On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Act One Finale – Part 6c – Aftermath – End of Arc 8, End of Act 1

Act One Finale – Part 6c – Aftermath – End of Arc 8, End of Act 1

“My ass still hurts.” Shiro protested, rubbing at her bottom, as Eleanor opened the way into the basement of the Tower, in Material London. “How about you, Shaeula?”

She laughed, touching her own rear with a smile. “There is some-some discomfort, but as a punishment, it falls rather-rather short, no? I know you enjoyed it as well, Shiro.”

“Maybe so. But Aki went hard on us. Brute.” She snorted, but with the twinkle in her eye I knew she was happy.

“Enough. You’re embarrassing Eleanor.” I chided, and as we entered the room of treasures, she shook her head.

“Oh, by all means, talk about whatever kinky sex orgies you get up to at night. I can see the tabloid headlines now, Knight of the Realm and Lady of the Garter in steamy sex party, chandeliers shattered from all the swinging.” She snorted, dryly amused. “The press would have a field day.”

“I haven’t accepted yet. There’s still a lot to consider.” I denied her, and she shook her head.

“It’s a done deal. By then, the initial shock of the public should have worn off and the civil unrest stabilised. It might distract the masses.” She replied.

“Hey, so, is that what you’re into?” Shiro asked her slyly. “You imagining swinging on these chandeliers yourself?”

“No!” Eleanor gasped, red-faced, even her ears and neck pink. “I most certainly am not. I am a very elegant lady. I don’t dream of such things!”

“Sure, sure.” Shiro teased. “Anyway, this is cool, seeing it from this side. But whoa, the floor!” She pointed, and we could see the damage from the mysterious destructive adherence had spread to the Material as well, and broken, melted items were everywhere.

Eleanor clicked her tongue. “Who knows what priceless artefacts Max destroyed. My brother… he will be waking up tonight, right?” she said, and I nodded. At that, she exhaled in relief, clenching her fists. “Excellent. I have arranged outfits for you all, to attend his recovery gala. A lot of press will be there, so you have to look dignified and beautiful. It will show the world Britain isn’t down and out, and that we stand with Japan and you stand with us. But more importantly…”

“Yes, we can ask if he knows what Max stole.” I said.

“Exactly. But first…” she gestured to the treasures.

“I’m a bit excited.” Shiro said to Shaeula, who nodded her agreement. “Shit, this is like shopping for legendary gear in an MMO auction house.”

“I should warn you again, there is no guarantee an item will match you. You can’t just take one and have it work. There needs to be a connection.” Eleanor warned. “Also…” she addressed me, her face in a frown. “I know grandmother agreed your sister, your fiancées and key allies could also try, but don’t cheat us. We need these for Britain too.”

“I’ll be moderate.” I laughed. Chen Na cowered a bit at that, and we had agonised over whether it was wise to let her have an item from here. In the end, since she was restricted as Haru-san’s Chosen Hero, and she had risked her new life as we tasked her to, it was decided to give her the chance. It might make the difference between life and death for Haru-san…

“Very well. Move around and try and feel an item calling to you. You’ll know, just as I did with my armour. Then when you go to Avalon, you’ll find the true form with you, and should understand it.”

“I see. All right. Let’s take a look.” Letting my mind drift I wandered past the patch of the burned area, and soon I was staring at a pair of worn brown leather boots. Boots, huh? That was surprising, as I had expected a weapon or armour, but then, Bjarki had put heart and soul into forging Storming Moonlight and the Twilight Brigandine, so casting them aside seemed a pretty shitty thing to do. I could feel the boots wanted to come with me, so taking off my (rather expensive) shoes, which I then tucked under my arm, I slipped on the boots, and felt a rush of connection. My Eye flared, and I could see their name and their abilities.

Seven-league Boots of Godwin the Watcher – Item Class [Noble] Item Type [Rule]

These boots are forged from leather from sacred cows of the Gwartheg y Llyn. These boots are comfortable and will fit any foot, and will carry the bearer many steps in a single bound. They carry a geas in the leather, that in exchange for the crime of slaying one of the cows to make the boots, the bearer must always strive to alert others of an invasion. In service of this, seven leagues may be taken in one step. Should the geas be broken, the boots will squeeze the feet of the breaker of oaths until bone and flesh are naught but mush.

