On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Forty-Seven

Three Hundred And Forty-Seven

“And you’re done. There’ll be some discomfort and deep prickling feelings for a day or two while your body flushes out the debris, but you’ll soon get used to it.” I clapped the large Hispanic man on the shoulder, and he thanked me in heavily-accented English, before pulling on his t-shirt and heading out of the room.

“And that’s the last of them.” I sighed, relieved. “Finding a time to fit the Black Wolf in was tough.” Luckily, I had received my buffs from Shiro during the period I had worked on her earlier. With my Chakra Network temporarily working at Rank 7, my aether capacity and generation was more than an order of magnitude stronger than normal, so performing mass Chirurgery was possible, if tiring. I think… one more day for Shiro. Now it’s just the scars on the sensitive areas of her body that remain, and the last pools of adherence polluting her chakra network. Remembering how Shiro had blushed, wearing the shortest shorts imaginable and a crop top, while I removed the scars from her long, pale legs and her torso and back, I had to smile.

“I don’t entirely get it, but good job, man.” Trey said, handing me a cold drink, which I took gratefully. “We still don’t understand entirely how any of this works.”

“Shit, how could we?” Aliyah piped up. She had lost interest when Shaeula had left, after doing Chirurgery on the small number of female recruits in the Black Wolf. “We’re not special like you.” She snorted, crossing her arms under her massive chest, frustrated. “We should be though. Fighting shouldn’t be left to little girls.”

Aliyah.” Trey warned her, his tone harsh. “Considering how young you were when we started the Black Wolf, you aren’t one to talk.”

“Shit bro, shut up! It’s different for us, we didn’t have a choice, we had to make hard choices or starve. No way I was going to sell myself like some of the other girls that grew up in our ghetto. These… they have a choice…”

“And they chose to be strong.” I said, understanding her point, as it was something I worried about myself, but… I had come to terms with the answer. “I think… I’d rather they had the means to defend themselves, even if that involves fighting, than to be ordinary, at the mercy of any disaster, just like Kyoto.” I clenched my fist. Behind me, the TV was showing a TV studio, where the journalists were discussing the emergency meeting of all the Representatives yesterday, and the strange emergency legislation passed.

“… new unnamed Ministry passed with near-universal support, with the Governing Party and the Opposition both agreeing to share responsibility and posts, in a near-unprecedented move.” one man was saying to his colleague, who nodded soberly.

“Indeed. It is good to see some sort of reaction to the disastrous events of Kyoto over the past weeks, and the aberrant actions of China. Though I do have to question some of the legislation.”

“I know. Fast-track immigration clearance and special dual-citizenship for those with ‘talents fundamental to the safety and security of the nation in fields such as economics, technology and the military’. Immigration and the treatment of foreign nationals has long been a thorny issue for conservative Japanese citizens, who worry about the dilution of our unique culture and heritage.”

“Especially with other strange sidebars. The liberalisation of marriage laws seems an extremely controversial choice and rather ill-timed.”

“I can’t believe it. You actually went and did it, you damn pervert.” Aliyah scoffed, hearing the correspondents talk about the polygamy act. “I’ll be honest, I’m actually impressed that you’d go so far. I guess you do keep your promises.”

“I do. And back on topic…” I said, as the reporters moved on to provisions for the preservation of cultural and religious treasures and traditions within the new, seemingly nameless Ministry. “… I have no intention of letting them fight alone, but Kyoto showed disaster can strike anywhere. So I feel at peace knowing that those I care about, those I want to protect, have the strength to, if not fight and win, at least protect themselves long enough to escape or for help to arrive.” I looked at Trey and Aliyah then. “And that’s why you were released from prison, right? To help protect me and mine?”

“He’s got you there, sis.” Trey muttered, looking at me approvingly.

“Shit. Shit. I know…” she groused, and I got the impression most of her complaints were just reflexive, rather than heartfelt. “Speaking of…” she pointed at the TV, where more of the new laws were being discussed.

“… internal security measures brought about by the changing world. Japan is committed to never being an aggressor, as the JSDF is purely a self-defence force, but it seems that the Government is taking matters seriously, despite their initial clumsy response, which might help damp down the explosive protests that have rocked the nation.”

“Yes, though there have been only a few incidents of overt violence so far, such as that firebombing, and the stabbing of a Chinse tourist, the perpetrator, a forty-nine year old man…”

“…passing laws to increase scrutiny of foreign nationals and Japanese citizens, as well as a new branch of the police force with special powers to request cooperation from all citizens in emergency situations, as well as an expansion to the JSDF. That’s the sort of secret police shit Dictators pull. I’m amazed that the citizenry are swallowing it.” Aliyah said sourly.

“Well, Japanese citizens are generally very law-abiding, so most of them actually welcome stricter policing.” I sighed. “Besides, you know what it’s for. We need to track entering Chosen, Cultivators, perhaps even spiritual beings. If they come in peace, that’s fine, but otherwise…” These powers also give us leeway to search for our own citizens who might be Chosen, and also for suitable candidates to accept Divine Favours we obtain.

“…new Research and Development projects to revitalise industry and upgrade our lacking military might to deter further attacks, as well as new land development and resource management laws. Some of these seem a little odd, such as the ability to requisition strategic resources from registered Territories for short-term emergency situations, with suitable Government compensation. The annexes to this legislation list a number of resources, but they seem to be code-names. And what’s a registered Territory?” the reporter said, confused.

