On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Act One Finale – Part 6b – Aftermath

Act One Finale – Part 6b – Aftermath

David Reckless

“Aren’t you a sight for sore fucking eyes.” David spat, looking at Sarah as she lay down on the small bed in her cell, wearing loose tracksuit pants and a plain sleeveless t-shirt, with no belts or strings for her to make into a weapon. It’s a damn joke though, if the redhead wanted out, none of the guards here could stop her. She had a number of burns and deep gouges on her body still that must have been excruciatingly painful, but they were slowly healing. Sarah always did heal the fastest of us all, perhaps as she’s so defensively focussed…

Sarah turned listlessly, even her flaming red hair seeming to have lost some of its lustre. “Ach, David, it’s ye. Come tae gloat, have ye? Well, save your breath, I’m nae in the mood for it.”

“Gloat?” David snorted sourly, further annoyed by her attitude. “Are you a fucking idiot? Scratch, that, I already know you are, stupid redhead. What the fuck do we have to gloat about? You and that bitch Mary have ruined everything.” He paused. “It’s god-damn lucky the schoolteacher and the little pet of our Princess pulled through, or I’d reach in there and snap your neck here and now.”

Sarah’s blue eyes flickered a little at that. “Aditi and Mary-Jane lived? That’s a great relief tae me.”

“No thanks to you! They would have died without help. Even so, I doubt they’ll fight again. You stole away their hopes, and for what? This?” He gestured to the small cell, feeling aggrieved, furious.

“Aye, ye don’t have to make me feel bad, David. Ye think I’m nae regretting everything? But first, who’s your friend? I nae thought ye would need security tae deal with little old me. He’s a big one.”

David turned to the hulking, muscular human form of Grulgor, his bald head and pinstripe suit making him look like a gangster. “It’s the troll who kicked the shit out of you, Sarah. Grulgor. He’s a good one. We’ve been sparring, trying to get me back into fighting trim. He can hold his drink, too.”

Grulgor laughed at that. “Grulgor says you are not so bad yourself. Your strength is rather puny, but Grul says your battle sense is excellent. As for booze, you should come visit our Territory. Grulgor says we have much excellent alcohol there.”

“You’re damn right I will. Looks like we’ll be working together anyway.” David said, before turning back to Sarah. “I don’t need a bodyguard for you, Sarah. You’re done. Shield broken, a spent force. Such a fucking waste!”

Sarah laughed bitterly. “Ye think I nae ken that? I always felt ye were a bit dim, David. It’s fine though. Girls like the dumb ones. So… how’s the Princess? She’s nae visited. I thought she might have…”

“She’s busy. With the god-damn mess everything is left in, and the public acting up, you think she’s got time to visit a traitor like you? Be thankful even I bothered to come see you. What were you thinking? That little fuckbag Donovan, he was going to… shit, I can’t even say the words. You know what he wanted to do to her, and you let it happen. No, helped him along! If our little Fae girl hadn’t chopped him up I’d be fucking castrating the piece of shit myself. She’s quite the little firecracker.”

“So, into her now David? Ye always did have a wandering eye.” She snorted, and Grulgor laughed mockingly. No kidding. I’m not into having my arms and legs bisected.

“Give me a break. I’m David Reckless. Sure, I’ve suffered a few defeats, but I’m a King waiting to reclaim his Crown. The mountain may be high, but I’ve seen those at the top now, and I’ll reach them. As for the little girl, I’m not into snatching other men’s women. I can get my own.” His eyes betrayed a touch of melancholy.

“Aye, I bet ye can.” Sarah seemed to agree, her blue eyes sad. “So, Donovan. I swear, I knew he was obsessed with Eleanor, but I nae thought he would ever go so far as tae try and … shit. Nae, I can make nae excuses.” She leaned back on her bed. “So, Donovan, how is he?”

“Better than he’d be if I had my way.” David sneered. “That Shaeula girl sliced him up into a meatball. All he does is curse and scream. I was worried the little coward would take the easy way out and bite his tongue, but he doesn’t even have the balls to kill himself. I guess at least that bitch Mary Stuart had the guts to fight to the end, even if she was insane.”

Sarah’s expression faltered. “Now, Mary was doing the Lord’s work. It’s nae right tae judge her.” Her burned hand clenched, but she didn’t have a rosary, that had been confiscated of course.

“It’s nae right…” David mimicked sarcastically, as he looked through the bars at her. “Give it a rest, redhead. Even your own Pope said that her actions were wrong. A bit mealy-mouthed and two-faced, if you ask me, as he did say she acted out of faith. Does that matter? Dead is still dead, crimes are still fucking crimes. And what the hell do you, Donovan and Mary Stuart have to show for all this?”

“Grulgor thinks power rules. You lost, so the victor decides who was right.” The troll grunted, and David shot him an exasperated glare.

“Come on man, not helpful. You’re not wrong, but it’s not helpful. Look…” he turned back to Sarah. “We’re screwed now without outside aid. Two dead, two crippled, nearly a dozen who turned rogue, though the ones who got cold feet, maybe we can use them again. It’s not like we grow on trees, redhead. Avalon is ruined, and even Raidre’s people lost a lot. If you wanted to protect the Tower, you did a shitty fucking job.”

“Aye. The results speak for themselves, I ken.” She snorted sadly. “So, is this a last visit, David? What’s going tae happen tae me?”

“I know what I’d like to happen.” David clenched his fist, emotions a storm within him. “Schoolteacher and our Asian Princess-lover both made it, but you had no way of knowing that, so I’ll say it. You murdered two of our friends, were going to murder me and the old geezer, and the Princess would either have died or been fucked up by that rotten little meatball. Then you’d have stolen Britain’s hope, and maybe even ended up torturing the damn Queen to get what you wanted? What do you think all that means?”

“Aye, I get it.” She sighed softly. “In the end, I was too late, ye ken? But I did regret it. I used my last strength tae try and stop Mary from killing ye all.” Her eyes were full of self-loathing. “But aye, too little too late. I’d already gone past what can be forgiven.”

“Grulgor says he understands.” The troll spoke. “Grul tried to kill the princess a number of times. But Grulgor was defeated and swore Oaths. The princess did not trust Grul for a long time. Now she does. But Grul… he worked hard. Others… others were killed, and rightly so. Mercy is only for the unassailably strong.”

“Aye. God forgives, but there’s nae way ye will, David. Nor Eleanor.” Sarah sighed. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“It’s not decided. We’ve planned a reorganisation of the teams, but thanks to you fuckups and traitors we’re now blatantly short-handed. Now we know more about Japan, and their Kyoto disaster, depriving us of time and strength is the same as telling the public to die if shit happens. I don’t think your God is going to be very happy at that.” He declared, and she squeezed shut her eyes and fist.