Ouch, That’s quite the curse. It didn’t matter though. I thought that the boots did suit me. I feared Japan being invaded again, and I hated being too late to help. There’s probably spatial element involved too. I wonder…

“Grulgor is happy!” He laughed. He was clutching a stone in his hand. I was confused, but looking at it, it made sense, the unremarkable pebble the size of a baseball actually had such a fearsome name.

Tathlum - Item Class [Imperious] Item Type [Rule]

This simple sling-stone of basalt has been imbued with great hatred for Fomorians, Trolls, Giants and other large folk of evil. It will seldom miss its target, and is bound by geas to return to the wielder when the target dies. A giantkin wielding Tathlum must be strong of spirit, lest Tathlum turn on the wielder. Any who spares an evil giant will invoke Tathlum’s wrath.

“I see. Well, you do like throwing things.” I agreed, though I was a little worried about him carrying such a troll-hating weapon.

“Me next.” Shiro said excitedly, wearing a rather ragged faded cloth of gold around her shoulders. “I can see it in my mind, it’ll be pretty on me when it’s restored.” She grinned. “So, what do you think?”

Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast - Item Class [Imperious] Item Type [Artifice]

This cloth-of-gold mantle is woven from fine cloth and golden threads, and will protect a faithful woman from harm, increasing her good Fortune, and any man who seeks to touch her without consent will be cursed to ill-luck and repelled. The geas bound in the cloth is one of faithfulness, should the wearer break their vows of troth to her chosen husband, then the good Fortune will be inverted, and the mantle will shrink and refuse to be removed, forever revealing her shame.

“I think you’re actually surprisingly sweet.” I said, laughingly hugging her. As she blushed and squirmed, Tan spoke up lazily.

“Her head is rotten, full of pink poison. If I had known that the princess was this foolish, I would have given her the Favour and simply returned home.”

“Now I know you don’t mean that, Tan!” Shiro laughed, and they bantered for a bit, before she turned to me, eyes earnest. “I think it stems from my past. I was always beautiful, yet so frail. I had a few close calls, let me tell you. Of course, you know I was still white as snow before we… well, pledged our troth, I guess.” She grinned. “I have no fear of the mantle ever shrinking on me. Now, Hyacinth is looking desperate for your attention, like some sort of overeager puppy, so I’ll let you go. For now.” She grinned. “I still owe you payback for last night.” She winked.

“Akio, looooook what I have!” she grinned, holding a large, rusted and battered cookpot or cauldron. It looked dreadful, but she was ecstatic.

Cauldron Of Dundrennan Abbey - Item Class [Noble] Item Type [Rule]

A foolish wizard imprisoned a Fae within this black-iron pot and buried it in a dungeon, believing it was responsible for a great plague. The Fae, poisoned by the iron, died, and in death its curse became geas, and the cauldron did indeed become a carrier of plague, spreading it virulently. The plague still lives within the pot, as does a fell nature energy. The bearer will be likewise afflicted with any plague they spread, making this a treacherous item.

“Damn, that’s dangerous, but… so very you.” Since she was as eager as Shiro to be praised I did so. “I just hope that you can adapt to plagues. Not all of them will be caused by spores. Well, we can always test it carefully.”

Eleanor peered at the pot, surprised. “I can’t believe it. Other than the troll, none of you have weapons. Is that fine?”

I nodded. “Yeah, we make our own, or get professional help. In fact, your sword isn’t anything special, is it? Maybe we can get you a new one. Any preferences?”

“I would feel bad, my sword has been with me a long time, but… one like yours, maybe?”

“Dream ooon!” Hyacinth scoffed. “Such is mooore than you deserve. For now. Prooove a loyal ally, and Hyacinth will put in a good word fooor you!”

“That seems awfully disingenuous considering you are clutching a gift I gave you.”

“Nooo, we won this saving yooour worthless life!” Hyacinth shot back, and as they argued, more out of habit than any genuine ill-feeling now, I thought, I felt a powerful adherence, turning to see Shaeula holding a sword. She seemed puzzled, as she didn’t use swords, though she had enjoyed using the Dagger of Light, which Daiyu was now holding, along with the elemental bells.

“Akio, this called to me-me.” Shaeula said, and I analysed it, before gasping in shock, the light of my Eye brightening.

