On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Five

Three Hundred And Five

“Oshiro-san…” Hikawa-san spoke as I approached him. He was on the edge of the group of trainees, looking pensive, especially when he looked at the pale Keomi-chan.

“Hikawa-san.” I returned his hesitant greeting. Glancing around, I realised I couldn’t see Ren-san. Asking where he was, I got a surprising answer.

“My son is down in the gym. Even though he’s injured, he said he wanted to get stronger.”

I see. I guess the experience has changed him. “Well, those are laudable sentiments.” I agreed. “I’ll speak to him later. He shouldn’t push himself too hard, especially when he’s still healing.”

“Just like you didn’t, or Mori-san?” Hikawa-san looked at Eri in her wheelchair with some guilt. “Look, Oshiro-san…” he hesitated again, searching for what words to say, before deciding to be honest. “I’m sorry. We should have come to you first, rather than propping up Yamato-sama. But we agreed it wouldn’t do any harm, and that it would be an ideal way of fulfilling our commitments…”

I disagreed with his sentiments, but I let him speak, knowing he needed to get it off his chest. “… well, you know how it ended up. Susanoo is effectively destroyed as a faction. Uchida-sama is secluded in grief, Yamato-sama is in a coma, and those of us who let our children, grandchildren and other relatives die are wracked with guilt.” His smile was bitter as he continued. “Tsukuyomi seems to have ended too, so now it’s just your faction, and Amaterasu. Even Saionji-san seems to be supporting you to an extent.” He let out a bitter sigh. “When I first met you at the behest of Izumi-san, I simply thought you’d be a good tool to boost Susanoo. Who would have thought that you’d end up saving my daughters…”

“Speaking of the twins, how are they? They should be out of danger, but even so, healing such horrible injuries takes time.” I asked, concerned. Shaeula and I do need to give them a further round of Ether Healing to remove scars and other minor wounds we didn’t focus on, but since they are stable, it doesn’t need to be immediately, even though I want to prioritise them. Damn, I have too much on my plate. If only there was someone else that could learn.

“They surprised me.” Hikawa-san muttered, shaking his head. “Despite their terrible ordeal, they still want to return to the training school. They aren’t even out of middle school yet, but they have more guts than their father, that’s for sure. Ren too. Can you say something to him again? He’s still blaming himself.”

“I will.” I agreed. “I understand what it is to feel guilty over things like this, but really, he did the best he could, and thanks to that… well, we avoided the worst. So, Chiaki and Chiasa are willing to continue?” I was relieved at that. If they wanted to quit, of course I’d respect that, but coupled with Haru-san, they were invaluable as a learning tool, and were they to continue gaining strength, they should be powerful assets in the future.

“Yes. They are here too, along with the girl there.” He nodded at Keomi-chan, who had turned out to be the one with the least injuries of the four girls we rescued, despite looking so horrible initially, so her physical wounds were now healed. Though the mental shock she suffered was worse, along with Hotene-san, the girl who was blinded. I don’t think Hotene-san has been released from the hospital in Kyoto yet…

“I see. Well, if I get chance I’ll do a little more healing to finish their recovery. The sooner we can mend them the better, right?” I tried to lighten the mood a little.

“Right.” Hikawa-san managed weakly. “Well, I’ve said my piece. As for the others, they are likely too ashamed to show their faces here. Other than the neutral shrines, of course. Not that they are neutral anymore.” He let out one last long, bitter sigh. “To think the dream of uniting the faiths of Japan would be done largely by an outsider. Well, I suppose with the noble Lady Diviner, Saionji-san and Kudou-san in your corner, our traditions and history will endure. Well, I’ve taken enough of your time.” He stepped away, having said what he wanted to.

With that I went to speak to Marika-san, Keomi-chan and Kana. The students from the neutral shrines were there as well, and I exchanged some words with them, thanking them for their prudence, before speaking to Keomi-san. “How are you? You shouldn’t have forced yourself to come if you don’t feel well.”

“Well, this is my shrine, isn’t it, Akio-kun.” She managed a weak giggle. “I didn’t come far. And my leg is healed, isn’t it.” She stood, showing us she could walk again. She was clearly trying to appear as the impish, airheaded young girl I knew her as, though her grin was a touch off, and her face was pale.

