Offer To The CEO

Chapter 207: Recovery and Revenge - Part 2

207 Recovery and Revenge - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

Once Alister Nang came into the office and shut the door "Mr Nang, this if my father Hou Jang and the Vice-CEO of Hou Enterprises Ji Feng," Hou Yi said, pointing to each of them."What do you know about what happened."

"CEO Hou based on the questioning yesterday that I sat in on, and with the additional information provided through me on your wife's behalf and the information that Officer Mu determined, all the allegations against your wife have been dismissed.The investigation confirmed that there was a conversation between Lu Jinhu and Yang Linand Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang."

"What cannot be proven was whether it was one or the other or both that accepted a bribe to harass and injure Madam Hou.The police's decision is to charge Inspector Gang with assault over the injuries to Madam Hou.They will continue to investigate the suspected bribery matter, but both officers will be demoted and moved to new posts in a rural area."

"Further given the two assaults on Madam Hou, and the evidence that Officer Mu found in Australia, they are going to charge Lu Jinhu with abuse of Madam Hou.However, they have indicated that the charges in Lu Jinhu will not be laid for 3 or 4 weeks, because they want to see if they can prove that he bribed police and for additional inquiries to be made in Australia."

"Thank you Alister.Please keep me updated."

"Not a problem CEO Hou."And with that he left.

"That is it Yi!We need to get out of collaborations on projects where Lu Corporation is involved." Came the furious response from Hou Jang.

"Dad while I agree, until Lu Jinhu is charged, we have to be careful in how we act against Lu Corporation.Acting strategically ensures that we do not hurt the other companies involved in various projects and prevent Lu Corporation running a public argument that we are out to destroy them because of Lu Jinhu's actions."

"Hou Enterprises therefore will retain a defendable position.My view is that we target the projects where we and Lu Corporation are major investors firstly as it lessens the harm to other companies, because we can defend that.However once Lu Jinhu is charged all bets are off.Lu Corporation will be targeted publicly to the extent that I can prove its involvement.

"Yi, when did you become so smart?" asked Ji Feng.

"Uncle Feng, the employees of Lu Corporation are not blame, and I do not want them to become victims if I can avoid it.They have nothing to do with Lu Jinhu's activities.As to being smart, the two best teachers I have are here.You both taught me, decisions restwith those at the top, not with those that implement them.Lu Corporation's employees only implement the bad decisions made, not make them, therefore they should not be targeted unless it cannot be avoided."

Hou Yi paused and decided that he needed to say something else."However, as I said that is publicly ..."

Hou Jang then clicked "You have behind the scenes actions planned, to make the downfallspectacular."

"You have it in one dad. I am not as stupid to allow CEO Lu to argue that we are targeting them because of the ex-Vice-CEO's actions in his private life.We all know that the financial support Lu Corporation provides both of them, and that is what I am planning to target, with long term action and cooperation with other companies."

Hou Jang and Ji Feng looked at each other and realised that Hou Yi had learnt from both of them well, and when the thought about it recognised that his decision was correct.Maintain a defendable public position but work behind the scenes to do what is wanted.

With that, Hou Yi started to direct the conversation towards business matters, so that he could send at least part of each day with Anna in the hospital.

Meanwhile at Lu Jihnu and Yang Lin's residence …

"Jinhu, that b**ch.Look at these social media posts.Even my friends have been sharing them.How dare she."

"Lin calm down, we need to be smart.So far she has been outplaying us in this game.We react wrongly she wins.Presently no one can link us to what happened, so we just need to be calm."

"Who is this Amanda Mei?Do we know anyone by that name?"

"Mei, as in the Vice-CEO of XF International?No I do not think her name is that but she seems familiar."Lu Jinhu paused."S**t, she may be.She looks like that w**re that about 12 months ago assaulted me when I attempted to be nice to her."

Yang Lin paused "She is.I remember her, she always refused to be called the name her parents gave her, insisting that she was Amanda.She was a stuck-up b**ch and refused to take anything that I dished out.She always insisted that I had no control when we all know I did as I was always the greatest heiress at school.She has to go down."

"Lin, consider before you post…"

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