Offer To The CEO

Chapter 208: Recovery and Revenge - Part 3

208 Recovery and Revenge - Part 3

Thursday, continued …

Meanwhile back at the hospital …

Anna was feeling really tired.The Physio and the work required was, as Anna found energy sapping.

Following this, the nursing staff assisted her out of bed and into the bathroom to have a shower.At least, as a result of this she felt clean.Anna simply sat there realising that despite wanting Hou Yi to go into the company, she was missing his company, as he made yesterday, last night and even this morning bearable.

Anna rang her call-bell, and asked the nursing staff for the log-in to the internet and for her laptop.She knew that she needed to let the office know what was happening, so that she was not overwhelmed with work to be done.She reviewed the emails that she had been sent, realising that a few emails only needed a short response to address them.She then emailed Mr Williams to let him know her current situation.All that took about twenty minutes.

As Anna closed her laptop and returned it to her bag, she realised again how much she was missing Hou Yi.She simply took the time to sit back and examine her feelings about how she really felt about him, and recognised withing herself if she asked herself this question just over two weeks ago her answer would have been completely different.

What she felt for Hou Yi, was so much stronger that any feeling that she had ever had for Lu Jinhu.The only thing she was not certain of, was this love?At the same time the only certainty for her was that she could not tell Hou Yi that she had feelings for him.Anna was worried that this would force him to respond particularly of the the current situation.

Before she did anything about confessing her feelings, Anna needed some sign from Hou Yi that he cared over and above the agreement they made.Anna realised that while there were some signs, she was fearful that they were simply driven by their situation at the time.This questioning of feelings, was driving her slightly crazy.She just needed some certainty, and that is what she did not have.

For Anna, the best memories of their marriage, so far, where how good Tuesday night and Wednesday morning was and how right it felt when he hugged her yesterday.Just resting quietly in his arms was amazing.

Anna decided trying to work out her feelings would continue to make her feel slightly crazy, so another distraction was needed.She located her mobile phone and decided to look at the follow up to her and Amanda's Social Media posts.Reading the comments was such that she realised that people's opinion was clearly on her side.

The responses echoed that there was no justification for what Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin did, nor could there be anything to justify an assault happening in the police station.The telling comment was "The so-called queen has ruined her crown.She deserves to be thrown out of society, pregnant or not nothing excuses it.I hope she and that husband of hers are charged and face jail."

Anna, was surprised how much two simple social media posts impacted social opinion towards Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin.Both of them deserved it.Maybe social media would lead the way on their complete downfall.People would be baying for their blood, and excuses would not play any part

Popping up on social media came a post, that could only have been from Yang Lin 'W**re's deserve everything they get.The w**re who claims she is married to one of the leading businessmen in the city has not gotten all she deserves.Tuesday night and yesterday was only a taste.Watch our w**re.'

Anna could not believe what was posted.Yang Lin, demonstrated the problem with many now who use social media, post before you think.Anna always followed a few simple rules for using her social media – no work, no updates as to where she was until she had gotten home, what would work think if I liked a post, and more importantly the 5 minutes rule – leave a post for at least 5 minutes before reviewing and then posting, as saying something in the heat of the moment only has one outcome.Bad.

Before Anna could even thing about a response, the responses from everyone who liked, shared or commented on the original post started to roll in quicker that she could finished reading it.A number wished Yang Lin the best with her pregnancy, but then told her what she could do with her friendship; others simple called her evil; and some called on the police to investigate her comments as the implied that she had something to do with Anna's assault.

Anna hears a noise outside, and as she looked up she felt a shiver run through her body when Hou Yi walked through the door."Yi you would not believe social media."With that Anna handed him her mobile and he started to go through the posts that were interesting Anna.He started to have a look of amazement that Yang Lin was so dumb as to post what she did.

"That it interesting."

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