On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Forty-Six

Three Hundred And Forty-Six

“So, who’s the girl then, Aki?” Shiro asked, tilting her head, trying to place her. “She seems a bit familiar, but…” Before she could say more her hair burst into flames and her eyes turned crimson, and Tan was licking Shiro’s lips seductively.

“Such a magnificent fire, one bursting with divinity. My stomach is still full, but I believe I could drink a little…” she suddenly paused as I karate-chopped her head gently.

“No, there’s no way you get to eat a friend and ally, Tan. Stick to bad people.” I warned.

“I was not seriously considering it. But the smell is simply so alluring…” she protested, before Shiro wrested back control. Behind her, Eri and Shaeula were laughing, having met Yukiko-san before and knowing who she was, while Kana, who also knew who she was, was shrinking, a little overawed. I don’t know why though, it’s not much different to Shaeula. Or is it because she’s the princess of your country, not a foreign Fae one?

“Shit, Tan, calm down.” Shiro pouted, rubbing at her head. “And Aki, that’s my body you’re whacking! I’ve only just been healed, don’t break me again! Besides, if you damaged my brain, the world would weep!”

Her humorous complaints broke the tension, Yukiko-san looking on a bit bemused, the armour I had given her still part of her attire here in the Boundary. On seeing that, I introduced her. “Shiro, this is Yukiko-san, she’s the Imperial Princess of Japan, and Priestess of the Grand Shrine at Ise, as well as Chosen of Amaterasu.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Yukiko-san said gracefully, though she seemed a bit uncomfortable. “And to see you again.” She nodded politely to Shaeula and Eri.

“Yes, it is good-good to see a fellow princess here, even if your title of Princess of Heaven still makes me rather-rather jealous.” Shaeula chuckled, and Eri also returned her greetings, drawing a curious gaze from Yukiko-san.

“That was just what Tsukiko said. That’s not my official title.” She protested. “By the way… Eri-san… those ears and tail?”

Eri flushed, embarrassed. “It’s a side-effect of my survival. Try not to pay it any mind. I’m embarrassed enough by it.”

“Nonsense.” Shaeula scoffed. “I know you are pleased by the way it allures Akio, even now-now your tail is lashing happily, is it not-not?”

As the banter continued, Kana spoke up, relieved. “Is it always like this? So… carefree? I’ll be honest, Akio. Since this is my first time as a true Chosen, going out to fight properly… I’m scared. But everyone is so relaxed, like it’s not a big deal. Am I wrong to be worried?”

“I think… it’s because they are confident in their power?” Yukiko-san said to her, thinking. “I see you are wearing hakama, but I don’t recall seeing you as one of the Chosen at Conclave.” She inquired.

Kana looked at me, asking for permission, which I granted with a nod. “Excuse me then, for not introducing myself further. I am Izumi Kana, daughter of Shirohebizumi shrine. I… only recently became a Chosen, and I am Akio’s vassal. This is my first time out and about like this, so I’m pretty nervous.”

“I see. Only recently, huh? Well, at least you aren’t alone. That makes a big difference.” She said contemplatively. “Shirohebizumi? That was one of the shrines who has a kami able to walk the world, right?”

“That’s right…” as the two talked, I asked Shaeula how her day went, as I opened up my menu to check my Territory.

“I was indeed rather-rather busy. Firstly, a delegation from Duke Formor arrived. Several dozen-dozen trolls, led by a giant. Hyacinth, Grulgor and my brother are… settling them in.” Her smile was cold. “Hyacinth does have a deep-deep grudge against the giants, since they defeated and imprisoned her, and they know it, but she does not-not care, since it led to her finding us, finding you. Even so, seeing her greatly increased strength, Grulgor’s too, it does-does make them wonder. My brother, he can apply pressure from a political standpoint so…” she shrugged. “… I anticipate no trouble, and we can use them to great-great effect in our defences. They do wish to be-be trained, to gain strength as Grulgor has, but… that is for later.” She smiled. “Duke Formor is a proud, fiery and angry giant, but he is not-not a cunning schemer like Duke Vulpatrius. He does-does wish for the defeat of the Unseelie, and has pressed for our plans on assaulting Salamandrastrae. Of course, such is simply folly for now. I suggested that depending on where-where the Seelie Court ends up after the next transition, we may have other-other targets to attack first.”

“I see. Well, extra forces are always nice, especially if we are going to go for a Rank 4 upgrade and the defences will be down. Assuming we can trust them, of course.”

