Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 75: Daybreak (Team)

Chapter 75: Daybreak (Team)


Breaking Dawn (Team):

Broken group (4/5): Zhang Lan, Peter, Harry, Natasha;

Team store;

More exciting, so stay tuned;


The system is so intimate that even the name is taken, it is called breaking dawn.

The brackets after dawn, according to the system's explanation, the scale of dawn now is only a team level, and can only accommodate up to five players including the host.

What is the use of this team member?

Only become a member recognized by the system, they have the right to use the team shop.

The current team store is very few, only two types of cards.


Name: Live card

Category: Team props card

Rank: None

Efficacy: Live broadcast can be started at any time, and 360-degree videos with no dead ends will be shared to the corresponding meager authentication account.

Note: Each player can only have one at the same time.


Name:? ? ?

Category: Character Card

Rank:? ? ?

Efficiency: Allows team members to randomly obtain character skills*3, and inherits the skill cultivation method possessed by the card character's card level.

Remarks: If the card character has a blood-health limit, then get this bloodline (primary)*1, and each player can only use the character card of the same character.


The first live card, it seems very unreasonable.

Zhang Lan, who had bright eyes, entered the character card store. At this glance, he knew the importance of live cards.

The unified price of character card exchange is 100W energy points, and another 100W energy points are needed. At the same time, A-level rule fragments are required*1 to unlock character cards, and the same A-level character can only be exchanged once.

Not to mention the 100W energy point of the pit father at least, this is at least Zhang Lan now out, the focus is that 100W energy points.

What is energy integration?


Energy points: The energy points absorbed by a member of the team using the live card are converted into energy points at a 1:1 ratio. The energy points are privately owned by the system.


Do you see the point?

see it?





[The energy point is system private! people! So! Have! ! !

Are you human?

If the system is human, it is Zhou Paipi, Grand Terrace.

This pit-ratio system actually requires him to personally bear 100W energy points, and then swallows another 100W energy points, and then needs an A-level rule fragment?

is ashamed!

Well, stinky shameless!

Zhang Lan complained: "System, what about your face? Do you want another one?"

The system sounds stiff: "Drip, this system is invisible, faceless. In addition, does the host need the system to remove the team system?"

At the end, the system really popped up a [YES/NO] option.

Can this endure?

can bear?



En, Zhang Lan chose decisively


Joke, finally looking forward to an opportunity to give Peter a few people to make rapid progress, how can I just give up?

He is not a fool.

Thinking of this, exhale gently.

Zhang Lan: "System, don't I still have a character card random draw *1 reward? Transfer it out."

has to say that the system that is completely bound to Zhang Lan has a lot of brains. In the past, he needed to find things by himself. Now he only needs to say something to the system and it will--

System: "Drip, please host to go to Breaking Dawn (Team), Team Shop, Character Card; to get it."

Zhang Lan: "......"

Find the so-called rewards, click directly to use.

In the line of sight, a large turntable appeared one hundred meters away. Dont ask him how he knew why the gadget produced a hundred meters in the room. He didnt know.

appeared with Zhang Lan's hand.

System: "Drip, there are a total of character cards *300 on the turntable, E level-SSS level, the number of each level is uncertain, please host throwing nothing, the shot is a reward."

Zhang Lan's ominous premonition: "So... what happens if I miss it?"

System: "Drip, reward cancel."

Zhang Lan: "......"

Why do you feel that the system after the fusion has no morality? Hasn't it been this way before?

Nian nao nai nao, but the rules still have to be respected, who makes him not the boss.

Fortunately, he has a big weapon. This distance of 100 meters, don't worry about it at all.

Write a chakra eyeopen

Double hook jade climbed into his eyes, Zhang Lan opened his eyes, trying hard to see the information on the big turntable.

After the second evolution of the writing wheel eye, although it is not the eyes of the investigating eye, it is also obvious to see things 100 meters away. Even when observing dynamic things, the writing wheel eye at this distance is stronger than the white eye.

