On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Ninety-Eight – Suzuki Haru *contains status – Aiko*

Side Ninety-Eight – Suzuki Haru *contains status – Aiko*

I followed Akio-san and his sister out of the room, leaving behind the family, having their emotional reunion, and the strange, fey maid Hyacinth. I’m still not sure what to make of her, though from the little we’ve talked… I think we have had quite similar experiences in the past. I guess that makes me feel close to her, at least a little. It was really amazing what one could get used to in time. Daddy had said things would get better for me, and even if he didn’t understand my struggles, he had tried to help, even if his advice had not always been the best.

Eri-san has it hard too. But… it sounds like it could have been worse and the cruellest fate was avoided. Why… why are so many people… no, not just people, Yokai too, so eager to hurt others? As I pondered this, we were approached by two people who were guarding the outside of the hospital room, the large, muscular black woman Aliyah, and a tall, well-built western man. Travis, I think?

“Not with your brother today?” Akio-san asked, and she snorted, pulling a face.

“It isn’t like we are joined at the damn hip, is it? Not like the pair of you.” she gestured to Aiko-san.

“Hey, my bro and I are hardly like that.” She protested, and I couldn’t help but smile a little. I don’t have any siblings, but it must be nice having someone so close. Still, your words lack persuasion, I know.

“Yeah, whatever.” She grumbled. “Well, as it happens, Trey and Manx are guarding the hospital rooms of the other casualties. It’s unlikely that something will happen until reinforcements arrive from Tokyo, but shit, with the way things went down today, who can say? Best to be alert.”

“That’s right.” Akio-san agreed, a guilty expression on his face. “I appreciate it.”

As Aliyah returned her agreement, I once more wondered at the strange turn of events that had consumed my life these past few months. We were all conversing in English, and while my English was considered pretty decent, as I needed to know it for my job in the Finance Ministry, ever since I had accepted Akio-san’s offer to become his Hero, I found that I could understand it flawlessly.

“So anyway…” Aliyah’s expression hardened, causing me to take a step back. I guess I’m still a coward at heart, even though she can’t hurt me. After all, if she punched me, it’d just pass right through me. After all, I’m already dead.

“I warned you, right?” she said, her voice cold. “I’m your subordinate, so this might be out of line, but… what the fuck were you thinking, getting your fiancée all cut up like that? Shit, it was hideous. It’s a wonder her poor parents didn’t drop dead from the shock. She’s just a damn kid. I said this would happen if you kept being careless. Now… she’ll be crippled for life, at such a young age, but hell, she’s better off than the dead.”

Travis looked rather nervous as she launched into her angry complaints, but Akio-san merely nodded, taking it in, which seemed to annoy her more. Before she could escalate though, Aiko-san butted in, not backing down.

“Hey, that’s not fair! It’s our fault, we were the ones who…” she stopped as Akio-san gripped her shoulder, she turned, looking surprised, but at the expression on his face she quietened down.

“No, Aliyah is right. I’m the leader, I carry the can for my mistakes.” He took a deep breath. “I should have listened. I got too arrogant. I’ve coasted by too many times on guts and luck, and this time it nearly ran out. Even so, in the end we were saved by another miracle.” He looked so… down, defeated. I hadn’t seen him like this, and it made me feel uncomfortable. After all, he was the one who saved me, defeated the monster Kondou Kazuo, and bent the Conclave to his will. Although I guess the results of that weren’t as he hoped as well.

“I’m glad you finally get it. But shit, looking all sad and gloomy won’t reverse what’s been done. Your poor girlfriend…”

“She’ll walk again. I’ll fix the scars too.” Akio-san said, his tone level, not rising to her anger. “Until I’ve done that, I can’t rest. And from now on, I’ll be sure to weigh up the dangers before acting.”

“Really? Reattachment surgery isn’t great, not for injuries like that. You can heal that well?” Aliyah asked, surprised.

“I would say see for yourself, but Eri’s a bit self-conscious about the scars where I re-joined the cut limbs. I can’t say I blame her.” Akio-san sighed guiltily. “I haven’t had time to do anything about them, nor her body. Even so, with rehab and care, she’ll make a full recovery in time. That doesn’t mean I don’t understand what nearly happened though.”

