On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Fifty-Nine *Contains Status – Shaeula, Motoko, Natsumi*

Three Hundred And Fifty-Nine *Contains Status – Shaeula, Motoko, Natsumi*

Since they were here in my Territory, and it was something I had been thinking of anyway, the need to expand Chirurgery to the nobility that supported me as a whole, rather than just their children, though at my convenience, not just theirs, I offered to perform the work and show them around my Territory. They all declined, apart from Tsumura-san, Motoko’s grandfather, who expressed some curiosity.

“Well, we put our precious daughters and granddaughters, some of our sons too, under your care.” he had reasoned. “I would not have risked Motoko recklessly, without being prepared to chance the same operation myself. Besides, I have seen the results on our Special Forces well enough.” His smile was kind, and I found myself liking the stern old man. Well, he is my grandfather now. Damn, I have a ton of family. I guess it makes up for not having too many surviving relatives before this. Well, when the secret is out, I’ll go see if I can help auntie Mori’s parents. They’re both rather frail… though also rather gossipy. That reminds me, mom’s parents are still living in Britain. Friday is largely a free day, so… perhaps I’ll see if we can visit.

“Well, nothing is entirely without risk, but I have an excellent handle on the process now, and we expect it to get better in time. Rest assured, I’d like you to live a long life, grandfather. You have to see your great-grandchildren born, right?” At that comment, Motoko flushed, and she wasn’t the only one.

“Of course.” He agreed. “You are quite the filial young man, I do approve. The nobility believes in family above all else, then the wellbeing of Japan. You are quite invested in both.”

“Of course.” As I led him to another room, the others showed Fujiwara-san and the others back to their cars, though Miyu was staying for now, to perform more dances. “After all, I’ve spent most of my life here, those I love and want to protect are here.”

“Motoko too?” He smiled, but I could see he was probing me.

“Of course. We both know that our marriage was rather… arranged.” I answered back. “And at first, I had resolved to reject both Motoko and Natsumi, and I think they had resolved to abandon pursuing me. But then… we talked, emotions were high and…” I scratched at my head ruefully. “I’m not really sure how it happened, but our intentions got all tangled up. And all of us ended up giving each other a chance. And I guess we liked what we found. Now I’ll never give your granddaughter up.” I promised.

“Well, that’s reassuring, as we allowed a rather significant concession.” he said, before suddenly groaning as my aether began drilling into his Astral body, Split Thoughts making short work of the now rote Chirurgery. “If you… were to abandon her now… she would be ruined for marriage.” Sweat was beading on his brows, but he continued to stare at me, brown eyes resolute and intense. “And her heart would surely break.”

“Like I said… oh, all done by the way.” I shot back, flushing out the last of the debris I could, to more groans. I then topped him up with enough aether to get him started. “… I’ll never give her up now. Aren’t I presenting her as one of my fiancées to the great and the good in the UK?” I helped him up and ran through the exercises required to enter the Boundary, which he grasped quickly. “If you are worried, you can talk to me any time. We’re family now. A big family.”

“I suppose we are.” he agreed. “Well, I have heard many reports from the soldiers under the JSDF, as well as Motoko, but as a military man, I prefer to see matters first-hand. I should have done this some time ago. Besides, I feel full of energy, my mind feels clearer. It is as though the ravages of age have been pushed back a little, like I am twenty, no thirty years younger.”

“Well, make the most of it. Normally that treatment would be expensive, but as my grandfather, I’ll give it to you for Motoko’s sake.” I joked. “Well, shall we go?”


“Yes, this is as amazing as the reports say.” Tsumura-san declared, observing the fantastic scenery and many strange creatures that made my Territory home. We had gathered by the plentiful earth energies, and the twins, Chiaki-san and Chiasa-san, were here, dressed in their red and white shrine maiden hakama, as well as Haru-san, whose work was being delayed yet again. Motoko, Natsumi, Hinata and the remaining trainees who hadn’t mastered one of the four base elements were here too, prepared to give it their all. Shaeula was here as well, as earth element was her last major fear. Selensha is more interested in wind, and Shaeraggo in water or fire. Oh well… Eri was looking on in envy, her disarrayed network clearly not up to the task of learning new elements, her cat ears and tail twitching despondently, while Shiro consoled her. Daiyu was by my side, waiting and watching, a bit wary of Tsumura-san, who she had met when she was initially taken to Japan and imprisoned.

