On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And One – Kudou Shiori

Side One Hundred And One – Kudou Shiori

The atmosphere is horrible today… Shiori looked around at the gathering of the young men and women of the shrines warily. Whereas yesterday it had been boisterous and excited, rumours flying around about the glorious future of those who kept true faith, the events overnight had certainly put paid to that. Now most people were simply going through the motions, or gathering into small groups, talking in hushed whispers or exchanging loaded glances.

Yesterday everyone wanted to talk to me as well. After all, I’m a granddaughter of the Tsukuyomi head, after all, even if to me grandfather Yasuhide isn’t anything special, just a bit of an annoying, overly doting grandparent, too wrapped up in this stupid factional stuff. Then… well, grandfather basically quit, and threw his weight behind Oshiro-san… Even so, it’s more…

“There’s no point worrying.” One of her companions said, frowning. She was the middle daughter of the Takakura branch family, Mizuki-san, and as she tugged at her tight hakama, the bold girl frowned. “Idiots will be idiots after all.” She said loudly, drawing a few annoyed looks from those around them.

“You can’t say that, sister.” The youngest girl accompanying her, the small, boyish Kiaria-chan, whined. “What will you do if they get upset?” I see she is still as shy as ever. Well, she’s young, one of the youngest at the whole Conclave. Of course, Shiori was hardly particularly brave herself, when grandfather had told her that she needed to attend the famous Hanafubuki Private Academy for girls, the most prestigious school in Japan, and not just as a student, but giving classes to the rich and powerful daughters of nobility on matters of religion, she had been overwhelmed by equal parts happiness and stomach-churning dread. It’s every ordinary girls’ dream to attend Hanafubuki, wear the beautiful uniform, hang out with the prestigious heirs to longstanding families and the biggest companies in Japan. Though it’d never normally come true, they don’t accept ordinary students…

“Why should I care?” Mizuki-san groused, shrugging, drawing the eyes of all the boys and many of the girls in the room. “I mean, it was me who was nearly killed, right? I was asked by that guy if I wanted to come along as representative of Takakura house. He nearly flattered me into it too. It’s lucky I asked you first, big sis.” She addressed the third and final girl with me, the last of the Takakura sisters, and the oldest, Katsuki-san. With her long, straight black hair and gentle demeanour, she’s very calming. It was thanks to the Takakura trio, who were also sent to Hanafubuki, that I didn’t crack under the pressure. If I only had noble girls to talk to, I’d constantly feel unwell…

“Well, we may be from a separated branch family, but we’ve been called back by grandfather into the fold. So we always have to act in a manner befitting the noble Takakura house. It simply wouldn’t be fitting for us to accompany Yamato-sama, especially when grandfather has other ideas. Besides…” she sighed. “it felt… dangerous… somehow.”

“No kidding, big sis.” Mizuki-san agreed. “When I think about it now…” She looked pale. “… did you see the bodies as they carried them out? I didn’t, but rumours are going around. That could have been me…”

The youngest, Kiaria-chan, clutched at the hem of her clothing, knuckles white. “If it’s going to be dangerous, we never should have accepted this power. I don’t want to be a noble daughter. I just want to go back to Inuyama…”

“You can’t say that. I for one think we deserve to be rich and pampered, respected.” Mizuki-san disagreed. “Why should we be punished for what father and mother did? The store might have been an important site for our family, but why should we be forced to run it, grubbing out a living while grandfather Takakura has no heirs to inherit the family wealth?”

“Now, don’t talk like that, Mizuki.” Katsuki-san chided her gently. “We have no right to complain about how the nobility, grandfather included, acts. Haven’t you learnt from Hanafubuki what a different world they inhabit? What is good for them differs from what we expect as normal. Grandfather has many burdens.” After warning her younger sister, she turned her attention to the youngest. “Now, Kia…” she used a nickname. “Don’t worry. Grandfather is aware of the plans Oshiro-san put forwards for training. Considering that nobility from Tsumura house and Fukumoto house, which has recently joined the ranks of true nobility, are involved, there’s no way that they would be exposed to danger. No. it seems that it was a tragic case of overreaching by someone inexperienced. Wouldn’t you say so, Shiori-san?”

