On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Fifty-Eight

Three Hundred And Fifty-Eight

The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to training. I worked out the remaining tension in my body by clearing out enemies around Kyoto, bringing more of the remaining Territory under Haru-san’s control. Other than the areas under the aegis of the other Chosen Candidates, and the small areas of Kyoto that were more than ten kilometres away from Haru-san’s Anchor, we had now pretty much secured all of Kyoto. Attacks from the large birds that dwelt in the hills and mountains outside Kyoto had now been prevented, as they couldn’t easily breach the barrier of a Rank 3 Territory, but when I stepped outside that radius a swarm descended, crying angrily, feathers buzzing with wind energies like razors.

I guess it was as if they were indignant they had been blocked from their hunting grounds… I mused, looking around at the remaining scattered feathers, which Hyacinth was gathering up. I had brought her, Shaeula, Haru-san, Daiyu and Shiro here to hopefully gain them a few levels, though I was getting almost no experience from the kills myself. Well, that’s not exactly true. From prior experience, wiping out swarms of lower-level threats can level me, just slowly. Nothing is wasted, and it’s all ether…

“It is quite exhilarating to cleanse one’s worries with combat, is it not-not?” Shaeula grinned happily, running a hand through her damp amber hair. I shrugged, my own smile wry, as she had said what I had been thinking. Hyacinth agreed, laughing happily, the twisting vines that she had summoned to help her gather the remains of the fallen enemies almost dancing.

“Do you think that too, Haru?” Shiro asked, yawning, and the ghost girl shook her head.

“No, not at all. In fact, I’m rather tired of all this.” She sniffed, a slight smile on her face. “But I understand it’s important. It doesn’t make it any easier though. What’s worse is my backlog of work at the Ministry will be piling up…” she lowered her voice to a theatrical whisper, casting me a sideways glance. “… I think Akio-san is trying to work me into an early grave. I don’t think he’s realised I’m already dead.”

As Shiro burst out laughing at that quip, I shook my head. “All right, I get it. Well, we’re done for now anyway. We’ll take a break, grab some food, and then when the trainees arrive, those of us who are free can start training again.”

At Shiro’s loud groans, I laughed anew. Heading back through the Ring Gate, we returned to my Territory, only to come across a surprising scene. On seeing us, one of Ixitt’s engineers ran off in a hurry. “Do you think it was something I said?” I joked, only for my answer to arrive moments later as Bjarki came hurrying towards us, an intense expression on his face. Seeing that, Shiro ducked behind me.

“Shit, best protect your beloved Shirohime, Aki! I don’t have the energy to give him any more buffs, not when I have to refresh the Trees and Asha later. Be a man and tell him no for me!”

Yeah, I know you’re joking, but it’s kind of cute… Before we could speak, Bjarki stopped in front of me.

“So, you have returned, I ken? Excellent timing, m’blood it’n be boiling over! I have finished it, t’masterpiece I nae thought I could forge, t’perfect blend o’ craft and artifice!” His breathing was heavy and his big, callused and scarred hands, spotted with burns, reached for mine. Instinctively I dodged to the side, Shiro cursing behind me.

“Nae only that, inspiration, inspired by t’missy’s blessings here, struck me like thunder from t’forge. You must come’n see at once!” His breath was as hot as the fires of his forge, the skin behind his beard flushed.

“All right, I’m coming.” I said, stunned by his eagerness. Several Mortal Engineers and some other dwarves visiting our Territory were looking on in amusement as we followed the dwarf the short distance to his forge and workshop. When there, he disappeared inside, before bringing out a long, wrapped bundle. He presented it to me, and I took it, feeling the weight. Heavy, but nothing I can’t handle.

As I unwrapped the cloth covering the sword, the first thing I saw was the hilt. Unlike previous blades, this one had been decorated, and was in the shape of a tree, the branches forming the protective hilt, or tsuba, depending on whether it was a Western or Japanese blade. A tree huh? Coincidence, or… Trees seemed to be very influential on my life recently, whether it was the World Tree, or the Rhyming Trees that were allowing us to expand far faster than should have been possible for such a small Territory. Curious now, I uncovered some of the blade, seeing the slight curve of the metal. Yeah, it’s not quite a katana, too big. But it’s not a Western sword either. Some kind of hybrid weapon?

The metal itself was a dark black, with a hamon pattern of blue, white and red, swirling into shapes reminiscent of the phases of the moon. It’s certainly eye-catching. And moons are also central to my life at the moment as well. As I pulled the rest of the cloth free, my Eye flared, providing me the details on the new sword, which I hoped would last longer than my previous weapons.

