Offer To The CEO

Chapter 156: Wednesdays Session - Part 6

156 Wednesday's Session - Part 6

Wednesday, continued ...

"Yi, stop being so sappy.I know it will break your heart."

"It does not matter, she is the important one.I simply have to make sure she is happy."

Phillipa looked at Hou Yi and realised that he was serious about everything.She said to herself, I hope and pray that he does not end up without her in his life, as he will not cope.Rather than continuing to press her friend, she figured that she better talk to Anna, and figure out what is happening with her.Hopefully she can steer these two in the direction to get them to admit to the other how they feel about each other.

"Yi, I think I need to have a chat with Anna.Do not disappear, as when Anna is ready I will call you, as there are some things that we will need to discuss."

"Fine Pip.Just do not make her feel guilty or concerned about anything.She does not need that, and it will make me forget that you are my friend."

"Fine Yi, now go, before I get angry about you calling me Pip."

With that Hou Yi, walked out of his study and walked into the lounge, and let Anna know that Phillipa wanted to talk to her.Anna walked into the study, shut the door behind her, and sat down on a chair across from Phillipa.

In a calm voice "Anna, how are you?"

Quietly Anna responded "Fine"

"Anna, I am going to tell you, in only a way an Australian would understand, do not bull s**t me.And to quote Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men 'Tell me the truth'."

With that Anna laughed, but realised that Phillip wanted her to be serious and give her truthful answers.

"Phillipa, last night terrified me.I really through those two were going to assault me further.They have no filters and I am their constant target as I have been thwarting their plans, without stepping outside the law in any way.That they do not like."

"Anna, given I am back and forth from England to here, I know those two idiots.They think that they are the best in society, but they have no class and are full of themselves.I see the best and worst in society, both here and in England, in my personal life and my professional life.I see what men can do day in and day out, and how people act, so I can judge, and as of the fact that I will eventually inherit my maternal grandfather's title, I am invited to the top of English Society events, including Royal Events."

"They do not understand that having a position in society comes with obligations to society.I have learnt that from my maternal grandfather, and my paternal grandparents here.All Yang Lin worries about is being a social media influencer, but she has no substance, and as I think you are realising Lu Jinhu is a bully.They only focus on themselves, the community does not matter.

"Phillipa, ... "

"Now we have talked a little trash about the two idiots, you owe me the truth."

"Fine Phillipa.When Lu Jinhu hit me, I had to admit to myself that that was not the second time he physically assaulted me.While the physical violence was not as frequent as the other violence he directed at me, he use it to try and control me when he did not get what he wanted.I realise that I quickly learnt to give him want he wanted, regardless of my feelings to avoid the physical violence.Usually it was simply a slap, often just on the hand, to the arm, leg or backside, just hard enough for me to pay attention.I recall once confronting him about it, and the anger that arose in him over than, made me stop."

"Anna, damn.You needed to be honest."

"Phillipa, I could not.As I said, it was infrequent, and only happened when he did not get what he wanted.If I gave him what he wanted, it did not happen.So it was not an issue, generally."With that Anna burst into tears.

Phillipa took Anna into her arms, and simply let her cry as she needed.Once she realised that Anna was starting to calm down, she pulled back, and asked "You are lying, it really bother's you?"

Anna stared at Phillipa, and looked away, realising that she would have to admit the truth "Yes it does.It was difficult enough to admit the other things he had done, now to admit this to myself."

"Anna, admitting to what happened, if the first step towards being able to deal with it."

"Phillipa, but how do I tell people that I did not let them know everything about what he did?"

"Anna, that is many steps down the track.You have admitted it to me, and I am guessing you told Yi about it as well?"

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