Surprised to be addressed, she nodded. I got lost in my own thoughts as the girls talked then. “That’s what my grandfather said. Yamato-sama was just showing off, and it led to tragedy. It would have been much worse if Oshiro-san hadn’t led a rescue attempt, it seems. Even so… a lot of people died. Hence the atmosphere.” She gestured subtly to the sombre crowd.

“Yes. I remember the first time I met Oshiro-san, when he was with Shaeula-san. I thought her a very pretty foreigner at the time, having no idea she was a spiritual being like from our old family tales.” Katsuki-san mused. “He bought a very extravagant doll. I never knew it was a Zashiki-Warashi. It was one surprise after another when we met him again, right Shiori-san?”

“Yes. I can’t argue with that.” She smiled a little, remembering. “I complained that I wasn’t Chosen, and so we ended up having Chirurgery. It hurt a lot. You cried, right Kiaria-chan?” I remember it. Even so, I was faster, stronger, smarter afterwards. I can see why Yamato-sama was interested in the results and those who took part. Even so, to have it end like this…

“I don’t remember that.” Kiaria-chan said defiantly, and her middle sister mocked her gently, teasing her. It was then someone I recognised entered the room, drawing all eyes to her, whispers increasing in intensity.

“Hey, isn’t that the sister. Aiko, I think it was?” Mizuki-san observed.

Yes, I think it is. I haven’t had much to do with her, though grandfather has mentioned her and the other girl, Mori-san. Though I hear she was nearly killed, suffering grave injuries. Just thinking about it, I feel sick. Ever since the Chirurgery, as it was called, her abilities with wind and flame had noticeably improved, though they were still nothing compared to what Mori-san could do. I saw the hole in the floor of the main hall she supposedly caused as they were fixing it before Conclave this morning. Even with abilities like that, she was nearly killed. The other trainees… they must have had no chance.  

Taking a closer look, Shiori noticed that Oshiro Aiko-san seemed surprisingly cheerful, considering, though she had dark rings around her eyes and her skin was pale, as if she hadn’t slept. She was talking cheerfully to a group of young shrine maidens, but they quickly disengaged, giving her short shrift.

“Wow, annoying.” She declared, crossing her arms in irritation. “Hey, you over there…” she raced over to another group, but they again seemed wary of her.

“Well, someone can’t read the room.” Mizuki-san said sourly. “Nobody is going to want to talk to her. Even though her brother is gathering everyone under his banner, too many rumours are going around about the deaths.”

“But that was Yamato-sama, right?” Kiaria-chan muttered.

“People don’t think logically. All they know is, most of the people who got hurt or died were trainees under Oshiro-san.” Katsuki-san explained.

“Well, that’s dumb. People shouldn’t decide without finding out the truth.” Mizuki-san declared. “I mean, we only know what we were told or the rumours going around, but do you think she’d be running around here if they were true? I’m going to call her over!” With that she waved and called out, attracting Oshiro-san’s attention.

Wait, really? Well, I can’t deny I’m curious.

“Hey, you mean me? Want to talk? That’s great.” Oshiro-san said as she came over. For a moment, she paused, grinning. “Wow, uh… you’re very… stacked?” she said to Mizuki-san. “I mean, I’m not so small myself, but wow, you’re just … never mind, it doesn’t matter. Just… stay away from my bro, okay? I don’t want him falling under the sway of your assets! He’s got enough woman troubles!”

“Is that any way to talk to someone you just met?” Mizuki-san grumbled, while her sisters smiled, and Shiori hid her matching grin behind one hand. She’s definitely his sister. Similarly lacking in tact. Her smile faded. Though considering the rumours, how can she be so carefree?