Really, all the new laws tying the Ministry together could be summed up thusly.

Culturally, there were the changes to immigration. Dual Nationality was allowed again in specific rare circumstances, with special, government-issue diplomatic-style passports, for high-value immigration, for example Shaeula or Ixitt, or say we poached a Chosen from the US but they wanted to keep their citizenship there. The change in the law allowing Polygamy was slipped in as part of a generous incentive scheme to import and retain such exceptional talent, and was already drawing attention, but with so many other odd laws, it wasn’t garnering the lion’s share. The nobility and the faith had also requested that certain laws were enshrined to protect their interests. Which is understandable, everyone has to look out for themselves. But later… the nobility has to learn that they aren’t the rulers of Japan. Tonight… we’ll get our fair due.

There were then the security measures. Expansion of the JSDF and the technology and weaponry allowed was at the forefront. Current laws only allowed for defensive weapons, so we lacked long-range firepower and other staples of the Military other countries enjoyed. It looked as though the legislation was to address this, due to Chinese aggression, as a deterrent, but it was actually allowing the Military to make use of Chosen powers. The new Police Force was also established, with powers to screen citizens, so that we could easily find suitable people as needed, as well as deal with law-breaking Chosen, spiritual beings and foreign agents. The full set of laws on Chosen abilities was being worked on and couldn’t be released yet without blowing secrecy wide open, but it was ready to be passed as a coda to cap off the Ministry as soon as the situation was appropriate. There were also laws on registered personnel having relaxed restrictions on armaments and use of force. This was not drawing as much heat as I had imagined, as the legislation was worded in ways that made it seem like it applied to the new Police, but it could actually be extended to those under Ministry aegis such as the Black Wolf. I daresay we’ll have to deal with the fallout on this soon enough, but as national security measures, we can push it through.

Then there were economic measures. The legislation passed on Governmental subsidies for certain special industries, which meant that for example my Research and Development with Ichijou house would qualify us for substantial tax benefits, so long as our technology was in key areas such as military, energy and resource security, or public order. The taxing of other Chosen who wished their Territories to be registered and protected by the Ministry for key projects, such as pushing my Territory to Rank 4, that also passed, and the list of resources, such as Ether, Etherites and more, was enshrined in law, though as the commentators on TV thought, most people assumed they were codenames for something. I don’t feel guilty about it anymore. Though… before we can go for Rank 4, I’ll need to upgrade some Silos, and it might be worth thinking of the Ether Spires as well. I’ll need to run numbers, but… we’re probably looking in the region of two hundred million ether in total. The numbers are insane. But not unreachable…

Lastly in terms of economics, the law ceding nominal control of public and government infrastructure to suitable parties in exchange for support, passed. That would be the ceremonial payment of one yen per year per square metre. It seemed a small amount, and it was, but for example, if one was to convert the whole of greater Tokyo to this, it would be around thirteen billion yen a year, or around a hundred and thirty million dollars. Obviously this was a significant amount no government could afford lightly, but considering a large chunk of this was privately-owned land, the headline figure would likely be in the tens of millions range. And of course, the Government would end up taking back half of it in tax immediately, and various other schemes were set up to require the figure to be reduced where they could. It’s damn complicated working out a fair system that satisfies a Chosen’s need to be in control, compensating them fairly for it, without breaking and bankrupting the Government and the country. In my case, the majority of the funds for the first few years likely wouldn’t go to me, but as compensation to the Chosen who were forced to support me as the Chinese were doing. Though after that, I’ll have a steady, unassailable income, for supplying Territorial protection and Ether density, and that's just Tokyo.

Then there was the scientific field. In conjunction with the powers the new Police branch had, there was also the law that could require citizens to undergo testing for national security and emergency matters. This was said to be in response to the strange deaths in Kyoto, as people were already starting to notice that the civilian casualties were killed in abnormal ways. The Government had allowed false data to leak suggesting some sort of biological or chemical weaponry, or perhaps even something new and unheard of, like nanotech, was involved. This had the dual purpose of distracting from the real causes, and allowed us a further reason to screen the populace as and when was necessary to root out illegal infiltrators and find the talented. Laws on various fields of research that were banned were also lifted, though Ministerial approval and licencing was required for several. Of course, I am now fully licenced for pretty much every field…

Lastly, diplomacy wise… As the anchors on the TV were discussing, our Government had strongly condemned the atrocious attack on Kyoto, while also carefully balancing their criticism of the Chinse Government, allowing that the Chinese response that they were a rebel breakaway could be true, but that the Government would still see China as partly responsible for such events, and that the victims must be compensated regardless. It’s a hard path to walk, we know China isn’t technically responsible, but we can’t just roll over and look weak, as it would not only cause further civil unrest, but we know from Tsukiko-san, that the Red Dragon is far from done with us, and that Ise Grand Shrine is likely a target too…

Tying back to the immigration bill and need for highly-skilled, specialised immigrants, Japan also planned to extend diplomatic channels to a number of countries, in the surrounding Asian theatre as well as others, and boosting ties by cutting delay and red tape on some trade deals and agreements that had been in talks internationally for years, sometimes even decades, as also mooted. In addition, while it was known internationally that Japan would never be the aggressor in war, more formal details on mutual-defence and aid pacts would be sought with likeminded countries who were perhaps unnerved by the supposed Chinese actions on our soil. The Ministry would manage our relations with foreign talents, Chosen and Spiritual beings, and when the secrecy was finally lifted, a register of these, as well as our own, would be established and kept in strictest secrecy within the Ministry, and agreements could be reached with individuals as well as countries.

