On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Three – Mori Eri – R18/Contains Sex

Side One Hundred And Three – Mori Eri – R18/Contains Sex

“Oh, my little Eri, how are you?” my mother said, and I held in a grimace. She looks awful. It isn’t that I don’t understand why, I’m her daughter, it’s only natural she should worry, but I came back alive, that means I’m fine! It annoyed me a little that mother didn’t have faith in Akio. Though it was tinged with just a little sympathy.

“I’m fine. Well, not fine…” I conceded, bringing a tired chuckle from Shaeula, who after doing another round of healing on the injured trainees, had returned. Some of the worst scarring on my body was now fading, a series of peeling scabs and dead flesh flaking free. It was unpleasant, itchy and disgusting, but I wanted to return to the way I was before as quickly as possible, otherwise Akio would always be reminded of the time I got injured, and I hated that thought. “… but I will be.” I twitched the fingers of my reattached arm, and managed to move it a little. “… see? It’ll take extra rehabilitation and more healing from Akio and Shaeula, but my own body also can heal, so in time I’ll be good as new. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“There’s hardly nothing.” Auntie Emily, my mother-in-law, said. She had also been horribly distressed by my condition, and also looked a fright, her face pale, and her expression quite unlike her usual boisterous good cheer. Uncle was with her, and I heard he had chewed Akio out pretty badly for taking me into danger. While a part of me insisted that Akio did nothing wrong, enough people had told me that as a leader, it was Akio’s fault that he let himself get pushed around. I suppose I do understand that. But I still think it’s unfair. How was he supposed to know we’d end up stuck there by some curse? If it wasn’t for that, we’d have been in and out, saving lives. It’s so frustrating!

“I’m sorry again, Eri. Please forgive my son for…”

“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! I’m sick of this!” On hearing another wave of apologies which were clearly aimed at shaming Akio, this one from his own mother of all people, I exploded. I was feeling particularly volatile, after what Aiko had told me earlier, so I wasn’t able to keep my calm. “I’m not a child. If I was from your birth country, mother-in-law, I’d be old enough to vote, drink and I could be deployed to a frontline combat zone in the army, right? Japan is a bit more stupid about what it considers an adult, but at my age I could still join the JSDF, right? Stop treating me like I’m an idiot that lets Akio make all my decisions for me!”

“Eri is correct.” Shaeula piped up from where she was siting, sipping on a warm drink, her eyes tired and drooping. Hyacinth, who was standing quietly in the corner, keeping out of the way as she thought a maid should, looked at me consolingly. At least they understand. Yes, Akio should stick to his own decisions as leader, but other than that, blaming him is unfair! “She has wielded her axe and taken the lives of our enemies, to save her own-own and the lives of others. One who can do that is most definitely not-not a helpless child. You knew there would be danger, did you not-not?”

“Of course I did. But I want to be able to stand beside Akio, and Shaeula, and the others. The mistake was that we were unaware the Night Parade could prevent us from escaping. Blaming Akio for not being able to predict such an event isn’t fair. If it wasn’t for that, then we rescued people successfully, and would have escaped!”

“That’s not the point. You nearly died!” mother shouted, and I clenched the fist of the one arm I could move, though even that was getting difficult. Ugh, I know you saved my life, Ginneka, but even so, controlling my body now is nearly impossible…

“Yes, I nearly died. I was scared, terrified, crying and screaming. I know it well. And I guess I’m a little scared about fighting again. I’m not an idiot.” I pouted unhappily. “But I was doing something good, wasn’t I? Don’t you think the families of Keomi-chan and the others, who we brought back alive, would have wished us to save them? This isn’t a game. Akio isn’t doing it for fun!” I had thought about it a lot. If Akio just wanted to enjoy what he had been given, he could. A life with us, his fiancées, it would be so easy. He could make as much money as he wanted with little risk from a variety of means, and we could enjoy a celebrity lifestyle, always having fun and never suffering pain or fear. But that wouldn’t last. It’s obvious. I’m not stupid, everyone says I’m quite smart, so I worked it out without Akio needing to say much. The world will end soon. Well, maybe not the world, but humanity as the dominant force.

Forcing my anger down, I drew my lips into what I hoped was a smile. “You must see how hard Akio is working, to prepare. And when I see that, it reminds me over and over again why I love him, why I always have, from a child. When it comes to protecting those he cares about, especially those without any power of their own, there isn’t anyone better. Mother, auntie, you both know this. You’ve been watching him too. If we made a mistake here, then we made a mistake. Have none of you failed, done badly?” I shook my head a little, neck muscles twitching. “Well, just be grateful we got through our mistake. I don’t care if I should have died, or it was a miracle I didn’t. I’m alive! And no matter how beaten I am now, Shaeula and Akio assured me I’ll be whole again. A few weeks, a few months, a few years. It doesn’t matter. I’ll be with Akio, and he’ll protect me. More to the point…” my gaze narrowed, my dark eyes hard. “Akio’s hurting more than me right now. You shouldn’t be fussing over me. My wounds will heal. But Akio’s heart is scarred. Auntie, Uncle, I hope you remember this. Your son risked everything to save others. To me he’s a hero. And anyone that says otherwise I don’t need in my life.”

“Indeed, master Akiooo saved me too, when he had nooo cause to. His kindness… I wooould not have it sacrificed ooon the altar of caution. Akiooo must remain who he is!” Hyacinth spoke up stoutly, and I fully understood. An Akio that won’t put his body on the line for others isn’t an Akio I recognise. I… I want to be like that too. I don’t think I could sacrifice myself for a stranger, or a casual acquaintance. I’m far from that nice or charitable. But if it was to protect Akio’s heart, or Shaeula, or Hyacinth, or the others… I want to be the sort of person that can. Although for that, I’ll need… my thoughts turned enviously to Aiko again, as Shaeula also spoke up.