“To think that we need to defend this shadow of Japan as well.” He mused, taking a sip of the honey mead Asha had offered him. “Again, the reports were clear, but to see it in the flesh, that makes it all the more real. I am further convinced your plan to protect Tokyo and the surrounds via your Territory is the correct decision, though the public many not look on it favourably in the longer term. Well, managing public sentiment is the job of the nobility and the politicians, and perhaps the faith. We will leave tasks only you can do to you, my grandson.”

“Yes, one person can’t do everything.” I agreed. “We need to increase competent, trustworthy staff in every field. Recruitment for the new Ministry is rather low, and poor Haru-san is suffering.”

“Well, isn’t that mostly your fault, Akio-san?” she muttered. “After all, here I am again, helping out with more of your schemes, when my paperwork is piling up! He’ll be the death of me, I swear. Oh wait…” her smile was exasperated, but not unkind.

“Sorry, but you’re just so skilled with your telepathy, until the twins can mature their talents to your level you’re just invaluable, Haru-san.”

“I think Suzuki-san would be happy to see his daughter so… lively.” Tsumura-san observed. “Though I hear he does little but complain that his daughter doesn’t spend any time with him.”

“Look, I’m busy. Father…” she chose the word carefully so as not to embarrass herself, which was endearing, “… he’s been so clingy and worried for me recently. The worst has already happened, so he should be less worried.”

“Well, it is only natural for a father to worry. Besides, now he has received a miracle and his daughter is back, he wishes to cling to you more. As a father and a grandfather, I understand it well.” Tsumura-san reassured her.

“It’s still so annoying.” Haru-san sighed, though I could tell she was secretly pleased about it. Well, she’s definitely a ‘daddy’s girl’, isn’t she? Haru-san’s head shot round to look at me, annoyed, and I realised she might have heard me with her telepathy. Apologising in my mind, I took over.

“All right then. Is everyone ready?” I turned to Kana, who was observing, forcing power into her eyes as best she could.

“Yes, we’re all gathered. Those of us who have managed to gain access to earth element will provide our experiences.” Kana’s smile turned wicked. “I should charge a fee.”

“In that case, you owe me first. Well, we’ll move onto wind element after this, so those who are interested in earth element, step up.” I laughed, before preparing everyone. Miyu wasn’t taking part, but Michiru-san was, since she accepted my Territory was safe. “All right then. Haru-san, Chiaki-san, Chiasa-san, if you can start the link, just like we did in Kyoto?”

I felt an intrusion in my mind. I would easily be able to reject it, my mental strength, my Resilience, far surpassing what Haru-san could do, but I allowed it in, and soon I was connected to many thoughts, many minds, the twins straining with the heavy mental burden. “All right. Those who want earth element, prepare yourselves.”

“I shall watch, if I may.” Daiyu asked me. “I do not wish to damage my Foundation by mixing in other techniques, but as my Foundation requires earth-aspected Qi, it might be enlightening…” I accepted her request easily, and she was linked in, along with Motoko and Natsumi, who were going to take my earlier advice and learn wind for the synergy with the Tsumura Arts, but they still wished to experience others succeeding, to bolster their own chances. Hinata wanted flame element, but in the end she had compromised on earth element first, since we lacked ready access to fire in our Territory for now. It’s difficult to generate enough in the batteries to train others… Michiru-san and the other trainees wanted earth element as well, for defensive purposes, as well as the two extra levels due to the White Snake Earth Altar, and that applied to the twins and also Ren-san, who had a manly, determined expression on his face.