All in all, a lot of laws went through. The promises to me have been kept, so… As all those thoughts flashed through my mind in moments, Aliyah sighed. “I get it. Fuck. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth though. Still, compared to some of the shit Uncle Sam is pulling, I guess it’s mild. Well, I believe we come under this special passport scheme, right? Trey, maybe we should find ourselves a harem?”

“No thanks, just one cute guy would be plenty for me.” He shook his head. “So, the question is, what do you want us to do? We can take over more security from those goons, but we won’t stop something like China.”

“Not yet, no. Though the Special Forces did do their best, and managed to drive off a skilful Chosen with help.” I mused. “For now, get your team trained in leveraging their new physical boosts, as well as some Territorial training, so that if they need to be deployed in battle there, they won’t be shocked.”

“I’ll put Travis and Luciana in charge of the teams.” Aliyah frowned. “But, we rely heavily on our weapons, without them…”

I then explained that Ixitt and his engineers were working on that, and once the paperwork and passports were properly issued, they would be armed in the Material as well.

“Fine then. So, what about training? We can get stronger, right?” Trey asked, flexing his muscles, grin wide. “I do like working out, got to keep my body buff, right?”

“He ain’t going to care about your figure Trey, he likes them cute, and female.” Aliyah snorted. “Now, I have to admit though, seeing young girls and boys still at school outmatch me, I get pissed off. If you want us to protect people, and also take on jobs in a dangerous world, we do need more power. Just being fast and strong, a good shot and a cool head, it don’t mean shit when a guy like you could mow us all down in seconds.”

“Well, I do have a training plan, as a matter of fact…” As I started to explain, the basics involving the way my sis and Eri initially learned, Aether Manipulation and Ether Healing the first steps while strengthening their silver cords and networks, the commentators on TV were now talking about something else the Government had proposed yesterday.

“… a National Fundraiser, a concert and event to restore the spirits of the nation, while providing compensation and surety to the many victims of Kyoto. You think that the public will buy into it?”

“In troubled times, a distraction can help, and I am sure the Government wants to divert attention from their own failures with elections coming up, so…”

True, distract, divert, delay. Every day we can buy in secrecy is important. Our plans are advancing, but we can always be better prepared. Speaking of preparations… My phone blinked, and it was a message that Hinata was on her way to pick me up, ready for our showdown at Takatsukasa house…


“It’ll be fine.” I squeezed Hinata’s hand as we sat next to each other around a large wooden table. It looked to me as if the room was seldom used, as it had hastily been cleaned, and there was still dust in the corners. Beside us sat Hinata’s brother, as well as her parents and grandfather. Across from us was Takatsukasa-san, his son and daughter-in-law, as well as a stony-faced Sakura-san and a shy Minoru-san.

On the other side, Ichijou-san sat with his daughter Mayumi-san, along with Fujiwara-san and Miyu, who was smiling at us reassuringly, which I appreciated, as it made Hinata less nervous. For once, not a bodyguard to be seen. Kazumi-san, Michiru-san and the others were nearby, no doubt pacing nervously away from their charges.

“Right. Shall we… begin?” Takatsukasa-san said, his reluctance obvious.

“Before that, I have to speak, father!” His son, Hinata’s uncle, who I was told was called Takatsukasa Hideaki, spoke out harshly. “What nonsense is this, father? Why should I have to adopt my sister’s daughter, and even give her consideration as the potential next…”

I stood, pulling Hinata up. “Fine. You don’t. Come on Hinata, we’re cutting all ties with Takatsukasa house.” I turned to Kenji-san. “I know you likely still have agreements with them to provide support, but I’d appreciate it if you scrapped them.” I looked around at the shabby furnishings and facades, so unlike the Fujiwara mansion I had visited in the past. In fact, while the building and the grounds had clearly been restored, and was a massive mansion occupying a large plot of land, it gave off the air of a dying prince, living off past glories, faded and bitter. And unlike Ichijou house, Fujiwara house or even a lot of houses like Tsumura house, they own few businesses or other assets. Most of it was lost during the War and the Occupation afterwards, and then more by bad management. Without selling their daughter… My gaze went to Hinata’s mother Kokoro-san, who smiled at us wryly. … and the support from Ichijou-san and Fujiwara-san, they’d have collapsed and be left with nothing. Past glories are simply that. The past.

“What are you doing?” Ichijou-san asked mildly, and it was Hinata who answered.

“Akio is right, Kira-sama. We didn’t come here to argue or waste our time. Grandfather, please stop your support for my other grandfather and his son. It might cause us troubles with the nobility, but… well, when it comes to a clash between the nobility and Akio, I know who’ll win.” Her smile was malicious. “I’d like to see you try and stop a Kyoto incident when it happens in the streets of Tokyo with your history and traditions.

“Well, we do have our own…” Mayumi-san spoke up lazily, enjoying the spectacle as though it was some sort of kabuki play.