“I understand your grief. But consider this a hard-hard lesson, one we all sorely needed. I do not-not downplay the severity of the losses we have suffered. Indeed…” she looked a bit shamefaced, her tired skin flushing, and once more I found her very cute, marvelling that I could share Akio with her. “… when Eri was on the brink of death, I quite-quite lost myself and went berserk. My own mother was quite-quite upset at the carnage. But we needed to learn. We had won too much, grown arrogant. Now we know. We are strong, yes, but power alone is not-not enough, unless it is overwhelming. Our hands were forced by the fool Yamato, but even so, battle is seldom at our convenience.”

“I think what Shaeula is trying to say is… what’s done is done. I don’t regret it. Thinking back on what could have happened, the fate worse than death I was facing, yes, I’m trembling, I feel sick. But then I only have to think that fate is over, to know that soon I can hold Akio in my arms again, to recover. I’m tough now.” I giggled, a little amused. “I can hardly believe it myself. But I draw my strength from Akio, and Shaeula, and Hyacinth. Even from Hinata, Natsumi, Motoko and I dare say I’ll even draw strength from Shiro. Aiko too, I have to admit. I also…” I looked at our parents. “… draw strength from you. So don’t make me hate you, I don’t want that. What girl wants to hate her own family? So stop with the criticism and the guilt-tripping. Akio knows, all right? We know! Instead, help him get over this. He’s our Akio, isn’t he? And not just ours, now. Japan’s and the world's. He’s out there doing his best, even though I know he just wants to lock himself away and cry. So the least you can do is help soothe his pains. Advice, not condemnation!” I finished, the long spell of talking, which was unusual as I was usually more reserved, exhausting me. As I slumped back in the bed, surprisingly it was father-in-law who spoke, his grey eyes, similar to Akio’s, strangely gentle.

“You have definitely grown up.” He sighed. “Yes, I am not sure where this uncharacteristic boldness of yours is coming from. Though perhaps you are your father’s daughter after all.” He looked at my father, who was still a little drunk, but I wasn’t going to criticise. If it helped him get over this, it would be fine. “Please understand though, can you imagine what it feels like, to see you cut apart before our very eyes, helpless to interfere…?”

“Yes. I also understand what it feels like, to be cut apart in person. I can’t say I recommend it.” I sniffed. “Which is why I’ll recover, and train, and try not to let it happen again. But… we don’t know the future. Tomorrow we could have a zombie apocalypse, a demon invasion, nuclear war, who knows what else! Which is why we should try our best, but not waste what precious time we have dwelling on regrets. I wasted enough time in Nishimorioka. If I confessed years ago, maybe I’d have spent longer, happier times with Akio. But again, that’s meaningless. I’m happy now. And I’m alive. The girls we saved too. So be grateful. And go and tell Akio you understand, and support him! We can, and we will, but he needs support from the adults in his life too!”

“I surrender.” He conceded. “You really are looking like his wife right now, daughter-in-law. Eri.” With a wry smile, he continued. “It’s hard for me not to be stern. I’ve tried to raise my son and daughter right, but perhaps the way I wanted them to be isn’t what they were meant to be.” He sighed them. “Speaking of Aiko, do you know what has happened? She’s so cheerful you wouldn’t think this disaster occurred. It’s rather… inappropriate?”

“Yes, I do know. But we shouldn’t talk about it until after Conclave. It’s… a sensitive matter.” To me as well. No, I don’t need it. I can still grow stronger without it. It’s better for Aiko, she can’t leverage everything I can, like Lovers’ Link and more…

“is that really all right?” Auntie Emily asked, and I laughed drily.

“Of course. In fact, it’s what we’ve been talking about, and when you hear, you’ll understand why complaining to Akio is pointless. He knows what he has to do from here. So now, do what you’re supposed to do. He’s carrying a lot. More than we should ask of anyone. So don’t add to it.”

“My little Eri… so mature. I’m a little touched, as your mother.” My mother said, and after that the conversation changed, the tension fading. Hyacinth started serving more tea, and I leaned back in my bed, relaxing muscles that refused to obey me, relieved that the first problem was resolved. Now it’s our turn to try and relieve his burdens, cheer him up…


“So why’s she here?” I asked, looking at the blonde foreign girl who insisted she was a Japanese idol, Suzu-san. Beside her, Aiko shrugged.

“Well, she was annoying those girls from Red and White, so Kana-chan told me to take her away. She really shouldn’t be here at Conclave, but it’s hard to let her go for a number of reasons, and well, she isn’t entirely unrelated to this.”

“That’s rude, Aiko-chan!” she said, annoyingly bubbly, her blonde drill-tails bobbing up and down as she moved her body. “I was just trying to get to know them as fellow idols, and…”

“Enough. If you are going to be here, then sit quietly here in the corner, and do not-not bother us.” Shaeula said, unusually stern. “We have an important call to make, I do not-not wish for you to interfere.”

“Fine.” She sighed, taking out a lollipop and sucking on it. “You’re a lot cuter when you are smiling, Shaeula.” She giggled softly. “To think, I’d be in a room with so many rivals of the Boss. I feel a bit sorry for her, though she’d eat me if I said that, probably.”