“Aye, I would nae think so. If… if it’s nae too much trouble, when ye see Eleanor, tell her… I’m sorry.”

“No fucking way. Tell her your fucking self if you ever get the chance. But words don’t wash away blood and hatred. You sold her out, in the worst way possible, all for this utter stupidity. If you’d succeeded, I could at least say you were a cunning snake, but you damn well failed, so all you are is a fucking treacherous loser. But… I wanted you to know that the other two will live.” He turned to Grulgor. “Come on, big guy. Another nine rounds, like your boss. Octagon rules.”

“Grulgor will not go easy on you. Otherwise you will not get stronger.”

“Sure, sure. You’ll be eating those words soon enough.” As they turned to go, he looked back at Sarah one final time, and her lips were forming silent words, most of which he couldn’t make out. Though the final ones he could. Sorry isn’t going to cut it. And why thank me? Sarah, you redheaded fucking moron… in the end, all that’s left for you is regret. As they turned away, leaving the cell behind, David let out the bitter sigh he had been holding. I don’t know what your final fate will be, but I expect it’s not going to be kind, as it shouldn’t be… nothing is worse than betrayal…


Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

“He’s looking better.” The silver-haired girl, Shiro, said as the two of them looked down at the sleeping body of Henry. The horrible seared flesh on his face had recovered, and though he was still missing an arm and a leg, and apparently his body under the hospital gown he wore was still horribly burned, he was at least breathing unaided now, if still in a coma.

“Yeah, Aki knows his stuff. I went through it myself. Well, it was just an arm in my case, I still had both of my gorgeous long legs.” Shiro grinned, and Eleanor couldn’t help but giggle, despite the sad situation.  

“That sounds like hubris, but I suppose I can concede.” Eleanor looked at Shiro, who was a work of art, her beauty impossibly symmetrical and intimidating.

“Checking me out, huh? Sorry Princess, I don’t swing that way. Besides, I’m already engaged.” she flourished her strange silver ring. “Aki owes a lot of us new rings, that all have to be legendary loot. Poor bastard.”

Fortunately her personality takes a lot of the intimidation out of her appearance. She’s very… frank, and almost childish in her attitudes. It makes me wonder what sort of life she has lived. “I am an ordinary girl.” Eleanor denied her. “I have no interest in women, I assure you. One day, I’ll marry, and…”

“I’m just teasing. Lighten up.” Shiro smirked, and Eleanor reddened. “Look…” Shiro continued. “… I was horribly burned too, my arm and eye were destroyed, and my body was a wreck. Hurt like hell, let me tell you. But Aki made a deal with the Night Parade… uh, that’s like the Japanese Fae, I guess? Maybe? I’d have to ask Shaeula for all the details. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yeah… Aki got the most powerful healer they had to come and help him, but in the end, his skills ended up on a level with her, or maybe even a bit better, with humans, anyway?”

Eleanor nodded, listening carefully. “So what I’m trying to say…” Shiro finished. “…is that Aki will get your brother back on his feet. He’d probably do it even if you didn’t ask. He’s a total siscon, so when he sees an elder brother who got hurt for his younger sister’s sake, it really gives him the feels.”

“I see.” Eleanor imagined that, a bit hard to reconcile the ruthless warrior who had blown off his own arm to take down Mary Stuart, with someone who was so doting towards a younger sibling. But then, I remember when he brought his three fiancées in all dressed in fabulous gowns to the gala, making a statement. He can be bold, yet kind, it seems…

“Yeah, so don’t worry about it. It’s in hand. Instead, worry about what you’re going to do about Aki’s offer. He’s out there with Shaeula and Hyacinth now, seeing if the first stage will work. Tan seemed impressed and thought it was feasible, so we’ll see.” Shiro pressed, and as she looked at her brother, she frowned.

Grandmother has left it to me to decide. I think this whole disaster has scared her. But for me…

“No need to overthink it.” Shiro shrugged. She looks good even doing that. I thought Asians were supposed to have smaller chests? Eleanor couldn’t help but look down. I think she might be slightly bigger than me. No, why does that even matter?

“Comparing? I wouldn’t worry, chest size isn’t everything. Aki loves me, and he also loves Shaeula, who has small ones. I get this a lot. No point comparing yourself to me. I was born wrong.” She grinned. “Though there’s one woman who can compare though.”

“Oh? Someone as unfair as you?” Eleanor couldn’t help but be curious.

“Hey, I can’t help the way I was born. It wasn’t all fun, in fact, it was almost no fun, until Tan and Aki.” Shiro pouted. “But yes. Tsukiko. Oh, you’d probably know her as the Diviner. She’s as beautiful as me, born wrong as well, though for some reason she didn’t have the terrible weakness I did. Rather unfair. But her life was harder in other ways.”

“The Diviner? Didn’t she die in Kyoto?” Eleanor asked, curious as to why Shiro kept referring to her almost as if she was still alive.

“Yeah, dead. It hit Aki hard. After all…” her obsidian gaze narrowed. “…he fortified Kyoto to protect her, tried everything, and it still wasn’t quite enough. But in the end, Aki’s lucky. He’s got a trick. Let’s just say, you met Chen Na, even being dead isn’t necessarily the end. Haru could attest to that.”

Yes, they did say Chen Na died and she was given a body somehow. As she pondered, Shiro pressed on. “Aki wants to do the same in London. Sure, what he’s asking for might seem a lot, but trust me, he’s got a lot of experience and backing. Trust him, and he’ll trust you.”

“I know. He saved my life, is saving Henry and has awoken Mary-Jane and Aditi. If he asked me to die to pay for that, I could. But what he asks isn’t mine to give, only to guard…”

“Yeah, no way Aki would ask you to die, don’t be so dramatic. He did all this to stop you dying. I get that once betrayed, you fear betrayal everywhere, but Aki doesn’t have a treacherous bone in his body… ugh, unless you count falling for other girls, I guess. But even that… you know, before he started going out with Eri, he was a ball of steel, never leaking his feelings. He even denied them for me! And being honest, Eri, total yandere that she is…”

Yandere?” Eleanor queried the unfamiliar word.

“A woman who has an obsessive love, so much so you fear she might pull a knife on people over it.”

“I see. A bunny-boiler then?” Eleanor said, and Shiro shrugged.

“Is that some British term? I don’t get it. But yeah, Eri’s objectively gorgeous. Pretty glamorous for her age too. And she’s been madly in love with Aki for years and years. But instead he ran away. So when he finally succumbed, and then Shaeula wormed her way in too… he broke, I think. Now the steel ball melted, and he’s an ocean of acceptance. It’s annoying in some ways, but… well, without that, I’d have missed my chance. So yeah, Aki won’t turn on you. If you’re worried, well, there’s a simple solution…”

Eleanor looked away from her smile, uncomfortable. She’s right. Even now, I’m not able to trust. But… I have to decide soon. Can I rebuild alone? Should I, even if I can?