Mortal Fragarach - Item Class [Imperious] Item Type [Principle]

A degraded copy of the sword of Nuada Airgetlám, gifted to a mortal king so that he may rule justly and defeat all enemies. This sword carries the wind, and neither the bearer nor anyone the blade points at can speak falsehoods, lest the wind punish them and snatch their voices. The blade draws the wind to cut effortlessly, and only if wielded by a descendant of the Tuatha Dé Dannan it can show true might, commanding the winds.

“Quite interesting indeed.” Tan declared, showing interest. “A sword from the legends. Not the sword of course. Do you think such a weapon would just be lying here, rather in the hands of the Endless Knot? But many pantheons copy their treasures, gifting them to mortals as rewards or prizes. This is one such. Even so, it is a treasure.”

“Fill me in, don’t keep me waiting!” Eleanor asked, excited, and when I said it was a Fragarach, she smiled, giddy. “I read about that in my classics lectures. But… wait, wasn’t Max supposed to have become a Gods’ Chosen of Nuada? Why didn’t he take it…? Wait, should I just let you walk out of here with such a powerful item, matching my armour? I’m torn…”

“It is mine-mine.” Shaeula insisted, though her smile said she knew Eleanor wasn’t serious. “Is that not-not right, Hyacinth?”

“Yes, sooo quit complaining. Stronger us is strooonger you!”

“I know that. That’s what allies mean.” She sighed. “So, what has your Chinese girl got?” she asked, only for Chen Na to look downcast.

“This.” She offered, holding out her hand. In her palm was a small glassy stone, with a smooth hole in it.

Adder Stone - Item Class [Powerful] Item Type [Foundation]

This stone has accumulated natural blessings over time. It has converted this to a source of light, which can reveal the unseen and the bearer often goes unnoticed. As a sign of entry for the Druids of old, that which rejects is strengthened, and that which traps is bolstered. If used against those blessed by nature, the Adder Stone may shatter, cursing one to blindness.

“I see. I think it might enhance your barriers.” I said. It’s the weakest treasure, but it’ll do. All of the items have a downside, but I doubt we’ll trigger any of them. It’s just something to be aware of. That gives me an idea… “Eleanor, next time we are in the Boundary, I’ll check out your armour again. I don’t want you to accidentally break your geas, whatever it is.”

She nodded. “I have an idea of it.” She frowned. “I don’t want to speak of it though.”

“I see. Is it a bad thing?” I asked, curious, and she shook her head in denial.

“No, but it puts me at a disadvantage with… never mind. There’s no need to say. You’ve all gained your treasures, right?”

“Yes, thank you. These will improve our strength a lot.” I praised her, and she shifted a little,  seemingly happy with the praise. “Now we just have to finish growing this side of the Ring Gate, and then we can go back to Japan.”

“Eager to be rid of me?” She said pointedly, which I thought was rather cute, and so did Shiro, who started teasing her. Hyacinth and Shaeula joined in, and even Grulgor got in a few jovial digs, surprising me yet again. Only Chen Na kept out of the way, clutching her Adder Stone. Yes, it’s been a long time away from home. Everything seems to be in hand, but I still don’t like being away from my Territory for too long. Eri too. I know she says she’s fine and Kana’s looking after her, but… well, no matter. Soon we’ll be home again, and then, if all goes to plan… Rank 4 in Tokyo, Kyoto… and even London. The task ahead is epic, but I have an idea how we can succeed…


“Nervous?” I asked, and Shiro laughed, looking amazing in her deep black ballgown that formed a stunning contrast from her silver hair that looked formed from strands of fine metal. She was also wearing gold bracelets, necklace and earrings, all of which were shockingly expensive. My poor wallet. I’ve had to buy dresses and jewellery for the girls who aren’t here, since it’d be too much to expect Eleanor to prepare those too. I even did it for Asha, damn my memory for perfectly remembering her body size. Tsukiko-san as well.


“A bit. It’s just you and Shaeula who have had the spotlight so far. But it’s time to step out. I wonder if they’ll be watching? No, it doesn’t matter. Shit, yeah I’m nervous. Aki, some courage?” she tilted her head and I gave her a gentle kiss, careful not to ruin her makeup. “That’s better.” She breathed, calming herself.