Yes, she’s such a strange idiot, you wouldn’t think she was actually a Candidate like Akio. And Aiko now too, I guess. Damn, I’m still so jealous, even though I don’t need to be… Well, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of her anyway, considering she’s one of hers…

Hyacinth was setting up a laptop, though she let Aiko help her with the majority of the work connecting the phones, seeing as she was still very unfamiliar with technology. “Wow, this stuff is high security. I’m still not sure why using some sort of messenger call isn’t good enough, but if they are giving out equipment for free, I’ll take it!” Aiko enthused.

“It’s because they are noble girls. You remember when they came to Nishimorioka and we had that sleepover, they are very sheltered from the outside world. Their phones are special and can’t even access most of the internet. So I guess this is just an offshoot of that.” I said, and Aiko shrugged again.

“Well, makes sense. But I think the girls are experiencing new things all the time now, aren’t they? There’s no way their parents’ll be able to isolate them from the realities of the world, not when they have to share with girls like you.” Aiko said, which was rather rude.

“Girls like me? I’ll have you know I’m normal!” I complained.

“Sure you are. Because normal girls totally come close to death and then are desperate to get right back into the fight. Well, not that I don’t get it.” Aiko rolled her eyes, ignoring giggles from Suzu-san. “Well, anyway, the calls are connecting, so I’ll step back with Suzu-san here. It’s not really my place to contribute to this.”

Moments later the screen showed the faces of Hyacinth, Shaeula and I. I winced at the state I was in, lying near-immobile in bed, pale and stiff. Maybe I should have used some make-up? No, I suppose it doesn’t matter.

The next face to appear was the elegant Motoko, quickly followed by Natsumi. On seeing us, they looked relieved.

“I am pleased to see you all well. Grandfather has been frantic ever since last night. He did tell me you were all safe, but seeing it for ourselves…” she paused, her image on screen looking suddenly wary. “Eri, are you… well? You seem awfully stiff, your muscles seem to be strange.” Beside her on screen, Natsumi agreed, pointing out the odd way my legs were placed under the bedsheets.

A good eye. I forced a smile. “Well, I should have expected a pair of practised martial artists like you two to notice. I got hurt pretty badly, actually. Shaeula and Akio had to glue my legs and an arm back on.”

“Is that something to smile about?” Motoko said, horrified, and I was gratified at her concern, and I had a slightly unworthy feeling of smugness that I was the one who stood at Akio’s side during the fierce battle. Though I immediately felt guilty about that. The young ladies haven’t felt what it is to be a true lover with Akio. I understand it, they’re younger, and they have family concerns. Without a strong Lovers’ Link, they’d be dead in a heartbeat facing what we fought… I should be glad they weren’t there for that reason, not for jealous ones. I had to laugh. Despite talking a lot more than normal today, arguing with my parents and Akio’s, I was the same at heart. Somehow that was reassuring, if embarrassing.

“Well, I’m smiling because I’m still alive, here listening to you. Thanks, Motoko, Natsumi.” I said, ignoring sniggers from Shaeula. As I spoke, the mischievous and energetic face of Hinata also appeared on screen. She went to give greetings, but as we were already talking she showed good manners and waited. “It was pretty bad, but we might as well wait until the last of us is on.”

“Greetings, Hinata. How fares things in our absence?” Shaeula asked, and she answered happily.

“Well, other than you all worrying us, it’s going well. I’ve got the first clients for our Healing business lined up, and they are all wealthy and well-connected. But just what’s been happening down there? Father and grandfather have been worrying about the news reports coming from Kyoto. I know you had to be involved…”

“Poor Boss, she’s got it really tough, all these rivals.” Suzu-san was muttering. “They could all be models or idols too. I wonder, maybe they have some interest in the business?”

“No. They are young ladies from good households. There’s no way they can do anything like that, so just shut it, okay?” Aiko sighed.

“Sorry I’m late.” The last person dialled into the conference call, and I let out a gasp at her face, before clasping my mouth shut hastily with my one good hand, flushing in embarrassment.

“Well, that’s rather rude.” The woman, Shiro, who I had often heard tell of, yet not met, looked at me with her single eye. Her shining silver hair was draped long over her other, but even behind that I could see the edges of some dreadful scars creeping out from the cover, and as she shifted uncomfortably, through the hair I could see a closed, malformed socket. Her balance was off too, the way she sat showing she was favouring one side. “A couple of weeks ago, I’d take it as a compliment to my beauty, but now… well, not so much.” She narrowed her eye, a gleam in it shining red. “Although you don’t seem in much better shape than I do, Eri. It is Eri, right? I’ve seen pictures. Aki was showing you off, so proud. Damn clueless idiot. Made me want to punch him. Though I guess I wasn’t much better. I should have searched my feelings years ago.”

“That sounds like something you said earlier, Eri.” Shaeula grinned. “Well, Princess in White. At last we meet, though not-not in person.” Shaeula’s smile was a little scary. Perhaps it’s a princess thing, she sees her as a rival? “You truly are quite-quite stunning, barring your wounds.” Shaeula continued. “Well, we have news on that front. Though whether anything will come from it, I would not-not like to say.”

“Hey Boss!” Suzu-san interrupted the conversation with what I was beginning to discover was her usual lack of decorum. “Whoa, every time I see those scars, I get all shuddery inside. Anyway, just thought I’d say hi!”