“Come on, it’s time to visit your friends. That should cheer you up!” Shiro said, and as they entered the next room, Eleanor felt her heart fill with happiness.

“Miss Eleanor. Thank you for visiting.” Mary-Jane said, her face still pale, but she was sitting up in bed, looking otherwise well.

“Oh, Eleanor, I am so relieved to see you unhurt. The doctor said all was well, but I did worry!” Her Indian-accented British made her sound chirpy yet calming. “And who is the lady beside you? I do not think we have had the pleasure?”

“I’m Shiro.” she said, smiling politely. “A friend of Eleanor’s, I guess? We can say that, right?”

“She’s one of the benefactors who came to our aid and rescued us.” Eleanor explained. “She’s with the man who saved your lives.”

“I prefer friends.” Shiro smiled. “But it’s not untrue. You pair were very lucky, though not everything worked out.”

“We know.” Mary-Jane answered sadly. “I have tried to call upon my magic, but I can’t. I feel a lot weaker too.”

“I am afraid I as well have failed, Eleanor.” Aditi sighed. “I fear we will no longer be of use to you.”

“I don’t care about that.” Eleanor embraced Aditi, before doing the same with Mary-Jane, eyes damp. “I’m just glad you lived. You did your duty, you were my friends, I couldn’t ask for more. Don’t worry about anything else, Britain and the Royal family will always look after you.”

As they wept and hugged, Shiro cleared her throat. “Sorry to break into this touching reunion, but useless isn’t exactly true.”

At her words, they looked at her, so she elaborated. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re both significantly weaker, and you’ll struggle to grow. But struggle doesn’t mean you can’t. Aki fixed up your chakra network when he saved you, and even gave you the Fae one. I won’t go into details, as it’s complicated, and I’d be asking Tan for most of the details, but basically, it makes you stronger. And not all of the strength you gained was taken away when your Favours were. A portion of it was left behind and integrated, and your body retained a lot of strength from the ether you’d been absorbing over time.”

“You still have your weapons, too.” Eleanor nodded, understanding.

“So yeah. Your days of fighting on the frontline might have ended for now, but you can still be useful. A properly run Territory needs more than just warriors. Besides, you can learn other techniques, just like Aki taught your Princess, here.”

“That’s true. Water element. It saved my life. More than once.” Her face fell. “Mary-Jane, Aditi… I had to kill Alistair and Samuel. They were trying to sell me to Mary Stuart, sell us all… I still feel…”

“Hush, Miss Eleanor.” Mary-Jane said, smiling benevolently. “It wasn’t your fault. You did what you had to do. I know that doesn’t solve the pain or the guilt, but… I get to go home to my husband and children, in part thanks to you. So… thank you!”

As Eleanor sobbed out her grief, she caught the sound of Shiro talking to Aditi. “That woman sure does sound like a schoolteacher or something.”

“That is because she was. Or is.” Aditi said, her voice kind, as she watched the two hug again. “Mary-Jane and Sir Arthur were like parents to us on the battlefield. Is he well?”

“Yeah, Aki patched him up. Good as new. Pissed off with the traitors and threatening to spike their heads on the Tower Bridge, like the olden days, or so he says, but… yeah, fine. So, you seem a level-headed girl…”

“I thank you for the compliment, I did not catch your name, I apologise.”

“I never said it. I’m Shiro. Anyway… there are ways to level up that don’t rely on what you’ve lost. Some… yeah, too problematic, for various reasons, but I know of others, and Aki probably knows more too. Then there’s always the chance of getting a replacement Favour, if you are really determined to get back into the fight…”

That can happen? I suppose it must, since Sarah stole their status as Gods’ Chosen. That puts some of the questions and suggestions Akio has been making into perspective. I see… Donovan, Sarah, Kathy, the others…

“So assuming our alliance gets solidified, I’m sure Aki will be happy to impart knowledge. The thing he’s probably best at is helping other get stronger. Even if it falls through, I’m sure he’ll at least give you enough to get back on your feet.”

“That would be most generous of him. I must meet and thank this gentleman for all his work, and saving my life.”

“I wouldn’t.” Eleanor said suddenly, as Mary-Jane offered her a handkerchief for her runny nose and watery eyes. “You’re rather cute, Aditi. He might set his predatory gaze on you. Shiro here is already one of his fiancées. One of.”

“Oh yes, I remember seeing him now.” Aditi nodded sagely. “At that gala, with those three girls. They were very beautiful, and the dresses were most lovely.”

“That’s not the point…” Eleanor said, before calming herself. “I guess, neither is what I’m saying.” She slapped her cheeks, knocking herself out of her funk. “I don’t need you to push yourselves, but… it can’t hurt to have options, can it?” Seeing Shiro’s triumphant grin at that, Eleanor flushed. Don’t bully me! I’m just happy that my friends survived, and that Henry is going to live. And that there might be hope, no matter how small, that some things can go back to the way they were…


“Anooother failure.” Hyacinth said, watching the small mushrooms wither and die with her silver-violet eyes. “Most annoooying.”

“It’s fine.” I laughed, rather exhausted myself. We had been at this for a number of hours, and it wasn’t our first attempt. Fortunately the calm was over, the slowing almost entirely diminished, the dark unlight of the skies overhead shimmering with dark greens, blacks, purples and blues. That meant that for every hour that passed in the Boundary, less than thirty minutes was passing back on the Material. “This is absurdly difficult, we’re not treekin or plantkin, so getting it right is going to take a while.”

Around us the selkie of Bermondsey Isle were looking on with curiosity, their island surrounded by the finest source of water element in Eleanor’s Territory. Their numbers were diminished after their deaths in battle, but Raidre had honoured their sacrifices in the Fae way, and they were now looking to rebuild. He was watching us with some curiosity, Shaeula beside him.

“There is no way this can actually be done.” Raidre was shaking his head. “If it could, the treekin will be angry.” His scowl deepened, his humanoid features more expressive than when he was shifted to his seal-form. “Those bastards of the Court, always with infighting and politics. Pathetic.”

“Things have changed, Raidre.” Shaeula observed, a small smile on her face. “The Court is not-not what it was. Now I do not-not claim all is rosy, the Queen still refuses to see all-all but the Seven Princes and Princesses of the Seelie, and remains secluded. The Wild Hunt pierce our borders as they will-will it, and the Unseelie lurk, ever dangerous, ever hateful. But-but…” her smile turned vicious. “…we have taken the first-first steps towards change. Prince Morioth has agreed with my proposals.”

