mess of that, Akio-san.” She had jumped to using my first name, her confidence, even with an older man like myself, really quite something. I glanced at Hinata, who was grinning wryly, and she shrugged, as if to say what can you do?

Yes, it seems her friend is extremely confident. Well, I remember that from her attitude at the big meeting, when Shaeula had to put her in her place. “I know Kyoto went poorly, but we won’t let that happen again.” I promised. I’ve seen enough injuries and deaths of those around me I swore to protect.

“Well, you’ll have to be certain. After all, if I, Ichijou Mayumi, am to take your Chirurgery, and your training, if I get injured Grandfather will be furious, and the nobility too! Sakura-san and the others will be in your care as well as my brother. None of them can afford injuries.”

I looked at Hinata again, who looked down, a little ashamed. “Sorry Akio. I couldn’t stop the momentum. Fukumoto house may be part of the Fifty-Eight now, but we don’t have much actual influence. I did manage to get my mother to argue for concessions though. She’s still of Takatsukasa descent, after all.”

“You have quite the obsession with profit. Not that I don’t understand, Hinata.” Mayumi-san said, ignoring my obvious displeasure. “I myself am taking this venture seriously. That follower of yours, Ixitt, wasn’t it? He sent over some rather interesting plans. My brother will inherit Ichijou house, so I want to make something for myself. This joint business venture seems ideal. You can’t complain, Akio-kun. After all, you’ll be a shareholder in Ichijou house, something few can boast.”

“I apologise as well.” Motoko bowed to me, looking chagrined. Beside her Natsumi also seemed down. “I fear this might have been our mistake. We have been showing excellent results in our studies and sports at school. It is only natural that other daughters of nobility would talk to their brothers and parents. The Chirurgery offers great benefits, even if they do not attend the training school after that. It is no wonder they want it.”

“I’ve always had excellent grades, as have you two.” Hinata pouted. “I don’t need the boosts to excel. But I admit they help.”

“Don’t be like that, Hinata.” Mayumi chided her, imperious. “I can’t believe you are hesitating to share such wonderful gifts. I hate missing out on interesting things, and when I see Kabuki or Sumo, I always need to sit at the front! Just remember, I am not to suffer injury!” she said, and Hinata snorted, having had enough of her friend’s ignorance.

“Of course you’ll get injured. I’ve been bruised and battered a lot.” Hinata said cheerfully. “But then, I can take it. As long as Akio or Shaeula can heal you up, what does it matter? I doubt you’ll be able to get as strong as us anyway.” She stoked Mayumi’s competitive nature. “I’m afraid if you aren’t prepared to suffer a little, you’ll never grow!”

I don’t think that’s fair. Hinata has access to a Rank 2 Lovers’ Link now, of course she’ll be superior. Damn, I can’t believe the nobility wants me to perform so much Chirurgery. I have my hands full with the last of the Special Forces, and I have the Black Wolf Company to do, and…

Seeing my expression, Miyu came over, trailed by Michiru-san. The look on her face was similar to Motoko’s, rather ashamed. I could see Daiyu watching all this, puzzled and defensive, but Shiro was with her, eye red, Tan obviously talking to her in Chinese so she wasn’t left all alone. Shaeula, meanwhile, was with Ren-san and Keomi-chan, with the rest of the trainees, Eri and Hikawa-san gathered around them.

Yeah, we aren’t getting much done this evening. Well, I don’t have too much time, anyway.

“I apologise for this. Grandfather is also keen on having my cousin Honoka-san, as well as other nobles, blessed by your efforts.” She bowed deeply. “I understand it might be a burden, but I shall make it up to you. I need to please grandfather, now more than ever, after keeping my status a secret for so long.”

“A real man would push through and perform, no matter the odds!” Michiru-san insisted, stoutly.

“Well, it’s true I’m stronger now, but even so, the sheer weight of Chirurgery, coupled with what I need to do other than that… damn, my schedule is going to be brutal for the next few weeks. I have to look at Chirurgery for those Haru-san identified as worthwhile from Conclave as well…”

“You have my sympathies. I… I am learning just how hard it can be to have power, not just relying on the weight of my family.” Miyu declared. “it is not as frightening as I feared, but even so, it is hard. I do not envy you.”

“So, you’ve been keeping up with your Territory, as well as your dancing?” I asked, and she nodded gracefully.

“With your help, I have been able to grow my realm. I still shake with fear fighting monsters, but I can defeat some now.”

“I, Koga Michiru, shall never allow you to come to harm so long as I draw breath!” the little ninja girl declared to her, red scarf flapping.

That gives me an idea. Considering what I have planned later… “Miyu, if you want to return the favour, how about helping me out tonight with some experiments in my Territory. It’ll be safe, there’s no danger. Can you get permission from your grandfather to stay out tonight?”

“Ordinarily, it would be a great shame being with a man unaccompanied. But he trusts you, as do I. I offered you a precious gift that I did not know the value of, and instead of taking it from me gleefully, you helped me understand my worth, and gave me the strength to put it to use. I shall contact grandfather. I assume Michiru may accompany me?”

“Not a problem. Anyway, let me have a word with Hikawa-san, and then I have to get Daiyu’er settled in, and start Chirurgery and Ether Healing…” the expression on my face must have been forlorn as Miyu let out a small laugh, unusual for her, as she was quite the solemn girl. Even Michiru-san behind her looked similarly amused.

“I shall leave you to your efforts then. I shall aid Hinata-san in restraining Mayumi-sama… Mayumi-san. Come, Michiru!” With that they joined the noble group, trying to calm the feisty Mayumi-san…

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