Offer To The CEO

Chapter 217: Recovery and Revenge - Part 12

217 Recovery and Revenge - Part 12

Friday, continued …

Anna, turned to Hou Yi and pointed to her mobile, beside the hospital bed.Hou Yi walked over and picked it up, and returned back and handed it to his wife.Anna logged into her social media accounts and located her and Amanda's original posts , and showed these to Officer Mu, who noted down the identifying information for he information technology specialists to find the original posts and handed the phone back to Anna.

Anna scrolled down and found the two posts that she and Amanda noticed yesterday from Yang Lin, and then proceeded to show these to Officer Mu, who again noted down the identifying details.As the phone was handed back to Anna again, there came a number of pings identifying that there were some new posts.Anna, looked at them and noticed that Yang Lin could not help herself and responded.

"Officer Mu, Yang Lin has posted again.Let me read you this out 'The so called Madam Hou is nothing but a w**re and a liar.She latches onto men to get everything she can out of them.Thank goodness two good officers, who are now being targeted by the b**ch, could see through her after being given the right information, and made sure she paid for her lies."

" 'I would do it again to give the right information.Anyone who knows where she is, let me know, as she needs to pay for what she has done to me, and for Hou Yi to be gotten out of her clutches to protect him.'The responses are like this 'True Lin, thank god you told the truth for everyone to know.She deserved what she got, and we are glad you had a hand in it.'I wonder, did she post other stuff I have not seen?"

Anna kept scrolling through the other posts and noticed an even longer post from Yang Lin overnight."Officer Mu, I think you also need to hear this post that she did overnight 'This so-called Madam Hou is nothing but a liar, who gets her hands onto rich men to get anything out of them she can.She knew Lu Jinhu was committed years ago to me, yet she did everything to trick him into a relationship, taking millions from him during the relationship."

" 'She blackmailed him, claiming that if he left her she would claim he was abusive towards her to ruin him.It was only the luck of my pregnancy which she is trying to ruin, which gave him the strength to get out of the blackmailed relationship, and commit wholly to me, regardless of what she would do.Since then she has done nothing but try to ruin our relationship, and sunk her viciousness into another innocent victim, Hou Yi."

"It must be exposed before she damages him, like she did Lu Jinhu.She has lied and manipulated the media, and the courts to overturn orders that Lu Jinhu legitimately obtained to get back even a small part of the money she ripped out of him during the relationship through lying.No one has been willing to do anything until two brave police officers who were given the correct information and started to push her for the truth."

"She manipulated the situation and pushed them to breaking point, and one snapped.Now, they are being totally blamed for her lies and manipulations, while she sits in hospital playing the victim, and they are being charged and pushed out for doing what is right.This needs to be ended now.They need to be protected and she needs to be in jail, and made to pay for what she has done, rather than her innocent victims.'She is …."

"Delusional, is that what you are thinking Anna?"

"It is Yi.Delusional.She thinks the world centers around her, but she is so dumb that she has not realised what she has done with the post.Anyone with any semblance of knowledge of any legal system can see that she has admitted to giving information to Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang, that resulted in my assault."

"While everything else she has said is a lie, that simple admission makes it a conspiracy, and implicates her in it.While it does not implicate Lu Jinhu, if what you said is true that both officers admit to speaking to both Lu JIhn and Yang Lin, then it implicates him as well.As to her other allegations, they can easily be disprove."


"Well, there is the footage of us obtaining out Marriage Certificate in the Civil Administration Bureau which will demonstrate that our marriage is legal.Regarding her claims about my relationship with Lu Jinhu,I can put you into contact with a number of people that can confirm what happened when we were at University."

"At the time he turned up on my doorstep forcing a relationship there was someone that I was considering forming a relationship, and he would be able to confirm Lu Jinhu's actions at the start of the relationship.If you need, I can access my financial records that show our household was managed solely from my income into our joint accounts.The Bank would also be able to provide information to confirm the loan had to be in my name as he declared no income."

"Officer Mu, I get the impression that false statements like what she has made can be dealt with criminally here?"

"That is correct Madam Hou.What do you want to do?"

"I am sick of her allegations.Can you have it pursued for me please?"

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