“I know, but mental scars are harder to heal. If Haru-san wasn’t so busy we could try her Mind Healing Light and a few other things. Just… hang in there, okay?”

She nodded, faint tears in her eyes. “I’m okay. I promise. But maybe… maybe some cake from that super-good store would cheer me up?” she winked at me adorably, pigtails bouncing, and I gave in with a laugh.

“Sure, I’ll send someone to buy a lot.” I promised, and as she gave a happy “Yay!” in return, I turned my attention to Marika-san.

“How are you feeling?” I asked. “Your mother was pretty adamant about bringing you back to Nishimorioka, and I can’t say I entirely blame her. I do think you’d be better off here, learning more and becoming stronger, but… in the end, it’s up to you.”

The group was silent as Marika-san thought about it. “Mother was very forward.” She admitted, in a quiet voice. “I was terrified. People I knew… they’d died.” She was as serious as ever, acting way beyond her age. “I’ve experienced a lot of fearful things here in Tokyo and Kyoto, since I chose to honour Chairo-sama by following you. But this is the path I chose. I’ll be a shrine maiden that Chairo-sama can be proud of, that Japan can be proud of. That grandfather, father and… most of all, my mother can be proud of.” She gave me a wan smile then. “Perhaps it might be different if I was hurt like Keomi-san, but…” even so, I could see she was afraid, her hands trembling a little.

Damn, she’s a very brave little girl. Reaching out, I patted her head, surprising her. “With an attitude like that, you’ll definitely succeed. Can I ask you to look after Keomi-chan for me?”

As she nodded, Keomi-chan protested. “But Akio-kun, I’m the older one, shouldn’t I be looking after her?”

“Uh, well, I think that Marika-san is more mature, so… I’ll leave it in her hands.”

As Keomi-chan protested, there was laughter, and the tense mood evaporated. Kana was next to speak to me. “Hey Akio, if you are wondering, my friends were definitely shaken up by the whole mess, but… they’ll be back. Especially when I showed off the light element I gained.” She smiled. “So anyway, who’s the new girl?”

Several others echoed her, interested. “She’s Zhao Daiyu, from China. A Cultivator, if you can believe in such things. She’s also another Chosen by the Gods.”

“I see. Collecting them, aren’t you?” She smirked, though I could see a touch of irritation in that smile. “Well, I’m sure she’ll be of use to you, assuming you can trust her.”

“Well, she swore an oath I don’t think is easy to break.” I reassured her, but strangely, that only served to irritate Kana more, and she tossed her head, making an indelicate noise of disapproval.

“I see. Well, whatever, I’m not the boss of you, am I?” her expression softened then. “So anyway, seems there’s some big-shots about tonight. I remember them from the huge meeting we had.” She nodded at the group containing Miyu and Mayumi-san. “Her bodyguard is here too, outside with the people from Fujiwara Security Services. There’s more of them than ever. I guess it makes sense, with all that happened…” her voice dropped, barely more than a whisper by the end, and I knew that Kana had been affected by the deaths as well. Seeing me looking at her with compassion, her skin tinged pink, and she met my gaze.

“Look, I’m fine, all right? Like Marika-chan, I’ve been through some horrible experiences. I’ve toughened up. I’m not the selfish girl I used to be. Well, not totally.” She paused. “I do have a request, but I’m not sure if it’s selfish or not, though.”

Oh? “Well, you’ve been a real help to me recently, so ask away, and if I can, I’ll grant it.”

“Ugh, it’s saying things like that which lead to misunderstandings.” She pouted. “If I’m so valuable to you, why don’t you… you know what, never mind. It doesn’t matter. What does is…” she took a deep breath, steadying herself. “… I’ve been thinking. A lot. Unusual for me, I know.” She smiled mockingly. “I’ve seen how hard you and Shaeula have been working, trying to heal the injured, granting power to so many… I’ve listened to Aiko-chan and her dreams of becoming someone who deals with fitness and magic. Maybe it’s because she’s older than me, she seems so determined.”

“No, my sis isn’t as mature as you think.” I assured her, amused. “It’s just… she never really had a goal, now she does. A goal changes people. It changed me. I was drifting aimlessly as well. Now I can’t afford to any longer. It’s simple.”