“Right, I’m going to share my memories. Kana, Hotene-san, Kazumi-san, you as well.” As Haru-san and the twins spread our thoughts out, those who wished to learn drew in the ruby energies around us, Tsumura-san watching on with great interest. Everyone had different levels of skill and ability, Keomi-chan struggling most of all, but with my Eye and the shared thoughts I could offer targeted advice. I was about to open my mouth to tell Keomi-chan her concentration was slipping, her mental image of her root chakra incomplete, when Kana beat me to it.

“Oh come on, Keomi-chan, I know you can do better than that. The earth element is spilling out and going up towards your sacral chakra. It must hurt, right?” Kana glanced at me, sticking her tongue out, proud she had noticed as well. “Well, what are you waiting for, Akio? Healing now please!”

I laughed at that. I guess Kana is drawing on the information from my Eye through the linked telepathy? She’s come a long way. Really, that’s good though. As I soothed the damage to Keomi-chan’s network, a little Chirurgery polishing away some remaining imperfections, Keomi-chan asked me if we would be celebrating with cake if they succeeded.

“Well, aren’t you the cheeky little glutton?” I laughed, rubbing her head, wanting to pamper her, as like Hotene-san, she had been traumatised by the events of Kyoto and the deaths and her injuries. Haru-san had done good work with her Mind-Healing Light, but even so, such sorrows were hard to recover from. “Fine, you manage it, and then gain the extra two levels as well, and you’ll get a reward. The same goes for all of you.”

“Well, now I’m pretty motivated!” one of Kana’s friends, Mio-san said happily, before wincing as the earth energies slipped free from her grasp. Kana shook her head, tutting at her in annoyance, making her blush.

Shaeula was at the centre of the vortex, drawing in far more earth element than anyone else, though she was sweating silver in rivulets down her face and arms, and her expression was twisted in uncertainty and fear. I attempted to balance her though our bonds, and I expected it should be easy to learn it as the other three elements were enough to form a complete circle, only to be proved wrong as the lightning element within her overstimulated the wind and flame around her heart and solar plexus. She groaned in pain, struggling, her Ether Healing joining with mine to repair the disarray within. “Well, this is not-not as easy as you promised.” She accused me with a wry smile. “It should just-just slot into place, all in balance, you said. I recall it clearly.”

“Yeah, sorry about… hmm, good job!” I was using Split Thoughts to monitor everyone, and the first success had come, Ren-san solidifying the ruby energies at his root chakra. Whereas before he might have been boastful, now he merely smiled happily.

“Well, I missed out last time, since I already knew light element.” He said. “I’d be letting down Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine and all our kami was I to fail here. Besides…” he looked at the others. “… I should set an example.”

“That’s cool, Ren-kun!” Asami-san said, face a little red. Kana looked at me then, and I felt a little of her thoughts leak over to me through the telepathy. Oh, so she likes Ren-san huh? Well, he is a handsome boy, no question. Well, good for him…

“Hmm, Asami-san, I think you’re not too far off yourself.” I tried to boost her confidence. “Your problem is you are narrowing the flow too much, and…” I gave some explanations, mostly though telepathy again, which made the process far simpler.

“I too am successful! My ninjitsu shall know no limits now!” Michiru-san declared, and she was immediately using earth element to conjure small, sharp rocks, throwing them like shuriken.

“I’ll help Asami-chan and Mio-chan. Hisano-san too.” Kana promised. “You focus on Shaeula, looks like she’s having a hard time. You have to look after those you love, right?” she winked, and Shaeula managed a bitter cackle.

“I am fine-fine. For now…” she managed bravely. “Do assist Hinata. My Eyes see she is close!”

“All right.” I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, before joining my other fiancée, who was grinning at me ruefully.

“Akio, I’ve been practising this for weeks, but there’s something missing, I think…” she suddenly squeaked, flushing, as I took her in my arms.