At that Raidre snorted. While Shaeula and he were debating, Hyacinth had begun to gather her nature energy, meaning it was time for me to step up myself. Using my remaining arm to grasp the Lantern, violet flames burning, I noticed Hyacinth looking at me.

“Akio, when will yooour arm recover? It pains me to see it looost.”

“Soon.” I promised. “Most of the adherence has been removed, I should be able to finish up later. I need it done by tomorrow, anyway. And my sis keeps nagging me, demanding video proof it’s fixed. So I have to shut her up if nothing else.” I smiled fondly at that. Sure, my sis could be a pain sometimes, but she was very caring. “For now, let’s give this another try.”

“Ooof course.” Hyacinth nodded happily. She was producing spores, using a piece of mushroom as a base and a seedbed. That alone would hardly suffice though. Time for me to get to work…

I channelled aether into the Will-o’-the-wisp, the alive but spiritless shell absorbing it, accelerating slightly the production of spatial element, the purple flames intensifying, vivid violet sparks scattering. Doing so rapidly corroded the body, as it was like running extra electricity through a computer chip, overlocking it. But Healing is the cooling, keeping it running without permanent damage…

With my Split Thoughts running, it wasn’t too difficult to up the generation severalfold, without destroying the Will-o’-the-wisp. It felt bad, a bit immoral, but the Fae was effectively dead, and certainly didn’t know or feel what we were doing, so I took the pangs of conscience and used it. Hyacinth, who had little grasp of spatial element herself, was trying to infuse it into the growing spores of the Ring Gate mushrooms she was duplicating, but it was a frustrating process, and often led to backlash, her body suffering damage. Not that she ever complains. Hyacinth is too used to it… I don’t like that.

“This time we will dooo it for sure!” Hyacinth promised excitedly, as the mushroom expanded, a little spatial element entering it. I continued my work, while Shaeula continued lecturing Raidre.

“I can certainly see-see why you hate the Court and chose to distance yourself from it. My own father, Prince Shaetanao himself, could not-not resist sending me away, likely to die. My maids, many of them were agents, and did-did betray me. It is folly, infighting while our enemies are legion, but that is simply-simply the Fae way, is it not-not? Trickery and mischief, which over time has grown into politics and treachery. It must-must end, we must unite. And not-not just with each other, but with mortals we can trust too. My marriage will be one-one of these cornerstones that will underpin our new alliance.”

“I still cannot believe it.” Raidre snorted. “The selfish, useless half-breed weasel princess, you have changed.”

“I have. Through hardship, meeting Akio, Eri, Aiko, Hyacinth and many-many more. We change, and others change us. You must-must change too, Raidre. After all, have you not-not sworn Oaths with Eleanor?”

“I did. She was worthy, and Bermondsey Isle alone could not stand against her and her comrades. Though she promised us protection…” he looked at his diminished kin sadly. “That did not happen as we agreed.”

“Just as the Seelie Court could not-not protect the Spring, or Salamandrastrae. There are no-no absolutes in life.” Shaeula shook her head. “I too lost kin, who can never be reclaimed. They died in Kyoto, and I grieve for them all-all. But they died well, and bravely. As did-did your selkie, Raidre.”

“Comforting me? Now I have seen everything.” He drooped his head. “I do not blame her. She fought to the end and triumphed, even if she had aid.”

“Yes, and aid she could have again. All she has-has to do is spare a little for Akio, and he will repay her tenfold, no-no, a hundredfold. You are one of her confidents, Raidre. You can-can sway her.”

“I am letting you practice your craft on my Isle, princess.” He sighed. “The Oaths sworn give me autonomy over Bermondsey Isle. I have made my choice.”

“Indeed you have-have.” She said with satisfaction, looking over to me and Hyacinth, as Hyacinth groaned in disappointment as another mushroom died, bursting apart, the spatial element too intense for it to absorb.

“Again! I was cloooser, I know it! So annoying, Hyacinth thinks thooose stupid treekin should grow them faster, is that nooot all plants are gooooood for?”

Raidre laughed heartily at that. “Hah, those uppity Fae are annoying, I agree.”

“You will always be welcome in our Territory.” Shaeula promised. “And by-by all means, visit the Spring. The water element there is quite-quite marvellous, and I am making… renovations.

“Perhaps I shall do that.” Raidre muttered, watching as we went through a number more iterations, until finally, Hyacinth roared in joy.

“It lives, it grooows!” she cheered. The small mushroom, only the length of a finger, resembled those of the Ring Gates. She set it down carefully, and with another surge of nature element, brown sparks dancing, it took root, and began to draw in the abundant orange breath of the Thames.

“Good job!” I hugged Hyacinth, who blushed and giggled, and Shaeula walked over and patted her head, giving Raidre a triumphant look, to which he shrugged.

“There is still much to dooo.” she admitted, though she was still delighting in the praise. “Growing more mushrooms is but a matter ooof time. I have tasted the spores, I knooow them now. But I still dooo not know how to link together the mushrooms, so that the gates will pair. Mooore work is needed.”

“We’ll be here a few more days at least.” I said, still hugging her. I want to get home, we’ve been here half a week already, but there’s too many loose ends to tie up. I’m not coming back to put out fires again. “This isn’t just for here. I thought we were ahead of the game, but next time we definitely will be. If we can pair a Gate here, we can pair one at Ise as well, so that when danger comes calling for Yukiko-san, we’ll be ready.” It’ll plunder our supply of Earth element, supporting two more Ring Gates, maybe more than two… but if Eleanor agrees to my deal…

“She will.” Shaeula seemed to read my mind again, her amber eyes gleaming. “After all, what-what choice does she have? Who else can she trust? And you are not-not exploiting her. If anything, she will gain far more than she will give up. You are such-such a weak-willed male when it comes to females.” She said fondly, her criticism mitigated by her sweet smile. “I do not-not blame you. Besides, the experiments were… intriguing, no?”

“Yes, they were.” I gazed over towards the Tower, my Eye glowing. The edifice resisted most of my attempts to probe it, and I was unwilling to have Shiro buff my Eye again, as I didn’t have time to be unconscious, Last time I fought it off, but if my Eye was forcibly Ranked up again… yeah, not right now. What I had noticed was that the Tower drew in ether as well as adherence, and the closer to the Tower, the more it drew, growing exponentially. When I was a distance from it before, the effect hadn’t been that noticeable, and I wasn’t looking for it as the ether wasn’t mine. But now…

“Yes, it is not-not any surprise her Territory is so barren, even discounting the destruction of many-many Buildings during the betrayal.” Shaeula agreed. “Within the area around the Tower, more than half-half, and as much as seventy percent, of the ether is plundered. Her-her Spires are also ill-positioned, therefore losing much of their bounty. A shame-shame.”