But will the system be so simple to let Zhang Lan succeed?

Yes, no.

Zhang Lan tried to glance over, but saw the big turntable, but he couldn't see the seemingly slow speed, just like a layer of frosted glass, that is, he couldn't see the character cards on it. It was a pile of mosaics.

Yes, mosaic! ! !

Mommy, after watching it for a long time, he was fainted.

Know that this is a chakra eye!

Turned out by a turntable?

If Uchiha spot knows, will he die?

Squatted down holding his forehead, staring at it for ten seconds or so, his body was a little dizzy. At this time, he threw it reluctantly, but it was miserable if he missed it.

Zhang Lan murmured fiercely: "System, you are ruthless! You can bear the entire countdown!"

System: "Drip, as the host wishes, 10, 9, 8..."

Zhang Lan: "O.O"

Why is he so cheap?

Efforts were made to restore his body balance. When the system stepped down to 2, Zhang Lan threw out the suffering in his hand.

It takes time to fly, but it's better to reserve some time.

Very good, center bullseye!

System: "Drop, there is no character card in the bull's eye of the big turntable. Randomly select the character card... The character card has been selected and has been distributed to the system space."

Zhang Lan: "Very good, very powerful! System, you set a red heart, is it for random function?

System: "Drip, yes."

Zhang Lan: "......"

what! ! ! Lift the table! ! !

Why is this system suddenly amused? Is there something wrong? Can you change it back? Doesn't it bind?

These are naturally impossible.

After venting a bit, Zhang Lan found the character card rewarded from the system space.


Name: Chiyo mother-in-law

Category: Character Card

Rank: S

Efficacy: Randomly master character skills*3, and inherit the skill training method of S-level and below owned by Chiyos mother-in-law.

Note: This character card is already at the highest level.


Seriously, as an S-class card, this thing is really powerful, but

Who needs it?

Peter? Harry? Natasha? Or Zhang Lan himself?

Peter is a master of physical surgery, and it must be PASS.

Harry can be reluctant, but this way Harry's talent is blind. The strongest mother-in-law is puppetry. That stuff is not ninjutsu. Harry won't learn it!

Moreover, Zhang Lan has a character more suitable for Hari.

Natasha? This will not work, Zhang Lan has not yet considered whether to give her such a valuable thing.

But this is UU reading www.uukanshu. com full 200W energy points plus a class A rule fragment!

S-level character card, Zhang Lan looked at it. The current team store is not available, but at least one S-level rule fragment can't run?

Finally, to yourself... Seriously, you gave me a grade A rule fragment, which is better than giving him a thousand generations of mother-in-law.

like I love Luo, Naruto, Sasuke, etc. are his "standard"

Thinking about it, I can only helplessly put the Chiyo mother-in-law back into the system space. Let me put it first.

Clicked the character card store again, and finally got good news.

Character card store is complete.

Mysterious store rules, update 10 cards a day, and dont look at your face too much if you want to meet the right card!

And now the character card store is much more atmospheric, and there are a full set, from Uchiha spots to Illumina, Yeno, all can be found.

It's just that all of them are below the A-level strength status, like Uchiha spot, A-level rule fragments plus 200W energy points, and they are only exchanged for his 13-year-old character card.

is terrifying!

And Haino Iluka, its strength assessment is only C level, and the exchange price is exactly the same as the 13-year-old spot.

is the price, love or not!

Moreover, there are restrictions on the number of purchases. There are four people joining the team at the dawn, so there are only four purchase opportunities.

Zhang Lan: "Oh yeah, you're a Zhou Paipi! Grand Terrace!"



ShuangweiReward 500 starting coins.

I'm just a little QuReward 200 starting coins.

Oh, by the way, yesterday we have a double reward, and there is no way to express it. Two chapters are presented.

default update, nine chapters.

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