“Just calm down. I’m here. Listen to my thoughts…”

“This is a unique kind of hell…” Haru-san muttered, and the twins nodded tiredly, their faces red. “There is far too much tender emotion we have to process. Oh well, I suppose I already knew what a romantic Akio-san was. Some of the rest of you surprise me though…” she grinned, and several people looked sheepish, but I paid that no mind, my warm feelings and detailed thoughts reaching Hinata.

“I see! Yes, seeing through your Eye really does make a difference.” Hinata agreed. “And knowing you support me… well, I’m not going to lose!” Her brown eyes looked into mine, determined, and she began to draw in the rich energies with renewed vigour…


“Good job, Hisano-san.” I congratulated Kana’s school-friend, who also happened to be Yasu-san’s cousin, much as I tried to forget that fact. Especially since she modelled for our chakra network experiments. Damn, I hope he never finds out about that, I’d never hear the end of it. “How does it feel?”

“Strange.” She grinned weakly, which made her look prettier, definitely. She was a rather gloomy girl, ordinarily, a far cry from her flamboyantly upbeat cousin, even if he was inappropriately so at times. “When I first had the Chirurgery, as you called it, I felt stronger, faster, smarter… but that was all… well, ordinary, if you know what I mean? Like, it could happen. But this…” she gestured, ruby energy flowing, and the ground splintered. Her control was still awful, but her root chakra was definitely generating earth element. “… this is really magic. I sometimes think that the last few weeks have all been a dream.”

“Nope, no dream.” I promised. “Well, I’m glad to see you fitting in with the other girls. When we first met, you were very wary of them, well, all but Kikuchi-san.”

“I’m a bit of a loner.” She admitted. “Not like my cousin.”

“Yeah, Yasu-san is one of a kind, that’s for sure. Uh… so, about the other day…” I said, and she smiled.

“Oh, you mean when you used me as a model? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell my cousin that. It was embarrassing enough that I’d like to forget it. But… it helped, right?”

“It did. This will too.” I looked around. Only Keomi-chan, Mio-san and Shaeula were left. Everyone else had successfully mastered earth element. “With so many successes, if you add what we achieved with the light element in Kyoto… well, I’ve already got some ideas on how this all works and how it can be improved. We can’t just rely on Haru-san and the twins forever.”

“I see. Well…” her eyes looked at the distant horizon. “… Yasu-kun will be working for you, right? Maybe… well, I’ve not thought of what I’ll do when I graduate. If I wanted to work for you, with Maiko-san and the others…”

“Sure. Well, you’re already an employee of mine, right? But when you’re older, if you want to make it formal, I’m sure I’ll be hiring.” I promised. “As for Yasu-san… I’ll put you in a different department, I promise.” I joked, getting another cute smile from her. “Anyway…”

“Yes, I think Shaeula needs you again.” She said, and I nodded. Even as I did so, Keomi-chan let out a bright laugh of happiness, finally succeeding, before dropping to the ground like a puppet with cut strings, her strength exhausted.

“This… is not-not fun!” Shaeula complained, her face twisted into an expression of pain. “It is so-so frustrating. Well, at least I no-no longer fear the earth. If it was so inimical to me, I would not-not be able to endure it so…” Lightning, wind, flame and water were swirling around her, clashing crazily within and without. She coughed, silver and red blood splattering the ground, before gritting her teeth, grin bloody. “It seems I am-am the last. How shameful.” Mio-san was smiling, showing peace signs with her fingers triumphantly, sitting down beside the limp Keomi-chan.

“Well, it’s a matter of a different scale, isn’t it?” I said, and she agreed.

“True. I am not-not so arrogant to expect to balance four elements as easily as one learns a first.” Her amber eyes gleamed. There was no real need for telepathy now, so the twins and Haru-san were taking a break, Asha and Hyacinth having brought more refreshments, which everyone was partaking in, washing away their exhaustion. “However, this is still-still most annoying. For I wish-wish to break the final lingering whispers of weakness within me. But the cursed lightning, lightning I longed for, it does-does interfere so!”