“This is not-not like you.” Shaeula declared, joining us, her own gown a princess-style white, with orange accents to match her brilliant and distinctive hair and eyes. She too wore jewellery, hers silver and she also wore a tiara to symbolise her standing as royalty. “Stand bold and proud, as a hero who has surely-surely helped save London, and as the wife of Akio. We can do no-no less.”


“Yeah, I agree. I mean, I’m the woman who got a treasure that symbolised her faithfulness. I’m clearly all good!” she psyched herself up.

“Grulgor says you are amusing.” He was like me, dressed in a new, deeply expensive suit. His was black, whereas mine was white. White wasn’t my usual colour, but the girls wanted to try it on me, and it did look rather dashing, I had to admit.

“Yeah, laugh all you like. You don’t have people who know you watching. The world will see this. Are we really sure?” Shiro questioned again. Beside us, Hyacinth was now ready, in a fiery red gown and similar gold jewellery to Shiro. She still didn’t entirely feel comfortable wearing such finery and standing equal to the others, but she was slowly accepting it, which made me happy.


“Yes, I’m sure. We discussed this with Fujiwara-san, the Prime Minister, and everyone else. The trouble in Japan is getting bad, the anti-Chinese riots are unprecedented, for a nation used to peace and quiet. There’s been trouble in the UK as well, with some arson on churches. Everything’s a mess, despite efforts from the Governments and the Pope to calm things down.” I sighed. “Obviously we can’t disclose too much, but both Governments agree they need some figureheads to calm the public.”

“I just worry about our friends and your family.” Shiro persisted. “I don’t think we can be targeted, not unless the idiots have a death wish, but shit, everyone else is vulnerable. Secrecy was our best shield.”

“I know, but now that time has passed. Kana tells me that the training school is going well, and Treyvon and Aliyah’s mercenaries are showing good progress. Some of them even mastered earth element. Sure, they won’t stop a Chosen, unless that Chosen is an idiot, but against ordinary threats they’ll do fine.”

“We should also consider bringing them here-here.” Shaeula grinned, and somewhere nearby, Eleanor was likely feeling a chill. “Having such items as we received will make a good-good deal of difference to their safety. Motoko, Natsumi and Hinata should most-most certainly be prioritised.”

“True, though Motoko and Natsumi won’t want to give up the Tsumura heirloom weapons.” I pointed out. “We’ll take all the precautions we can, but the game has changed. It was inevitable, and a little faster than we wanted. I had hoped we’d make it until Christmas. Oh well… now we need to show we are not people to mess with, and that our alliance is strong. That might help deter China and the USA from causing more trouble.”

My phone beeped, and it was Eleanor. Reading the message, I smiled. “All right. Henry is going out any minute. Then he’ll call us out when the time is right.” Chen Na wasn’t here but was resting in our room, considering bringing a supposedly dead Chinese traitor to a room full of international reporters was foolish. The rest of us would present ourselves after the shock of Henry’s recovery was announced. In the end, we stayed nearly ten days. It took that long for Hyacinth to make a functional Ring Gate on Bermondsey Isle. Of course, it doesn’t lead anywhere yet…

Henry had been healed for a few days, and had spent it in seclusion with Melissa Masters, who was overjoyed by the seeming miracle. I had even received an apology from her, though it was ruined by the fact she was aghast that I had brought more women, and she thought that Shaeula was a lot younger than she was, which led to a scene. It was Eleanor who supported me this time. Wonders never cease, I guess.

“Now announcing the arrival of Prince Richard, his wife Katherine, Princess Eleanor… and Prince Henry and his fiancée, Melissa Masters.” We heard the voices through the door, and watched in some satisfaction as the press went into uproar, cameras flashing, interviewers forgetting all decorum, as a fully healed Henry strode out with a cheeky yet ashamed grin.

Henry told us the harrowing tale of his injuries at the hand of whatever was Max Powers. It seems that the original Max is dead, as we worked out, and what replaced him was a dangerous half-human, half-Fae being, who had at least one, likely two Favours. He had taken a spear, a broken sword, and also some sort of black boulder, which had been responsible for the ominous light which had burned Henry.

