On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Ninety-Seven – Mori Eri

Side Ninety-Seven – Mori Eri

Ugh, everything hurts, and my body feels strange. Too light, and … squirmy. I guess I know why. I struggled to open my eyes, my body resisting me. As I did so the sounds around me started to resolve themselves, and I could hear the gentle hum and soft beeps of machinery, as well as some voices I recognised.

“I think she’s awake.” A woman said. Haru-san, right? What is she doing here? I didn’t have much to do with her, though she seemed nice enough, but apparently she was already dead. I sympathise. That was the best state I could have hoped for, until I ran into that cat…

“Thank all the Gods, she’s alive.” A stern voice said, and my lips quirked into a small smile, even as my eyes slid slowly open, the scene, a well-lit hospital room, coming into focus. Even though I had only been in the Boundary for a short time, my voice was scratchy and dry.

“Father-in-law. Yes, I’m still alive.” I managed, and seeing Akio’s father looking down on me with bitter concern, I cracked a joke. “I don’t… feel too good though.”

“I’ll get a doctor. It’s times like these when Akio-san should be here…” Haru-san said, heading for the door. I tried to twist my neck to watch her go, but it wouldn’t respond to me properly. I reached out, only… oh. No arm. I thought that might be the case. My stomach boiled with a sudden feeling of sickness, only for me to suppress it with sheer will. It doesn’t matter. I’m… I’m alive. Worrying can come later.

“Where’s mother and father, father-in-law?” I managed to croak, and the look he gave me in return was surprisingly gentle.

“Hana and Emily both had to be sedated, they were hysterical. Not that I can blame them.” His gaze hardened. “Junpei is with them, though he’s probably drunk, to take away the horror. Aiko too. Eri-san, just… what happened? Do you know? About… your condition?”

Before I could answer, Haru-san came back in with a doctor and a nurse. The doctor, on seeing me awake, looked startled, before rushing over to me. “Mori-san, how is the pain? We… well, we weren’t sure of what doses of anaesthetic or any other medication was safe to give you, and after your unexplained injuries, well…”

“Needles broke on your skin, even getting the drip in was a nuisance, and your heartrate and vitals are wildly abnormal, even after all the blood transfusions.” The nurse said, frowning at a chart she had on a clipboard. “Really, I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it for myself.”

“More to the point. You’ve been in some sort of terrible accident. Your body … it’s quite scarred, and your limbs… well, one arm was saved, but the rest…” the doctor sighed. “I don’t know how to say this, but…”

“I know. It isn’t like I wasn’t the one having my limbs chopped off.” I surprised myself by making a joke of it. Perhaps I’m in shock? No, it’s because I know… there’s hope. Enough of it to not go mad from grief, anyway. Besides, this was all my fault. I’m such a fool. “Haru-san, what’s going on? Is… is Akio awake yet? The others?”

“You should address your elders with more respect.” Father-in-law said, more out of habit than anything else, and my lips quirked into a half-smile once more. Yes, that’s just like him. He was always tough on Akio, though he was sweet on Aiko and me. I think he’s a bit easy to misunderstand. But I know he’s proud of Akio now. That’s probably why he’s so upset.

“It’s fine. After all, she’s the fiancée of my master.” Haru-san said. “So her treating me with too much respect would be odd.”

“I hate that. How can my son be anyone’s master? Especially…” he frowned down at me, before swallowing what he wanted to say. It was the doctor who spoke instead.

“Really, I have no idea what is going on. So many strange deaths, then the injured. We have five injured other than you under our care, four young girls and a young boy. In addition, there are those that they insist are alive, despite having no vital signs. And several who won’t wake up.”

“The government is dispatching a response team to deal with the situation.” Haru-san said. “This is a private hospital in Kyoto, and everyone here will be sworn to secrecy, it’s a huge mess though.” She shook her head sadly. “The press was already interested in the Conclave, though they had little insight into what was really happening. The concert drew a certain type of speciality press and internet streamers, and then… well, so many deaths can’t be covered up. So, Eri-san, can you tell me, just what happened there? Perhaps I should have come too…”

“No.” I tried to shake my head, but I was too weak. “I’m sorry, but I never should have gone either. Father-in-law, Haru-san, this is all my fault. I pressured Akio into taking me. I thought I could help, that I’d trained hard and grown strong. But… well, you can see the results.”