“Sure, so did Kyoto, but without me, they’d have been overwhelmed. I’m not claiming I’m the best, the strongest, that would be foolish.” I said as we actually walked for the exit, at a measured pace, but clearly intent on leaving. “But I am the strongest I know, and I have a lot of allies, and together we’ll grow stronger still. Do you know how many Chinese Chosen I killed in Kyoto? I’m not proud of it, I hate killing, but… to prevent evil, and to protect the country and it’s people, I’ll do it. What do you protect, other than your dusty old pride? It’s family that matters.” I fixed Hideaki with a glare, unwilling to give him an honorific, even in my head. “Hinata is your niece, yet you treat her as if she’s so much lesser. Well let me tell you…” As we reached the door we stopped. “Compared to those of you who sit here in privilege and wealth, Hinata has been doing. And she works hard every day. I think that’s far more noble than any of you.”

Hinata was blushing, but she managed to look imperious even doing that. “I’m sorry uncle, if that’s how you feel, then Akio is right. We weren’t asking. I was promised by grandfather Itsuki that I’d be treated the same as Sakura and Minoru-kun.” She was also changing her manner of address, no longer treating them as above her. “When Akio promises something, it gets done, even if it seems impossible. Did you see the news today? Most of the girls at Hanafubuki are restricted in what news and current events they can access, but I‘m not. I know what the Government has passed, and how it benefits Akio and Japan. Well, on that foundation, we’ll build a new system. And we’ll show the nobility neither fear nor favour. If they get crushed under our progress, well, I’ll not shed a tear. Perhaps I’ll feel sorry for Sakura and Minoru-kun when Takatsukasa house collapses.” Sakura drew her lips into a narrow, angry line at that, while the shy Minoru-san looked frightened by her vehemence. “I could even offer you a job as a maid or a secretary, cousin.” She goaded Sakura.

“Don’t you think you are being rude, Hinata?” Mayumi-san chimed in. “You’re asking for a lot, and…”

“We’re not asking, Mayumi!” Hinata said shrilly, omitting her honorific as well. “Weren’t you listening? This is our just desserts, what was promised, and less than we could demand. I want… I want to stand as your equal, I believe I can, no, I do.” She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and with a glance at my smiling face urging her on, she continued. “Mayumi, you’ve seen Akio’s Territory, it all its splendour. No, not all of it. It expands even beyond Tokyo, to Kyoto, through Haru-san, and even to lands undreamed of. In Japan itself, we have power, wealth, the Government and the faith backing us. Even Miyu is our ally.”

“I support them. I no longer see Hinata-san as inferior to myself. If that offends you, grandfather, then I apologise. But in my hour of suffering and need, it was Hinata-san who brought me aid, the master I shall serve.” She bowed to me, which put sour looks on most faces, except for her grandfather oddly enough.

“I have steered the nobility through many crises, with aid from you, Kira, Itsuki. This one is no different. We protect what we must, but sacrifice what we cannot protect. My granddaughter is stubborn. But… I have made my peace with it. As should you, Hideaki-kun.” He addressed Hinata’s uncle.

“But… I am Takatsukasa Hideaki, our house has an even longer history than Fujiwara and Ichijou houses, and…”

“See? He doesn’t wish to accept reality. Farewell, foolish uncle. Well done on ruining not just your own noble house, but many others too.” Hinata said.

“Well, Tsumura house has a bright future still, and… well, for Miyu’s sake, we won’t turn our back on Fujiwara house. While the nobility has been overbearing and often insulting, Fujiwara house has been reasonable, I appreciate that.” I added. “As for the rest… well, not our problem. It’s not on the list of things we need to save.”

“Wait a minute, you’re not seriously going to leave are you, Akio-san?” Ichijou-san asked, his joviality disappearing.

“I said I’d leave the country with all those I love if I had to. I wasn’t bluffing. Turning my back on the nobility is no hardship. And I dare say you could make our lives difficult for a while, but… all we have to do is wait. When the Red Dragon comes, I’ll protect Yukiko-san from it, but all of you…”

“Enough.” Takatsukasa-san clapped his hands. “Son, you need to know when to back down.” He let out a long sigh. “They are right, much as it pains me. We need them more than they need us.”

“I can provide wealth and support for your new industries.” Kenji-san laughed. “Ichijou house is a welcome tie, but if ties become chains, well, they can and should be discarded.”

“Hinata, don’t you want to be my friend anymore?” Mayumi-san asked, her gaze intense.

“I always wanted to be friends. You’ve always shone to my eyes, beautiful, proud, confident, arrogant, witty, the queen of Hanafubuki and the nobility as a whole. But… I now know what true friendship is, and we don’t share it. We can’t, while you stick to your role, your pride.”

“But…” she tried to interrupt, so I took over.

“Before we go, let me give you some advice, Mayumi-san. True friendship is without price, and is a treasure. Hinata has friends now she can rely on, has opened up her world. And she wants to do the same for you. All it costs is a little pride. Pride is good, but just ask Shaeula what poison excessive pride is. The same goes for you, Sakura-san. I know the two of you fight a lot, but Hinata knows you care, and she cares about you, even if your status seems to always get in the way. So… your houses have lasted more than a thousand years. By next year, they might all be gone. No matter how wealthy, honourable or influential you are, when a disaster like Kyoto hits, none of that will protect you. But Fukumoto House, Tsumura House, even Fujiwara house… they’ll still be there, as within them I have people I need to protect, people who treasure their families.”