Storming Moonlight – Item Class: [Imperious], Item Type: [Artifice]

A heavy single-edged blade made from hyper-pure dwarven-steel, dwarven silver and bluesteel alloyed together meticulously, combined with powdered feathers with strong wind element, clotted thunderbird blood containing potent refined lightning element, and Etherite powder infused with flame element, made by the renowned Dvergr craftsman Bjarki, who transcended his limits and understanding via outside means and his own understanding. Spatial element has been retained via the careful salvaging of the previous blade, the Cutting Twilight, but instead of rending space, the blade itself generates a constant low-level field of spatial element, protecting against damage and leaving the blade’s sharpness unparalleled by previous weapons.

The blade has lost the ability to absorb elements via the bluesteel, but instead has the properties of wind, flame and lightning, and these can be generated, and even unique winds, flames and lightnings can be held within the blade, as it has great affinity with such elements, and any damaging effects of these are dispersed by the spatial field. Mere Rules no longer describe its power, as a number were forged together to create this weapon which has, due to a conflux of materials and a skilled craftsman working beyond his limits, buoyed by sudden insights, become a weapon not forged on this world in centuries.

As I flourished the blade, giving it a few swings, proud Bjarki looking on, his eyes misted with exhaustion and fervent curiosity, Shaeula and Shiro were fussing over it.

“Pretty cool Aki. I guess it’s close enough to a katana to satisfy your otaku soul, right?” Shiro teased me. “Now all you need is a leather trench coat and some sunglasses to complete the look.”

“I feel an affinity for this-this blade.” Shaeula mused, her own Mystic Eyes glowing, before she nodded in satisfaction. “Of course-course. You used the remains of the thunderbird blood, after I had taken what I needed, did you not-not?” She asked Bjarki, who nodded.

“Aye. I did. It’n was nae easy forging it into t’metal, and getting it tae balance with t’other ingredients, but…” he looked at Shiro passionately. “… m’skills, they have reached new heights, ye ken? I hope you can continue tae offer me blessings, missy.”

I exchanged a look with Shiro, who sighed. “Well, maybe not all the time, but sometimes, sure.” She gave in. “All right then, it looks cool, what else can it do?”

As I headed to one of our training grounds to test out the functions of Storming Moonlight, Bjarki said he had more to show us, and would catch up with us shortly. Wielding my blade, the weaselkin and others who were training there, including Grulgor and a number of trolls and a towering giant, watching on with interest, I put the blade through its paces, a few swings enabling me to check the balance. Yeah, it’s functionally a katana, so specialised in fast, one strike kills, but as it’s a bit thicker and heavier, more Westernised, it’s capable of going blade-to-blade with other weapons without being overwhelmed. I see. Bjarki sacrificed a little speed for utility. With my stats I should be able to compensate for the weight and balance…

Some rocks and other detritus were hauled over, and my blade sliced deep into them, and on inspection after, there was no damage, a faint, lingering purple glow visible where the blade had struck stone. “Nice.” I praised the craftsmanship, before channelling aether, wrapping the blade in vibrating wind, further enhancing destructive force. I then tried flame, and the blade was wreathed in yellow tongues of fire. All right then… I let out some Foehn, and the blade glowed like a white-hot, hungry star. My next slash left a boulder burning, Foehn clinging deep inside the savage cut, and after I dismissed my Foehn, the blade was indeed unharmed.

“Okay, so it can handle unique flames as promised. I can see that being a trump card. Makes me wonder…” Combining it with Prominence Twilight… there’s a lot of potential options…

Lastly, I poured aether in to create lightning. It was hardly efficient, but the blade blazed with shimmering lightning, and on a slash I found I could throw out actinic bolts of forked energy, giving the sword an effective ranged option, though the bolts dispersed quickly over distances of around twenty or thirty metres.

“Yes, I do indeed-indeed approve.” Shaeula purred, watching lightning akin to hers as it blasted gouges in the hillside.

“Yeah, no disagreement from me.” Shiro agreed. It was then that Bjarki spoke up, having returned, a large covered cart pulled behind him, sweat gleaming on his brow.

“Aye, it’n be playing to yer strengths.” He said proudly. “Flexibility, and a weapon that is nae easy t’break. This’n be the sort of weapons m’ancestors likely forged, back in t’distant past, before t’world changed. And that’n be not all.” He took the tarpaulin off, revealing a huge bundle of what looked like black and white cloth. Daiyu, who had been rather quiet all afternoon, perhaps embarrassed about earlier, went over and started feeling the cloth, surprised.