“That’s another reason she should take the deal. I think the Tower doesn’t just take, it offers benefits too…”

“Yes, if she enters from the Tower grounds, she is strengthened.” Raidre agreed. “Though the reverse is true. Also, sometimes she would tell me these Buildings you speak of would miraculously spring up or grow much faster than expected, though she says it happened only a few times.”

I see. It takes, but sometimes gives back. And it seems to be growth-related. Makes sense… “All right then. Hyacinth, keep growing the mushrooms, I’m going to work on my arm a bit. Shaeula, care to help?”

“Of course.” She smirked. “Not-not only do I wish you restored, I also wish to hone my skills.” She turned her head, looking at Raidre. “Think about what I have said-said, and observe what we do. I believe you will make the right choice!”

“She’s as wilful as the rumours.” Raidre snorted. “I don’t know how you put up with her.”

As Shaeula and Hyacinth laughed, I looked at her fondly, as we began to slowly extract the remaining tangle of adherence tainting my wounded Astral body. “Oh, she’s rather sweet when you get to know her.” Yes, she certainly is…


“At least I’m getting some sightseeing done.” Shiro said, as we left the grounds of the famous school I had visited before. “It’s a damn shame we have to be in disguise.” Shiro was wearing a hooded jumper and sunglasses, an odd combination, and her hair was tied back and hidden. Hyacinth, Shaeula and I were likewise disguised, and were making efforts to not draw attention to ourselves.

“Over the last few days we have seen-seen several sights in London.” Shaeula disagreed. “You should not-not be greedy. We can come back any time.”

“We can, can’t we?” Shiro brightened. “It’s still my first ever trip abroad, and it’s with Aki too. So it’s special and I want to enjoy it.”

“Do not-not be greedy. More is to come.” Shaeula chided her, and Shiro tossed her head, irritated.

“I know. Don’t mind me, I’m just feeling strange. Family is a … touchy subject for me. Speaking of, how was your sister?” She asked me.

I flexed my renewed arm, grinning. “She’s fine. I still got a massive lecture about being careful and not hurting myself again, she’s really holding a grudge over the incident where she burned herself. But it’s nice to know she cares. Though I should try not to worry her again.”

“No chance.” Shiro snorted. “Considering what we do, injuries are going to keep happening. Even I got aerated nicely. You could almost see right through me. Anyway, I sent that video you took to Hayato and the others as well. They’ve not called because they know you’ve been too busy, so I’ve been keeping them in line. Shaeula’s been talking to Eri, Kana and the others too.”

“I have been busy.” I agreed. I have of course spoken to Eri and the others over the last few days, but most of my time when I’ve not been healing or working with Hyacinth on the Ring Gates has been spent on politics. I’ve spent hours talking to both Prime Ministers, Fujiwara-san and others. It’s really a miracle we had any time for leisure at all. Not needing to sleep much for the win, I guess…

“There’s one more thing…” Shiro said, and behind her hood and glasses I could see her face was red. “My dorm-mates called me. They saw you on the news and recognised you. I could have denied it, but… look, you’ve seen the news. In Japan they might be keeping the details low-key, but there’s no way you’re not being mentioned at all. So… yeah. I got teased a lot. They want to go out for drinks with us sometime. They say they have to vet you, make sure you’re good enough to be my boyfriend. Damn, why did you have to tell them the truth?”

It was fun seeing Shiro so flustered. Taking her hand in mine, I laughed. “I told them the truth because I’m proud I bagged you. And I’ll never deny it.”

“Shit Aki, that’s a low blow to my heart. Oh, shut up Tan.” She snorted. “Tan says she’s going to sleep as she can’t bear all this flirting.”

Shaeula and Hyacinth demanded I said the same about them, which I cheerfully did, and then Shiro spoke up again, looking around the small suburban streets of the modest town we were in. “So, this is where you grew up, right?”

I nodded, the memories faded, but clearer than they had been in years due to my stats. “Yeah, before mom was pregnant with Aiko, I lived here. It’s not something I think about much, I was too young, but it was nice enough.”

“Cool. Seeing a part of your past is a good thing.” Shiro agreed. “Uh, I’m not good with meeting relatives. I’ll take this as a trial run for your parents. My stomach hurts…”

Shaeula laughed at that. “Taichi and Emily are fine-fine parents. You shall have naught to fear. Emily especially will adore you.”

“I hope so. My parents… shit, who cares about them. Not me, I assure you. I only need my new family.” Her face was even redder. The streets were quiet, and we arrived at a familiar house, Hyacinth giggling softly to herself, as I went and rang the doorbell. Moments later Grandfather Jack opened the door, and on seeing us, ushered us in.

“Get in, get in. I don’t want our nosy neighbours to see you.” As we stepped inside, Hyacinth curtsied.

“It is good tooo see yooou again. I hope this house has been blessed with gooooood fortune?”

“Funny you should say that, my girl.” Jack grinned. “Despite the time of year, the garden has been right bountiful. Evelyn loves her roses, and they’ve come back from the brink. A leaky tap we were going to get fixed simply started working again, and the water is always the perfect temperature out of the shower. Or are we imagining that? I’d have said so, but now…”

Evelyn came out with a tray of tea and snacks. “Akio, Hyacinth, welcome back… oh, I don’t recognise you two ladies. Wait, no I do. I believe we saw you in photographs. Are you…”

As Shiro pulled down her hood and took of her sunglasses shaking out her luscious (and slightly longer, I now noticed) silver hair, she smiled, her slight vulnerability and nervousness rather endearing. “Yep, err… yes, I mean. I’m Shiratori Himeko, but please call me Shiro, I don’t really like my name. I… I’m Aki’s fiancée.”

“You are always surprising us, Akio. I thought it was hard to take when you showed up with those nice girls from before, but… there really were more? And such a beauty too. I know Motoko and Natsumi said so, and they seemed too nice to lie, but… seeing is believing.”

“You’re too kind.” Shiro managed, her English formal, which didn’t suit her and made me smile.

“Oh, not at all. Your hair is gorgeous, dear!” Evelyn looked at it, excited. “Your children will surely be handsome and beautiful.”

Shiro went scarlet at that, and I asked her to not tease Shiro. Hyacinth, having been here before, was already helping set out the tea and snacks, humming cheerfully, while Shaeula was getting a bit jealous of all the attention, and had removed her own heavy clothing, revealing her normal look, her yukata today a stunning white and red.

“Oh my God! It’s her! The you would bar my way girl!” Evelyn said, before she suddenly realised she had blasphemed, putting a hand on her mouth.