So, the Dwarven Smelter was done a couple of days ago, and since then I just stuck in a Treasury upgrade to Rank 3, as it was cheap and would fill the queue for a while, besides, with the mines working away, extra space to store precious metals and gems won’t be useless. So the current queues are at

Ether Density Anchor Spire Rank 2 at just under ninety-six days

Ether Spire Anchor Spire Rank 2 at the same.

Ether Spire Rank 4 at two hundred and five days.

Treasury Rank 3 at thirty-eight days.

In terms of ether, we were holding just a bit over eight hundred thousand ether. The amount was nice, but I couldn’t help but lament the slowing that was dramatically reducing how much ether my Territory was pulling in. Ordinarily, over the last few days in the Material we’d have made most of that from my Territory alone, but with time not being much faster here currently, and the reduced amount of ether gained due to the slowing itself… yeah, in a way we’re lucky that worthless clone bastard gave out a lot of ether on death. In addition, everyone was working hard grinding, which was also increasing our stocks. So, in just a few days I can rush-build Haru-san’s Territory to Rank 3, and then we can look at preparing the ether for my own upgrade. Damn, I’m nervous…

Shaeula was continuing to boast, chest puffed out in pride. “At least the giant did not-not come empty-handed.” She was gloating. “A box of Etherites and some more precious metals were-were given as… compensation… for the incidents that plagued us. Oh, they did not-not admit any fault of course, but they hoped such a gift would… help us forget about the past.”

“And will it?” Eri asked.

“No, however, I am not-not a fool, I will gladly take what is offered. There were blue and green Etherites, as well as a great-great number of red, orange and yellow ones. It makes the offerings my brother brought look paltry. Well, Ixitt was rather pleased.”

“All right then. Well, we should get going.” I declared. “Today I’d like to push all the way towards Kiyomizu-dera and check out the situation there. Since we have a guest with us, we shouldn’t have any problems.”

“Kiyomizu-dera? That’s the Uchida family shrine.” Yukiko-san said. “I suppose with Uchida Yamato-san being… indisposed, the shrine is unprotected.”

“Yes, and it’s in reach of Haru-san’s Territory should she push to Rank 3.” I agreed. Gin-san could cover most of Kyoto from Kinkaku-ji with his own Rank 3 Territory, including Kiyomizu-dera, but the south would be out of his aegis, so it’s better to have Haru-san, who is more central, go first. And I admit to being greedy, I want the light element there under our control, as well as the Unique Building, if it still stands. It was easy for me to justify it too, considering that Haru-san was a Chosen of Kannon, just like Yamato-san used to be.

“Hearing you talk, I’m rather surprised to hear how simple you make these matters. Yes, I can strengthen the lands around Ise, with the grace of Amaterasu, but when you talk about Ranks like that, it does sound awfully convenient.”

“Yeah, Aki has all the classic cheat skills.” Shiro laughed. “I know…” her smile was teasing, and I knew she was about to say something outrageous. “… why not become a vassal to Aki? That way you can benefit from all his cheats?”

Yukiko-san paused for a moment, mouth flapping, before shaking her head. “That’s… not a good idea. As the Priestess of Ise, as a member of the Imperial Family, I can’t lower myself to be below anyone else. It isn’t that I don’t trust you… after all, Tsukiko chose you to be the one to save me and the other Princesses of the Six Paths…” at that, Shiro raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading on her face. “… but, no.” she looked at Shiro then. “Are you a vassal then? You seem far too proud for that.”

“Me? No.” Shiro denied it. “But I don’t need to be. I’m his fiancée, so…”

“Another one?” Yukiko-san sighed. “You’re certainly… prolific.”

“That he is.” Shaeula agreed. “Well, I am eager to get to fighting. All-all I have been doing is politics. First with Duke Formor’s delegation, and then-then with the Government of Japan.” She yawned, a small hand covering her mouth. “Befuddling winds, and more befuddling winds. I am quite fatigued, but a bout of combat will refresh me, I have no-no doubts.” She paused. “Well, from what-what Tsukiko said to Akio, I believe the two of you need to get along, do you not-not?” As they looked at her quizzically, she pushed on. “After all, Shiro here is the Hungry Ghost. Quite-quite apt if you ask me.”

“Really? You’re the one whose destiny Akio-san changed?” Yukiko-san was surprised.