“Suzu, you idiot.” Shiro sighed. “Running off to a concert when the situation is so dire… I don’t have much to do in this military hospital, though they did bring me books and games, so I suppose I can’t complain too much. But when I heard that there was a disaster in Kyoto… well, you had best not be involved, or I’ll send Arisu to fetch you. She was very angry, you know! We are down three people on our team after the whole mess with the Raven Knight and Daizen. So for you to go running off, with me injured…”

I was amused to see the annoying girl go pale. She already had white skin, being a westerner, but you could mistake her for Haru-san in her Onryo form now. “Well, I… oh no, she’s really frightening. Arisu-san has a real temper! Seriously, Boss, can’t you put in a good word for me? You’re the only one she listens to! Uh, something to put you in a good mood… oh yeah, I met the guy! Akio-kun, the one you are totally into! He seems strong! Yeah… so, congratulations?”

“You think I’ll fall for that?” Shiro snorted. “For now, just shut up and stay out of the way. I’ll deal with you later. Perhaps I’ll ask my fellow … fiancées…” her own pale skin darkened in embarrassment at saying it out loud, and I could see her gaze go to a strange-looking silver ring on her finger. “… to send you back. But for now, we need to talk. About Aki.”

“I believe we need to discuss Eri too.” Motoko said. “You seem out of danger, but your injuries, they seem grave. It must be related to the matter grandfather was trying to resolve.”

“Yes, that’s right.” I agreed. I exchanged glances with Shaeula and Hyacinth. Both agreed, so I started to speak, detailing what happened to us overnight…


“That’s horrible.” Hinata gasped. “That many died? People we knew…” she looked pale and sickened.

“I am more concerned about you, Eri.” Motoko proclaimed, troubled. “You say you are crippled, even despite this strange cat Yokai restoring you?”

“I think it makes sense.” Natsumi was thinking her way through it. “If your body is now unfamiliar to you, then you would have to relearn how to control it from the beginning again. We studied it in biology class, didn’t we?” at that, Motoko nodded.

“I see, yes. That does make sense. I would expect no less from you, Natsumi, you have a keen interest in the human body.”

At that she flushed, smiling shyly. Shiro rolled her good eye, and said what we were all thinking. “Yeah, that’s sad. Poor kids. I didn’t know them, so for me it’s just another bad story, but Aki… he must be a wreck, right? He’s got a serious hero complex. It’s bad enough you got hurt, oh childhood friend. He’ll be blaming himself and blubbering, I can see it now.”

“He’s not that bad.” Aiko spoke up, and Shiro eyed her, amused.

“So, the famous sister, too? This really is a treat. It’s like I’m getting a crash course in Aki. But you surprise me. He’s holding up?”

“Call me Aiko. After all, you’re my sister now, right? Damn, I get why bro is so eager to heal you, you’re beautiful.”

“I know.” Shiro said. “I always have been. Well then, Aiko… fill us in. What’s going on with Aki?”

Aiko, Shaeula and I talked a bit about how he was throwing himself into his work, trying to unite the shrines and temples. We also talked about the prophecies that Shaeula and I had heard from the Lady Diviner, as well as what Akio had said regarding what Nurarihyon had told him. At that, a strange thing happened. Shiro changed demeanour almost entirely, her eye burning red, her hair likewise, flames flickering ominously. Literally. Literal fire!

“Fascinating!” Shiro… no, is that even Shiro? … said, her eye glowing brilliantly. “To think such powers of prophecy exist, and predict so clearly. Such timescales seem rather strange though.” Shiro mused, her tone different. “It should take far longer for the Boundary to crack enough for such dangers to be attracted to the virgin world beneath. I do not believe it is my doing…” she continued to speak, more to herself than us, I thought. All eyes were on Suzu-san, who giggled, toying with one braid idly.

“Oh, so I’m allowed to speak now?” She smirked. “Well, that’s just the Boss when she gets really serious. She’s as scary as Arisu-san then, so you don’t want to get on her bad side!”

“… can see I need to speak to your Akio again, Shiro.” Shiro said, confusing me. Her eye went back to its normal dark black, and the voice was back to before. “Well, you’ll get your chance soon enough, Tan. He’s back tomorrow, right? Conclave ends today?”

“Just… are you like a split personality or something?” Aiko asked, confused.

“Not exactly. Tan here is… well, a freeloader. But she did save my life, I suppose. Don’t worry, she’s got a deal with Aki, she won’t cause trouble. But anyway, Aki’s back tomorrow?”

“Yes. He’ll be moving you to his house for rehabilitation and healing, right?” I said, and she nodded.

“Well, it makes sense. Having Akio and Shaeula there, they should be able to fix you eventually. Well, I’ll be in your care too.” I said, and she looked at me knowingly. “After all, I can’t go back to Nishimorioka like this. I’m looking forward to a good, long talk with you.”

“I’m sure you are. Well, accepting Aki meant accepting you girls too. I was pretty pissed that he’d have the audacity to propose to me when he was already cheating on you all, but… well, I know why he did it, and I know he loves me. He’s only human after all.” She snorted. “But enough of that. So we know what happened, so the next question is, what do we do for Aki to cheer him up?”

“Well, we are females, are we not-not? No male can resist their female when they are offering comfort through their own bodies.” Shaeula grinned.

“Hyacinth wishes tooo comfort Akio. He is hurting. I dooo not mind whatever Akio does to me. I am sturdy, I can take it!”

“You mean sex, right?” Shiro spelt it out. The noble girls looked shy, knowing little about it, except for Natsumi, oddly enough, who looked a little excited, her skin flushed, breath coming fast.

“Well, that’s down to you three then. We’re stuck in Tokyo, right?”