“Is that a threat?” Mayumi-san asked, and I shook my head, while Hinata giggled softly.

“Why would I threaten you, Mayumi-san? Didn’t I say, Hinata wants to be your friend, a true friend? All it’ll cost you is stepping down from that high perch of yours, and then… the rest is easy, and fun. Besides, if you’re her friend, then you are mine too. And I protect my friends. But right now, all of you are just hurting Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi, and disrespecting me. I do blame myself, I’ve tried to be deferential and helpful, which I don’t believe is a bad thing, but it’s given you all the wrong idea. Tyr, and now Tsukuyomi, they placed this burden on me, to save the world. And I’ll save it. But it's up to me what I save, and if the choice is between the nobility, who has looked down on and tried to use us, and say the faith, who have fallen in line and appreciate what’s to come… well, isn’t that choice obvious?” I let that sink in. “Even so, I do feel bad, so despite the fact that I have no need to offer a hand, we are trying to work within your systems to get what we want. Hinata can be adopted by your customs, then she’ll get the respect she merits. But that’s just the start. We have no need of you, Takatsukasa house. Sorry to say this, but it’s true. But instead of cutting you all adrift… well, Hinata’s your family too. So we’re offering a choice. But I don’t feel like extending a choice to someone like you.” I growled at Hideaki.

“Someone like me?” he said, and I nodded.

“You disrespect your sister and your niece, even though your sister married out to save your house. Come on Hinata, we’re going. Want to stop by our Territory? I’ll give you some personal instruction to make up for this shitty experience…” and with that we shut the door behind us.

“Was that… the right thing to do?” she asked, uncertain. “I agree, we have the advantage, but…”

“It’s fine. We’ll stroll out nice and slow, and… hmm, faster than I thought.”

The door opened behind us, a grinning Kenji-san looking at us with respect. “Now there’s no need to be hasty. Itsuki-san would like to wipe the slate clean. Can you allow them one more chance?”

“It’ll cost them!” Hinata promised, and he laughed.

“As I’d expect from my granddaughter.” With that we re-entered, to see a shocking sight. Hideaki-san was bowing to us, his face pale.

“Hinata-san, Kokoro, I’m sorry. I have been… foolish.” He managed, though I wasn’t detecting much sincerity.

“Yes, well, those are the customs we are raised in.” Hinata’s mother replied sadly. “But… you took it too far. My son-in-law is right. I married out to save us, and all I received in return was disdain. I love my husband, my son, my daughter.” She looked at all of them in turn. “And I do not dislike my niece and nephew. But brother… I find you hard to love now. When I remember how I’ve been treated…”

“The times always change.” I declared. “Now, we are not here to be insulted again, so how about some genuine feelings, Hideaki? It doesn’t take my Eye to see you’re pissed off and insincere. Tell me, how have you strengthened Takatsukasa house?”

“Well, I… my son and daughter, they will marry well, bring in more wealth and support…”

“Not them. You.” I reiterated.

“I have kept our traditions, our pride…”

“So, you’ve done, excuse my foul language, fuck all.” I cursed for emphasis. “Anybody can catch falling grains of sand, but refilling the hourglass… that takes talent, dedication, wit. Takatsukasa house lacks that.”

“Who are you to say that to us?” he ranted back, his false apology breaking.

“Who cares who I am. Truth is truth, and you’ve just squandered the last chance you had to…”

“My son is not well. He will be entering a hospital.” Takatsukasa-san said suddenly. “I expect a long, gentle, isolated convalescence.”

“Wait, no, you can’t do this to me! I’m Takatsukasa house, grandfather! Without me…”

“Kokoro, can you take charge of Takatsukasa house for now? I don’t wish for Keiko here to suffer, but she isn’t suited to run Takatsukasa house.” He gestured to Hideaki’s wife, who, despite looking troubled, managed a nod.

“No, this… why are you doing this, father?” Hideaki cursed, showing no noble dignity.

“I’m glad my sons aren’t this pathetic.” Ichijou-san scratched his chin. “I’d feel ashamed.”

“Mine are… troublesome.” Fujiwara-san admitted. “I was hoping I could find Miyu or Honoka a worthy husband who could inherit, were I to live long enough, but that is a challenge.” He looked at me, and I had to shrug, considering it was thanks to me Miyu’s engagement was terminated.

A number of bodyguards had arrived and were escorting Hideaki out, as he left, he turned a hateful gaze on Hinata. “I’ll not have you usurp my children. They should inherit…”

“Well, that’s up to them. If you want your blood to continue holding Takatsukasa house, uncle, you always have Sakura.”

“What about me?” Minoru-san asked, and Hinata smiled at the younger boy gently.

“Sorry, but you won’t be the heir. But that’s fine. I think you’ll have more fun, a better life this way. I’ll support you to find a path that suits you, where you can be happy, just as I will for you, Sakura.”

“What do you mean?” She sniffed, though she was looking sick now, and her hands were trembling, as her father was held, watching, the guards not letting him interfere.