“She is! I saw you on the news.” Jack agreed, though he seemed less surprised. “With all the talk, I had a few suspicions, and she looked rather like one of the girls in the photographs, though I couldn’t see her face because of the hat. So…”

“You need not-not ask, Jack, Evelyn.” Shaeula gracefully proclaimed. “I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Fae, and Akio is my chosen husband. I am most-most honoured to meet more of his family. Please take care of me-me.”

“Take care of you? From what the news says, you’ll be taking care of us.” Jack laughed heartily. “Everything is so shocking. But… what’s really going on?”

“That’s a long story.” I said. “Oh, but first, I apologise for not telling you the truth before. I didn’t want to uproot your lives. I just wanted to extend a little helping hand, as family. And bring us back together. Aiko’s looking forward to meeting you. Speaking of…”

Jack waved it away. “It isn’t like we don’t get it, do we Evelyn?” he said, as she looked at us fondly. “How would you explain it all to us without sounding crazy? Even having seen the news, read the papers, listened to the Pope himself, it doesn’t seem real.”

“He could have demonstrated.” Shiro said unhelpfully. “Oh, thank you for the tea by the way.”

“You’re welcome, dear.” Evelyn said warmly, and Shiro seemed confused by the familial closeness, despite them having only just met. Though I suspect that’s more a reflection of how lonely her own family life was.

“Maybe so. But I understand. We both do. Now if only our damn neighbours were so understanding. I hope they didn’t see you. Since you were on the TV, they’ve been hounding us, asking if you were our relative. Gossip vultures, I’d like to give them the back side of my hand, God damn them… uh…” he crossed himself. “Never mind that. So, Akio, Evelyn nearly had a heart attack when she saw you on the news. You were clearly missing something…” he peered at my arms meaningfully. ”I called my daughter, and she said you’d be fine, but it’s hard to believe. So they knew…”

“I spoke to young Aiko, and she was convinced that your arm would come back. She’s got a lot of trust in you. It must be hard, being such a respected big brother.” Evelyn teased me gently.

“Hardly. Akio loooves Aiko very much, he would be very sad if she did nooot worship him.” Hyacinth piped up.

Damn, even she’s teasing me now. “She doesn’t worship me, that’s not right. She’s just proud of her big brother. And what big brother doesn’t want his sister to be proud of him? Henry was the same, right?”

“You mean the Prince? A terrible thing that. He was so young still.” Evelyn said sadly.

“Do not-not fear. As Akio’s arm returned, so too shall the Prince return to health.” Shaeula declared, and as they expressed surprise, we told them the whole story. Several times we had to refill the tea, and they listened enraptured, occasionally asking questions, before I finished.

“… so that’s it.” I said, smiling. “Sorry I didn’t tell you. But now… you’re coming back to Japan with us when we leave. If your neighbours are in the know, others might be. Until we can arrange suitable protection, I don’t want to take any chances. Just consider it a long vacation and the chance to see the family again. Don’t worry about money or accommodation, it’s fine.”

“But we don’t have a passport.” Evelyn protested, and Shiro sighed.

“I don’t think that matters. We didn’t even enter legally ourselves this time. We can fly you out easily enough.”

“It’s all a lot to take in.” Jack said, shaking his head. “The two of you aren’t human, and you’re possessed by a God? That’s blasphemous. But then, I’m not one of these who can’t be openminded. The Pope himself said so, and while I’m a good Church of England man, I agree. Faith is a private thing.”

“I do appreciate that.” Shiro’s hair burst into flames, her eyes turning a brilliant red, as if to prove a point. “If only all of the followers of the One True Throne were as reasonable.”

“Pinch me, I’m dreaming!” Jack said to Evelyn, who dropped her cup and saucer, which Shaeula and I caught with wind element, grabbing them and lifting them to the table without spilling a drop.

“In that case, I’m having the same dream!” she said, blue eyes so wide they were bulging.

“This is no dream. I simply tired of this tedious mess. I am already plagued by endless flirting.” Tan sounded a little peevish, and I apologised.

“Sorry, but could you calm down?” I asked, and with a grunt, Tan relinquished her hold.

“Sorry about that.” Shiro said, back in charge. “She’s right though. This is the quickest way. Now, you want to do Chirurgery on them, right?”

I nodded. “It hurts a lot, I won’t lie, but you’ll feel twenty years younger, healthier and full of energy. More importantly, you’ll be safer. Nobody will expect pensioners to have the strength of young adults in their prime or more.”

“Evelyn, do please lie down-down.” Shaeula said, patting the sofa. “Akio, I shall handle my new grandmother.”

“Got you. Well, Jack, looks like you’re in my hands.” I grinned. “I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

At my smile he crossed himself, but nodded. It was a few moments later that harsh grunts and sobbing could be heard, filling the room for several minutes. When we were done, Jack and Evelyn took it in turns showering, washing off the sweat from their exhausted bodies. While they did that, we started packing for them.

“This album is great!” Shiro laughed, having found the same one that my grandparents had shown the girls last time. “So many embarrassing pictures of you.”

“Laugh it up. I’ll find your album one day.”

“I guess.” She said soberly, and I cursed myself for being insensitive. Seeing that, Shiro managed a small smile. “Don’t look like that, Aki. What I love about you is you treat me like me, not fragile glass Shiro, who might break at a touch. I was thinking I do need some closure with my parents. I’m sure they have photos of young me somewhere.”

“Yes, there are none-none of us.” Shaeula said, stuffing clothes into a case. Hyacinth nodded, as she did a final clean, so the place would be left sparkling. As Evelyn and Jack came back, freshly dressed, they looked around, surprised.

“You work fast. Definitely wife material.” Jack said, and Shiro flushed.

“The Yamato Nadeshiko is an archetype for a reason! I’m the epitome of a graceful Japanese beauty!” she boasted unconvincingly.

“It’s just numbers. We can all work fast.” I clarified. “Although Hyacinth has genuine skills. She is the greatest maid in the world though.”

She puffed out her chest at that, and Jack asked us where we were staying.

“Uh, the Palace.”

“Which Palace?” Jack asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Is there more than one? Oh, I guess there is. Buckingham Palace. You know, with the Queen? Makes sense, as we can’t go out in public without a disguise right now, and we’re still in negotiations.”

“Oh yes, Buckingham Palace. Right. That sounds…” Jack froze, going pale, and Evelyn would have dropped something again, if she was carrying it.

“Why so shocked. Am I not-not a princess myself? These are the circles we move in now-now. Akio, I have called, and apparently the helicopter can land-land on the green outside. It should be here shortly.”

“Helicopter?” Jack said, and as we gathered their heavy bags, packed with all their clothes, necessities and sentimental objects, I smiled.