“Well, I could get you there by helicopter quickly enough.” Hinata mused, still lobster-red. “I think we could make it work, but…”

“I… don’t want to have my first time like this.” Shiro admitted. “I know Aki, he’d say he wouldn’t care and I’m still beautiful, and he’d probably even mean it. but… I care. When I accepted his proposal, I decided. I was going to have the love I never thought I’d get. I want my first time to be perfect. Not like this…”

“Until marriage, it would bring shame to my family. Grandfather would be angry.” Motoko said. “If there was no other way to cheer him, I would gladly take on the shame, but…”

“… but Akio isn’t going to want that.” Hinata finished. “He’s too kind. Hurting our reputations isn’t something he’d want. Though I do know he finds us desirable.” Her face was red still, and eyes distant, as though remembering some past event with Akio. I wonder what that was…

“Well, I would be prepared to…” Natsumi began, surprising me, and Motoko too, it seemed.

“Natsumi, you can’t! Hori house is minor, but even so, the shame to your father and mother…”

“Well, I think… father would accept it.” she said, shocking us. “He’s been asking me questions about Lovers’ Link, I think he spoke to Akio about it when he visited our home. So, I could…”

“No. I had my heart set on our first time serving being together, Natsumi.” Motoko said, and Suzu-san was laughing at that, making surprisingly ribald jokes in the background.

“I see.” Natsumi looked down. “Well, in that case, I withdraw my suggestion. My apologies, Motoko. I’ve been thoughtless…”

“Hardly.” Shiro snorted. “You just want to get intimate with the man you love. It’s normal. What isn’t is wanting to have a threesome with your best friend and him. Well, who am I to argue, I guess I’m as abnormal as all of you. So… guess it’s you three then.” She snorted sourly. “So, isn’t there anything we can do?”

“I have an idea.” Shaeula grinned, and as she explained it, the flushed skin and looks of arousal and shame on the faces of those on the monitor amused me. In the end, I was first. It doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t matter, but even so… I like the thrill it gives me, knowing I’ve had one thing from Akio they can never take… so I can be the good senpai, and let them have their share…


“Akio, welcome back!” I said, my face hot. I was lying in bed, only wearing a see-through negligee, and everything was visible, from my already stiff nipples, to my dripping slit, a thin mound of pubic hair shadowing it. This is embarrassing. Hyacinth had to dress me since I can’t do it myself now. But it makes me feel all hot inside. Wait a minute… despite my embarrassment, I couldn’t fail to notice something was off about Akio.

I wasn’t the only one, it seemed. Hyacinth and Shaeula were also wearing thin clothing, and were sitting beside me on the bed. Shaeula’s was even more risqué than mine, due to her figure, the cloth hanging down, exposing her chest, and Hyacinth was just wearing a miniskirt and loose tube of frilly fabric across her large chest, every movement allowing her breasts to surge free for a moment. But both of them shot to their feet as they saw Akio, exposing themselves to him.

“Akio, what has happened?” Shaeula asked the question first. “Your Charm… it has…” she shuddered, hair swaying around her like a veil. “No, there is simply-simply no time for this.” She rushed over and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the bed.

“Just what is…” he began, only for Shaeula to seal his mouth with hers, breathing hot and wet. Their tongues tangled lasciviously, as though they were trying to devour each other, and I watched as his hand went to her small chest, toying with it firmly. I’m jealous. I wish he was touching me… my own breasts tingled, as if I could feel what Shaeula did, and my crotch was hot, leaking sour fluids. I felt my skin heating up, and I couldn’t help but feel both shamed and happy. It’s fine to be lewd. I’m with Akio. We’re going to be married, it’d be worse not to want him, I think…

“Hyacinth toooooo!” she declared, sandwiching his free arm between her breasts, while her own hand was down his pants. Akio groaned, even while being entangled with Shaeula, and I realised what a burden not being able to move was, preventing me from joining in.

“You’re being aggressive tonight…” Akio said as Shaeula finally pulled free, saliva dripping everywhere as she licked her lips, satisfied. “… uh, Hyacinth, wait…” she had freed his penis from his pants, and I watched, unable to look away, as she sank down, her mouth engulfing it, a look of satisfaction and pleasure on her face as she slid her head up and down, giggling as wet, slurping noises filled the room.

I’m glad Aiko and Suzu-san are gone. Well, if Aiko wanted to stay, it’s not like I mind, but it would be rather weird. That Suzu-san though, she has no place here. As Shiro told her very firmly. Good. Having talked to Shiro a little, I was happy she wasn’t the type like Shaeula. In fact, she was more like me. I could tell she wasn’t entirely happy to share, which was a much more normal response than the other girls I would call fellow wives, but like me… it’s the only way for our future happiness to last. So we’ll do it…

“Well, you should not-not look so dashing.” Shaeula grinned. “I would dearly like you to take me now-now, ravish me, but I believe we have other business first.” She led him to the bed, Hyacinth showing great agility backing up while fellating his dick, and soon she was next to me on the bed, still slobbering and sucking, her face melting with pleasure. Though I don’t really need to see her bare ass and pussy under her skirt. I’m not bisexual…

“Here. We know you have worked hard today.” I said, as Shaeula nodded to me encouragingly. I snaked out my working arm to the laptop and flipped it around. “Not just today, but all the time. And no matter what everyone says, we’re grateful. And we always will be. Not just us, too.” I flushed as I could see his gaze darting to my breasts and pussy, trying to be subtle but failing. I love it. He wants me. I’m so happy…

“Well, since the others… well, they have their circumstances, but they are just as worried about you as we are. So they recorded some messages for you.” I turned it on, and first up was Shiro. He looked at us in wonder, as we grinned back, happy the surprise worked.