“Changed my destiny, huh?” Shiro thought about that. “I guess he did. So, well, we might as well evaluate each other, right? How about a friendly wager? Seems like we both use fire, according to Tan, so… whoever burns up more enemies owes the other a drink?”

Yukiko-san looked surprised at the casual way Shiro was addressing her, so I stepped in. “Don’t take Shiro personally. She has no sense of formality at all, she treats everyone the same.”

“I… don’t mind.” Yukiko-san shook her head. “I know I’m not much of a Princess, plain boring me.”

“Hardly.” I disagreed. “As Chosen of Amaterasu; boring is the last way I’d describe you. Anyway…” I looked at Shiro, Eri and Shaeula, as well as Kana, who was listening with a pale face, unable to shake her respect for Yukiko-san. “We don’t have all night. We might as well get started. I have to be back in Tokyo tomorrow…”


“That’s pretty crazy.” Shiro whistled, impressed, as the dozen Sarugami in front of the group were engulfed by the blazing rays of fiery yellow light that emanated from the sun that had formed behind Yukiko-san. The gibbering, poorly-armed monkey Yokai barely had time to howl their death cries before becoming charcoal and ether, even the ground below bubbling to magma, before cooling and vitrifying to a glass-like sheen. “I have to admit, your skills aren’t bad.”

“It’s… not easy though.” Yukiko-san said, taking off her glasses, which were damp with her sweat. As she wiped them gingerly, mopped her brow then replaced them, I noticed she was looking rather pale. “The Sun is powerful, but I can’t use it much before I’m exhausted.”

“Well, let me show off.” Shiro boasted. “I can do that too!” More of the monkeys were flooding down the nearby buildings, others clambering up to the rooftops, red energy rising from them as they tried to turn the ground around us into a stinking quagmire.

“Don’t worry, I can handle it.” Kana shouted, her own wave of earth element from her new Favour clashing, sparks of ruby and silver scattering. The ground that was in the process of liquefying solidified, and moments later Kana frowned, her stare intense. The ground shuddered, chunks of rock crudely shaped into dagger-like projectiles breaking free and firing into the sky, striking several of the monkeys off the rooftops, silver and red blood scattering.

“This never gets easier…” Kana said, watching as they toppled, falling broken to the ground, while others whooped and howled, trailing broken limbs. She then turned, as a hand was on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She turned, to see Eri, her cat ears flickering wildly, her onyx eyes kind.

“Oh it does. You can get used to anything, I promise. Besides…” Eri’s axe was red with blood, several monkeys lying sliced apart behind us. I wasn’t interfering much, only providing support, allowing everyone else to monopolise any levels we could gain. I doubt the Sarugami are worth much anyway, though they do have numbers going for them, I suppose…

“Look at it this way. These damn monkeys…” Eri raised one hand, her movements still jerky, and a wave of darkness poured into existence, vivid blue fog surrounding the wounded monkeys, who started fighting amongst themselves or staring dazedly into space, unresponsive. Eri nodded in satisfaction at her efforts, before continuing. “… they’re not like those beings that live in Akio’s Territory, or even the Night Parade. There’s no reasoning with them, no common cause. They attacked us first, and continue relentlessly, no matter how many die…” she pointed as another wave of flames from Shiro and Yukiko-san incinerated the milling hordes. “… all they know is hate. So imagine, if they got loose on the streets of Tokyo, no, even imagine they somehow got through the Ring Gate…” she paused meaningfully, allowing that to sink in. “Your friends, classmates, they’re all there. Do you want to see them ripped apart by these beasts? If you don’t… well, best we take care of them now. I’m not prepared to see my friends suffer, just to avoid conflict. That’s not the world we live in now.”

Well said, Eri. It’s amazing how far you’ve come, though it’s also a little sad. I remember when you used to follow my sis and me around, quiet as a mouse, and now…

“You’re pretty strong, Eri-san.” Kana sighed. “I’m surprised.”

“I’m not strong. I’m weak, that’s why I know I have to fight.” She disagreed. “I learned doing nothing just lets what you want slip through your fingers. It’s a lesson you could do with learning.”

“I’m not that smart…” Kana narrowed her eyes, and the ground under another charging mass of monkeys collapsed, turning their own tricks against them. Shaeula’s pinwheels, now thrumming with lightning as well as wind, danced, the sparking, vibrating wires effortlessly carving apart the trapped enemies. “…but I’m not an idiot. I’ve learned it, I think. Well, I’ve no choice now. I took this gift, this Divine Favour. So I’ll fight, until it doesn’t scare me anymore.”