“Besides, I have met your brother. And yes, he did look, the jerk.” She continued. “Speaking of… uh, should you be here? Your best friend, I heard she was crippled, right?”

“Wow, no delicacy at all. It’s lucky you’re cute!” Oshiro-san smiled. “Look, I do what I have to, all right? Most of the girls are in no fit state to work today. It’s just me, Kana-chan and Maiko-chan, the others are too shellshocked. Can’t say I blame them…” she looked around. Nobody wanted to talk to her, but everyone was listening, and her tired blue eyes narrowed in irritation. “You know what, this is a good time. Listen up, everyone!” she raised her voice. “There’s a lot of shitty misinformation going around. I know you’ve heard about the deaths. I’m not going to lie… a lot of people died. But if anyone here thinks my bro is at fault, well, I don’t mind taking it outside, where we’ll have a talk about it.” She cracked her knuckles, and Shiori found herself admiring her familial loyalty.

“Yeah, most of them were my bro’s trainees from the training school everyone has been talking about. Even so, that doesn’t mean my bro is to blame. It’s like martial arts, right? Well, I only do kyudo, which isn’t really an example, but… it’s like he taught them karate or something, for self-defence. Is it the fault of the teacher then, when some idiot talks them into doing something suicidal, thinking they are all Masatoshi Nakayama or Bruce Lee?”

“Who are they?” Kiaria-chan asked, and Oshiro-san giggled.

“Oh, that’s not important, just famous martial artists. My point is… my bro, if you want to blame him, well, then we don’t need you. Those that have functioning brains and don’t listen to shitty rumours, well, now more than ever, you should see the importance of getting in good with us. After all, my bro saved the twins, Keomi-chan and that other girl. One day you might be in danger, and I hope you still have time to sling mud and question who’s at fault then. But if you’re our friends, well, you might just find my bro riding his white horse to save you next time. Well, thanks for listening! I’m going to talk to those girls who actually seem to want to talk fairly.”

With that she turned back to them. “Thanks for waiting. I hate this. Bro is feeling bad enough about everything, without all these idiots believing the rumours. I wish I could do more, but… well, all I can do is squash idiots talking shit, and make people realise it’d be worse without him. So, what did you want to talk to me about, little miss stacked?”

“I have a name.” Mizuki-san insisted, irritated, introducing herself and her sisters.

“And I’m Kudou Shiori. We’ve been in your brother’s care. We aren’t part of the training school, but we’ve had the Chirurgery.”

“Oh, Takakura-san’s granddaughters, and Kudou-san’s too, huh? Yeah, I’ve met your grandfathers a few times.” Oshiro-san said. “So, since you’ve had Chirurgery, you must know that my bro has no wish to put anyone in danger. In fact, he only gives it out to make people safer. Though there are exceptions. Anyway, shall we talk over there?” she pointed to a sheltered corner.

Fine. I am pretty curious. She seems too upbeat, despite everything…

Once in the corner, Oshiro-san continued. “So, I guess you know about last night, right? It was really bad, I’m not going to lie.” She sighed. “Considering how much fun everyone was having at the concert… well, anyway, if you’ve already had Chirurgery, and considering whose grandkids you are, I probably don’t need to sweat it too hard. Still, it’d help me out if you could spread the word. I hate this.” She let out a bitter groan. “My bro’s an idiot. Don’t get me wrong, I love my bro, but when it comes to bad things happening, he tends to blame himself, especially when young girls are involved. I just want him to cheer up.”

“Cheer up?” Mizuki-san asked the question I wanted to. “I hear Mori-san was crippled. I’d imagine that would be a good reason to be distressed. In fact, you seem too… calm, Oshiro-san?”

“Call me Aiko. Well, no kidding. Last night I was totally out of it, distraught and a blubbering mess. When your best friend ends up getting dismembered and torn apart in front of your eyes, I’d like to see anyone stay calm.”

“Dismembered?” Kiaria-chan chirruped, frightened.