“Isn’t it obvious? We always fight, cousin, and I’m tired of it. Before, I was so jealous of you. We were both born from grandfather Itsuki’s line, yet I was treated as nothing, and you were a flower amongst flowers in Hanafubuki. You always used to condescend to me, criticise me… but I understand you cared in your own clumsy way, arrogant like uncle. Let me tell you all…” she smiled brilliantly, and her confidence was alluring. “I too was a greenhouse flower, but now I’ve seen the world. Seen things none of you could believe. I’ve drank wine made from honey from magical bees with a princess of the Faeries. I’ve seen aurorae burning in the sky atop a hundred metre tall tree, while trolls, Yokai and more pranced about below. I’ve seen a sister who loves her brother too much, and the brother likewise.” She giggled. “I’ve talked to ordinary girls who you would all look down upon as common, or beneath notice, who through their love and force of will, grew strong enough to save many lives, at great personal cost. I’ve seen the dead return to life, and face her suffering head on, coming through it with humour and resolve. I’ve seen all this and so much more. I’ve found love, friendship and sisterhood, and I’ll not let any of it fall through my fingers. Really, compared to us, it’s they who are truly noble.” Her smile was radiant now, confident.

“Well, I confess, having such strength is rather impressive…” Mayumi-san managed thoughtfully.

“Sakura. Cousin. Let me give you some harsh but heartfelt advice. I’ll try not to condescend, but… well, it’s hard. I’m always the cheeky one. You like that though, right Akio?”

“I do. A Hinata who isn’t sly, impish and to the point wouldn’t feel right.” I agreed.

“Sakura, I’ll… no, not just me, Akio, and all the others, we’ll push on, rebuild Takatsukasa house, take it to new glories. After all, protecting the past is worthless, without trying to grow it for the future. If you want to marry out to another house, well, I’ll support you in that. I don’t see why you’d want to, unless you do it for love… but, I’m not you. Instead though, if you want to inherit, as you wouldn’t have been able to before, if you want to pass your father’s blood down as the head of Takatsukasa house you have to fight for it.”

“Fight?” she said, puzzled.

“Yes. Fight. All I know is that a child from Akio will be the heir in the end. If you think you can win him over, I don’t mind conceding Takatsukasa house back to you. I mean, it’s not like I care whether you even try, and I think you’d have a hard road, as he doesn’t like moody girls like you, but I’m your cousin, I’ll give you a chance.”

As Sakura frowned, thrown off by her assertions, her father likewise pale and angry, glaring at us, Kokoro-san asked her a question. “Hinata, dear, why would you suggest that? Aren’t there quite enough rivals already? Besides, wasn’t the point of the adoption for you to take over Takatsukasa house?”

“Not really.” She shrugged. “It’s to get what we deserve, which is to be treated with the dignity and honour we merit. Takatsukasa house is simply the best way, and it benefits them too. We’re kind like that!” she puffed out her chest proudly. “As for the other question… life is so fun now, sure, there are annoyances, like Mayumi not understanding other people, or what a friend even is…” she rolled her eyes, frustrated. “… but, when I’m talking to Motoko and Natsumi as equals, or training, or planning… when I meet Shaeula, or Hyacinth or Eri, now Shiro too… everyone is so different, unique, but we all have one thing in common. We love the same man, and we’ll never betray each other.” She looked at me then, face red. “Remember that time when Eri threw you out and we had that private meeting?”

“I do, that was a while ago.”

“We decided then. We’re friends, but also rivals, right? But we will only compete by raising ourselves up, never by cutting each other down. That’s the one rule we all agreed on. That way, you’ll never be unhappy with us, and we can trust each other, our sisters. And it’s sometimes frustrating, but always exciting. Sakura… there’s a lot of paths open to you. I’m not heartless enough to close off a future for you that I wanted. So make up your own mind. There’s no rush, but Takatsukasa house is ours, Akio’s. If you want to fight for it, go ahead. If you want any other life, I’ll help you get it.”

“What about me?” Minoru-san asked quietly.

“Sorry Minoru-kun, but Akio doesn’t like boys, and you can’t have a child together, so tough luck. But your cousin here will make sure you have a fulfilling, happy life. Just like Sakura. You’re young yet, but take your time to find out what you want to do…” she slapped her chest for emphasis.

“I want to be a superhero!” he said, surprising us. “I want to beat up the bad guys!”

“Oh my!” Hinata laughed. “Well, that’s easy enough. Akio…” she looked at me. “Can you help with that? My dear cousin, well, my brother now, he wants to be strong.”

“Fine. We can fast-track some training.” I promised. “But Minoru-san, it can be scary, and I need you to be careful and obey me and your trainers so you don’t get hurt, okay?”

“All right.” he promised. “I’m a Takatsukasa. I don’t break my word!”

“If only all of them were like that.” Hinata sighed, as her uncle was finally dragged off, spitting and cursing. Hinata pulled her chair over to Sakura, sitting by her, grabbing her hand. “Like I said, do as you please. But in this world, don’t believe your way is the only way. Our way has merits too.”

As Keiko-san watched her children sadly, we quickly got down to the negotiations, now that it was clear that Hinata and I were getting what we wanted. It was decided that Kokoro-san would be installed in place of her brother while he was in medical seclusion, and that Hinata would be adopted in as planned. When our marriage took place, I would then officially be Takatsukasa heir, and until then, I would have equal status to any of the nobility.

“Well, my sister is moving up in the world.” Hiroto-san, Hinata’s brother remarked, as the discussion continued. “Seriously, she seems happy.” We watched as she was talking rapidly to Takatsukasa-san, her mother and her cousins, no, her new siblings. “Maybe I should attend your training school more, but I’m always so busy.”