“I’ll say you can’t, Akio.” Kana laughed. “You have a lot of people to support, and not just your pretty girls. All of us. Japan. Now this girl from China too. I hear you promised the Lady Diviner as well. You’re stretched pretty thin.”

More laughter all around, as I scratched my head ruefully. “Yeah, don’t I know it.”

“Well, I’ve decided too. You said I should be proud of my gifts, my eyes, and my ability to sense fragmented thoughts. Well, I’ve talked to my parents and grandfather when I got back from Kyoto, as well as Shirohebi…” she shook her head. “I still can’t believe I can talk to our kami whenever I want. Well, Akio, I want to learn Chirurgery and Ether Healing too. I want to help, and I think this is something you need. You and Shaeula have been looking exhausted since Friday night. It’s kind of pitiful to see.” She teased me.

“Really? Are you sure? You know how painful it can be, learning Ether Healing. And while I can certainly help with my Eye, I don’t have enough of a connection to you to see your status to know when you succeed in Ranking it up.”

“That’s quite a rude thing to say. But so very you.” Kana sighed. “Yes, I know, I remember the pain. It was awful. But I managed the first Rank of Ether Healing, right? So I can get better at it. Look, didn’t you say you’d grant my request? Why the arguments?”

“I just… well, I don’t like hurting girls. Even when it’s necessary.”

“Well, you’ll have to suck it up and be a man. After all, I have to raise my value, right? I’m Izumi Kana, and I’m beautiful, charming and I’m going to be somebody! You should be grateful that I’m choosing to do this, to help you out!”

“I am most-most grateful, as is Akio, I am quite certain.” Shaeula said from behind us, making Kana jump.

“You startled me.” She complained. “Well, he could stand to show it a little more. I’m starting to feel underappreciated.”

“That is not-not it, you know he is simply unsure of how to act around you.” Shaeula looked at me, her face bright and her smile gently mocking. “After all, you are very pretty, Kana, and he has a great deal of liking for you.”

Liking, yeah, I know. All the boys like me. But… he knows where I stand. But I’ve decided. I doubt I’ll ever be a fighter, not like Eri-san or Aiko-chan. It’s too frightening, and… well, I hate admitting my flaws, but I’m not that brave. But this… I can help you two out, and in the future, it’ll be a job not many can do. I can make a small fortune, right?” she winked, and Keomi-chan laughed.

“That’s Kana-chan for you! Always after the easy money!”

“You shut up, idiot! You’ve always been clumsy and airheaded, but to think you managed to get yourself dragged into such a mess…”

The hard conversation over with, I looked at Shaeula, who nodded. I suppose Kana is right. Having skills is going to be very important as soon as the world finds out about all this, which can’t be much longer. Japan is already creaking at the seams with leaks and incidents, China is the same, and surely other countries too… and once irrefutable proof is out there, it’ll spread round the world in an instant.

Telling Shaeula to bring Hinata, Daiyu and now Kana to the room Hinata had set up for the Healing, I headed down to the gym to see Ren-san. When I got there, I could see he was on a treadmill, running at a decent pace, sweat dripping from him, his face revealing he was still in some pain. On seeing me come in, he pressed a button, and the treadmill slowed, leaving him panting and breathing heavily. Seeing that, I tossed him a towel from one of the racks. He caught it, wiping his sweat, before looking at me, a touch guiltily.

“Did you need something?” he asked, all his usual arrogance gone.

“Nothing much, I just came down to check you aren’t pushing yourself too hard. You’re not fully healed yet either.”

“Well, I’m fine.” He insisted. “Save your efforts for my sisters, and those who need it more.”

I know that look he’s giving me. Guilt. But it’s misplaced. This isn’t Ren-san’s fault. In fact, he salvaged the situation. “Oh, I intend to. But they won’t be happy if they hear you’ve been overdoing it. Still, I approve. Growing your strength will never betray you. I wish I was stronger too.”

“You?” he snorted. “You faced Nurarihyon and came back alive. Compared to that, I…”

“Don’t be a fool.” I chided him. “If Nurarihyon wanted, I’d have been squished like a bug. No, my strength got me through the door, able to negotiate, but it wasn’t sufficient to save everyone, was it? I get it, I do. I feel your pain as well. But you did the best you could. More than anyone could have expected. You got out, and you sought us out. And so your sisters, Keomi-chan and Hotene-san lived. Your father is worried about you, but I’m not.”