“Hey Aki. I’m a little pissed off that you’ll be flirting and screwing three girls now. It’s not how I saw my future relationship going. But… well, that’s just how things are. We never know where life will take us. After all, who would have thought an otaku herbivore like you would end up bagging the gorgeous me? And speaking of… sorry Aki. I can’t bear to let my first time be when I look so hideous. So… you best get to work. Once these scars are gone, this princess is going to let you breach her defences and use and abuse her like you’re a horny orc. And I just know you’ve got some of that porn stashed away. For now though… feel better. I know what happened and… just like with me, you did your best. And that is good enough for us.”

As the message ended with Shiro, embarrassed, blowing a kiss as her screen, I looked over to see Akio looking moved. Seeing that, Hyacinth sped up, her head bobbing, and he let out a cute groan, his expression loose. So cute! Is there anyone in the world more handsome than Akio? Well, I don’t know everyone in the world, but who cares? For me, it’s Akio…

“The White Princess is right.” Shaeula guided Akio’s two hands downwards. One to her own crotch, and one to mine. I shivered as his fingers started gently caressing me. As Shaeula spoke, he started moving them more, one slipping inside me, while another scooped up my spilled liquids and started polishing the little red ruby that was my clitoris. I gasped, heating up, my arousal soaring. Shaeula was feeling it too, her eyes leaking tears.

“We know. You tried. And the end result, while not-not perfect, was far more than anyone could have reason to expect. So please… do not-not berate yourself over it.”

“Akio, I too cannot offer you my chastity right now.” Motoko was saying, her face dyed in shame. “I have a duty to the Tsumura house, I must remain pure until we wed.”

“I too.” Natsumi agreed. “Hori house is not so noble that it would destroy our reputation, but it would be too hasty to consummate our relationship now. The teachers at Hanafubuki would be horrified, and use us as examples of shameless behaviour.”

“So content yourself with the three who can show you love.” Motoko continued. “And wait. Because the night we wed…”

The two spoke together. “The three of us, together, you shall make us both yours at the same time. And we shall create a child. Your child.” They echoed, faces scarlet. “Because we believe in you. No matter the hardships, the failures, we believe you’ll get back up. Our spears, swords, bows and our bodies, no, our lives, we’ll dedicate them to you!”

“That’s… what did you force them to…” his words were cut off as Hyacinth started fondling his balls as well, and he gasped, pleasure rising.

“We didn’t force them to say anything. They genuinely wish for your love. To noble girls like them, sex is for children, not pleasure, right?” I said, feeling a strange feeling of euphoria as he trembled cutely, mouth gaping open a little foolishly. “And they… they want yours and no one else’s. A threesome with two girls like that… lucky!” I laughed.

“I… no, cumming!” he gasped, unable to hold back. Hyacinth grinned triumphantly as he unloaded into her mouth. Her throat worked, gulping frantically, but there was simply too much, and it sprayed over her exposed chest, forming a puddle in her cleavage, and also rained down on me, soaking my negligee, my skin wet and sticky.

You know, I’m fairly sure I read in biology that males don’t actually produce that much semen when they ejaculate. Akio didn’t when he took my virginity, either. It makes me wonder… how much he’s changed. How much we’ve all changed. I couldn’t believe I was lying here, thinking about such dry, academic things when Akio was there, his penis still hard and hot, pointed down at me.

“So tasty. Hyacinth loooves Akio’s flavour. Here.” She brought her head over to me and held it above mine. She opened her mouth and some remaining cum trickled down. With a smirk I gulped at it.

“Yes, tastes just like you.” I told him, enjoying the mixture of lust and discomfort on his face. Here in the bedroom, Akio isn’t a Chosen of the Gods, or a powerful superhero. He’s just a man. Our man. And we… we have weapons that can easily bring him down. I giggled, opening the last message, even as his hands were bringing me closer and closer to an orgasm. Shaeula had already come, and was lying next to me, a dreamy expression on her face, thighs soaked with sour-smelling liquid. Though like the taste of Akio, I find the smell soothing and arousing. I guess I now associate Hyacinth and Shaeula’s scents with lewd things. Well, we do often play with Akio together…

“Akio. It’s me, your Hinata!” the cheery voice echoed from the speakers. “I’ve never done anything like this before, obviously. I always wanted to be a good noble, so even though I was a bit more worldly wise… hah, I’m just putting on airs, how boastful of me. When I met your sister and the girls from your school, I realised even though I thought I was knowledgeable, I was still sheltered and lacking wisdom. No, what I wanted to say was…”

“Go on.” Shaeula whispered to Akio, biting his ear playfully, rubbing her body against his. Yes, there’s definitely something that’s changed. He’s the same, but… not. Is his hair blacker? It looks more like Aiko’s now, I think. And his eyes, the shade… it’s more… luminous? I could hardly think as I rose closer and closer to ecstasy with his hands. “Eri… she needs to feel that you love her still. Take her, show-show her you will never abandon her, even if she is injured, even-even if she is wounded.”

“… remember that time when you were covered in that mess and we washed each other?” she was squirming on the monitor, and I knew how she felt. She’s aroused. But wait, how come I’ve not heard about this? Hinata and Akio bathing together? His hand stopped, and I bit my lip, saddened at the lack of sensation. My worries were short-lived, however, as soon his glans was poking at my entrance, and I started leaking hot sighs, eager for him to ravish me.

“Well, I was thinking, nobody will know I’m not pure if you don’t tell.” She winked. “So, if you want to get dirty again, so that I have to wash you off… well, consider it a reward. Thanks Akio. For saving some of the students. I know you did your best. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. But I’ll be there for future hardships, so… smile for us, please? You have a lot to look forward to, and we have our future with you too! So for now, I’ll let you practise with Eri and the girls. Our time will come.” Her voice dropped. “Sooner than you think.”