“Hitting on girls and drinking, Hinata says.” I laughed, and he shrugged.

“Not all the time. Though that’s important too, and you can’t exactly deny it, can you?”

“I guess not.” I agreed. “I do it too. You’re more than welcome to meet my friends if you want. Maybe you’d get on.” Yasu-san would certainly enjoy chasing girls…

“Everybody is ignoring me. I’m quite frustrated.” Mayumi-san said, barging between us. “Akio-kun… is that what you really think of me, that I’m incapable of understanding others?”

“Well, you’re interrupting a manly talk between brothers-in-law, so maybe.” I chided her, and she had the grace to look a bit embarrassed.

“I… apologise.” She sighed. “It’s just… I’m not used to being so soundly abused.”

“it’s not abuse. Consider that if Hinata didn’t like you, she wouldn’t care enough to offer such advice and criticism. She’d just cast you aside. You’re queen of your little world, but now… the big bad outside world is leaking in, and you have to change, if you want to succeed.”

“What he’s trying to say, Mayumi-sama…” Hiroto-san said politely. “… is that every person believes they are the star of their own life. But outside their own walls, the world doesn’t care.”

“Indeed.” Miyu said, having joined us, while the heads of the Three Great Houses were hammering out the details. “I believed I was important, my life blessed, until I found myself a Chosen.” She sighed. “Mayumi-san, one day, you will find yourself in such a situation, where all the wealth, power and honourable history of Ichijou house is useless.”

“And what do I do then?” she asked, curious. “What did you do?”

“I threw a tantrum, relying on what I had before.” Miyu admitted shamefully. “Fortunately, Hinata-san and Akio-san here, they and his sister, they chastised me much as they did you. Their words are honest and meant to aid you. The world has changed. We can never have too many friends, true friends.”

“I’d prefer it if you can rely on your own power, but it needs to be your power. Your house and history and wealth, sure, it’s good, but you need to cultivate something all of your own. But if the day comes when your own strength isn’t sufficient, that’s when you realise you need a friend.”

“I see. And… Hinata isn’t my friend?” she frowned. “I adore her. She’s funny, forthright, and she never fears to speak her mind to me. Others are too frightened to do so.”

“Yes, but friends have to be equals. And you never accepted her as anywhere close to that. All because of the borrowed clothes you wore. If it was your own achievements that made you superior, she could accept that, but… well, look. She’s taken over one of the Three Great Houses. Isn’t that something you couldn’t have done?”

“She helped save my heart, when I was about to shatter.” Miyu acknowledged. “I will always be grateful, even though Michiru and I were disastrously rude and should have been discarded. They forgave us, so… Mayumi-san…”

“Mayumi.” She corrected. “We are in the same year. I used to look down on you as timid, unfit to be a daughter of Fujiwara, but… perhaps I was wrong.”

“Yeah, she’s getting braver all the time. And a better dancer.” I laughed, only for Miyu to openly pout, face flushed, surprising Hiroto-san and Mayumi-san.

“You are cruel at times, Akio-san. I dance, dance and dance some more! All you do is make me dance! I confess, I do adore the dance, but… my feet become raw, my muscles ache…”

“Yes, but my Territory prospers.” I smiled. “Seriously, thank you. I don’t say it enough. Your gift, Ame-no-Uzume’s grace, it’s truly found a home in you. And what you do could save not just Japan, but the world.”

As Miyu looked down quietly, embarrassed, Hiroto-san commented. “Mayumi-sama, that’s what he meant by something that isn’t borrowed. Miyu-sama has gained that power herself, and uses it. She can be proud of that.” Well said. I couldn’t agree more.

“I see. Well…” Mayumi-san frowned, thinking. “I don’t know. I do enjoy stock-trading and running my own companies, but…”

“But you’ve probably realised that whatever you do, your doting family makes sure it doesn’t fail?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Yes. There are always suspicious successes when times are hard. Before, I assumed I was lucky or skilful, but… my perspective has changed.” She paused. “Wait, does that mean our venture will be the same?”

“Nope. I’m not going to bullshit you.” I promised. “Hinata won’t either. Well, bringing in Miss Lindiwe… that was a clever move. While I may dispute the share you took, considering I did all the work, you made that money yourself, and saved someone who was dying. That’s something you did yourself.”

“Not entirely. I used my family connections to make it happen.” She denied it.

“Well, just because something isn’t yours, doesn’t mean you can’t use it. That would just be foolish.” I advised. “Just don’t take excessive pride in it. As for our joint ventures… well, prove to me, to Hinata, you have what it takes to be proud, and if you can, we’ll respect you honestly. And…” I looked at Hinata, who was arguing with her new sister again, trying to motivate her from the shock of this whole situation.

“I understand.” Mayumi-san let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “Even if I apply the rules of the world I live in, the nobility, Hinata is the same as me now. Takatsukasa house may be weak and only standing with our support, but… that ends today, I know.”

“It does.” I affirmed.

“She’ll still be my kouhai. So I’ll still be treating her like a cheeky little junior.” Mayumi-san said, and I laughed, relieved.

“I doubt she’d want you to change totally. All she wants is a genuine connection. A genuine friendship with the girl she admires.”

