Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 74: Rules of first knowledge and rule fragments

Chapter 74: Rules of first knowledge and rule fragments

There are so-called civilizations, cultures, and words on this earth.

He came into contact with these things, he has been alone, and made a decision.

He got into the invisible network, and turned it into something called "software", set it up as what he thought was friendly information, and waited there quietly.

Soon, he was taken away by a signal and entered a person's cell phone. He was very excited to ask that person if he wanted to go to the so-called "Naruto" world.

It was a world he passed, but he did not land at the time.

The owner of the mobile phone actually clicked "NO", which means rejection in that person's world.

He was very unhappy and regenerated an option.


Sure enough, that person did not refuse, after clicking YES, he took it to the Naruto world.

It's just that the memory is too long, he has always gone the wrong way, has always gone the wrong way, many big stones are blocking his way.

Finally, I have no energy and can only find a world called Marvel.

Soon after he landed, he fell asleep.


Who is he? What can he do? Why is he wandering for?

Instinctively, he knows that he is called the law, all he has to do is collect broken rule fragments, this thing can strengthen him, and will not eat support.

But he can't let this person collect for himself.

Therefore, he formulated a so-called system.


This method is very easy to use, he has eaten a lot of delicious regular pieces.

After a battle with the man, he saw that many creatures like this one had died. The man's heart was very sad, which affected him.

, decided, find a reason, and then bind with this person.

When the guy named Zhang Lan called himself, he chose one at random, and then melted Zhang Lan's soul and got into it.


At home, Zhang Lan opened his eyes with a frightened face.

Just now, he actually experienced the life of that system, which felt strange.

The so-called law is something that can create things, provided that enough regular fragments and energy are needed.

Regular fragments are naturally produced by the universe, such as Tonys miniature ark reactor, or spider serum, etc. These can be regarded as a kind of rule, but they are not yet complete, so they are regular fragments.

and complete rules are laws.

The system on him is the so-called law, which feeds on regular fragments and thus strengthens itself.

The scene of the previous explosion should be... the big bang?

In other words, has the system in my soul swallowed the entire universe?

Then, after being unacceptable, all spit it out again?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan is a little dizzy, and the amount of information is a bit big!

Zhang Lan tried to call: "System? Are you still there?"

The stereotyped sound of the system is still: "Di, what is the host's doubt?"

Zhang Lan: "Well, you are also a creature of the universe?"

System: "Di, strictly speaking, this universe is also created by this system, so this system is the parent role of this universe."

"...What is your name in that system? Do you have self-awareness? Do you have feelings?"

"Drip, this system is called "system" for itself. This system is strictly speaking only instinct. It needs regular fragments to grow itself. On this premise, it can do some equivalent exchanges."

"Oh? What about feelings? Do you have a system?"

"Drip, strictly speaking, there are only food and non-food in the eyes of the system, energy is the nutrients needed for normal operation, and regular fragments are growing nutrients."

"Oh... like this, why do you only show me the Naruto world in the system? Can't there be anything else? Such as devil fruit or other."

"Drip, during the fusion between the system and the host, "Naruto" is the most complete ability, so it is adopted. If you need to change it, you can submit it and replace it."

"Law... I see your memory in the system. Havent you encountered the second rule in so many years? How did the team function come about this time?"

"Drip, the team self-checks for the system. According to the current match, it is the most suitable solution for the host to get more rule fragments, so this function is extended as a reward."

asked this, Zhang Lan basically understood, just like a semi-intelligent system, the system on his body is a creature with a longer history than the current universe.

or a substance.

has the most basic biological instinct for eating, but it is a little special. In the parade for many years, I realized that it is difficult for me to get the core of "food" freely, that is, the rule fragments, so I found someone to attach.

He became the first host.

The so-called exchange system and the like evolved in order to obtain "food"-regular fragments.

is like a human being. In order to survive better, it has evolved from ape to a new human being.

Even, some have begun to evolve towards superhumans.

Zhang Lan finally understood why this system was such a dime special effect at first, and it was just a rule of staying on the earth for a short time-the "system", and there was no learning of gorgeous design at all.

And the gorgeous picture is just to satisfy the visual enjoyment of human eyeballs. As a semi-intelligent existence, the system does not need this style of painting.

is like, humans will never understand what it would be like to hiccup a neck like a long deer.

Afterwards, various missions or the evolved clan system are nothing more than to assist Zhang Lan and get better rule fragments.

A mutually beneficial transaction.

As for such an unreasonable task, the root cause was finally solved.

The existence of regular fragments is completely irregular. As a broken rule, they have no self-growth of the rule, so their attachments are also very unreasonable~~ Fury's black eye mask, Natasha's saliva , The will of the host, etc., may be produced.

Similarly, under equal conditions, the probability of being hit by a meteorite at every location on the earth is equal. No one can be sure that a place will not be targeted by a meteorite.

Preliminary understanding of the nature of the system, Zhang Lan suddenly felt relaxed, at least he is not being teased by the so-called **** as a toy, which is good news.

Zhang Lan: "System, the reward of system integration?"

System: "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the replacement card*1"


Name: Card for death

Category: Props Card

Rank: None

Efficacy: When the host soul dissipates, this card will gather its soul back.

Remarks: Please prepare a body.


"Lying trough! The bunker!"

Isn't this the resurrection card?

Look clearly. It is a card that will only be activated after the soul dissipates. If it is activated when the body dies, it is not enough for another fight.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan unconsciously opened his panel, looked at the poor skill, and decided to redeem a few skills.

He is now in huge money!

System space: 3 cubic meters

Energy points: 2.15 million;

Regular fragments: S level*1, A level*1, B level*2, C level*2, D level*1;

Gee, it is simply luxurious, don't want it.

However, before that, he still needs to glance at the so-called clan system. At this glance, Zhang Lan froze for a long time, and then glanced at his "big money" again.

"Hey, still poor!"

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