“Good.” Aliyah said, a little thrown off by his unusually diffident attitude. I get it, I’m used to his bolder, larger-than-life presence, his wild claims. “It’s all right for you to get injured, or those of us in the business. We are old enough to make our own decisions, take our own risks. Though shit, try not to get too hurt, or It’ll only worry them. But… scenes like this, kids being carried out, horribly maimed and dead. Shit, it’s Sierra Leone all over again. I never wanted to see that shit ever again…”

“Well, I know my bro did his best. At least… at least the twins and the other girl made it, right? And they can be healed too.” Aiko-san said quietly, having seen the horrible scene herself, and having only recently recovered from her hysteria at Eri-san’s injuries.

“Yeah, I guess I’ll praise you for that.” Aliyah conceded. “I get that you were rushed. When you let bigger idiots than you cause problems, sometimes there’s no good solutions.” She shrugged, her chest, which was a wonder, outclassing mine and every other woman’s around by quite some margin, jiggled under her suit, and her hair-beads chimed softly. “Look, shit, you’re the boss now. And I get there’s a ton I don’t understand yet. Even if you plan everything out, as soon as shit goes south, you never know what’ll happen. If plans worked all the time, you’d be in the US being interrogated right now.” She laughed bitterly. “It’ll happen again. People will get hurt, even die. Just… don’t be careless or stupid, and hopefully it’ll be those that were ready and willing to pay that price. That way, you’ll not have the weight of guilt on your conscience, like you do now. These kids aren’t soldiers, not yet. Maybe when they are older…”

Surprisingly enough, she’s giving genuine advice. Despite her looks and brash attitude, she might be a kind person at heart. It seemed Aiko-san felt the same. “Yeah. I guess that makes sense. My bro always did take too much on himself, and was bad at saying no to girls. Hell, it’s how he ended up with Hinata-chan, Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan.” Her smile was wan, but it was genuine, which was a relief. “The only thing I’ll disagree on is that Eri was willing to pay that price, and she’s young, but she’s no child. No more than I am. Our only mistake was believing we were stronger than we are. I guess the power went to our heads. But I know… I know Eri will learn from this. Besides…” her smile was impish now. “… she’s already convinced uncle she needs to move to Tokyo for her healing and rehab, the sly minx. Trust Eri to seize any chance to get closer to my bro. Next time… next time she’ll be ready.”

“Really? Well… I guess I was already a veteran at her age, me and Trey both, though we did have a very different upbringing.” Aliyah sighed. “Well, so long as you realise. Overestimating your own skills, or underestimating the enemy, both lead to more deaths than anything else.”

“Hey, Aliyah…” Travis said, looking uncomfortable. “Is that all you want to say?”

“No, I guess not.” She shrugged again. “Look… that kid, the one that got out and alerted you to the shitstorm going down… you did a good thing, saving his sisters. If they’d have died, I don’t think he’d have ever forgiven himself. So…” she reached out and slapped Akio-san on the shoulder. “… you made mistakes. Bad mistakes, don’t get me wrong. But at least be proud of that, okay?” she smiled, and it was surprisingly charming. “So anyway, you got shit to do, right? So go on. We’ll hold down the fort here. And maybe I’ll ask your girl to show me when her scars are healed, just to check you aren’t bullshitting me.”

Aiko-san laughed. “No way. You’re a dangerous woman, Aliyah-chan. Eri isn’t stupid enough to let you ogle her.”

“We’ll see. Drop the -chan crap. I ain’t Japanese, and I’m hardly the cutesy sort.” Aliyah waved that off, a little embarrassed. ”Now go on, get lost.”

Akio-san nodded, and with that we followed him to another room. Once inside, we sat down, and there was silence. This atmosphere, it’s… a bit grim. I had experience working in Government, so I knew that he was struggling to talk about something… problematic. In these circumstances, all I can do is smile reassuringly. After all, it’d be rude to use my telepathy to find out. On spotting some facilities for making tea in the corner of the room, I stood up and started making some.

“Oh cool. I’ll have a cup.” Aiko-san said, reading the mood. She’s quite a personable girl, rather unlike Eri-san. Opposites attract, I guess. “So… spill, bro. I know when you have something on your mind.” She continued.

He looked at us for a moment, before addressing us. “This might be a bit unfair to you, Haru-san, as you’ve already found out what the Boundary is like, when Kondou Kazuo and I clashed. But even though I’m asking Aiko, the same applies to you, all right?”

“This sounds serious.” Aiko-san said, though her expression told me she knew what he was getting at.

“It is. Aiko, Eri nearly died. People did die. I know we are all aware of that, but even so… this isn’t a game. I still believe being strong is for the best, as Haru-san can attest. But the danger is real. Very real. We nearly lost Eri. Maybe… well, I’m not saying you shouldn’t train, but I think taking you to the battlefield is too much of a risk.”

