Offer To The CEO

Chapter 157: Wednesdays Session - Part 7

157 Wednesday's Session - Part 7

Wednesday continued ...

"Phillipa, I did tell Yi, but …"

"Anna, telling Yi is important.He will be there to support you, and you need that."

"Phillipa …"

"What Anna?"

"It was not a direct admission, but I really hinted to him that it happened.But, in doing that I really pushed him into something that I think he now regrets."

"Anna, while I do not want to pry into what happens inside your bedroom, I think you need to tell me, as it is messing with your mind."With that Phillipa looked directly at Anna, who was blushing and unable to look her in the eyes.

There stretched out a period of silence, and Phillipa, realised that based on what Hou Yi had told her, she was going to have to push Anna slightly, to get her to admit what happened.

"Anna, based on your reaction, and Yi's earlier reaction, I am guessing you had s*x, and you are now regretting it."

"I do not regret having s*x with Yi, it was so much better than anything with Lu Jinhu, it felt natural, as if it was meant to be.I did not feel that I was pressured into anything, which was always the case with Lu Jinhu.Nothing there felt natural, it always felt forced, and what he wanted.But …"

"But what?"

"I really think that I pressured him into having s*x.I remember asking him 'Do you no want me' and telling him that I wanted him.I felt, and I still do that I manipulated him into having s*x, and despite his reassurances that he does not regret it, I think he does.I am so confused."

"Anna, Yi is an adult, and able to make his own decisions.The question is you.How do you feel about what happened?"

"I am just worried, that in pushing, I have ruined the trust in the relationship we had.I do not know how I feel, but I do not want him to resent anything.With everything that I have had to admit happened in that toxic relationship the last two weeks, Yi is the one constant that I have had to rely on.I do not know what I would do without his."

"Anna, do you regret it?"

"Actually no, but …"

"No buts.If you do not regret what happened, then it is OK.Everything will be alright."Phillip paused, then continued "Now stay here I will go get Yi, and you two need to talk."

Phillipa then stood up and left the room, heading into the lounge where Hou Yi was sitting.She sat down "Yi, I am going to be honest with you.Anna is confused.When we go in there, I need you to confirm one thing, and one thing only, that you do not regret what happened last night or blame her."

"Anna feels vulnerable and that she pressured you last night but is not willing to open up.She needs to know that you will be there to support her.You and I both know that this is the case, but she does not.We are then going to talk about issues that are bothering her."

"Before we go in, if last night is repeated, she needs to completely understand that you agree to it, and remains in control of what happens.She needs to be given time to understand what her feelings are, and with how much Lu Jinhu has messed her around that is going to take time.Do not confess how you feel, as it will send her running away, preventing any chance you two have to build a lifelong relationship.Do you understand me?"

"Yes Pip.All I want is for her to be happy and safe.I have told you this."

"Come on then, lets go."

With that Phillipa and Hou Yi stood and walked into the study.Hou Yi shut the door after they entered and sat down.Neither Anna or Hou Yi were ready to talk, but could not help stealing glances at each other.

Phillipa, broke the silence."Now, while I have told you two, I really do not want to know what goes on behind your bedroom door, but it is obvious the two of you have issues with what happened last night.We need to address that before we can get into dealing with other stuff.Yi?"

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