Offer To The CEO

Chapter 238: Court - Part 7

238 Court - Part 7

Friday, continued …

"There is no way that I will put that offer to my clients.It is ridiculous.The national prosecutors believe all the charges initially laid and that we are being dealt with can be proven, plus there are others including Fraud that they have not charged your clietns with."

"That is not acceptable to my clients.They want the matter disposed of today."

"Well they are going to have to compromise.I know my clients will, to an extent, so you need to talk to your clients more to get them to see that."

"I can tell you they will not."

"My client's position is that if there is no intention to compromise and reach agreements, I will be informing the court that Madam Hou views your client's as a significant risk to her safety and well being and that they need to remain in jail until the matter is dealt with by the national prosecutors office in the capital.Madam Hou is of the view, and I agree with her, that the only way her ongoing safety is guaranteed is if your clients are in jail."

"Fine, give me 5 minutes."

With that, he left the room and went back to the room where Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu where.As soon as he walked, even before the door was shut "So she agreed then.Great.That b**ch will get it."

As soon as the door was shut "Sorry Madam Lu you are wrong.Their lawyer has made it clear unless there is some compromise, they will not agree to anything and recommend that both you remain in jail until the national prosecutors deal with the matter.Given Madam Hou's injuries, I believe the court will do this.At present the national prosecutors are taking 6 months to deal with most cases, so you need to consider that."

"F**k" responded Lu Jihnu."Lin, darling, I want to get that b**ch as much as you do, but there is no way that I am going to languish in jail for 6 months.Last night was bad enough.I got no sleep, as men in the cell made it clear that they wanted to 'f**k me in the a*se until I was bleeding and then everyone do it again'.And you being there risks you loosing our child.No go and get the best deal possible.Agree to the charges, but no convictions on anything and no the corporate espionage charge."

"Jinhu" screamed Yang Lin, "That b**ch needs to, and this is giving in to her."

"Lin, what is more important, never giving in or keeping out of jail.We cannot deal with her if we are in jail, so we need to remain out.Just go and see what you can get."

"Yes Mr Lu."

The lawyer hurried out the door, fully understanding his instructions as to what to do.While he knew he had a great success rate for criminal cases nothing could match that of Alister Nang.He had almost a one hundred percent success rate.When he defended, his clients usually got off or minimal penalties and when prosecuting at the initial stages he almost always got a conviction on all charges.

This was one thing that he would tell the Lu's.Even without them knowing this, they were the most difficult client's he ever had represented.Everything had to be their way, and Madam Lu's reaction was just a sample in the last day what he had been through with them.No one else's view was relevant.

At present Mr Lu seemed to be somewhat reasonable and able to see some realities, Madam Lu could not.The rumours that were around about Yang Lin, was that she was the darling little heiress of the Yang family, and what she wanted she was always given.

One rumour even had, that her family had to buy the silence of a victim she had beaten almost to death.All he had to do was ensure that he kept her out of jail with minimal impact.That however was going to be an uphill task if she continued her attitude."

As he walked back into the room with Alister Nang and his assistant in it, he shut the door an as he sat down said "I have some room to negotiate, however any deal is subject to the final say of my clients, but their non-negotiable points is that there is no convictions recorded, no jail time, and Madam Hou to withdraw Australian based legal action and accept previous orders, and promise no further Australian Legal action."

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