Offer To The CEO

Chapter 218: Recovery and Revenge - Part 13

218 Recovery and Revenge - Part 13

Friday, continued …

"I can do.Can you provide written authorisation to obtain the relevant information from your employers, bank and the like.We are awaiting information from the police in Australia as well, but the office I have been speaking to suggested that I also have you sign something called a Freedom of Information request to obtain information" continued Officer Mu

"Why a Freedom of information request?"

"Madam Hou, all I want to do is ensure that I cover every eventuality.While you have given me a direction to proceed, I have no idea where things may take me, and given your injury the last thing that I want to do is to have to disturb you more than necessary."

Officer Mu then continued "Based on this new information and the preliminary information that has been gathered, we now will be able to interview Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin.However, as Mr Nang can confirm the decision has been to ensure that we have all the information gathered to counter any allegations before doing this, to prevent them attempting to cover anything up."

Alister Nang then started to speak."Sir, Madam.That is correct.In speaking with the investigators after I spoke to you CEO Hou at Hour Enterprises, they want to ensure the investigations remains closely held.Other than Officer Mu and one other police officer no one within the main police station is being trusted with any information."

"Within the investigation team only the two investigators and four senior officials, me and yourselves know what is happening.Their concerns stem from the past where CEO Lu in particular, but also Lu Jinhu have been targeted for investigations regarding corrupt of illegal behaviour.The investigations details have ended up getting leaked and they have seemed to buy people's silence ending the investigations."

"Given that generally their targets have been people from lower social class, so for some reason no one has given a care about this, as it has been accepted they have simply taken money to deal with it outside the criminal system.This is the first time that there is any evidence that they have directly targeted someone within their own social group, meaning they cannot use their usual means of getting out of the situation."

"Given the social media posts, I suspect that they are playing the only real card they can, trying to use Yang Lin's apparent social media power to influence opinion and persuade people that the truth is a lie and the lie is the truth.Apparently she has millions of social media followers who she has convinced that she is trustworthy, particularly in the lower social groups, and even if she retracts a statement in the future, they forgive her.The problem is for them her so-called friends who have similar levels of social media followers, may not trust her."

Hou Yi interrupted "And the reality is within the social elite, despite her pretending otherwise, I do know that many women, in particular, do not like her and would happily bring her down.Is is unlikely to be able to intimidate many of them, as ultimately they also respect me."

Alister Nang then continued "Apparently senior officials in the capital have made it clear to the investigators that there needs to be a complete investigation to determine if charges can be laid, and against whom.There is disgust within government that the police, from the information they had yesterday have been used for personal revenge.Those social media posts, and there would likely be more, confirm it."

"I suspect that there will likely, once the Australian information comes through the possibility of slander charges, and anything else that can be charged.The charges will simply depend on what is in those documents, and the information that Vice-CEO Ji has from his internal investigation into potential corporate espionage charges for activities in Hou Enterprises.The impression I had is that they want to throw the book at anyone who has acted illegally in this whole mess linked to both of you and Hou Enterprises."

Anna interrupted "While the focus in the police interview was on the Australian Court orders I had overturned, part of the information before the court was that the signatures on the documents were forged.The Court ordered a forensic examination of the signatures on the orders and other samples of my signatures.Could he be charged with attempting to enforce the court orders, that he new had been revoked?"

"More than likely, but could he be charged in Australia?Do you know if the analysis is back?"

"On the former, it depends on the court's decision, and if he claims he believed I signed them the potential is nothing will be done.As to the analysis, that you will have to ask my employers about as the report will go to them, as they are the lawyers on record for me in that matter."

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