Offer To The CEO

Chapter 237: Court - Part 6

237 Court - Part 6

Friday, continued …

With this Alister Nang stood up and motioned to Hou Yi, Anna and Rosemary to follow him.They could see the glares being given by Yang Lin who was not happy where matters were going.Alister showed them into the room they had waited in.

Hou Yi spoke "So what does all that mean?"

"CEO and Madam Hou.The judge has made it clear we have until this afternoon to get very close to a, for want of a better term, plea agreement, or he will transfer the matter to the capital for the national prosecutors office to directly deal with.That will not effect you, but it will make it a dramatically different case for the Lu's."

"The question is what it the bottom line for us and the Lu's.The Lu's have made their position already clear, but that will be unacceptable to the national prosecutors office who have to sign off on the agreement as well."

"Totally unacceptable.There has to be convictions, it was not once off, it was not a lapse in judgement.They assaulted me twice directly and arranged whether directly or indirectly to have me assaulted by the police.They sort to use fraudulently obtained court orders to justify actions, they verbally abused me, and the co-opted members of Hou Enterprises headquarters staff to spy and pass information onto them,No way."Indicated Anna, getting very would up.

"I get that Madam Hou.Now, what I need is for you to think about what is acceptable."

Anna spoke quite sharply "Off the tip of my tongue, with both of them accepting convictions, for Yang Lin assault, bribery and corporate espionage, and replace the assault charge with aggravated violence towards a former partner for Lu Jinhu.Jail time and fines, charitable donations, plus a requirement that they stay away from me for the penalties."

"If there is no agreement they can be in jail until the national prosecutors office deal with them.I do not care about them, I just need to be protected from their ongoing behaviour that continually threatens me."

Alister quietly spoke "OK let me go and speak to their representative, and we will see what can be negotiated.Please do not leave the room, but I can arrange for some food and drink to be brought in for you."

"Thank You," responded Hou YI.

Meanwhile in another room, down the corridor, Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu had sat down with their lawyer fuming over what just happened.Lu Jinhu, indicated "You better bet that f**king lawyer on the other side to agree to what we said we would plead to.We will accept nothing more that that."

Yang Lin then tacked on "And that b**th better be happy she got at least this.We should not have to plead guilty to anything as we did nothing wrong.It is all her fault."

"Mr Lu, Madam Lu, please calm down.I know your bottom line.Let me go and speak to their lawyer and see what deal can be reached.You can then decide to accept or reject the proposal."

"Tell that idiot of a lawyer of they have, that we have to have what we have offered nothing more, and that is generous.She has no f**king rights to do this that b**ch, no f**king rights.And by the way tell that lawyer of theirs that the only way we will agree to that deal, is if she gives us her laptop exactly as it is, no programs removed and all passwords for the programs, and the rings that she and Hou Yi are wearing as they were meant to be our rings."

"Please calm down Madam Lu, let me see what I can do.I have already arranged for lunch to be brought in for you by a staff member, and if there is anything else that you need, simply ask them.I will see you once I have had this conversation."

Before either Yang Lin or Lu Jinhu could say anything their lawyer left immediately, and found Alister Nang waiting outside the room."I have arranged another room, and one of my staff has come so that any proposal that we take back to our clients, can be typed.Follow me."Alister walked 4 doors down from where Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu were, and into a room, where a secretary was waiting.

After the door was shut, Alister spoke firstly "My clients, for agreed facts and a conviction begin recorded plus penalties would accept a plea on for Madam Lu assault, bribery and corporate espionage, and replace the assault charge with aggravated violence towards a former partner for Mr Lu.They are wiling to compromise to a point."

"Well my client's are adamant that all they will accept is acknowledged the assault but no convictions and the donation mentioned in court.Plus they have indicated Mr Lu requires Madam Hou to immediately surrender her laptop with all programs in tack plus all passwords.Further Mr and Madam Lu are adamant that the rings that CEO Hou and Madam Hou are wearing are their rings, stolen from them, so they want them back."

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