“I… you say I don’t know how to be a friend.” She pouted.

“If you respect Hinata, listen to her honestly, and don’t lord your status over her, not that you can, now… it’ll happen naturally. And… can you extend the same courtesy to Natsumi and Motoko?”

“I can. After all, if you are going to inherit Takatsukasa, and they are your legal wives… not even concubines, but wives… they have a suitable status.” Well, she’s still going on about status, but… it’s a change, a crack in her façade of lonely self-importance. “You do spend a lot of time worrying about them. So… are you interested in Sakura-san after all?”

“Nope. I have enough on my plate for now. Besides, it’d be a bit weird, cousins…”

“No, sisters.” Hiroto-san laughed.

“Yeah, I guess.” I agreed.

“So in the end, what was it all for? Just Hinata’s happiness?” Mayumi-san asked, before Hinata herself had joined us.

“No, though it thrills me that Akio was thinking about that so seriously. Think about it, Mayumi.” She grinned, deliberately leaving off the honorific still.

“Yes, you can call me Mayumi, you cheeky little girl.” She didn’t rise to the bait. “You may be my equal now, but you’ll always be my junior. So I’ll continue to dote on you, so long as you never stop being fun.”

“You want to know fun?” Hinata grinned. “Think about it. The Government itself is supporting Akio. The Ministry is his idea, and while there are obviously checks and balances, it will benefit him immensely. He has connections to the military, and the JSDF as well as the Tsumura house are indebted to him, and tied by marriage. The faiths have been brought into line, and support him, especially after Kyoto. He has vassals under his command…” she smiled at Miyu, who nodded gracefully. “… and in terms of support, has Shaeula, Hyacinth and many others. Connections with the Seelie Court, the Night Parade…” she looked at her grandfather. “Big business will invest wisely when the time is right, Grandfather Kenji will see to that. And now… Takatsukasa house. Not only is Akio marrying well in the nobility, he will be equal to Kira-sama or Fujiwara-sama. Mother may be installed to replace uncle, but she knows Akio will be calling the shots, through me. So the nobility will be unable to complain, especially when we revitalise Takatsukasa house, freeing up the need for the nobility to support it financially and through other efforts.”

“I see.” Hiroto-san laughed, and Mayumi-san also caught on.

“That’s every major power structure in Japan…” she whispered, putting together the puzzle pieces.

“Not quite. We’re missing the Imperial Family.” Hinata winked. “For now. Eri and Shaeula told me that we have to save Princess Mikasa. She’ll be indebted to us as well, and likely join us. So then…”

“Everything in Japan…” Mayumi-san said, eyes wide. “Nobody would be able to gainsay you, every single disparate faction and group united…”

“Yes. Dominance over the Boundary and those within. Immense power. The ability to train others and strengthen them. Money, political and military power, the backing of the faith, nobility and Imperial family. I don’t just want Akio to be one of the Three, Takatsukasa house is a stepping stone on his path. I want Akio to be Prime Minister and Emperor both, no, something greater than both, and not just of Japan, but the Boundary as well!”

Astral Emperor. Tan says it’s the ruler of a world. Well, I’m not sure whether I can make it there, there’s a lot of threats, a lot of obstacles and opponents, but… she’s right. Today was seemingly insignificant, political and marital wranglings to make some of my fiancées happy, to get the respect we deserved, but… in actuality it completely solidified our powerbase. Now the nobility is tied to us with unbreakable chains, and have to follow as we pull. The one downside was, it made it harder for me to threaten to leave Japan if I didn’t get my way, but… what more do we really need? Once we hit Territory Rank 4, there’ll be no-one in Japan who can be my match…

“Emperor, huh? A lofty goal. You’re even more ambitions than I thought, Hinata. But… it sounds fun!”

“Sounds fun?” She cocked her head, confused.

“Yes. I’m Ichijou Mayumi! I’m beautiful, proud, confident, witty. And yes, arrogant too, all the things you said of me. But I’m also… bored. And perhaps I don’t understand how to be a friend, but… you’ll teach me, won’t you, Hinata? After all, now you can correct me if I’m wrong, without hurting my pride and arrogance. Well, without hurting it much.” She corrected. “So…” she held out a hand, leaving Hinata a bit confused.

“Take it, Hinata, my friend. You too, Akio-kun.” She smiled at us radiantly, her confidence dazzling. “After all, this I have to see, just how far you can go. No, just how far we can go! After all, we’re partners, right? First dominate Japan with our own power, and then…”

“The world!” Hinata agreed. “No, not just the world, why stop there?” She laughed. “There are other worlds than these out there! Waiting for us!”

As we clasped hands, the girls caught up in the moment, I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. The world? Other worlds? Just let me worry about saving Japan from the Red Dragon and the other threats first… Even so, I was happy. In the end, I still like compromising. Most people here benefitted in one way or another. But… us most of all. From small beginnings, mighty oaks can grow… “Hey, Miyu. Join in. After all, you’re a precious ally too, we’ll take you with us as well.”

“By all means. Miyu-san, grab hold.”

“Call me Miyu. As Hinata does.” She said, before adding her hand to ours.

“Any room for me?” Hiroto-san asked, only for his sister to shoot him down, saying his hand would dirty Miyu’s. There was laughter, and then it was time for me to step up, and take stock of all the assets and troubles that came with Takatsukasa house…

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