“No, it is my foolish son’s fault.” father-in-law denied me. “Akio believes he is a leader, so he should act as one, not merely indulge you. You may have pressured him, but it is his cross to bear to refuse if it is too dangerous. He has shown incompetence, and … people died.”

“A leader carries the fault for mistakes. It’s like that in government too.” Haru-san agreed sadly. “But… it must have been terrible.”

“Excuse me, as a doctor I must interject. Young lady, you… you have no legs and one arm has been lost. Are you in shock? Surely we…”

“Maybe. But… look, Akio will do something about it. I have ideas. That can wait. I need to talk about this…”

“My son will take responsibility.” Father-in-law said, and I was surprised to see tears in his eyes. I found myself gaping, only for him to look a touch annoyed, his more usual look. “What? Eri-san… no, Eri. I shouldn’t be so formal, you are right. Eri… you are the daughter of my dearest friends, like my own. My son was going to… no, is going to marry you, despite everything. It will be hard, but I’ll make sure he gives you as good a life as… this isn’t a laughing matter, Eri. You may be in shock, but… all the things you dreamed of are gone now, and it’s all the fault of…”

“Oh shut up. Even if it is Akio’s fault, so what?” I complained. “He’s not perfect. He never claimed to be. He’s doing his best. It was that moron Yamato who took those who couldn’t defend themselves into danger. I got hurt. It was scary. I thought I’d die…” It was starting to become real to me now, a mixture of grief and relief. “… no, I thought I’d end up worse than dead.” I looked at Haru-san, and she somehow understood what I meant, and she reached out to squeeze my single remaining hand. “…. But in the end, we saved four girls. Younger girls than me. I’m sorry for the others we couldn’t save, but… Akio did that. I did that. Maybe that’s the only truly good deed I’ve ever done. after all, you know I don’t really care for other people, father-in-law.”

“You care for family. I don’t expect you to be a saint.” He said. The doctor and nurse watched quietly, fussing over the machinery while listening curiously, while Haru-san continued to hold my hand. It was a little comforting. “But … to suffer such lifechanging injuries… it broke Hana’s heart. Junpei’s too. Emily is inconsolable, and Aiko… well, my daughter isn’t that bright, I don’t think she understands the gravity of the situation.”

“No, I think she understands it better than anyone. You do too, right Haru-san?”

“Yes. I was dead. I still am.” She deadpanned, before making a ghostly noise, which shocked my very serious father-in-law.

“Is that the time for jokes? Eri is lying here crippled, my son won’t wake up, and…”

“It’s not exactly a joke. You won’t understand unless you’ve been through something terrible. I was tortured, abused, murdered… yet here I am. Life… well, it has its issues, I won’t deny it, but I’m content. Eri-san… what are you going to do? I asked them to keep the severed limbs on ice, though your stumps healed up.”

“Good. I knew I could count on someone!” I rejoiced. “That should make it easier.”

“Easier?” the doctor interjected. “Reattachment surgery might work, but you’ll always be disabled, with only minor motor functions. It’s not like reattaching a finger. There’s a high chance of gangrene and other complications, and the physical therapy will be long and gruelling…”

“Of course it will be. But that’s not such a bad thing.” I fixed my gaze on father-in-law, my mind made up. “There’s another girl in hospital. She’ll be moving in with Akio for healing and convalescence. I’ll… I’ll move to Tokyo as well. There’s no better healer than Akio, right? And you did say he should take responsibility. Besides, I’m going to need to get control of… no, that doesn’t matter now.”

“Well, my son should definitely take care of you, and I do understand he has gifts to heal…” he glared at the doctor. “I do not think I need to inform you both of the absolute secrecy here, do I? Powerful people want secrets kept.”

“We know.” The doctor said, and the nurse agreed.

“Well then… Eri, what about school, and your friends, and…”

“I’ll manage school. My attendance is enough to graduate so long as I pass the final exams, which I will. As for friends, shockingly enough I find I might even miss the two fashionable idiots from school, and some people from the kyudo club. But what can I do? Besides, it’s only bringing things forwards a…”

The door banged open, and in rushed Hyacinth and Aiko. Hyacinth had an angry expression on her face, while Aiko was relieved, though when she saw the state of my body, her expression was complicated.

“Mistress Eri, I am relieved tooo see you awake. Death was too good for that harridan, rest assured her passing was mooost painful! Now, dooo you need anything until master gets here? I can mooop your sweat, feed you, whatever yooou need!”