“That day won’t ever come.” I shook my head, firing off a few blades of wind, cutting down a couple of stray Sarugami. “Fighting is always inherently fearsome. Even if you’re strong enough to know they can’t defeat you, there’s always friends, family, the fact you can only be in one place at once… but it does get easier.”

“I hope so. Well, I still hope my role is going to be more around support.” Kana managed a little laugh. “But… if you need me, I’ll answer.” Her smile deepened. “After all, I’m your vassal, right?” She winked, more rocky projectiles being launched into the distance, where the Sarugami were attempting to set up a crude barricade, pulling over debris to form a wall.

“So is it me, or are they flirting up a storm back there, while we do most of the work?” Shiro said sourly to Shaeula, who merely laughed, and Yukiko-san, who was still radiating flaming heat, the lances of flame piercing the barricade Kana had just bombarded. It instantly exploded into flaming debris, the Yokai behind flashing into ash.

“Well, I don’t really know all your relationships.” She sighed. “Poor Tsukiko… is this what she really wanted?” Shaking her head, she pressed on, the rest of us following, and soon we reached the edge of Yamato-san’s old Territory, Koda-ji and Chion-in both visible.

“Damn, it looks like the whole tribe of these monkeys has moved in.” I exclaimed, seeing several hundred more Sarugami swarming all over crudely constructed walls, towers and battlements. There seemed to be a number of better-dressed, almost intelligent, leaders, and there was a number of colossal apes, each standing perhaps four metres tall, a large wooden platform hoisted onto their shoulders, upon which sat a single Sarugami, perched upon a crude stone throne. Poorly-made chains were running from his wrists to a number of pitiful-looking creatures, most vaguely humanoid, but all having some animalistic or non-human features, either Yokai or kami.

“Well, these ones look like we can talk to them, Eri-san.” Kana joked, her face pale.

“You first.” She sniffed in response.

A loud cry was raised, their scouts in the heaps of stone they were using for watchtowers the first to notice us. The cry was repeated, echoing through the horde, and soon they had all formed up into a mob. Red light flared, and boulders were hurled towards us, each ranging from the size of a bowling ball up to the largest which were the size of a big dog.

“Incoming!” I warned, my own earth element surging, shattering the rocks that looked like they were heading our way, wind then gusting to deflect the shrapnel. “I think they have other weapons too…” a dozen monkeys wielding crude bows were on the walls, ready to unleash a flight of arrows at us, while staff-wielding shamans in rags were directing their energies towards the ground.

The massive monkey on his platform let out a series of barked, noisy laughs, before drawing a long, jagged sword easily his height in length, the blade pitted and stained. With some unintelligible words he urged on his horde, which broke ranks towards us in a screaming mass, and when one of the captives made a whimpering sound, he grinned, tusks protruding from his mouth, before proceeding to kick the captive savagely until it stopped moving, blood staining the dirty wooden logs that made up the conveyance. Kana looked away, biting her lip, Eri looked frustrated, Yukiko-san appeared a little sick, and Shaeula and Shiro watched on stony-faced.

“Kana, Eri, stay back here and support.” I told them. Eri nodded, gripping her axe as best she could, while the pale Kana protested.

“Akio, I’m one of you now, I can…” her words paused as I patted her head, stroking her hair gently.

“I know. And you’ve done well so far. But… we all have to start slow. Nobody wants you to get hurt. Besides, Eri can’t perform at her best, her network is still a mess, so somebody has to protect her, all right?”

Kana sighed. “Fine.” Flames blossomed as the Sun of Amaterasu surged, several dozen of the charging mob reduced to bone and ash, boiling mud erupting in geysers, showering down on the horde, burning through rags, fur and flesh alike. Shaeula was not idle either, her pinwheels hacking into the host, while lightning element and bolts of light fell upon the archers and shamans on the walls. Tan had taken over Shiro, her hair cascading like a flaming, crimson waterfall, and more fires were added to the assault, blossoming in brilliant bursts, the smell of cooked flesh sickening.

“I don’t think… I can do much to help.” She admitted, and I shook my head, drawing my own weapons, the old spear I carried before and my old pair of first-generation pistols Ixitt made.