“I sense strong Qi from these.” She murmured. “Yin and also Yang… though…” she looked at me then, thinking. “From what I have observed, perhaps I should say darkness and light.”

Twilight Cloth – Item Class: [Noble], Item Type: [Rule]

This thin, lightweight metallic cloth is crafted by the renowned Dvergr craftsman Bjarki, aided by breakthroughs in his understanding. It is forged from concentrated dwarven silver and bluesteel, two light yet strong metals, and its durability is further enhanced by the addition of processed parts from a fallen Unseelie Duke, mixed with Etherite powder. Further finishing was applied by adding powdered feathers rich in wind element to the black cloth, and scales rich in water element from sea beasts to the white, and then the cloth was fortified with darkness and light elements respectively.

This has created two materials, the black cloth that is able to mute the detectability of the wearer, darkness swallowing the light, casting dark shadows, and wind hiding sounds, and the white cloth, that protects and slowly infuses healing water element into the wearer. As a combined inner and outer material, it is perfect for manufacturing armour.

“Yes, you’ve a good eye, Daiyu’er.” I praised her, and her face reddened a little again. “So, Bjarki, armour too, huh?”

He nodded. “Aye, now’n the Territory has light element available, tae match t’darkness we already possessed, it came tae me. Just as t’light and t’darkness be two sides o’the same coin, I figured it’n be possible to combine t’best o’ both tae make armour even better than before. I have t’skills now, ye ken?” he grinned, looking at Shiro again.

“Yes, I can see how they work together. A combination of stealth, defence and minor healing? Yeah, it beats what I made.” I laughed self-deprecatingly.

“Well of course-course it does.” Shaeula shrugged. “You have been creating equipment for barely any time at all-all. Master Bjarki is one of, if not-not the finest craftsman in the Seelie Court. There can be no-no comparison.”

“Ach, ye be makin’ me blush, princess.” Bjarki laughed, only for him to stop as she continued.

“In time, I have no doubts you will surely-surely surpass him, Akio, so do please take this opportunity to observe an expert at his craft-craft.”

“Ouch, harsh burn.” Shiro smirked, and behind her Hyacinth giggled, pleased.

“Well, enough of that. I’m appreciative anyway, master Bjarki.” I cut through the banter. “Well, I would like armour made for me, Shaeula, Hyacinth, Shiro, Haru-san…” I rattled off the names of those that needed it, including all my fiancées, as well as a set for Yukiko-san. “Hmm, Grulgor as well, though since he tends to wreck armour like I break weapons, make that last…”

“I shall prioritise yours, and t’girlies you be goin’ away with.” Bjarki promised. We returned our old armour, which had served us well during the battle in Kyoto, and handed in all our weapons for a tune-up.

“Well, there’ll be no real fighting until all our gear is redone. No point taking risks.” I said, and Shiro sighed in relief. “Instead, I’d like to focus on elemental training. Some of us are close to more breakthroughs, and every one counts.”

“Speaking of your trip…” Shaeula said suddenly, as we made plans to return to the Material briefly. “I am most-most disappointed I can not-not attend. Those isles are the home of the Seelie Court, and though it roams-roams the world on the tides of the seasons and waxing and waning of the moons-moons, it spends much time there. But alas, I have too much-much to do, the Spring can not-not spare me right now. So instead, take Hyacinth.”

At that, Hyacinth looked surprised, but curtsied subserviently. “Mistress Shaeula, I shall dooo my utmost in your place to protect and serve Akiooo and the other mistresses!”

“Well do not-not forget to have fun, too.” Shaeula grinned sheepishly. “But I would feel better if you were not-not the only warrior there, Akio. Miyu is no fighter, and Motoko and Natsumi lack the strength, even if they have skills.”

“I don’t know if I can take her, but…” seeing the pleading gazes of everyone else, I shrugged. “I’ll press for it. I understand. There’s no point taking chances, and if shit goes down, it’d be reassuring to have someone else who can protect the other girls, I admit.”

“Good. Now-now that is settled, we should return…” Shaeula approved, and I agreed.

“You go, I’ll follow in a minute. I just want to make a suitable sheath for this sword quickly…”


On our return, after a quick meal, we had two groups of visitors. The first was Aimi-san and Hina-san, who had come over after doing their work for the day to see Shiro. The second was Fujiwara-san, accompanied by Miyu, Honoka-san and a number of bodyguards, including his two massive half-Japanese bodyguards nicknamed Left and Right. Motoko, Natsumi and Hinata were with them, as well as Motoko’s father, mother and grandfather.