“It’s fine. So, is Akio back too?” I asked, happy to see Hyacinth, but she shook her head.

“He had a… matter tooo attend to. He shall rush to you the moment he awakes, I knooow. Fear nooot, the danger has passed for now. He will definitely return safety, he and mistress Shaeula boooth.”

“Yeah, from what Hyacinth says, it was all settled. Just…” I was shocked as Aiko flung herself on me, crying. The doctor tried to stop her, citing my many injuries, but when the nurse tried to intervene she was unable to due to the difference in statistics. Father-in-law watched on in silent shock, while Haru-san smiled warmly, perhaps counting me as a kindred spirit of grievous wounds now.

“I… I know it’ll be all right. I know…” Aiko’s clear blue eyes were shedding endless tears, and as she sniffled she was getting snot on me. Even so, my body was a wreck, but I could still feel the trembling of her arms, her human warmth. “… but when more and more bodies started piling up, and then… your arm, it came off! There was blood, so much blood… and then your flesh started to tear, and your legs… I believed in my bro and Shaeula, I did, but… I thought you were going to die!” she cried out. “And it’d be my fault! I said you should go! Damn, what the hell was my bro doing, letting you get so hurt?”

“My thoughts exactly.” Father-in-law echoed his daughter. “I have little chance of chastising my son, not anymore, but if he is a man he should take his punishment properly!”

“Well, it wasn’t as if he could do much about it.” I defended him, though obviously a part of me wished that he could have saved me from the pain and sorrow. Even so, I knew that was an unworthy thought. I had made my choice, and right or wrong, I had to live with and learn from it. “Power, it’s everything, Aiko. We had it easy in Nishimorioka, where the dangers were minor. The other world is full of evils.” I shuddered in her grip. “But all of those that hurt and killed us are dead, right Hyacinth?”

“Indeed, master and I killed the ooone responsible for forcing Eri to such a state, though mistress did kill the ooone that took her limbs, I believe.”

“Yeah. Funny story, that. I think Haru-san might get a kick out of it. Now Aiko, please stop drooling and weeping on me. It’s really unpleasant. So, it turned out the problem was that moron Yamato had run into the Night Parade, and…”


“I feel like we’ve heard something we shouldn’t…” the nurse muttered, and the doctor agreed.

“Yes, it seems utterly impossible, but then, I’ve seen the worst of the scarring diminish, and the stumps heal at a rate that should have taken weeks.” He brushed his hair out of his eyes, expression wistful. “But talk of growing new arms and legs, or such miraculous healing. As a doctor, I’m extremely interested…”

“Well, you might get your wish. It has been a chance disaster, but you are aware of things that aren’t public. You have the choice of remaining silent and continuing with your work here, of course, but there will be openings in the Ministry the Government is forming for research, and medical fields are definitely one of those areas…” as Haru-san explained to the shellshocked doctor and nurse, I couldn’t help but be a bit envious of her adult abilities, the way she was perfectly in work mode. I want to be that good someday, no, better! I’ll help Akio no mater what. This… these wounds. They are just a setback. Akio won’t turn away from me, he won’t!

“Well…” Aiko said, wiping at her face, which was a mess, her eyes ringed with dark circles from where she had been crying, her nose and cheeks red. “That’s all very well, but I never got to see catgirl Eri! Damn, I missed out. I bet you were cute! Did my bro say so?”

“Of course.” I said, letting her cheer me up, my doubts noticed by her, as I would have expected, being as we had been best friends for as long as we could remember. “Maybe one day I’ll be able to show it here. But…” I turned to father-in-law, who had listened to the story with a stony face. “See father-in-law? Even if Akio can’t heal me, maybe one day I’ll be able to reform myself. So… I’ll bear it. Whatever I must. My only regret… well, no, not only…” I laughed, a touch of bitterness despite my resolve to be positive. “… is that I must have terrified you all so. I’ll do better. I won’t get arrogant again. Slow, steady gains in strength.”

“You would still fight? Even after all the pain and injury?” he asked, and Hyacinth answered for me.

“Ooof course she will. Mistress Eri knows what matters. Thooose who do not fight now, will regret it later. Besides…” she grinned. “Master has returned. He will knooow what to do!”

The door banged open for a second time, and a haggard, pale-looking Akio rushed to my bedside, ignoring everyone else in the room. On seeing I was awake, he brightened, only for his face to fall when he saw the dire state I was in. I felt my cheeks heating in embarrassment. Ugh, him seeing me here like some sort of caterpillar is not what I want. I always wanted to look good for him. But I suppose that’s conceited.