“That’s not true. You can help plenty. For a first outing, you’ve been brave, and you’ve surely gained a number of levels. So…”

“I know. I’ll protect your precious Eri-san!” she affirmed. “Now go!” Ruby light flickered, and the ground formed a wall around them, with a small window so they could see out of it. Not bad, she’s picking it up fast. I know we’ve been giving her pointers on how to use earth, and her gift is earth-based, but… It was possible she was a natural. From their position of safety, Eri could unleash bolts of light and darkness element, while Kana could use her powers to cause the earth to erupt, or counter enemy attacks.

“Shaeula, Shiro, Yukiko-san…” I called their names. “I’m taking down that big bastard, and freeing the captives.”

“By all means.” Shaeula grinned wickedly, lightning flashing, thunder booming as apes fell, the wet mud they were creating conducting the electricity, shocking them. “I have no wish to face such a frightfully ugly-ugly creature.”

“I have no wish to devour it.” Tan agreed.

“I’m very tired. I think… I’ll hold the rear.” Yukiko-san agreed.

“Right, then here goes!” I activated Body Enhancement and raced into the mob, which was already losing Yokai fast as the barrage of deadly attacks from the girls was taking a heavy toll, ether scattering everywhere. Yeah, as the Myconids proved, genocide can be profitable… My thoughts irreverent, my spear stabbed home in the head of one foe, and as it fell, I used my off-hand to fire the pistol. The bullet tore into the body of an ape before detonating with a surge of wind element, blood scattering. Another squeeze of the trigger, and another Sarugami toppled, headless. Even so, in that time, I had stabbed three more to death, so with a sigh, I put away the pistol. Yeah, these first generation weapons don’t do me much good anymore. They’re better for the weaselkin, who don’t have our level of power…

A pinwheel whizzed past me, the wire bisecting a group of charging monkeys, their torsos tumbling free, and as the ground around me surged up, forming a tide of bludgeoning waves, it suddenly solidified, and I could hear a cheeky “You’re welcome…” from Kana. Light flashed, and a shaman tumbled, skull drilled by a focussed laser of light, Eri striking from a distance.

“All right, time to bring you down.” My spear stabbed and pierced, bodies falling, and with my free hand I trailed vibrating strands of near invisible wind, matching Shaeula in cutting apart the hordes. I don’t want to waste Foehn or Prominence Twilight for a battle like this. I’d like to be full before the next major battle…

The crude palanquin carried by the giant apes was in front of me, and the first huge monkey screamed as my spear shattered one knee. It stumbled, palanquin tipping, and my next thrust took it through the chin, piercing through to the brain. Blood showered down, but with a flick of wind I deflected it, before my own earth element softened the ground, and two more monkeys fell, legs snapped by their suddenly arrested momentum as they trod in the quagmire. Using that moment I leapt onto the wildly tilting platform, only to dodge backwards as the Sarugami lord lashed out with his long blade, spittle flying at me, hot breath coming in angry rasps.

“So slow.” I slid aside, marvelling at how weak this clown was compared to some of the opponents I had faced recently, such as the kitsune or the Matriarch from the Night Parade, or the ice wielding Chosen, to say nothing of that damn golden-eyed clone.

The prisoners were being pulled along by his movements, blood sprouting from torn, scraped flesh, so I needed to end this fast. Wind whined, the chains, made from crude pig-iron and shaped stone, shattered instantly. The captives tumbled, but with Split Thoughts running I caught them all with more wind, gently lowering them to safety. Flame bloomed, and a group of enemies behind them burned to blackened ashes, Yukiko-san rushing forwards. “I’ll get them to safety!” she promised me, and I waved back at her, my spear blocking a blow from the sword, before stabbing the ape in the chest. It should have been a fatal blow, but the Yokai roared, swelling up, muscles ballooning like a comical cartoon. The shaft of my spear snapped, and it grinned, laughing as it swung at me again.

Too bad. Well, that weapon was old, Bjarki won’t complain too much about me breaking that one… My foot moved, slamming into the sword, snapping it. My palm strike was modelled on Daiyu’s style, which I found rather elegant, and I struck where the spearhead was embedded, driving it in further. As the lord stumbled, coughing blood, I brought out the pistols again, and squeezed the trigger. Moments later, the creature fell, headless. “Right then. Now for clean-up.” Leaping down, my booted foot crunched into the skull of one of the surviving giant apes, and water bullets flashed, piercing the last one repeatedly…


“Well, looks like this is as far as they’d expanded.” I said, once we had mopped up the remaining Sarugami. Scouting the surrounding area had only led to us discovering a few roving bands, which we had quickly purged. “I guess the threat is over. Though there’s a definite power vacuum in Kyoto now.”