His smile was radiant now, and as he forced open my soaking pussy, slamming all the way into my womb with a wet smacking sound, the stimulation was too much, and I orgasmed, my body betraying me. Liquid scattered, and I realised I had leaked again. Damn, I thought I was getting better at avoiding that. I moved my free hand to cover my face in shame, but Akio grabbed my wrist, though his other hand was now being used by Hyacinth as a vibrator, she was aggressively shoving his fingers into her, gasping with pleasure, her black, purple and green hair sticking to her now naked, voluptuous body.

“Don’t mind it. it’s so very you, Eri. So seemingly shy, prim and proper, but I know you’re actually aggressive, lustful and demanding. And…” he kissed me then. First our lips touching, a sweet sensation that made my heart ache, and then his tongue pushed in. I responded, and greedily twined mine together, heating up. For a few moments I was supremely blissful, then regretfully he parted from me, but with the twinkle in his eyes, I knew he was happy. With me. With us.

“… that goes for all of you.” he looked at Hyacinth, who was gasping furiously now as Akio took over fondling duties, his fingers scooping her out, finding her sensitive areas, and Shaeula, who was watching and waiting, so beautiful and charming, knowing that Akio desired her, composed as she waited regally for his penis, fingers or tongue. “And… I’m sorry. For making you worry. But… I understand now. What we did wrong. All of you are right. We did our best. And next time…” he started moving inside me, his dick sliding in and out of my sopping pussy. I could barely hold in my lewd gasps as he probed my most sensitive areas, my body responding. “… we’ll do better. Because I don’t want you to get hurt again. not your body, not your mind, not your heart.”

“How very you, Akio.” Shaeula giggled. Her hand snaked out and gripped mine, and I squeezed her small fingers tightly as Akio pounded me, my breath coming faster and faster, my immobile, useless body arching by itself.

“Akiooo, Hyacinth is cumming, can Hyacinth go crazy?” she giggled, and he nodded, speeding his fingers, thumb grinding her clitoris as he had toyed with mine earlier. Just watching made me shiver, no, his dick sliding through my insides, rubbing at all my sensitive spots, that made me shiver, no, him tricking aether into me, rich with his essence, his very soul, was what was shaking me. I’m turning foolish. But there’s too… too much pleasure.

“Oho!” Shaeula said, her eyes glowing amber, as with every thrust liquid splashed from me, the sodden sheets already a mess, my negligee bunched up and sticky. Hyacinth howled in pleasure as she orgasmed, and I shared in her joy, feeling very close to her. This is abnormal, I know it is. Strange. But then, last night I was getting hacked apart by some bitch of a Kijo. Nothing is normal anymore. Nothing but being with Akio. That’s the only normal I need…

“Eri. I’m sorry.” He apologised again, and I tightened up, irritated. As my pussy squeezed him, I giggled at the look on his face, hot and aroused, so I beckoned him for another kiss. When we were done, I berated him gently. “I don’t want to hear I’m sorry, you know what I want to hear.”

“I love you.” he said then, and my whole body shook, back arching. The release was ferocious, my whole body shuddering, and not just my body. My fragile, squirming chakra network was being flooded by Akio, and the flavours I could taste… Huh, different…

My eyes went wide as I felt a flood of hot liquid pour into me. It was the moment I adored, even more than the pleasure of orgasm, because it was then I knew I was a woman, Akio’s woman, just like I’d always wanted. And if some Kitsune thinks he can take me, well… Akio had killed his rival, and as a woman, that made me happy, secure, knowing that if anyone tried to take me, Akio would never let it stand.

A strange feeling went though my body, as though I was somehow sneezing with my whole being, and then Akio was looking down, astonished. “What?” I asked, weakly, only to suddenly shiver as he reached out and stroked my hair. No, wait, that isn’t my hair, that’s my… ears?

My tail twitched, and I laughed as it knocked against Akio’s tail, a mess of semen, my love nectar and urine was caught in the fur. The feeling of having ears that I didn’t normally possess stroked was surprisingly sensual, and as he reached for my tail, I found myself drooling a little, Shaeula and Hyacinth both laughing at what must have been the stupid look on my face.

“Mreow!” I let out a cat noise in surprise as he pulled at my tail, and I realised it didn’t matter how I looked. Not here. Not with my family. Because that’s what we are. I managed to roll my body, which was a little more responsive, if still largely immobile, onto Akio, sharing his warmth.

“Well, are you not-not the bold one today, Eri?” Shaeula grinned at my clingy nature. Being shy gets you nothing. I long learned that lesson. But that isn’t important.

“Shaeula, something is strange with Akio today. When we made love the Fae way while we were… uh… having sex… it seemed a lot different to normal. Do you think that’s why this happened?” my ears twitched while he toyed with my tail, causing my pussy to relax, leaking again, even though I had just come, a mixture of cloudy white liquid and my own scent dripping down my legs.

Cat Eri in bed

“No, I think you just wanted to bewitch Akio.” She chuckled. “But you are right. Something has definitely changed. Akio, do not-not hide it from us. What have you done?”

With a guilty smile, he started to explain. We listened, rapt, to his explanation, though Hyacinth grew impatient, and soon she was bouncing up and down on his cock, her body twisting and turning, stimulating them both, making Akio moan in-between his words. That’s very energetic. I need to try that. I’m sure I can do it as well as her…


“Yes, ahn, I can feel the difference. Mmm, ahn, it is … most-most delightful.” Shaeula shuddered as they shared their lunar chakras, her small body shaking and jumping as Akio pounded their bodies together again and again. Hyacinth was lying on the other side of the bed, once more showing me her bare ass and slit, though this time it was smeared with semen, and she was giggling softly and dreamily, her eyes vacant from too much pleasure.