Yeah, when I balanced the four elements within myself, I didn’t yet have my Wood element, so… wait, that’s it… “Shaeula, I’ve got a plan.” I smiled, Split Thoughts quickly calculating. “At worst it will just exhaust you a bit, but at best…” I pulled out Storming Moonlight, and explained quickly. Shaeula paused, surprised, before grinning.

“I see-see. Clever.” She approved. “Well, if you insist!” Lightning flashed, and she grasped the blade, heedless of the way it cut her flesh. Lightning poured from her into the sword, which glittered dully, shimmering sparks of yellow and green lightning dancing.

“There. I am now-now empty. My heart and solar plexus still does-does fight me, but the conflict is much reduced. I believe…” she released my sword, going to wipe her sweaty forehead, but I grasped her hand, Healing it, using my own free hand to mop her brow. “… I can follow your method now. Light does not-not interfere…”

“Well, it should be like a missing spoke of a wheel. The earth should feed the water, while the fire feeds it. The wind pushes against the earth, but with fire feeding, you can…” I trailed off, Eye gleaming. “Let out some flame element as well. That should help…” I started applying Chirurgery, her heart and lunar chakras being bled of some of the turbulent wind energy, just enough to lessen the push.

“I think… I…” Time passed, my blade crackling with expelled lightning, Shaeula and I combining our wills to push her body. She was definitely taking significant damage, the earth element a nature opposing her existence, but her existence was far from just one of wind now, and the lunar chakra and heart chakra had both stopped resisting, the wind quiescent. Moments later, the flow of fire stabilised, and then the earth began to stabilise. Lightning crackled, but it no longer pushed back against the earth element, and Shaeula clung to me, expression solemn.

“It… it is-is done, correct?”

“It is.” I promised, rubbing her head gently. “Congratulations, Shaeula. Another element is yours.”

“I… it is a grand thing, to overcome one’s fears. You have pushed me, and I have-have pushed myself. And now…”

“Ahem.” Hinata coughed, holding in a laugh. “We’re here too, Akio, Shaeula. Don’t forget about us.”

At that we both flushed, before I released Shaeula, who tottered over to Hinata. “Indeed. You have done quite-quite well too. All of you have. Indeed, the fruits of our training are just rewards for all our hard-hard work and sacrifices.”

Sacrifices. “Yes, not everyone who started this journey is with us anymore. Your fellow trainees, friends, our Fae comrades… never forget them. That’s why we need to keep training, keep strengthening ourselves, so that we never suffer such regrets again, helpless to protect our friends!” I declared, and at that there was a sad round of applause.

“So, I do not quite understand.” Tsumura-san observed after my speech. “But it seems there were great strides made here. Is it always this easy?”

“Easy? Hardly. We’ve just been fortunate in the puzzle pieces we have. Haru-san, the twins, my experiences, Shaeula’s knowledge. A rich source of earth element, boosted further by Shiro’s buffs… no, this isn’t easy at all. I nearly died learning my first element, and might have, if not for Shaeula’s guidance. Well, with far stronger chakra networks, I think people are less at risk, but even so… strength comes with equal danger. But we are here to minimise it…”

“You hear that?” Hinata smirked. “Well, you two had better succeed with your wind element now, or I’ll be sure to be insufferable.” she told Motoko and Natsumi, smirking impishly.

“Have no fear. We are resolved.” Motoko promised, and Natsumi nodded.

“Yes, how can we fail now? After seeing everyone else trying so hard and succeeding.”

“All right then. A brief rest, and then while Motoko and Natsumi go for wind element at Shaeula’s old Territory, the rest of you… it’s off to the seaside. Those levels you can gain won’t gain themselves!” There were tired groans, but I buoyed them up by promising a celebratory party Wednesday night, and with that we departed…


“Not bad, sister-in-law.” Shaeula praised Selensha. “A little more and you shall surely-surely succeed.” She grinned at the stoatkin, who was leaning on her ornate, crystal-topped staff, white fur stuck to her in sweaty whorls, silver mist rising.