“You aren’t?” he asked, surprised.

“No. Seeing you, determined, trying to be stronger, it means you realised what matters. I will keep an eye on you, to make sure you don’t push it too far, but I know you have the spirit to get through this and come out of it stronger. After all, it’s only when we have something to protect that we can grow. Your sisters are important to you, aren’t they?”

“Of course they are!” he snapped. “They’re my younger sisters! They can be annoying, and… well, they always treat me like I’m someone special, calling me Ren-sama… well, in the past I thought that was cool, that as the heir to such an important shrine, it was only natural they’d look up to me, but… what the hell are you making me say?” he snapped, the old Ren-san coming back into focus. “Of course I care about my sisters, but I’m not obsessed with them like you are with yours!”

“Ouch. Hurtful!” I laughed at his barbed words. “But I get it, I do. So… when you are fully healed, your sisters too, as I hear from your father they aren’t backing out, we’ll put together a new training regimen, one that pushes you all to new heights. For now though, just don’t overdo it, all right?”

“You already said that! Get lost, you’ve got things to do, haven’t you?” he scowled, and I retreated, laughing. Yeah, I think Ren-san will be all right. No, better than all right. This could be the making of him, strength growing from tragedy…


Gathered in the room Hinata had modified for the foreign guests was quite the crowd. The room was separated into two, with a soundproof one-way mirror, so I could see that on the other side, several beds were set up, two elderly Caucasian men and one middle-aged black woman occupying them. There was a doctor and nurse present, as well as Hinata’s grandfather, who was talking to the patients cheerfully, laughing. Hinata flicked a switch, and their words could be heard.

“No need to worry, Mr Schwartz. I’ve been through the treatment myself. I’d hardly be so foolish as to recommend something harmful. But don’t just take my word for it. Takatsukasa Ichijou, you must have heard the reports that his health has vastly improved, right?” he was saying in English.

“Yes, there’s been a lot of rumours floating around about changes in Japan’s inner circle of nobility. I hear your company is on the rise as well, Mr Fukumoto.”

“It certainly is. My granddaughter’s marriage has been decided, though no wedding date is set. When you are better, you simply must come to the wedding. You too, Mr Goldmeyer.” After that he started talking to the woman, who was sweating and clearly in great pain, her face and body gaunt and hollow.

On our side there was Hinata and Kazumi-san, Shaeula, Kana, who was waiting eagerly to see us work, Daiyu, who was watching quietly, still tense, unable to understand those around her, as well as surprisingly Mayumi-san and her regal-looking bodyguard, who wore a sharp suit, cut to a male fashion, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. On seeing my surprise at her presence, Mayumi-san smiled. “I thought I would watch something so exciting. After all, I’ll be in your care soon enough, so I would like to see for myself first. I abhor pain, so be as gentle as possible.”

“I must apologise, but the initial Chirurgery can be quite-quite painful. This can not-not be helped.” Shaeula grinned.

“Well, do your best anyway!” Mayumi warned. “Besides, there is another reason I’m here.” She pointed to the woman in one of the beds. “She’s the daughter of the President of Kumba-Stillwater. It’s one of the largest mining companies in the world, and certainly the largest on the African continent. Grandfather has dealings with them, as their metals supply a lot of our industries, and when I heard Hinata here was looking for wealthy foreigners… well, I had heard that the President’s daughter was gravely ill. Bowel cancer, supposedly untreatable.” She smiled at us then. “The President cherishes his daughter Miss Lindiwe. I have met her at a party hosted by Ichijou house before, along with her father. So I reached out. Obviously they were sceptical, but… well, she has less than six months left, according to all the best doctors.”

“Sorry about that, Akio. Mayumi-sama always has ways to worm things out of me.” Hinata apologised.

“Worm? How rude. I merely keep my ear to the ground. Well, we will be starting a business together, won’t we?” she looked at me. “And from the designs your subordinate is suggesting, we will need an awful lot of precious and rare earth metals, to say nothing of endless amounts of iron, aluminium, tungsten… if you can heal her, well, we each get a two percent stake in the company, and access to all the metals we need at cost, with some even free. It’s an excellent deal! It could save us trillions of yen over the longer term!”