“Yeah, like totally lost her legs and an arm.” Her smile was inappropriate. “Mom and auntie Hana were both hysterical and had to be sedated. Auntie is still in the hospital, at least mom has perked up a bit. Uh… don’t look at me like that. Do you think I’m heartless?” she shook her head. “Here’s the thing. Bro and Shaeula are pretty damn good healers. So her arms and legs are back on, and she can even move them a bit. The scarring’s still awful, but apparently that’s easy to fix, it isn’t like the scars the Shiro girl I’ve not met has.” She muttered. “Well, of course every time bro looks at her, he feels guilty. But we pushed him into taking her, and Eri knew the risks. That’s the thing. Those that genuinely want to fight can, the exception I mentioned earlier. Next time…” she clenched her fist. “Next time I’ll be there. I won’t let my bro carry everything.”

Legs and arms cut off? That sounds even worse than the rumours! But he can fix that? That’s… incredible. Even so, after that, to say she wants to fight? “Even though Mori-san is going to survive and recover, that doesn’t change what she went through. It could have ended in her death right? People did die. And you still want to fight? You aren’t even one of the Chosen, are you?” Shiori asked.

Aiko-san paused for a moment, before shaking her head. “Well, Eri was stronger than me, sure. Though nowhere near as strong as my bro, Shaeula or Hyacinth. I still put in the work though, and I finally got some decent classes.”

Classes? Shiori wasn’t the only one to notice that term.

“So, when you say classes, do you mean like in games?” Katsuki-san asked. “I am not a gamer myself, and it isn’t something discussed at Hanafubuki, the daughters of nobility don’t do such common pursuits, but at school in Inuyama, I heard some of the other boys and girls mentioning them.”

“You could see it that way. My bro has a way of seeing some strange things. But anyway, if I put in the work, I can stand beside him. Ever since last night, I know it’s what I need to do. I have to. I can’t let him stay burdened by unfair guilt! Okay, answer me this, girls? Should my bro really be blamed for taking Eri? All he was trying to do was save the trainees that idiot Yamato took into danger. None of it is my bro’s fault! I hate that he feels so upset and down about it! Don’t get me wrong, of course I’m sorry that people died, and I feel bad for the families, but… my bro did his best! Shouldn’t we celebrate those he did save?”

I don’t know. The families of the dead aren’t going to be thinking about the rights and wrongs, only their own pain…

“Of course, I’m sure that those who were saved matter.” Katsuki-san said soothingly. “And no, I don’t believe that Oshiro-san is at fault for the actions of those who went with Yamato-sama. As for Mori-san… well, a leader needs to make decisions based on necessity, not feelings. If he genuinely believed Mori-san would be a help, and that the danger to her was justified, then he didn’t make a mistake. If he just gave in due to not wanting to deny her or you, then, as a leader, that isn’t praiseworthy, I’m afraid.”

“Wow, harsh. Though… well, I guess he did know it was dangerous. Ren-san said so… yeah, I guess we all need to learn our lessons., even so…” she slapped her cheeks, psyching herself up. “I think my bro did the best he could. He’s still learning, you know? And could anyone else get those girls out safely, against the Night Parade? I don’t think so. Well… anyway, Shaeula and Eri are planning to cheer him up. They have a plan. My bro is a sucker for cute girls… I guess that was half the problem.”

“Well, grandfather says that the role of a leader is to make the unpopular choices, and gather the disapproval of those below, while still guiding them to the best outcome.” Shiori quoted her grandfather. “Well, he’s decided that Oshiro-san is the person to support. I’m not going to question that.”

“Takakura house has a long history of neutrality and mediation. Unless one faction takes command, I expect that won’t change. But even we know grandfather favours Oshiro-san. I doubt these events will change that.” Katsuki-san agreed. “I thank you for your version of events. Too many unclear rumours aren’t good.” She looked at those around the room, who were pretending to be engrossed in other matters, but were paying close attention.