“It’s quite the strain. The wind, it is fed by my water element, and springs out of my control too quickly, causing me great pain and some injury. I am in awe that you have managed it so often.”

“Well, I did not-not do it alone.” She turned her warm gaze on Motoko and Natsumi, who were hugging, wind element swirling around them, having made their own breakthroughs. “But this last-last one was a terrible trial. It would be like-like you seeking flame element.”

Selensha shuddered at that. “Well, we Fae can transcend our limits, as Princess Estalian has proved, and others… but to cross that divide… it strikes me as fearful.”

“Oh, it was, it most-most certainly was. But… when you have those you love beside you, supporting you, all things are possible.” She puffed out her chest proudly.

“Right, well, everyone should have gained those two levels. It’s not a huge boost, but the extra stats might make a difference. Well, Tsumura-san, I hope this sets your mind at ease.”

“It does.” He agreed, watching his delighted granddaughter. “Our family was a burden to Motoko. She loved the spear, the bow, the sword, martial arts. Our family legacy of such though, it seemed to have no place in the world anymore. After all… a gun cannot be stopped by a sword.”

“Well, that was then. Now… I think there’ll always be a place for guns and bombs, tanks and planes. But…” I gathered my thoughts. “If we can continue to grow, strengthen our Leagues, I think… the day that ordinary weapons can’t defeat the most powerful Chosen is inevitable. Though if Ixitt has his way, he’ll improve our weapons to make up for that. It’ll be a never-ending arms race, but… your granddaughters skills, Natsumi’s skills… they aren’t useless or a burden. In fact, they’ll shine.”

“I appreciate you thinking of them so deeply. I do not regret my choice to entrust Motoko to you. Really, there was no happiness in her future if she followed the traditional path of a noble daughter. But…” his gaze sharpened, eyes looking into mine, and the kindly old man was gone, replaced with the powerful, proud head of the JSDF. “… this visit has only showed me the greater importance of our best assets having such training. Special Forces, I want them all to have this earth element and the extra levels you speak of. Our fighter pilots and other specialist troops need Chirurgery as well.”

“Yes, well, I simply don’t have the time and the resources to dedicate to that. I’d rather raise my own elite crew, I think long-term that’s more beneficial.” I refused him. “However, more Chirurgery for the pilots I can squeeze in, if the appropriate compensation is paid.” Even with the twins and Haru-san it isn’t easy. Sure, we’re probably advancing faster than most, but our trainees have been working on drawing in elements for weeks, months in some cases. Ideally… Kana wanted to be a Chirurgeon, and had some telepathic gifts herself, though they were nascent and weak. Perhaps if she can take over some of the burden…

“Not now, for the rest.” I shook my head. “We have to worry about our trip to the UK before any of that.”

“I understand. But time is running through our fingers like sand from an hourglass.” Tsumura-san warned. “The more preparations we do ahead of time, the better.”

“Yeah. Well, the fighter pilots, next week I can do those. How many are there?” I asked.

“Well, we had three hundred and thirty assorted fighter aircraft, though thanks to our deal with the USA we will have a number more. Counting the backup pilots, around five hundred and fifty men and women in total.”

“Damn, that’s nearly twice what the Special Forces had. Well, with proper buffs I can do it. So, in terms of compensation…”

“I think you need more than just financial support. Manpower is what you lack, no? Well, we have a number of logistics divisions, what better to speed up many of your planned projects?”

“I think we’ll need to haggle over that.” I agreed. “But we are moving to the construction phase soon on a few ventures… anyway, for now, I have my own training to do.” I have to test out False Void Motion. I never really got the chance…

Tsumura-san took the hint, and as it was growing late, he departed, but not before telling his granddaughter and Natsumi not to tarry too long, as they would be missing school over the weekend. As he vanished, I grinned.

“All right. Selensha, keep at it, I know you’ll crack it. As for the three of you… status time.”