I suppressed a chuckle that Henry had the last laugh, using his own treasure to force Max to wound himself with the baleful light, though Henry was caught by a merest whisper of the backlash, that nearly enough to kill him. We still don’t know what Max is going to use that stone for, but we know one thing. He’s definitely not somebody we can forget about. I’ll have to try Yasaka-san when we level him up some more. But for now…

I looked at Grulgor and the girls, and we all nodded. Henry was beginning his speech, so we would soon have to make our own appearance.

“So it’s good to see everyone. Never thought I’d be saying that about the press. We’ve had our fair share of conflicts. Those pictures of me in fancy dress, and all that.” Henry got a chuckle from some of the reporters. “I know you have a lot to ask, so I’ll be brief. I’m grateful to be alive, and more importantly, to be whole again.”

At that someone interrupted. “I’m from the Daily Sun. Prince Henry, we’ve seen the footage of you being airlifted to hospital, and clearly you were missing an arm. Care to explain?”

“If you interrupt, we’ll never get anything done.” Henry sighed. “It’s true though. I lost a leg as well. So obviously I saw a good doctor.” He smiled, waving with both arms.

“That’s curious. We’ve been hearing rumours amongst big business, the wealthy and nobility that in Japan there is a miracle doctor, that for the right price, cancers, missing limbs, heart disease, anything can be cured. The right price is out of the reach of the common man though. Care to comment on that, Prince Henry? Is it true, and if so, is it fair the rich get miracles while the poor get nothing?”

“What a prick. Even doctors nowadays get paid, right?” Shiro sniffed, as we listened. “I know Britain is renowned for it’s National Health Service, but…” Shiro glowered, pissed off.

“I know. I’d considered this myself. I’d love to help all those who are sick, but I can’t spend all my life doing that. Firstly, that’d slow our progress to a crawl, leading to greater suffering in the future, and secondly, then I’d have no time to spend with you girls.”

Shiro brightened at that, her foul mood dispersing. As Shaeula laughed, I continued. “That’s why girls like my sis and Kana who want to learn Chirurgery and Ether Healing are so important. But for now, it’s reserved for making us the resources we need.”

Henry was saying something similar. “Of course, there is such a healer. Look, you’ve seen the footage and some people even saw it in person, so there can be no mistake. The Queen has spoken of it, and other nations have confirmed it. Call it magic if you want, or the supernatural. But it’s limited and experimental. Why wouldn’t a wielder of such want to use their limited time to get the most money for their effort? Are you working for free, good sir?” Henry grinned wickedly, his brush with death and subsequent recovery leaving him in high spirits. “If so, I commend you. Now can we continue? Some of your questions will be answered soon.” I had worried the experience would break his mind, but I guess Veterans are pretty tough…

The reporter was silenced, and Henry continued. “So, back to the subject at hand. How did I get injured? Simple. You saw the footage at the Tower, of dead guards and more. Some of you might even be saying that the Chinese attack on Japan, or events in South Korea are linked to this. That’s not for me to say. I’m a Prince, not a politician.” Weak laughter followed his joke. “What I can say is, most of the conflict happens in a world you can’t see. Brave souls like my sister Eleanor…” At that, Eleanor stood and bowed gracefully, looking noble and dignified in her blue gown. “…have been Chosen by the Gods. I say Gods… bit of a shock, really. I’m not exactly pious, though like my father and grandmother, I’m a good Church of England man. Yes, I’m not a theologian. I can’t even spell it…”

Eleanor covered her mouth to hide laughter at that quip. She too had been in high spirits since Henry had recovered, and she discovered that Aditi and Mary-Jane were able to enter the Boundary, even if their powers were mostly gone.

“… but in this realm, monsters who threaten us all lurk, and many dangers. Eleanor is a hero. But there are those who wanted to bring down my sister, Britain’s hero. Right or wrong, Ellie is my sister…” the Prince spoke informally now. “… and I’ll never forgive those who try and harm her, especially when she is doing all she can to protect Britain, and all of you! A thousand dead in Kyoto. I hear it could have been more. They protest in the streets, and I get why they are angry, but without those like Ellie protecting these shadows, the death toll would have been far higher.”

Everyone in the room was held in rapt fascination. “Ellie can speak for herself, and she will, but… we also have to introduce some others. Allies who came from Japan to aid us in our darkest hour.”