“Really?” Aiko-san said as I handed her a mug of tea, before passing one to Akio-san, who took it with a small smile. “Look, you saw the state I was in. Yeah, I… I never really accepted the truth. After all, I only heard stories from Shaeula, Hyacinth and the others. The epic battles, the heroism… it all seemed cool, like in a manga, right?” She took a sip. “Hey, this is good! Well, anyway…” she continued.

Of course it’s good. A secretary always has to make good tea, otherwise they’ll never get ahead. Epic battles, heroism. I know there’s little of that to be found. Terror, violence, death. Even so… someone needs to be the one to take charge, fight to protect everyone. Otherwise… only those who revel in using power will have it. And that is not a kind world, not at all…

“… I’m scared. Of course I am. Scared Eri was going to die. That you’ll die, or Shaeula, or anyone else I care about. Look, I didn’t know the people from your training school in anything other than passing, but they were still acquaintances, so to have them die one after another… yeah, I’m shaken up, sick, scared. But…” she put down her tea, stood and took her brother’s hands, surprising him. “… I’m more worried for you. I know you are too soft-hearted. It’s why you could never say no to Eri or me. You feel the guilt, don’t you? And there’s more. No hiding the truth from me, bro. Out with it.”

“Yamato-san… he won’t wake up again. We had no choice but to leave him for the Night Parade. Saving Eri was my priority, and I had to choose. So I chose.”

I see. That complicates things. Susanoo faction will be crippled, it seems most of their Candidates died too. But the fallout, as a lot of Akio-san’s support was Susanoo, like Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine… as I ran scenarios in my head, Aiko-san persisted.

“Yeah, well, I’d take Eri over him in a heartbeat. And I’m sure you did your best, bro. But… I said out with it. Tell me what you are really hiding.”

“There’s no fooling you, is there, sis?” he managed, and she snorted, shaking her head.

“Of course not. Eri and I have been watching your back as long as we can remember. No matter what you say, I won’t be upset. Look… Eri will live, right? And sure, I’ll miss her while she’s doing her rehab with you, but knowing that she’ll be able to walk and move again, well, you’ll just have to make it up to her, the time she’ll lose. So, tell me. Why are we here? What’s up?”

I… no, wait. He didn’t? I suddenly realised what it likely was. After all, when I confronted that vile pervert who murdered me, we ran some experiments… moments later, he confirmed my suspicions.

“I cheated Nurarihyon, well, only technically.” He said, shocking me. To think that Nurarihyon is real. I can hardly believe it. “He took Yamato-san’s Astral body, and a curse means he can’t return to his Material one. It’s why we had so much trouble getting Eri to safety. The same sort of deal.” He digressed. “Anyway… instead of coming straight back, Shaeula and I went to Kiyomizu-dera and destroyed Yamato-san’s Territory…”

“I was right then.” I said, and Akio-san nodded.

“I knew you’d work it out. You’re a smart woman, Haru-san.”

I felt a little happy at the compliment. As a career woman, being praised for my talents was the validation I wanted, and besides, comments on my appearance or anything else like that only brought up bad memories.

“So, what, you made sure Nurarihyon missed out on the prize or something?” Aiko-san asked, puzzled. The way she tilts her head when thinking is pretty cute. I can see why he dotes on her. She must be popular back in her hometown.

“No.” I denied her. “He probably did it for…” I turned my attention to my master, Akio-san, understanding why he would be feeling such guilt. After all, if that monster is any indication, even if Nurarihyon somehow releases Uchida Yamato-san, he’ll likely bear the ill-effects of a forcible seizure… “You took it, didn’t you? His Divine Favour.”

“I did.” He agreed. “We lost Mine-san, Naruhito-san, no way we could afford to lose a third.”

“So, wait, what does that mean?” Aiko-san asked. “Wait, does it…” she realised.

“Yes. Sis, I have his gift of Golden Warriors, though I can’t use it myself. I could break it down and strengthen myself, but that seems wasteful. I can grow stronger in other ways.”

“So, why tell me?” Aiko-san asked.

“Because… we must be compatible.” I answered, understanding. “It makes sense, after all, I’m already a Candidate from Kannon. Though for you to be…”

Akio-san took a sip of tea, troubled. “It surprised me too. Apparently you are very compatible, Haru-san and considering what I’m asking you to do, be the bridge between Tokyo and Kyoto, holding Territory in a dangerous place, it might be prudent to make you stronger. Besides, it would be good to research what a second Divine Favour does.”