Karen-chan had stayed late again, helping serve our guests, looking particularly nervous, and I spotted Kana and Keomi-chan, as well as several other trainees, looking on in admiration at the number of extremely expensive black foreign cars parked at the shrine. I’m a terrible liar. I kept promising Karen-chan overtime was rare… well, at least she’ll get paid well for it…

“Fujiwara-san, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather.” I greeted them all politely. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?”

“I understand that you are a busy man, and it has been made clear you are not at our beck and call.” Fujiwara-san got straight to the point, with little preamble. “However, this visit directly impacts on your concerns and ours, so I felt it wise to organise matters in person.”

“I see.” I said as Karen-san brought out some of the expensive brandies and whiskeys I had stocked for personal use, as well as tea and juice for the girls. Taking a brandy, I sniffed it, before taking a sip. It’s good. But it should be at this price. “Yes, making links with Princess Eleanor is vital, for Japan and the world. Tsukiko-san prophesied as much, and I have no reason to doubt it. But… I’m many things, but despite being half-British, I don’t walk in those circles. There’s the old joke that says when the American tourist visits Yorkshire, he asks the first person he meets ‘do you know the Duke of York?’. Well, obviously, that’s not the case.” I remember my mom saying she was asked a similar question a few times when she was younger. Though she then gloated that the Americans were probably just hitting on her…

“That is your task.” Fujiwara-san said. “I have been tasked, along with Katsuro-san and Minoru-san…” he nodded at Motoko’s grandfather and father. “… with meeting the Queen and Prime Minister, and securing cooperation for longer-term collaboration, especially in research, mutual defence and spiritual matters. With the situation in China unstable, and further issues cropping up in the Pacific theatre that we are only recently becoming privy to, our diplomatic ties need strengthening. And America is unreliable right now…”

“Well, grandson.” Tsumura-san said with a faint smile. “Thanks to Fujiwara-sama’s great influence, you’ll be attending a grand gala on Saturday. The Queen, Princess Eleanor, and many others like you will be in attendance. The United Kingdom has also been fairly proactive at gathering their Chosen, and has formed a number of teams. You will be accompanying my Motoko as her fiancé, and Natsumi will be allowed to attend as her bodyguard. As for you…”

“Father, Hori-chan will pass, as high society is aware of our ways, but Oshiro-san won’t be permitted a male bodyguard, it’s too much.” Motoko’s father pointed out.

“What about Hyacinth?” I asked. “Having a servant accompany us seems like a noble thing to do, right? And as she’s a girl, it won’t arouse any suspicion or cause problems.”

“A servant?” Fujiwara-san mused. “Well, it would be… unusual, as the gala will have a full staff catering to every need, but… it isn’t strictly a breach of etiquette…”

“There are going to be Chosen there. While I’m confident I can handle myself, having to protect everyone, including Miyu, Honoka-san…” I smiled reassuringly at the girls. “… and yourselves, it would be useful to have Hyacinth there. Between us, it would be far safer in the event of an emergency.” And of course, worst case scenario, Hyacinth can annihilate those that oppose us with her spores and other biological attacks, not that I’ll be mentioning such…

“Nooone shall hurt the mistresses, or those Akio wishes tooo protect while I am there!” Hyacinth declare proudly, eyes shining.

“I would be most reassured to have you with us. I second the suggestion.” Motoko said, and Natsumi agreed.

“Yes, Hyacinth is reliable. Just… if you see a servant making a mistake and dropping the wine, don’t try and strangle her, okay?” she giggled softly, amused.

“I too would ask this, grandfather.” Miyu said, surprising her cousin, as it wasn’t often Miyu made requests. “Hyacinth is strong, much stronger than me, and … well, I am not a fighter, as Akio-san says. I am shamed at my weakness, but… my heart lies in dance, not in strength. I am grateful that is enough to be useful, but it means were a combat-focused Chosen to attack you, grandfather, Honoka-san…” her brown eyes were serious. “… I do not wish to see you hurt. I could not bear that. So take advantage of the strength we have. Hyacinth is ideal, as she does not look threatening, not like…” she glanced at Left and Right, the two towering bodyguards. “… your favourites, grandfather. She is surely perfect for this.”