“So, you are managing to profit yourself?” I pointed out, and she met my gaze calmly.

“Why of course. Referral fees.” She replied boldly, leading to Shaeula laughing heartily at her sheer cheek.

“The other two are Mr Schwartz, who runs one of the largest hedge funds in America. He had a bad fall recently, destroying his hip and upper leg. Due to a hereditary condition and the severity of the injury, it seems that a hip replacement won’t work, so he’s destined to be confined to a wheelchair. If we can prevent that, well, he’s prepared to pay us fifty million dollars. He’s a man who cherishes being active and his hobbies, despite his advancing age.” Hinata continued.

“Small change compared to what I managed.” Mayumi-san said proudly.

“True. But even so, fifty million dollars can purchase a lot of necessary property in our Territory. Good job!” I praised Hinata, who leaned in, happily.

“As for Mr Goldmeyer…” Hinata’s expression changed, troubled. “He has recently suffered a large cardiac incident, suffering damage to his heart, but worse, to his nerves, and he is partially paralysed. Doctors say that if he doesn’t have surgery he’ll certainly suffer further worsening of his condition, but that the surgery only has a forty percent survival rate. He is the largest shareholder in a major computer chip company, one everyone has heard of, and we use a lot in Nichibotsu products. If we can improve his condition, we’ll receive a five percent stake, as well as preferential deals on their products… and also access to some of their scientists and researchers.” She smiled. “He was puzzled at that request when Grandfather gave it. He thinks Nichibotsu is intending a new product line, but it’s actually for Ixitt.”

“I see. So, cancer, shattered bones and the heart and nerves. This is going to be tough.” At least it’s not regenerating lost parts. Though again, I don’t see why I can’t.

I must have been frowning, as Hinata looked a little worried. Still in my embrace, she looked up at me. “Can you do it? I should have asked first, but I just thought if it was you, it’d be possible. After all, you healed my grandfathers, and have managed to save the girls…”

“She has a great deal of faith in you.” Mayumi-san grinned. “I can hardly wait to see if it is misplaced or not.”

“Don’t worry.” I reassured Hinata. “Shaeula and I will manage. And we’ll reap the rewards.”

“Great. Well, I’d best go see grandfather and let him know to start.” As she left my arms, a touch regretfully, Hinata entered the room, while I turned to Kana. “Well, your eyes, they only pick up abnormalities, right? I think it’s going to be hard for you to make this work, but we’ll have to see precisely what you can do.”

Kana nodded, and soon we were ready to go. The nurse had sedated the patients, while the doctor was monitoring their vitals with portable medical machinery. Exchanging a look with Shaeula, I asked which patient we should work on first.

“The bones. That seems quite-quite the challenge.” She grinned. At the bedside of Mr Schwartz our eyes flared amber, as we inspected the damage. I let out a low whistle, indeed shocked. “Yeah, the hip-bone and parts of the upper thigh are barely fragments and powder, and most of the muscles are ruined. There’s some nerve-damage here too. No wonder they can’t just try a hip replacement.”

“How shall-shall we proceed then?” Shaeula asked, and I paused for thought.

“Well, all, or at least enough of the bone is still there, even if it’s not intact. We gather it together in the proper shape, and…” as we discussed it, the doctor and nurse looked on, equal parts awed, terrified and curious.

“Don’t worry, they are from the hospital in Kyoto.” Fukumoto-san chuckled. “They know how to keep secrets, and what would happen if they don’t.”

That concern allayed, Shaeula and I started our work, extending aether through the body of the patient. It wasn’t as simple a matter as some of the injuries that the girls had suffered, grievous though they were. Just using aether to regenerate the bones wouldn’t work, they were clearly too fragmented, and the damage around it was severe, infection starting to set in despite the obvious presence of extremely potent antibiotics in his system. “Hmm…” I muttered, pursing my lips. “Shaeula, can you work on cleansing the infection, repairing the surrounding damage and helping the muscles recover? I’ll try and gather all the fragments into a semblance of the correct shape, and then we can go from there.”