I see. “Well, if you set up a Gate like you have to the lands of the Fae, my strength isn’t so important, as reinforcements can be gathered quickly. Though I do understand the need for experiments. The Ministry will need that data….”

“So, I’m compatible too?” Aiko-san asked, surprised. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I was surprised too.” Akio-san mused. “Though I don’t think your compatibility is amazingly high with it. If it was some archer god like Artemis or Hou Yi, then I’d get it. It might have to do with you gaining the sunlight mutated element. Kiyomizu-dera is a very dense area of light element after all, and Haru-san’s gifts are light-based as well. I suspect that Ren-san likely has the affinity too, but…”

“There’s no way you can reveal what you have.” I declared, understanding. “Only you and I were present when you took the first Favour, so… it would seem predatory, or worse. A grieving father would hardly understand, so giving it to someone in Susanoo is impossible.”

“What… what about Eri? She could use it to help her heal…” Aiko-san said thoughtfully.

“Sadly she has no aptitude at all, even having a little light element. Well, Kannon is a Goddess of Mercy, and Eri… she’s not exactly the kind, forgiving sort.” He shook his head.

“Ouch. If she hears you think she’s mean and vengeful, there’ll be hell to pay!” Aiko-san tried to lighten the mood, her face twisting in conflicting emotions, disappointment and something else. “Though she does have that yandere thing going, for sure. And also, I guess a lot of people mistook her quiet nature for being polite and kind all these years, whereas really, she can be quite nasty. Though she’s getting much better. She’s grown up, just like you, bro. She even has other friends now, though she might deny them. Damn, that’s a blow. If she had that power, she could be safer by your side…”

“She could. But it isn’t an option. And I am limited in how long I can search for a carrier, as I am constantly losing adherence, and I only have just about enough to give this to someone else. If I delay, breaking it down is the only option remaining.”

“I get it. So… that’s why.” Aiko-san understood. “Damn, what a time to be offered this. If it was before tonight, I’d have accepted in a heartbeat, you know. I was always upset at falling behind Eri. Lovers’ Link sure is a damn cheat. I was totally jealous, it was eating me up inside. So, if I could be special, like you, able to go as far as my skills and perseverance would take me… I’d have snatched your damn hand off.” She sighed, finishing her tea with a couple of large gulps. “But now, I know the reality. Death waits if we make a mistake, and it isn’t a fun game, it’s a genuine war at times. And you can’t afford to waste this on me, unless I’d be committed, putting it to proper use…”

“Yes.” He agreed. “Also, if you take this, maybe that’ll be it. While we do need to run experiments on granting second Favours, it might be best to increase our numbers…”

“Well, it isn’t like you are going to be swimming in the things, right bro?” she shrugged. “Not like some gift from Hachiman is going to fall into your lap, is it?”

“I guess not. I’m hoping this will be the last, but… it won’t be.” He seemed certain. I think we need to know more about that.

“So, here’s the thing.” Aiko-san said at last, after falling silent for a few minutes, deep in thought. “Haru-san, you know better than me, what do you think?”

“Me?” I asked, surprised. “Well, I would be prepared to accept it, though not for the strengthening, I doubt I’ll ever be a fighter like Akio-san or Shaeula. But knowing the effects of a merger would be useful, definitely. But… I think you need to ask yourself this. If you don’t take this now, would you regret it in the future?”

“Regrets, huh?” she nodded. “That’s good advice, Haru-san. I guess adults know their stuff. Shit, if only I had time to think, but I don’t, right bro?”

She can be surprisingly foul-mouthed. Still, if you can’t swear in this situation, when can you?

“No, I’m afraid not. I’m sorry, it’s quite the burden to put on your shoulders, but… Aiko.” She flinched as he said her name so seriously. “You’re my sister. I believe you can handle a little pressure. Besides, it isn’t a decision you have to make alone.”

“Damn bro, way to give a girl a heart attack, getting all serious like that. But yeah. I’m not alone. Hey, Haru-san…” she addressed me. “… are you really okay with this? It’d match you perfectly, I guess.”

“I’m fine.” I shook my head. “Like I said, I’m not a fighter. I’ll just maintain a Territory in Kyoto, but it’ll be your brother who manages it. I’m just his Vassal and Chosen Hero. And for that I’m grateful. I’m not able to do what he can, but that doesn’t mean I have no worth. We need other talents too.”