“Ordinarily, it should be unthinkable for danger to befall us when at such an event. It would throw mud on the reputation and standing of the United Kingdom all around the world.” Tsumura-san mused. “But… these are far from normal times. And we have noticed that Chosen tend to have rather extreme temperaments. I would certainly feel safer with Motoko under her watch. We can pass it off as an idiosyncrasy of the Japanese nobility, such as our daughters having their female bodyguards while they are of school age.”

“That is settled then.” Fujiwara-san conceded. “She will accompany us. As for the rest… our flight will depart from Haneda airport Thursday morning, flying directly to London City airport. We will be taking my private plane, of course. Due to the flight duration and time difference we will arrive late Thursday afternoon, local time. In terms of accommodation, rooms have been arranged at the Savoy Hotel, in the Strand, London.”

“Oh, I remember that.” Honoka-san chimed in. “We stayed there a few years ago, didn’t we grandfather?”

He nodded. “Yes, on our last visit. Oh, that must have been… nearly seven years ago now. Time makes fools of us all.” he looked at me then. “I shall arrange another room for your maid…”

“Nooo need. I shall stay with master.” Hyacinth denied him. “He might be lonely without me tooo warm his bed!”

“I think that Motoko might want to do that.” Tsumura-san laughed, and while Motoko’s mother flushed, looking a bit ashamed, Motoko remained poised.

“Of course. I am his fiancée, all the more so on this trip. I expect the rooms are more than adequate for the four of us…” she looked at Natsumi. “… to share?”

“Well, you two do have a suite.” Fujiwara-san agreed.

“So that’s settled.” I managed, thinking to the likely fun at the weekend, staying in a room with the three girls.

“In terms of itineraries…” Fujiwara-san continued. “On the Thursday evening we will be dining with some civic dignitaries, and I will introduce you to some important politicians and figures in the business world. Motoko-chan will of course be attending as your fiancée. We need to make an impression.”

“I will not fail. I am a Tsumura, be it battle or politics, I am always poised and ready!” she pumped her fist cutely, at odds with her normal serious expressions, and Natsumi giggled softly.

“As for Friday…” he continued. “That day is free until the evening, when there will be further meetings. So… spend it how you wish. Then the Saturday will be the gala. Sunday is then also free, though I am hoping that we will have made suitable connections with Princess Eleanor and others, so that you can meet with her to discuss mutual interests. Then we fly back on Monday.”

“I see.” I considered it all. “Well, I can work with that.” So, a largely free Friday, huh? I wonder…

“Well, I have my own preparations then. Haru-san’s Territory is on-track, so I’d like to spend the time training.” I looked at Motoko and Natsumi. “I think I’d like you to get an element before you go. It might not be much use against a Chosen, but … well, if you catch an attacker off guard, it could buy enough time for Hyacinth or me to step in.” I looked over to see Hinata was talking with a red-faced Shiro, Aimi-san and Hina-san. “Hinata, I think you should get in on this training. We’ll borrow the twins and Haru-san. I’m sure we can make it work.”

“Oh, sure. Yes, I’d love to.” She said. “Oh, before that, where’s your apology for worrying us?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. But I didn’t do it on purpose. But look, I’m fine now, right?”

Hinata pouted. “I suppose that’s true. Well, I won’t hold it against you, but I’m really jealous I’m not going with you to the United Kingdom. I want to shout from the rooftops I’m your fiancée too!”

“Well, you can, since the law has changed. Well, we need to wait until the special passports are issued, but you know what I mean…”

“It’s not the same. I get why she’s so envious.” Natsumi shrugged. “I’ll be there, but to those present, I’m just a bodyguard. I want…” her face went red. “… you to make it up to me at night!”

“Sure thing, though Motoko and Hyacinth will need their share. Oh, so… what were the three of them talking about? They look rather embarrassed.”

“Well, I didn’t really understand it, and they didn’t want to explain, but…”

“Oh for the love of god, don’t say anything!” Aimi-san begged, red-faced, while Hina-san was looking away.

“Something about BL manga not being accurate, and that lots of lubrication was required…” Shiro clamped a hand over Hinata’s mouth.

“That’s quite enough of that, young lady. This is not the place for that. Needless to say, we were doing it wrong Aki. Well, not that I didn’t still like it, but… uh, next time I know what to do…”

“Oh god, I can’t even look at the two of you!” Aimi-san whimpered, and Hina-san nodded like her head was on springs… Well, isn’t that the capstone to diffuse a serious situation?

With that settled, Fujiwara-san and Motoko’s families withdrew, leaving us to our evening. All right then, we have three evenings to train hard. I’m confident that we can make some breakthroughs, with Shiro, the twins and Haru-san at our disposal…

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