“Hmph.” Aiko-san grumbled. “That’s what I was trying to do, get the truth out there. I don’t get why people won’t talk to me and Kana-chan, and then listen in like a bunch of cowards.”

“Well, isn’t that most people? Irrational and annoying.” Mizuki-san said venomously. “But there was something else I was curious about. At school, I hear that your brother is engaged to Tsumura-sama, Fukumoto-san and Hori-san. That can’t be right, can it? Bigamy is illegal…”

“Nope, it’s right.” Aiko-san sighed. “My bro went from the sort of guy who was the definition of herbivore, which used to annoy Eri to no end, to a veritable Casanova. It might be illegal now, but it won’t be soon. At least Hinata-chan, Natsumi-san and Motoko-san are good girls. I’d hate it if some strange girls got pushed on him. I always have to reel Shaeula in over that. Let me tell you about it…”

Really? Shouldn’t she be networking and trying to dispel the myths about what happened overnight, reassuring everyone? Oh well, this is more interesting anyway. I admit, I was curious too when I heard. Tsumura-sama is one of the most important girls at Hanafubuki, and a lot of her juniors idolise her, since she stood up for her own interests, despite noble customs, without losing her grace and class…

For a while, Shiori and the others chatted, and gradually some of the other shrine maidens and trainee priests joined in. It was then that Shiori’s phone rang. Taking it out, she checked the name of the caller.

It’s Abe-chan? That’s surprising… Shiori had first met her at the party hosted by Fujiwara-sama, along with the Takakura sisters, when she was introduced as a student and teacher at Hanafubuki to various prestigious nobles. They had hit it off, Abe-chan being surprisingly friendly and pushy, not taking no for an answer. She also has the foulest mouth I’ve ever heard on a girl…

“Hello Abe-chan. It’s unusual for you to call during the day.” Shiori answered, the others looking on curiously.

“Abe-chan?” Aiko-san asked.

“She’s something special all right.” Mizuki-san snorted. “I met her at a flashy hotel party. Never stopped making crude remarks about my chest. A bit like someone else I’ve just met.” She said flatly.

“Sorry, sorry. But you’re stacked, I don’t think anyone can help it!” she apologised.

“Well shit girl, can’t I call you when I want? And I’m damn sure I told you to call me Hotaru. My shitty dad’s Abe, not me!”

“You shouldn’t badmouth your father, he’s doing his best…” Shiori said, overwhelmed by her friend.

“Yeah, yeah. Shit, if he was any good, he’d get me into Hanafubuki like you, Shiori-chan. Well, they don’t accept any girls from politician or entertainer families. So I’m shit out of luck. A damn shame. If I was a Hanafubuki graduate, I could bag a rich husband easy. I don’t want to follow dad’s career path, too much like hard work…”

“So, uh, did you need something, Hotaru-chan?” Shiori asked when she could get a word in edgeways.

“As I said, can’t a girl call up one of her besties when she pissing well wants?” her voice was barbed yet friendly. Besties? I admit Hotaru-chan is really fun, totally unlike other girls I know, way more worldly, despite her age, and she doesn’t seem as catty as other girls with her level of good looks. Even so, to say we are best friends, she sure is bold…

“But no, shit girl, you’re in Kyoto right? What the fuck is going on down there? My dad was up all night, shitting himself about some incident or other. Totally ruined my beauty sleep, get me? How am I going to bag a rich hottie that way?”

“Uh, aren’t you a bit young for marriage yet?” Shiori asked, waving the Takakura sisters and Aiko-san into silence.

“Yeah, course I am. I want to look around, find the one. Or maybe play the field. But you have to lay the groundwork damn early, or else all the good ones are going to get taken by other girls. You want to get your head in the game too, Shiori-chan. You’re reasonably cute, though not as good as me, so… fuck, I’m way off-topic. So I had a look online, and what do you think I found? Go on, three guesses. If you don’t get it, I’ll take a nude selfie in exchange as punishment.”