She nodded, and I began to concentrate, all my Split Thoughts working overtime. It was like speed-running a ferociously complex jigsaw puzzle, but with the comparison from his mostly undamaged other hip, I was able to see the ideal outcome, though I needed to activate Body Enhancement for the extra processing power. I really should touch up that other hip and some areas of wear and tear while I’m here…

Once I had assembled the bone, I noticed there were a few missing areas, but only small parts of the whole, worn away by age and time. As aether flooded into his body, knitting the bones together, I also allowed a little earth energy to permeate them, the idea striking me as my Body Enhancement and Might of the Furious Earth used it in that way. After an hour of stressful work, I mopped my sweaty brow, stepping away, Shaeula already having finished.

“Done. It looks much improved to me. Consider the tune-up to the other leg a bonus. Right, I think we’ll do the other man next.” After a cool drink provided by Hinata, her grandfather watching us together with a sly grin, I inspected our next patient.

“The heart is in a bad shape. Still, we have some experience with it.” I mentioned, and Fukumoto-san shrugged, no doubt remembering the pain he felt at my efforts. Observing with my Eye, I pointed out to Shaeula the areas that seemed damaged.

“I see-see.” She agreed. “Well, it is not-not much more difficult to repair than the last male. I shall leave the heart to you!”

The beats were slower, due to the anaesthetic, but still irregular. Looking at the damaged tissue, I channelled in aether, reducing swelling, cleaning valves and more. I’m glad my memory is good and I studied some anatomy and medical textbooks in my free time. Free time… I remember that…

The Doctor panicked as the monitoring equipment screamed a warning, saying the patient was flatlining, but that was because the heart had stopped as I did the most delicate work. A few seconds later I restarted it with a jolt, and after a while, we finished up, the damage repaired.

“That was easier than repairing shattered and powdered bone.” I said, and Shaeula nodded. “Well, onto the last, most critical case.”

The woman, miss Lindiwe, looked terrible indeed. I could see her bones under her gaunt, paper-like skin, and despite her rich, dark skin tone, she somehow managed to sport an unhealthy pallor. Poor woman. Cancer is a terrible thing. “Right then, let’s make this a clean sweep.”

This was a different experience to before. Cancer was rife in her bowels, but had also spread to several internal organs. Removing the cancer was easy enough with Ether Healing, but her body was so weak that even cutting free a little pushed her close to death, so Shaeula had to keep infusing her with vitality. It was painfully slow going, harder even than fixing bones, as a mistake here meant death, but after around another hour, we were done.

“Great job!” Hinata enthused, as I gave her a thumbs-up. “When word gets around about these successes, in addition to my grandfathers, we’ll have no shortage of clients from America, Europe, Africa… there are already some from Japan’s nobility and business world who are interested as well…”

“That’s great and all, but not for a week or two, please.” I groaned. “We have so much to do, and not enough of me to do it!”

“A shame you are so short on time, I would have loved to invite you out for a drink, grandson-in-law.” Fukumoto-san laughed, and I promised him I would visit in the future. Returning to the room behind the mirror, I saw Mayumi-san looking at me with some respect for a change, while Kana was rubbing at her eyes, exhausted, and Daiyu seemed excited.

“You… what did you do? That woman, her Qi was almost exhausted, the flames of life ebbing low, and now she is regaining her vitality. What arts are these?” Daiyu asked me eagerly.

“Healing arts. We can discuss it later.” I assured her. She complained at that, that I was brushing her off, but I had other concerns right now.

“So, how was it?” I asked Kana.

“Difficult.” She sighed. “So hard the old me would have given up by now. I have much better control over my sight, it’s true, but you are right, it only sees abnormalities. I could see the aether you injected in, and what you were healing, but little else. Now I have a fierce headache as well.”

“Hmm, well, that gives me an idea. But that’s for later. For now, I want to see the twins and run a bit of healing on them to finish their recovery, before we go to the Boundary. We have to meet Primal Forest soon.”

“Wait, before that.” Mayumi-san said. “While we are here, I believe you might as well give me this Chirurgery. Hinata here survived it well enough, and I’ve seen proof of your talents in action. I am no longer concerned by it. So, go ahead.” She smiled at me challengingly, and I heard Hinata laugh a little bitterly.

This girl. She really is a selfish little princess, far more than Shaeula ever was. Oh well, I suppose today or tomorrow, it doesn’t matter, but… A mischievous grin crossed my face. I wonder how little miss pampered will cope with the rather nasty pain…

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