“I have been waiting for this-this.” Shaeula grinned. “I do very much enjoy the role-playing games you have in the mortal world. And seeing the numbers rise is so very-very satisfying. But compared to seeing our own gains, well, it rather pales in comparison, does it not-not?”

“I too wish to see the fruits of our labours.” Motoko agreed.

“Yes, I want to know how I stack up to Motoko. I won’t lose!” Natsumi declared.

“All right then. Here we go…”

Shaeula's status part 1 - text ver. in spoiler below

Shaeula's status part 2

Shaeula's status part 3

Shaeula's status part 4

“Well, you’ve had some nice Rank increases across the board, and your intangible stats have gone up a lot. Your level is a bit low, but sadly you’ve missed out on a lot of the grinding sessions due to all the politicking you’ve been doing at the Spring. But your cap is high enough that we can rectify that any time.” I approved. “You got the Wielder of Elements class as I expected too, which is a nice boost to your elemental power and recovery. But really, there’s only one thing of interest…”

“Royal Fae.” Shaeula grinned wolfishly, acknowledging what I had noticed.

“That makes me wonder. If Nature is also a royal element, why isn’t Hyacinth one? Or other wood users. It’s not as uncommon as lightning, is it?” I asked, and she agreed, eyes glittering with anticipation as my own Eye gleamed. Here goes.

Royal Fae are female Fae with suitable strength and League, who are in possession of the female royal element, Lightning, or male Fae with suitable strength and League, possessing the male royal element, Wood. This does not mean that a Fae is of the Royal line, or rules any Fae, only that their bearing and pedigree has transcended mere Nobility to become greater.

“I see.” Shaeula laughed, clasping my hands, while Selensha looked on, bemused but a little proud of her sister-in-law. “Our Oaths we swore. We are one step closer! Now none-none can gainsay my rights, those who are holding out will surely-surely fall into line!” Her grin was radiant, before she remembered that Natsumi and Motoko were there too, and she blushed, before coughing, reining in her cute excitement. “Well, that shall-shall suffice for me for now. Please enlighten them to their efforts.”

Natsumi status part 1, text ver. in spoiler below

Natsumi status part 2

Hmm, Natsumi and Motoko are pretty similar in terms of stats and abilities. If anything, Motoko has the edge, but Natsumi has a slightly stronger wind affinity for now…

Motoko's status part 1, text ver. in spoiler below

Motoko status part 2

“Well, Tsumura Arts is no longer a Cantrip Class. Is that because you have an element now and it’s designed to be used with one?” I mused.

Motoko ignored what I thought would have drawn her attention immediately, instead complaining, face red. “Why is my Lovers’ Link skill a lower Rank than yours, Natsumi? I do not love Akio any less!”

Wow, Déjà vu! I internally mimicked my sister. Why is everyone hung up on that?

“I don’t think that at all. I think… well, while you were absent, I helped console Akio with my body and heart.” Natsumi answered, and Shaeula nodded.

“Eri and I, we competed foolishly over the same-same matter. It is not-not a reflection of your feelings, only that your bond is deepening, through emotion and physical intimacy. If you worry about the Rank, simply resolve to give more to Akio, to drown deep-deep in his embrace.” She grinned.

“Well, we’ll have time in London. We do have a suite, just the four of us, right?” Natsumi laughed, and Shaeula sighed enviously, cursing she had other matters to attend to, so couldn’t go with us.

“In any case, you’ve become much stronger due to your training with Ulfuric. I think if you keep it up, you’ll surpass my weapon skills in short order with your long years of carrying the Tsumura arts with you.”

“I won’t lose. I know I’m not as good with the sword and bow as you, Motoko, but seeing it in raw numbers hurts! I won’t rest until we are equal!”

“At least say you shall surpass me!” Motoko said teasingly, and with that, after some more laughter and congratulations on their successes, Motoko and Natsumi returned to the Material, well satisfied.

“Well, so, my sweet Royal Fae Shaeula, shall we go?” I extended a hand, and she grasped it happily.