Ignoring snorted laughter from Aiko-san, Shiori had a bad feeling. “Well… it’s about Kyoto right?” her voice sank to a whisper.

“Bingo, Shiori-chan. It sure is. Take a fucking look at this. I’m glad you answered, I was bloody worried, you know? There aren’t many girls I like to talk too, you know. By the way, big jugs is there in Kyoto too, and her sisters, right? They okay?”

“Don’t call me big jugs!” Mizuki-san howled down the phone.

“Why not? For your age, you’re world champion. You’ll have no trouble bagging a hot, rich guy, that’s for sure.” Hotaru-chan giggled, but it sounded more like a dirty old man than a girl her age. “Well, glad you’re okay. The way my dad was carrying on, sounded like the Kyoto was a fucking bloodbath or something. So, I took a look, did a few searches, and … here, it’s easier if I show you.”

Moments later, Shiori’s phone beeped, having received a message. Looking at it, the title was kyotoconcertchaos.avi. I don’t like this. I’m getting a very bad feeling…

With a shaking hand, the Takakura sisters, Aiko-san and around twenty or thirty others looking on, she tapped the link, and after a few moments a video loaded. It was taken on a bit of a shaky camera, looking at the stage where Red and White were performing.

“Wow, this is not good.” Aiko-san said, frowning. “Not good at all. My bro is having a hard enough time as it is…”

“… not sure what’s going on here. The music has stopped.” Someone was saying, probably the person taking the video.

“Sorry, there seems to be some sort of commotion. Is someone hurt or fainted? It does happen sometimes, so please make room and get them out of the crush. Medical professionals know what to… uh…” the video captured Tamami-san, the idol, before shifting focus to the crowd, where a familiar figure was visible, distressed and bloody.

“Isn’t that Hikawa Ren?” Shiori said, eyes still glued to the video.

“It’s… my sisters. That dumb girl. The others. We… it’s bad, awful! We can’t get away, we’re trapped! I only got out by feigning I…was dead.” Hikawa-san in the video looked awful, coughing blood. It was too real.

“Calm down, take a breath. What’s happened?” Oshiro-san could be heard saying.

“Is this some stunt, or what? No, I don’t think so.” The streamer was saying, as he approached. “I’m not an expert, but my folks are farmers. The smell of blood’s all too real, and that’s not special effects work…”

“They’re trapped. It was a miracle I got out. Even so… it’s too late. So many are dead already, and it took me… too long… to get here. Please, do something! Save them! My sisters, the others… do something!” Hikawa-san was crying now, and unless he was an actor on par with Hollywood greats, it was obvious his suffering was genuine.

“Trapped, dying? Maybe it’s a prank, but…” the video then cut off, and Hotaru-chan spoke.

“That’s real, right? No fake shit? I have several more videos. One is a long range shot of what looks like bodies being taken out of the Imperial Place, and another is footage of the military and police all around the Palace and a Hospital. They are blowing up. There’s thousands of views already, and people are tweeting it. My dad is going fucking spare. There are others too. You should hear him ranting about getting the videos taken down, but I doubt he can do shit. The sites are international, you get me?”

Shiori looked at Aiko-san, who was grinding her teeth. “Shit, I need to tell this to my bro. Shiori-chan, here, my number.” She bluetoothed it to Shiori. “I got to run. Hey, thanks foulmouthed lady.” She shouted down the phone, before running off, her speed abnormal.

“So, who the fuck was that?” Hotaru-chan asked. “Friend of yours?”

“Not exactly.” Shiori sighed. “But she’s someone important, that’s for sure. Is there anything else?”

“Of course there is. Never rains, but it pours, you pissing well know it!” Hotaru-chan swore. “I’ll send them your way…”

As the phone beeped again, it felt hot in Shiori’s hands, the weight of what she was about to see weighing on her. Grandfather, Takakura-sama, I hope you can handle this. I think… your plans might need to change…

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