“Well, you did defeat several of the Yokai that claimed parts of Kyoto as their own, did you not-not?” Shaeula chided me. “And then the invasion destroyed many-many shrines and lesser Territories.”

“Yeah. The major ones such as the surviving Chosen, and the Imperial Palace, as well as a few other prominent areas, are now islands in a sea of unclaimed land. And the Night Parade has moved on for now as well…” I observed, watching as Shiro burned the remaining crude fortifications, Tan having retreated, insisting such work was clearly beneath her. “All the more reason we need to bring some order back to the sacred city.”

The creatures we had saved were a minor kami from a fallen shrine who had somehow escaped the invasion, only to be captured by the newcomers, as well as three strange Yokai, who defied classification. All four of them were grateful and pledged their loyalty, so after some emergency healing we had them sent back to my Territory. Apparently the Sarugami tribe was one of many who lived in the mountains outside Kyoto, and they had lost a territorial dispute and were forced to risk Kyoto, normally a death sentence for them, but due to the unusual circumstances they quickly established a foothold.

“To think that a massive group of Yokai like that weren’t your match.” Kana was impressed. “I guess I really did choose the right lord to become a vassal too.” She winked.

“Well, how was your first night on official duties?” I asked as we made our way to Kiyomizu-dera. The golden fountains of light were still venting energies, the density in the air increasing again, after we had robbed it all during our training. My Eye blazed, and happily I could still see the Glorious Idol Of Kannon, unharmed. Offering a little prayer, that Kannon would accept Haru-san’s stewardship, and she could forgive me for destroying Yamato-san’s Territory, I looked to the girls again.

“It wasn’t so bad. I’d have been scared on my own, but together… well, I felt safe. I didn’t like… killing… but when I saw the state those captives were in.... you’re right, Eri-san, Akio. If it was my family or friends in their hands, I don’t want to even think about it.”

“As for me…” Yukiko-san said, clearly exhausted, her eyes tired behind her red-framed glasses. “… I admit it was nice to work together with others. Amaterasu cleanses all my enemies with fire, but… it’s exhausting, and having those I can trust to watch my back is reassuring.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to be a vassal?” Shiro snickered. “Aki could watch you all the time then.”

“I’ll pass.” She said, sitting down. “Well, it was profitable anyway. I feel stronger.”

“Me too.” Kana agreed.

“Even I managed a level. I guess quantity over quality works.” I laughed, having seen the amber letters after cleaning up the remaining Yokai. “More importantly, we pulled in a lot of ether. If everyone keeps working hard, in the next few days, we can bring Haru-san’s Territory to Rank 3 and secure Kyoto. Perhaps then we can push out into the surrounding hills.” I looked at Yukiko-san then. “Once my Territory is Rank 4, we’ll have to secure Kyoto and the surrounds as well. My Territory won’t reach Kyoto, nor even Ise Grand Shrine, it just falls short of that, if my projections are right. So either Haru-san, Gin-san or you will have to step up. Well, we’ll worry about that when the time comes.” I bit down on a yawn. “I have a busy day tomorrow. We should call it a night. Yukiko-san, it’s been fun. We should work together again when we get the chance.”

“Well, us princesses should most-most certainly stick together.” Shaeula agreed.

“Apparently I’m supposed to be against this shitty golden-eyed blob, so…” Shiro began, and as the girls chatted, I turned to Eri, who was watching, a faint smile on her face, looking a little lonely. She then let loose a squeal of surprise as I pulled her into my lap, head on my thighs, while I stroked her hair, ignoring Kana’s snickers.

“Don’t worry. I know you feel bad that you’re still so unstable. But...” I bent down and kissed her forehead gently. “… just like Shiro, in time you’ll go from strength to strength, fully restored.”

“I know.” She sighed. “It’s just… well, never mind. I’m just the only human here who doesn’t have a Favour. Even Aiko does now.”

“If I ever find an enemy who has one I think would suit you, I’ll grab it for sure.” I promised, Laverna’s Favour still weighing on my adherence.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Eri said softly, and as I cradled her head gently on my thighs, watching the pretty play of light element streaking to the skies, my thoughts turned to my next task, the nobility. Well, I guess my work is never done. Damn, I need a day off, I really do…

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