I guess that’s our cue. With that, I opened the door and strode out, holding Shaeula’s and Shiro’s hands, Hyacinth holding onto the back of my jacket, Grulgor flanking us. As all eyes were on us, I smiled as confidently as I could. Of course I have confidence. This is why we have our new Ministry, and laid the groundwork early. Besides, it’s not like anyone here can harm us. If they try, I’ll crush them. No, now’s the time to get what benefits we can.

“Hey man. Thanks again. For me, and for Ellie.” Henry clasped my hand after I had seated the girls, and after that, Richard took my hand as well, before finally, Eleanor curtsied to me.

“I will thank you as well. You know for what. Don’t let it go you your head though.” She warned, and Henry laughed.

“I think Ellie is that tsundere thing you have over in Japan, right? I’ve been looking up your culture these last few days. It’s quite curious.”

“I’m just grateful she’s stopped glaring daggers at me.” I replied, before taking my seat, and it was Eleanor’s time to speak.

“We gain nothing from lying to the world. The Pope himself has corroborated the crimes of Mary Stuart. She attempted to kill me and others, for selfish gain. And she has suffered for it. Others died. This is no game, nothing fun. Worldwide, this is happening. Fortunately, some brave friends from Japan who believe in justice came to my aid, and the worst was avoided. I can’t thank them enough.” She seemed a bit hesitant, not as used to public scrutiny as her brothers, but in the end, she was a Princess, so her natural charm and upbringing carried her through. “If I died, my biggest regret would be failing all of you. Perhaps Mary Stuart had good intentions. The Pope believes so. I’m sure you’ll all forgive me if I don’t think kindly of the woman who had no qualms having me tortured and killed for her goals.” She shuddered.

“Hi, I’m from BBC News. Apologies for the interruption…” one female reporter said, eyes curious. “… that’s quite the accusation. All we know is that there are over fifty dead during this incident. Did… did you murder them, Princess…” she suddenly shuddered, as I allowed my League to surge. It wasn’t enough to cause any physical effect, but the pressure was notable, and she stumbled, blood draining from her face.

“I’ll handle this one.” I said to Eleanor, who looked at me gratefully. She’s still suffering from having to kill several of her erstwhile companions. “I understand the importance of a free press, and we don’t intend to lie. But basic respect is important. Eleanor was nearly killed unjustly, her brother likewise. Using heated language like murder isn’t justified, and you’ll forgive me if I step up to protect her honour.”

The reporter ground her teeth together, resisting my Charm and Majesty as well as she could. In the end, she spoke to me. “You, we don’t have many details on you. The small girl next to you should be Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, many people heard her declaration at the Tower of London.” Shaeula puffed out her chest in pride, grinning regally.

“As for you, we know you were involved from the information we have gathered and the Palace has released, but as to what extent…” the woman continued.

I looked at Eleanor who nodded. All right. Time to take charge. “In that case, for avoidance of doubt, yes, I’m, in British name order, Akio Oshiro Moonstone. These here are my companions, who came to aid Eleanor against the unfair and murderous intentions of Mary Stuart. I’m not interested in arguing who was right or wrong. But when you are attacked by deadly force, you get to defend yourself, right?”

“Proportionally.” The reporter began. “You can’t kill needlessly…” The pressure increased, and she trembled, blushing, and I knew I had gone too far as those nearby shifted away from her a little, wrinkling their noses.

“Yes. In Japan we’ve been grappling with these issues. Current law isn’t equipped to address these matters, and we hardly have a grasp on the situation ourselves. For avoidance of doubt, this isn’t some big conspiracy. These matters have only been going on for a few months. The secrecy has been for the public benefit, to avoid panic. You can see the problems, right?”

There were a wave of nods and murmurs of agreement. Unrest around the world was growing, and for various reasons, some as simple as anti-religious or anti-foreigner sentiment, others jealousy or fear of the new paradigm, and lastly groups that simply wanted to cause trouble and enjoy the chaos. There’s likely also Chosen who are pursuing their own selfish ends like Kondo Kazuo in the mix. At least they can be exposed and dealt with now.

“The Japanese laws… we did an article on them.” The reporter from the Daily Sun said. “Most of them were strange, but some… the Polygamy law for one, exceeded expectations.” He looked at us. “Care to comment?”