“Of course. Every minute of our time is precious, we can’t waste it on travelling too slowly.” The sound of rotors could be heard outside, and now, our disguises off, as we ushered my grandparents to the helicopter, I could see the neighbour’s curtain twitching, so I waved at them cheerily. Hyacinth, Shiro and Shaeula followed suit, and I saw our watcher tumble backwards, shocked and stunned. Yes, that was fun. I have to say, Jack and Evelyn took things rather well. Not that they couldn’t, what with the press running the story non-stop, and Tan’s appearance… While it was helpful in these circumstances, and was allowing us to advance a lot of plans, there were downsides too, to the truth being out, which I expected we would find quite quickly, and the effects would be long-lasting…


Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

“So, these are your grandparents? We are most delighted to make their acquaintance.” Eleanor’s grandmother said, not putting on airs, addressing them warmly. The two elderly people were frozen, seemingly unable to believe they were in the Palace, meeting the Queen.

“Yes. But go easy on them, they’re not used to this yet.” Akio said, and Eleanor shook her head in disbelief.

“And you are? In just a few short months?”

As Eleanor said that, she felt a bit sorry, as his grandparents suddenly looked terrified. It was then Hyacinth scowled at her, her violet eyes hard. I don’t know why I let my mouth run away with me with him. I have to stop it… “I apologise. I must still be feeling stressed from recent events.”

“We can see why.” The Queen said gently. “We have discovered Mary Stuart’s Avalon… no, Territory, as you call it. The name lacks grandeur, we think, but it is serviceable.” The Queen smiled, gesturing to the drinks on the table. Shaeula and Shiro were already helping themselves, and Eleanor found it endearing, if a little rude.

“Yes.” Her grandmother continued. “We have had many calls with our counterparts in Japan, the Prime Minister does nothing but complain he is snowed under, and even though he received his welcome trade deal that will get the tabloids off his back for a while, Japan has managed to bloody our nose on many favourable deals. Really, Akio, you have made quite the profit from us.” Her smile showed she meant no offense, the charming, forthright grandmother she knew and loved. Hearing that Henry should be ready to start the regrowth of his limbs tomorrow has lifted her spirits. The doctors will be able to bring him out of the coma then.

“Akio is the face-face of Japan.” Shaeula said proudly, puffing out her meagre chest. “It is only natural for him to prioritise his homeland, is it not-not?”

“True.” The Queen conceded. “But we are greatly pleased to know that Akio is indeed also a British citizen, one of our subjects.” Her smile turned impish, making her look younger, eyes twinkling. “In fact, in discussions with the Prime Minister and my dear granddaughter here, as well as my son, we believe it is more than appropriate to confer upon him a Knighthood. After all, he has taken up his sword for the realm and my dear granddaughter.”

I did agree. It’s only fair. Besides… Eleanor held in a smile as his face froze, enjoying his discomfort. It shouldn’t always be me on the back foot. And I do think if anyone deserves to be a Knight… it’s you.

“I’m fairly certain British citizens are the only ones that can be knighted. I suppose you mean an honorary one, but… well, the Japanese system isn’t quite the same, but I’ll be marrying into Takatsukasa house, so it could cause problems.”

“No, we mean what we said, a Knighthood.” The Queen chuckled, swirling her brandy and taking a sip happily. “Yes, you may not be a citizen, you renounced your nationality when you moved to Japan, as did your mother. But that is a Japanese conceit. We allow dual nationality. And now, so do you. We read your laws with great interest. Some, Eleanor has had to explain to us, and even she does not understand the purpose of all of them.”

“Grandmother…” Eleanor hissed, embarrassed. I hate showing off my lack of knowledge. It isn’t my fault. Shiro told me he has a… yes, a knowledge cheat! Of course he knows more!

“Of course we had to check the character of the man who wishes to ally with our precious granddaughter. As grandparents, you agree, right?”

As Akio’s grandparents were addressed, the man, Jack nodded. “That makes sense. As a father, when my daughter met her future husband, of course I checked to see if he was suitable for my little girl.”

“I don’t think she means like that. She’s not talking marriage, dear.” Evelyn, his wife said, wide-eyed. “Our Akio is a fine young man. Just look at these girls, the others who visited recently too. They like him, so he must be kind to them.”

“He sure is.” Shiro laughed, enjoying watching me squirm.

“Look, that’s beside the point…” Akio began, but Eleanor knew he was cornered, and was relishing it. Some payback at last…

“No, we think it is not. Holders of these special passports can hold dual nationality. And to take advantage of the polygamy laws, one must currently be a special passport holder. Ergo, you can be British. Well, we overstate it. Can be is wrong. The Foreign Secretary has already overseen the documents.” Grandmother gestured, and a servant brought over a new passport. Akio took it, sweating.

“Is that even legal, without my permission?”

“Oh, do not be so timid.” The Queen laughed. “We cleared this with your Prime Minister, and I spoke to Shige myself, since he seems to be acting as your sponsor in the Japanese nobility. Yes, accepting foreign honours may cause trouble, especially with the populace up in arms about Kyoto. Anti-Chinese sentiment is rife there, as much as some pushback against the Church is here. A sad thing. We do not hold the good people of the Catholic Church, nor their worshippers responsible for the crimes of Mary Stuart. Though should this Church of New Revelations persist, then we shall take steps.”

Grandmother is kind. I know that. Me… I would find it hard to trust them again. What… what do we do? Akio is still holding back information. I understand why, but it frustrates me.

“Yes, I think the benefits are outweighed by the risks. I’m flattered though.” Akio demurred, only for her grandmother to lean forwards, eyeing him like a hawk.

“Oh, really? But we were so sure that your dear sister would be simply delighted, were her big brother to receive the recognition he so richly deserves. She would be a guest of honour at the New Year Honours ceremony, along with all your dear fiancées. Picture the scene, the eyes of the world on you, her eyes sparkling as she watches her dear brother honoured by us ourselves. Then we would be more than happy to give her the Royal treatment. We are sure our dear Eleanor would love to meet her too.”

“Actually, I really would.” Eleanor snickered, enjoying the look of shock and defeat on his face. She was right, this will work! “As a sister who has suffered with foolish brothers, I expect we would have much in common.” She crossed her arms and gave Akio a smug look.

“All right, which of you suggested this?” Akio eyed his women, and both Shaeula and Shiro laughed happily.

“Give it up, Aki. To be honest, I think it’d be incredible to be married to an actual Knight.” Shiro said.

“Indeed. I do believe it is less-less than you deserve.” Shaeula agreed proudly. “Though you shall be a Prince of the Seelie, it does not-not hurt to add to your stature.”