“Eri, your limbs… they didn’t come back? Shit… I thought so.” He dropped to his knees beside me and grasped my free hand. He frowned doing that, and I realised he could feel that there were problems with my body, quite apart from my grievous wounds. His Eye flared a brilliant amber, and once more I was struck at how pretty it looked.

“Where’s Shaeula? Is she all right?” I asked, and he shrugged.

“She’s gone to help heal the others. But forget about her, what about you? I’m sorry Eri, this was all my fault. I’m the leader, I should have prevented this recklessness, and now look how hurt you are. Uncle and Auntie, they must have been distraught…”

“Your mother too.” Father-in-law said coldly. “Yes, you made a disastrous mistake, son. And what of your aims? Did you succeed, even at this cost?”

He looked downcast for a moment, before fire sparked back in his eyes, and he talked back to his father, an event that was rare in my memories, as Akio usually took his lectures and criticism without response. “Not entirely. But then, that was already impossible. I may have failed, but I did what I could. Yamato-san… I doubt he’ll wake ever again. And so many were dead when we got there. But… we saved the twins, Keomi-chan and another girl. In time, we can heal them. Four lives. If… if Eri was to be crippled forever…” he looked down at me, expression one I hated, pitying and mournful. “… then I wouldn’t trade her pain for their lives, selfish though it is. But… Eri, no matter what it takes, just like Shiro, I’ll see you well again, and strong enough to survive even these battles.”

“Don’t look down on me.” I said firmly, managing to squeeze his hand, though it was an effort. “I’m sad and angry, but not with you. I’m weak. I want to be strong.”

“Me too bro. I’m glad I didn’t come, or I’d be dead, right?” she sighed bitterly. “Shit, I wanted to be powerful, just like you and Shaeula, bro. Getting those classes went to my head, but I’m glad I wasn’t stubborn. No miracle would have come to save me, would it? No catgirl Aiko, that’s for sure. And if I died, well, you’d both be devastated, right?”

“Of course.” I agreed, and Akio echoed me, rapping his sister on the head casually.

“Don’t be stupid sis. I’d die before you, wouldn’t I? But…” he looked at her, thinking, before shifting his gaze to Haru-san. “I need to speak to the two of you later. But for now…” he released my hand, which made me sigh, a little lost and lonely. He looked tired, careworn. It wasn’t a look I liked on him at all, reminding me too much of our youth back in Nishimorioka, when things weren’t going our way, though he often tried to hide the expression from me and Aiko. Then it was gone, and the fire in his eyes was back.

“Doctor. Are the limbs still here?” he asked, and surprised, the doctor nodded.

“Yes, Suzuki-san here advised me to keep them on ice, though the damage to them…” he didn’t get a chance to finish.

“Good job, Haru-san. I owe you one. I’m not skilled enough to regrow whole limbs, not yet, maybe not ever. I’m not Grulgor.” As she nodded her thanks, smiling, pleased at the praise, he asked the doctor to fetch them. “Damn, I’m exhausted, but… compared to what you suffered, Eri, it’s nothing. I’ll get you stable, and then… we’ll talk.”

Yes, a talk. That’s a good idea. Otherwise… the guilt and grief will only fester…


“My Eri, you…” my father was weeping openly, hugging me, which was unusual, as our family wasn’t very tactile. Even so, I understood. He reeks of booze. Well, I suppose the situation called for it. “… can you move them?” he asked, and I managed to twitch the toes and fingers of my newly attached limbs, just a little, the barest whisper. Even so, they responded, the doctor looking on in awe at the readouts on his medical devices.

“Blood flow looks good, doctor, and I don’t see signs of necrosis or nerve damage.” The nurse marvelled.

“Physically, they are fine. Although I’m sorry for the horror-esque sight.” Akio sighed, pale and weak himself, now his aether was spent. “I had to damage the stumps to make it heal properly. Even so, there’s nothing physically wrong, other than the ugly scarring at the joins, and the remaining damage to the skin on her body. Fuck that Kijo, if she wasn’t already dead I’d kill her a thousand times.”

I love it when you are angry for me! But… now isn’t the time. Just be happy. Please.

“Physically?” my father asked, concerned, and Aiko echoed it.