“Do what he can, huh?” she pondered. “You know what, that’s also really great advice. Thanks again, Haru-chan.”

“-chan? I’m a little old for that…” I began, but she cut me off.

“No way. I can tell, you should definitely be a -chan from now on. But again, thanks. That helped me make up my mind. Though mom and dad are going to be pissed off. Dad’s still furious about Eri. But then…” she met her brother’s eyes, blue looking into grey. “Eri lived, didn’t she? And she’ll be as good as new sooner or later.”

“Better than new.” Akio-san promised. “Even so, just because she came back this time, doesn’t mean I’ll always be able to protect you.” he warned.

“I know. I think that’s for the best. That you face reality. Don’t get me wrong. You’ve always protected us, for an unreliable big brother…” her smile was bright, as if a demon had been driven from her. “… you always were there when it mattered. But it isn’t for you to do everything alone. Nobody could ever hope to, not with something so big and dangerous. So… just do your best, and I’ll do my best too. Haru-chan will as well, right?”

I nodded, matching her smile. “I’ve been through hell. Not literally, even though I’m already dead.” I lightened the mood with a joke. “But I know now I’d rather use what I’ve been given. Besides, yes, Akio-san is reliable. He saved four girls, and managed to salvage a Divine Favour, even if he made mistakes. Nobody who lives doesn’t mess up sometimes. And I know you are grieving, guilty, Akio-san… but put that aside. You chose to lead us, and you are an important man. Many people, many women rely on you. There’s no time to be discouraged.”

“She’s right, bro!” Aiko-san backed me up. “No regrets. I’ll take this burden alongside you, and I’ll help you explain it to our parents. I’m an athlete, if I let fear make me miss my chance, I’ll never forgive myself. If something happens to anyone I care about, knowing I could have been there to help… well, I’m not having it. So yeah, shame it isn’t more to my strengths, but if I can grow alongside the effort I put in… well, I might just catch you up, bro! After all, you’re the lazy IT bum, whereas I’m a motivated sportswoman!”

“I agree. This is for the best. But you’ll have to listen to your brother and support his goals, all right?” I warned her.

“Yeah, you got it, Haru-chan! Damn, Eri is going to be jealous of me now. You need to find her one too… uh, bad thing to say, considering, right?” she trailed off, mortified at her lapse.

“Yeah, no kidding.” He sighed. “Considering that would mean I’ve had to fight another Candidate. But if I ever do find one, of course she’d be welcome to it. Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi too.”

“Yeah, Shiro has one already, right?” she asked, and I had to admit I was curious about this mysterious girl too.

“Yeah, in a way, definitely. So, last chance to back out?” he warned.

“No way. I’m good for it! Let’s at least salvage something from the disaster, right? And don’t worry, I’ll keep it quiet until it’s safe to mention it.”

“First, we should cross-reference her statistics before and after.” I said, reaching for the tablet I carried with me everywhere nowadays.

“I was just going to suggest the same.” Akio-san agreed. His Eye flared amber, and he dictated the stats of his very excited sister, her fear, if not entirely forgotten, now submerged by the possibility of being able to do something about it.

Aiko stats part 1, text ver. in spoilers below

Aiko stats second part

“So like, my Lovers’ Link skill has gone up?” Aiko-san said after we noted down her new statistics. “Has my resolve won your heart, bro?”

“Don’t be stupid, little sis sapphire.” He answered. “My skill grew stronger during the recent battles. So even if you didn’t go for this, well, you’d be able to get somewhat stronger.”

“But it’s not going to make me strong enough, not if I want to really be a part of things, right?”

“True. There are limits to easy growth. Whereas those with Divine Favours have more scope, though someone who works hard like you could probably surpass those Candidates who just rely on their gifts. Eventually.”

“I don’t think she wants eventually.” I interjected. “Aiko-san…”

“Aiko-chan, I insist!” she objected, so with an exasperated smile, I changed my way of address. Seriously, it’s hard to stay depressed with such a cheerful girl about. Tonight was awful, but she’s right. If some good can come of it…

“Aiko-chan wants to help you now. And to be honest, she can’t do as bad a job as Uchida Yamato-san has…”

“Uh, that praise seems a little lukewarm, Haru-chan.” She complained jovially. “I guess it’s true though.”

“Well, here goes then. Last chance to back out.” Akio-san said, and at her resolve, he began to channel aether, and something else, I could feel the heavy presence of it, and it felt familiar, resonating within me. Aiko-chan shuddered, sweat springing from her, and a rainbow glow shimmering with indigo and golden hues rippled over her.