“Indeed. Continue to train and you shall succeed, Selensha. And when-when you do, I shall petition Akio to make you the second to receive our Spirit Water, as a reward.”

“Second?” Selensha asked, and she nodded. “Indeed. First is Daiyu. You wish her to gain the Spiritually Pure Physique, do you not-not? You worry for her, and her fragile mental state.”

“I do.” I agreed. “Well, good luck Selensha. Even Grulgor is putting in effort I hear, so don’t let him outshine you. Well, if you need further advice, feel free to seek us out…” and with that, we headed back towards Shirohebizumi shrine…


“So, what is Hyacinth doing?” I asked Daiyu, who was sitting in the lotus position within the tide of earth energies, slowly fortifying herself with them. Hyacinth was looking at a disgusting lump of what looked like fungus, which was eerily reminiscent of Duke Myrcolaxriath. As I watched, her face twisted, and nature energy surged from her, the lump drinking it in. I flared my Eye a little, and I could see she was producing Myconid Duke Spores? Stunned, I watched as the lump began to quiver and grow, increasing significantly in size, before Hyacinth slumped over, clearly spent.

“That rat-man came and explained to her about fungus cultivation. Shiitake mushrooms, I believe. He wanted Hyacinth to use the pieces you see to grow more. Apparently it has a great deal of uses….”

“Well yes, Bjarki was using it in the armoured cloth. Damn, we can just expand his corpse like that? That’s so messed up, but also really clever. Ixitt never fails to come up with mad-scientist ideas. In that case…” The parts of Myrcolaxriath were the limited resource, so with that no longer the case, we don’t have to be so frugal with the cloth, though there’s no way that Bjarki can meet demand by himself… hmm… mass production? Some sort of cloth looms… uh, I daresay there’s a ton of issues but… well, perhaps when I’m back from the UK I’ll have time to think about it.

“So, how was it? Observing I mean. I feel a bit bad you were one of the few who didn’t gain anything from today.”

Daiyu shook her head. “I gained significant insights. And confidence.”

“Confidence?” I asked, and her smile was abnormally excited.

“Confidence.” She repeated. “In my choices. Seeing the craft, the research that you place in your Cultivation… for what you do clearly is Cultivation, if under a different system, a set of rules…” she continued, her normally expressionless face blooming like a flower. “… I want to be part of the same, to push my Cultivation, no, ours, to new heights together. And I believe we can do it. The blessings from the Heavens, elemental Qi, Heavenly and Earth Qi… I believe all can be understood and improved upon, until we reach the heights of Kunlun, without their advantages, their history. The Incorruptible Jade will stand proud once more. We will, my Companion.” She paused then. “It was rather unpleasant, after the Spirit Water. I did ooze many impurities, more than I believed I held within me, after my life spent in ascetic rigour and denial of earthly pleasures… well, I have decided. I will deny myself no more. To Cultivate is to be greedy…” her happy smile turned wicked. “… and I am greedy for what comes next.”

“What is next?” I asked, and she looked down slyly, reminding me of my sis when she was teasing me for a moment.

“Well, I shall leave that to your imagination. But… I wish for it to be soon. Alas, for now...” she looked at the ruby fountains of earth energies. “… there is plentiful earth energy here, and I believe you are storing light element, which can serve as Yang Qi, though it would take much refinement. I could surpass Foundation in short order and begin my Accumulation. I remember our Sect’s Techniques. But I refuse to move on, until I have rebuilt my Foundation with the Spiritually Pure Physique, and also… well, again, that comes later. But not much later.”

“Fine. Well, I’ll leave you to your meditation. I have to train myself, or else Shaeula is going to leave me behind. She’s catching me up again.” I laughed. Unsheathing Storming Moonlight, I took up a position, before letting out a great surge of aether, trying to give it a spatial aspect, converting it to that element. A few moments later the world around me blurred, and I had reappeared some twenty metres away. Too slow. Too inefficient. Well, at least I hit my mark. All right, time to go again…

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