“Yes, and again, for avoidance of doubt…” I looked at the girls, who all nodded. Even Eleanor did, confirming that she accepted us, however much her conscience and sense of morals protested. I guess fighting life or death battles together will do that… “…I hold a special passport, and am thus legally allowed to practice multiple marriage. It’s nothing too strange. There are a number of countries worldwide where that’s legal. These three here are a few of my fiancées.”

There was some surprise at that, and the reporter pressed. “Don’t you think it’s immoral and disgusting?”

“No?” I cocked my head, and Shaeula laughed nastily, while Hyacinth looked murderous, Shiro restraining her with a gentle hand on her leg. “Everyone agrees, and we all work at the relationships. I guess it won’t be smooth sailing, but we’ll make it work and be happy. Morality is dependant on where you stand. Otherwise Mary Stuart wouldn’t have been able to rationalise her deeds. If we are happy and aren’t hurting others, I suggest you leave us alone. Besides, you’re missing the point. It’s the other laws you should be concerned with.”

“Yes, Britain will be closely observing the Japanese laws and implementing variations. They may not be exactly the same, but the principle responsibilities of Gods’ Chosen, and the rights the State will give them are likely to be in line with our ally, for convenience, if nothing else.” Eleanor agreed.

That sent a buzz around the Palace. “Hi, international news, CNN.” Another reporter said. “Does that mean that you approve of Polygamy as well? A quote for our American viewers! That goes for you too, Miss Masters.” He addressed the Princess and Henry’s fiancée.

“I hate that question.” Eleanor said, her face expressionless. “I find it hard to accept personally. But… I have spoken to many of these women, and they are capable of deciding their own life. I don’t have the right to meddle. However…” she looked at me, blue eyes shining. “… if he ever mistreats them, he will answer to me.” She shrugged. “Although to be completely honest, there’s not much I could do to inconvenience him, I know that now.”

Melissa was less complimentary. “Of course I don’t approve. To me it seems like a man exploiting…”

“Nooo. You are a fool.” Hyacinths shook of Shiro, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “Nooot even worth disciplining. Unless you have been unhappy like me, suffering endlessly, yooou will not truly understand what a blessing some happiness can be. Hyacinth thinks she is sick and tired ooof this. Always having to bite my tooongue…”

“Yes.” Shiro agreed. “Look, I’m not here to take crap over my lifestyle choices. I’m a grown woman, I can date who I damn well want, and marry him too. If you think I’m some naïve blushing idiot, I can teach you a lesson…” There were gasps as her hair suddenly flared into flame, eyes crimson. “…our lives, our business. If it was still illegal, then fine. But in Japan, it isn’t, so you have no right to impose your beliefs on us. Anyone who does, we’ll cut off, right Aki?”

I nodded. “Yes. If you can’t deal with us fairly, then we won’t be dealing with you. And that will be a great loss. Oh, quit panicking. She’s not going to burn you alive. So long as you stop annoying her.” I said, joking, which failed to lighten the mood. “This is all a distraction from the important matters at hand.” I raised my arm, and conjured a ball of water, which I then turned into a water beam, slicing a table in half effortlessly. “Not that you needed more proof, but… once Pandora’s… or should I say Anesidora’s Box…” Shiro grinned at that, her bad mood fading. “… is opened, we don’t want to shut hope back inside, do we? There’s no going back, and if we try… well, there are many dangers coming. If we want to navigate those… then we need to work together. Hence Japan and the United Kingdom are hoping to take the first steps towards that and formalise an alliance.”

“Yes.” Eleanor held out a hand, and we shook, in front of the cameras of the world. Four months ago, would I have ever dreamed of this day? “I promise not to complain about your womanising ways any further. Just… treat them well. Though knowing some of them, I suspect if you don’t, they’ll murder you in your sleep.” Her smile was gently mocking, and I whispered back.

“No kidding. But… without them, I’d never have made it so far. If I was fighting purely for myself, I’d have stopped at just being rich and lazy. But… now I have to protect the world, as they live in it. You do too.”

Eleanor looked away, letting go of my hand, face red. “There’s no need to try and charm me. I should think you are busy enough already.”

“Sorry. But I mean you are an ally now. So lean on us if you need to, and one day we’ll ask you to return the favour.”