“Wow, this feels… odd. It should hurt, it feels like hot metal running through me, but it… kinda feels comfortable, you know?”

“Let me concentrate. This is hard work…” he muttered, and as we watched in silence, he continued to inspect her with his Eye, manipulating the flows. There was one final brilliant glow, and then he slumped to his knees, exhausted.

“Damn, I was too exhausted for difficult work like that. My head hurts like hell.”

“No way. Wow, just wow. This is crazy. Wowowowowowowowow! This is what you feel like all the time, Haru-chan, bro?” Her eyes were wide in wonder. “Damn, I get it. Golden Warriors, huh? I think…” she frowned, and moments later a golden statue shimmered into being, wearing a frilly dress-style armour, and carrying a long two-handed axe. Wait, isn’t that… uh, okay. I felt a headache coming on myself, similar to Akio-san.

“So, uh, why does it look like Eri? Uh… well, maybe because when I think of a fighting woman, it’s her nowadays? Well, the facial expression is quite different, but… yeah, I’ll work on it.” she muttered. “But hey…” she brightened up, addressing me. “Guess we are sisters in Kannon now, right?” she dismissed the warrior, which popped into a shower of rapidly-fading ether. “Guess I need to hide this for now. So, uh, bro. Hit me with the good news. How badass am I now?”

“Impatient as ever, huh? Give me a moment. And it wasn’t as simple as I hoped, maybe because your chakra network is based on a Fae one, rather than human? I had to do some Chirurgery, and I was not ready for that.” He complained.

“Oh, quit whining, bro. You love sacrificing to help out your adorable little sis. Scoring points with me makes you ecstatic, I know. You get it, right Haru-chan?”

“it seems so.” I hid a giggle behind my hand respectfully.

“Yeah, yeah. Well, my troublesome little sister, here. I think… we’ll all be satisfied.”

On hearing the numbers and his impressions I had to agree. This is very valuable data, and comparing it to my own statistics, we can see the areas we have to take into consideration.

Aiko's updated stats, text ver. in spoiler below

Aiko's updated stats part 2

“Damn, bro, I’m badass! Though compared to you and Shaeula, I still suck.” Her mood swung between elation and disappointment. “Well, I’m on a par stats-wise with Eri now, I guess, and I’m much lower level, with better skills, so I’ll overtake her soon enough. She’s going to be jealous! That’ll teach her for stealing the march and moving to Tokyo! No level cap now right? I’m going to grind Nishimorioka until there’s nothing left!”

“Start making sense, please!” Akio-san chided her, though he had a happy and proud expression on his weary face.

“I see. The important thing is, we can see what changed.” I said, heading off their comfortable bickering. “All your stats went up by at least a hundred. Some of that is likely due to the increase in the Silver Cord and Chakra network too. It seems a little low, really. Especially compared to him…” I hated to remember that bastard, just doing so made me feel sick, but when I did so I forced myself to remember his end, us tearing his cursed gift from him, leaving him a living corpse.

“Yes, I think that while a lot of his blessing was focussed on his physical abilities, Aiko’s is going towards the Golden Warriors. If it’s anything like Yamato-san could do, each Warrior is definitely powerful.”

“I see, so what does that mean?” Aiko asked.

“I think that you’ll get less stats levelling up than perhaps might be expected from your Silver Cord and Chakra Network. Though it should still exceed what you were getting before. But your Golden Warriors skill should grow instead. Well, it’s just speculation, but from what I could see with my Eye and during the rush job on the Chirurgery, that’s what I expect.”

“I see. Well, isn’t that going to be a problem later?” she asked, and I nodded, impressed at her insight. Compared to Akio-san and the others, most likely. “After all, if I have crappy stats, it doesn’t matter how strong the Warriors are, I could be taken out before I can use them properly.”

“True. Well, I think we are going to need to resort to further Chirurgery, your Network has been thrown off a bit due to the Divine Favour, I’m sure it should be stronger than it is now. If I grow more skilled, chances are we can make further adjustments down the line…”

As they discussed their future goals, I listened, amused. Yes, you can tell they are brother and sister, they are quite alike. And… at least the shadow of grief and guilt on their faces is starting to fade. I knew well what it was to feel sorrowful, hopeless. I still sometimes felt panic rising up, bad memories, but time and the company of those who cared could ease all wounds. Though for Akio-san, I fear worse is to come. Facing Uchida Ren-san… now that is going to be painful for him…

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