“Well said. As for you, Shaeula my dear, we will proceed as agreed. You hold these special passports and are a citizen of Japan, but we know that is a fiction. A clever one, but a fiction nonetheless.”

“What does she mean?” Akio asked, puzzled, and Shaeula snickered.

“While you and Hyacinth were working on the Ring Gates again-again, I was in discussion with the Queen, trying to secure her cooperation for your plan.” Shaeula stared at Eleanor then, her face stern, and Eleanor looked down.

I know. In the end… I’m going to crack. What choice do I have? Grandmother has left it up to me, and… I am not ungrateful, I am not. But… to ask this… if I was to surrender, I need to make sure that I can never be betrayed, that Britain benefits. “You ask a lot. But this is one small way to repay us.”

“Yes, Lady of the Garter.” Shaeula grinned. “Though it shall cause much-much consternation in the Seelie Court… I believe ties between mortals and Fae should be increased. And I wish to bring honour to my husband, is that so-so wrong?”

“We have some consternation, as to whether she would be a Stranger Lady, being royalty not of our isle. But then, the Seelie Court is descended from many Fae lineages of this isle. We find it most perplexing. But we have time to think. Such an award would not be made until the New Year.” She fixed Akio with her gaze, while Hyacinth was comforting his shell-shocked grandparents.

“Akio. We may seem selfish. We are. We have to think of the good of this isle. We have to protect the Tower, though we have had to pass this duty down to Eleanor. We still grieve over that, and what that has cost her. Her innocence, certainly.”

“Grandmother!” Eleanor flushed red, scandalised. “Don’t phrase it like that! I’m still a.. ugh, no, no, no!” Eleanor suddenly turned away, burying her face in a cushion, throwing a tantrum like a child, barely catching her grandmother’s next words.

“We know you are holding knowledge we need. The girls here, they hint at it, trying to make us bite. And bite we shall. We would bind you to us, just as you are to Japan. After all, your mother, she would not wish her homeland to fall in the fires of calamity, would she? Would your sister not like to discover the other half of her heritage? Consider this a token. We can offer more. Though the Prime Minister complains we have already been bled dry.” She coughed, and Eleanor slowly lowered the cushion, her face now just pink, her breathing back under control. I don’t want to think of or imply such things with him here… how mortifying! Grandmother has a wicked sense of humour, but I wish she wouldn’t tease me…

“Mary Stuart is in our custody. It is quite the miracle she is not dead, they tell us, but she clings on tenaciously, though her mind seems afflicted. We found her Territory, Canterbury Cathedral. It makes some sense. Though it is now a Church of England Cathedral, it was originally a Catholic one, and the oldest remaining in Britain. We are not sure how to proceed though, nor with the Territories of those who betrayed us.”

Eleanor sighed, looking at Akio pensively. “I’m not a fool. Leaving Sarah, Donovan…” she shuddered, remembering. I only looked through the window of his cell, and he was strapped to the bed, ranting and raving. He looked like a different person. Shaeula was cruel, but then… he wanted to… no, he got what he deserved. Whether Max Power instigated him, like Shaeula says, that’s irrelevant. It’s not like he was mind controlled, at least Akio doesn’t seem to think so. So persuaded or not, it was his own choices… “… the others, it’s a risk. A big one. But… if we destroy their Anchors, as you call our banners, what then? We’ve lost so many, if we censure all the traitors, Britain’s power will plummet. We can’t do this alone.”

“I believe you can tell them more-more.” Shaeula observed. “That was the conclusion reached, was it not-not?”

Akio nodded. “This information is priceless and secret. It’s not something easily disclosed.”

“We will take whatever we can, for the good of Britain, even if we are unfair. But… granddaughter…” she eyed Eleanor. “… do you think we should meet his price?”

Shaeula spoke first. “Eleanor, we have talked, have we not-not? I have been open with you. You have recourse, power, though you know it not-not. All you have to do is reach out and accept our hands.”

Eleanor nodded. “I’ll give him what he wants. But… Akio…” Eleanor fixed him with a stern, unyielding blue-eyed glare. “If you prove unworthy of our trust, if you betray Britain, if you do not do as promised you will regret it. I’ll not try and defeat you, as if I could…” she laughed mockingly, knowing it was futile to consider it. That battle I saw… currently, I can play no part in those sorts of conflicts. Gathering her will, she continued. “… no, should you betray me. I will simply kill myself there and then.”

Her grandmother gasped, as did Akio’s grandparents, stunned. Shaeula laughed, while Shiro nodded, saying “That makes sense. Aki’s big weak spot there…”

“Yooou think your death is wooorthy of causing him sorrow?” Hyacinth said coldly, and Eleanor stood, pushing out her chest with pride.

“Actually, Hyacinth, I do. I used to think I was a good judge of character. It turns out I am rather dim. But I can judge this, and others have confirmed my guess. Akio, you put everything into saving me, risking yourself and those under your care for me. I hardly think you did it because you like me. We had never even met.” Somehow that’s frustrating. It makes me feel unimportant. “But this Diviner of yours saw something in me, something perhaps you need. So I will deny you that. But more importantly… when you see me dead, my throat opened by my own hand, my eyes accusing you, I don’t think you would be able to sleep again.” Her lips curved into a satisfied smile. “You are too soft-hearted. So bear this in mind. My life is in your hands. I cannot survive another betrayal. I will not.”

“I wasn’t going to betray you anyway. I don’t need threatening.” Eleanor’s eyes gleamed as Akio looked rather insulted. “But no, don’t kill yourself, Eleanor. It’s those who are left behind that would suffer. And whether I need you or not… I’m going to work you hard. So, our mutual defence pact, Territory upgrade pact and emergency issue pact are all sealed?” He held out his hand, and Eleanor looked to her grandmother.

“In the end, we are not able to fight. You are the heir to the Tower and what lies beneath.”

“Fine.” Eleanor grasped his hand, and smiled. “I look forward to working with you. Learning from you too. Though I fear at first we might need some charity. We bled… and lost.”

“Yes. I’ll tell you a bit about how to reformat your Territory, though if all goes well, that might not be an issue. It depends on whether we can finish the Ring Gate and get it working…”

“Nooot a problem. Hyacinth is confident it will wooork!” she shouted happily.

“In that case… let’s talk about Divine Favours and what I think you should do.” Akio said, before he looked at his women, his expression sardonic. “But first… I want to know just who told Eleanor to threaten me like that? Own up and the punishment will be lighter…”

At that, Shiro and Shaeula grumbled, and Eleanor couldn’t help but burst out laughing, a great weight off her shoulders, now that she had made the monumental decision to accept his terms. I don’t actually think he will betray me. But… if he does, I’ll live in his nightmares forever, and never let him sleep peacefully again. I swear it…

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