“I will…” Eleanor said, happy. “For those lives I’ve taken, and for those lives I have to protect. I’ll grow stronger. So, when can I expect my new sword?” She smiled slyly.

I merely grinned back, before addressing the crowd. “This is only a formal announcement. The Government will be releasing, both British and Japanese, a number of briefs, detailing the changes. But for now we’ll take a few questions, if they aren’t offensive.”

“Fox News, USA.” Another reporter said. “We’ve long said that the Government was covering up aliens and secret experiments into psychic and magical powers. But we were decried as lunatics and conspiracy theorists. What do you say to the fact we were right, and that the Governments and Big Business of the world have conspired to cover things up?”

“That question’s skirting the line. Aliens… no idea about that. There are other types of being that dwell in the other world, from myth and legend, but I don’t think you meant those.” I snorted sourly. “As for the research, maybe, but these abilities came from outside the world, not from within. The coverups… again, there were reasons, and each Government was doing their own thing. I can’t speak for the US…” I bet Adam White will be sweating when he sees this. But I’m not going to reveal anything, there’s no benefit in it…

“Spiritual beings? Like angels, fairies, demons?” The reporter pressed, and Shaeula stood. “Oh, it’s the so-called princess of the Seelie.” He said, eyes bright. “You gave quite the performance at the…” He was suddenly panicking, lifted off his feet by a tide of green air, looking down, hardly able to comprehend what was happening, then back at Shaeula, who was grinning, her expression baleful.

“Performance? I simply had not-not the time to be stymied. Just as I do not-not wish to hear such insults now. I am a Fae, as is Hyacinth here. We are beings of spirit, but we have just-just as much right to life and love as any of you. The world has changed. Akio says it, Eleanor says it. I say it. You can either adapt-adapt, or you can simply fade away. The choice is yours, each-each and every one of you.” Her words were being broadcast around the globe, and it was a moment that I knew would go down in history.

Where were you when the atomic bomb dropped? Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated? Where were you during the moon landings? Where were you during the nine eleven attacks? Where were you… when Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan declared that the old world was over, and the new one was here?

As the eyes of the world watched Shaeula, as she spoke passionately about the return of the old ways, I looked at Hyacinth, Shiro and Eleanor. All of them nodded, realising just as I did, this was the start of everything. We’ll lose some freedoms, being out in the open, but conversely, with no need to hide we gain a lot of potential strength. Yes, we have to find ways to protect our families and friends, but… all right. Full speed ahead… looking up at the spirit lights circling me, Tsukiko-san’s and Ginneka’s both greedily drinking in my aether, slowly getting bigger and brighter, I clenched my fist. Eleanor, Shaeula, Shiro, Yukiko-san, two nameless Princesses I don’t know. I won’t let you die, and I won’t let the Earth fail either…

Perhaps it was why I had been Chosen by Tyr, but I was prepared to do whatever it took to win and protect those I cared about. No, not just protect, but make sure they lived lives of happiness and joy. I see why Tyr was prepared to give up his arm. What price an arm for those you love? I looked down at my own healed limb and grinned. Not that I intend to pay those prices. Consider it a loan…

“… so reject your fears, and you shall-shall surely stand behind us, and see the new world, where possibilities are endless. Embrace your fears, and that only ushers in sorry-sorry defeat, and destruction. But I shall never-never do that. Nor shall those who stand with me.” She took my hand, and I nodded to everyone. “Do not-not be as Mary Stuart, selfish and consumed by hatred. No, be-be like Akio, a protector, and full-full of love!”

I flushed at that, embarrassed. Damn, Shaeula, way to put me on the spot.

As everyone snickered behind me, even Melissa looking a little amused, Shaeula finished. “Even if you are fearful, even if you know-know doubt. Even if you can not-not make up your mind. Do not-not be hasty. Give us a little time-time to allay your fears. And we shall. And then the opportunities before us all-all will be yours to grasp!”

Behind us, Hyacinth was clapping, Shiro joined in, followed by Henry, Katherine, Richard… Eleanor looked at me before clapping too, so I joined in and soon applause filled the hall, the blinking of camera flashes and the red lights of filming a sea ahead of us. If everything up to now was the prologue… here, our battle begins. For the Earth and those who live there, not just us humans, but Fae, Yokai and more. And not just for the Earth, but for what lies above. To become an Astral Emperor… and beyond…

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