It's always strange watching Shaeula get screwed. It’s hot though. She’s so small and cute, it somehow seems very immoral. But then, I think it’s the guilt that you are doing something naughty that makes it fun. I think Hinata would drown in pleasure, if she broke the rules of nobility and had sex before marriage. She’s still a bit young for Akio’s taste though, I think. Well, she’s old enough to get married, so I guess it’s up to her charms to win him over. I was shuddering myself, as he was stroking my tail, up and down, as though it was us stroking his dick. Every time it sent pleasure through me, I leaked a small mewling noise, like a little kitten.

“To think… your essence would change… ahn, ah, mmm, no, I feel it there, do not-not go so intensely, I feel I might break!”

“Then break!” Akio said, slightly sadistic, as he sometimes was in bed. Just seeing that made my chest ache. Tenderness, ferocity. It’s the dichotomy between them that makes it so sexy…

“No, ah, please forgive my teasing, if you…” he pulled Shaeula over, so her ass was facing him, and he continued to drive in, deeper, showing me everything, shooting me a sidelong glance, a very knowing one, and I flushed, understanding he had worked out it was arousing me.

“If I what?” he said with a grin, continuing his onslaught, wet sounds echoing as his dick slid in and out of her tight pussy.

“I shall go crazy. The feel-feel, ahn, mm, of you inside me, coupled with… ahn, ahn, no, it is too-too much, ahn, mmm, the sweet feel of moonlight… ahn, your moonlight, becoming, ahn, one-one with meeeeeeeeeeeee I am …. Ugh!” Shaeula squealed, her body trembling, eyes losing their focus, drool dripping freely from her open mouth, just as her lower hole gushed a spray of semen, Akio overflowing her, despite having already made love to me and Hyacinth. I watched with interest as Shaeula slumped down, rolling onto her back, panting, her small chest heaving, nipples hard and stiff, flesh pink.

“That was fantastic.” Akio pulled up her damp amber hair, sniffing it, before leaning down to kiss the exhausted but ecstatic girl, and they tangled their tongues once more. When they were done, Akio laughed at my pout, kissing me in turn, before sharing the same with the dazed Hyacinth. He them pulled us all together, me lying on one outstretched arm, Hyacinth and Shaeula sharing his other.

“Did it help you feel better? We all wanted you to go back to how you were before.” I said, and he nodded. “You three, and the others, I can’t forget them. Yes, you did help. Although I think I made the breakthrough before this. Still, the last session of the Conclave was very annoying, even if the results were decent.”

“Well, you can tell us about that later.” I said, dismissing it. “For now I want to hear about the Diviner, Matsumuro-san. I know you are eager to save her, but… this seems a little… much.”

“I agree.” Shaeula snuggled in close to him, her hair draped over his chest. “She simply gave you her Divine Favour? Such a precious treasure? I can sense it has had a great-great impact on you. Your Charm seems to have increased yet again-again.” she smirked at me. “I fear we will have to be quite-quite alert if we wish to fend off females seeking the best male.”

“I’m more worried about Matsumuro-san. Just what did you promise her? You didn’t do something like ask her to be your girlfriend, did you?”

“No, I can safely swear that I did not ask her to be my girlfriend.” Akio said, and the way he said it aroused my suspicions.

“is that so? Well…” I looked to Shaeula, who smirked.

“We can tease the details out from him later. Tease.” Her hand trailed lower towards his groin, tickling him. “I am sure-sure we can make you talk. But for now… your light element, it has changed. It is calming, like the moon, yet it is also quite-quite changeable. Why?”

“Well, the blessing, apparently I was extremely compatible with it. I was out of adherence after Aiko, but Tsukiko-san had enough to make it work. It’s from Tsukuyomi, God of the moon. And the moon, it has the full and the new, right? You always do that, saying I’m the full moon to your new, right?” he grinned, and Shaeula shifted in embarrassment.

Tsukiko-san, hmm?

“I do indeed, yet it is quite-quite embarrassing to have my words thrown back at me, true as they are!” she pouted, her hand softly stroking in retaliation. That’s fun. Let me join in. I think I’m getting the hang of it now, at least a little… I giggled as Akio jumped, my tail stroking his dick, alongside Shaeula’s small hand.

“Well, I’m not sure whether it’s because the spirit water we have contains moonlight, but my light and darkness elements have both mutated. The light is now based on the full moon, while the darkness has taken on the aspect of the new moon. I don’t really know what they… hey, stop that, I’m trying to be serious..”

“As are we!” I giggled. Suddenly Hyacinth was joining in too, her long hair twisting like vines and groping him. “So, what did she demand in exchange for this blessing? After all the seven of us have done for you, I don’t think tonight is a good time to tell me you went for bride number eight, is it?”

As we toyed with him, the reverse of earlier, the guilty look he flashed us made me more sadistic. Oh, it’s like that is it? You promised, Shiro would be the last, and I see you making a move on another woman? I get that you want to save her, and I think that’s a good thing, but even so, you don’t have to pick up every girl you save… I’m rather pissed off. So… Akio gasped and moaned, while Shaeula started licking him, her tongue making him shiver, his glans smeared with her saliva. Seeing that I went for his nipples, while Hyacinth leant over and stole his lips. Other women? The Diviner? Bah, we’ll bewitch you so thoroughly you won’t even spare her a thought… you’re ours!

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