“Yeah, what do you mean, bro? And the scars, you can fix those, right? I mean, technically Eri has her man, so a few scars shouldn’t be a dealbreaker, right? If you ditch her now I’m going to cut your dick off while you sleep, I swear…”

“Language, Aiko!” Father-in-law said, scandalised, and Aiko stuck out her tongue and pulled down one eyelid in a cute denial, making me realise she had said such crude things to lighten the dire mood.

“The scars I can fix. Just give me a day to rest up.” He promised, patting my head, gently, as if I was fragile glass. I prefer his rougher, warmer touch. “The issue is her chakra network is completely in flux. If anything, it’s a little similar to Shaeula’s, but it’s constantly changing and unstable. And the spiritual has an effect on the physical, so…”

“I understand. At first I did it instructively, changing form.” I mused. “But then my body started to ache and tremble, and it didn’t want to obey me. It’s like that now.”

“It’s going to take Chirurgery, physical practise, probably some strengthening in the Boundary as well.” He said, checking me over. “I don’t know how long it could take. Weeks, maybe months. But I promise you this. Eri. Uncle. Aiko. Father. I’ll not rest until Eri is fully healed.”

“And what about Ginneka?” I asked. I know they were enemies, but I gave my word. If she could save me, I’d call her elder sister and treat her as such, and I’d ask Akio to return her to life. I still can’t get my head around that.

“I have to be cautious, since her gift that saved you is unstable. But… when it’s safe, I’ll pay my debts. After that, she can run home to the Night Parade if she wants. Her brother too.”

Pleased, I grinned. It flickered a little when I caught sight of the horrible ring of scarring around my shoulder, but Akio promised he would fix it, so why worry? I don’t need to be beautiful so long as I’m cherished, but… I do want my beauty back. After all, I want Akio to adore me. But he gave his word, so… I can wait. “Well then, I guess I’m moving to Tokyo for my rehabilitation. I’ll be in your care, Akio. Married life starts early for us I guess. I hope I get on with that Shiro woman though…”

On seeing the look of consternation on his face, my grin became more natural. I’m not the only one who is hurting. Akio… he regrets not being able to save the others, my injuries, and… whatever hard decision he made with that Yamato. If he wasn’t comatose, I’d be tempted to give him a lethal injection… well, just as Akio consoles and supports me, I’ll help and pamper him. Damn, I need to get a grip on my body soon, otherwise there’ll be no… physical fun… for a while. And he needs it now more than ever, to know he’s loved.

“Hey Eri? Are you tired? You seem awfully red.” Aiko asked, concerned, and I managed to wriggle my good arm up to pat her head, though I missed and hit her shoulder. Seeing my frustration, Aiko bobbed her head, allowing me to ruffle her hair.

“No, well, actually yes, I’m very tired. But… I want to be awake when mother and auntie Emily wake up, so I’ll endure. You’ll keep me company, right Aiko? Well, after you speak to Akio, anyway? It looks like he has something to say?”

“I shall remain too. Though I will want a long talk with you as well, son.” Father-in-law declared.

“This is better, right?” I said. “I told you, father-in-law. I’m a fighter, and Akio won’t ever give up on us.” No, and I’ll never give up, either. The time for that was at the festival in Nishimorioka. I wonder, if I had not confessed, I’d probably be wasting my life away… but I did, so… this is just the price of reaching for my dreams. It was a hard price to pay, but I’ve learned from it, and Akio has too. I would rather he avoided such horrible, painful lessons, but… life is seldom that kind…

As we talked, Akio bent down and kissed me. I didn’t care that people were watching, I greedily entwined my tongue with his, until I was satisfied. As he pulled away, a thin bridge of saliva linking us, I managed to wave my hand a little. “Go on, go. You have a lot to do, and a lot of people to meet. The Government, the other heads of the shrines, and more. Don’t let me keep you. I’ll be all right. But send Shaeula my way when she’s done with the others, okay?”

He nodded, and with that Haru-san, Aiko and Akio left. Smiling at my father and father-in-law, I waited for the next round of lectures on my recklessness. That I’m still alive to hear them… that makes it worthwhile. Besides, we did save the twins, Keomi-chan and that other girl… I guess, we can feel proud about that, if nothing else… Though I did still feel a little guilty, in that I was thinking that it was great that we saved them because their skills were great at helping others learn. No, obviously that isn’t the only reason I’m happy they survived, but… rather them than garbage like Yamato, that’s for sure…

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