Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 53: Earth's Phantom Thor

Chapter 53: Earth's Phantom Thor

"This time, I don't believe there is any fool to save you?" Zhang Lan, hidden in the shadows in the distance, was very happy.

was about to step out, and the shadow avatar in the distance suddenly roared.

"Everyone! Come back, go back! Everyone go back..."

The sound of hiss was so exhausted that Zhang Lan's raised feet were scared and let go. What happened?

Soon, he understood what was going on.

Like a statue of Victor, his left hand is pointing at the sky, Zhang Lan originally mocked him that he was going to be a lightning rod, and the result was really struck by lightning!

Or rather, he did this deliberately, actively attracting one after another thunder to split him!

This TM is a sudden epiphany before dying. What skills did you awaken? It was only delayed until now.

Isn't this the ability that the protagonist of the novel should have? Not afraid of danger, you can always awaken a big move at the last moment, and a turn over!

Even if your BUG has been comprehending small skills in the past, its okay if TM cant beat it now, so its a big move?

There were thunderstorms tonight, and a large cloud in the sky covered most of New York and also covered the sky above this battle.

At this time, the originally very calm cloud began to flash with light. The positive and negative charge ions in the cloud, under an inexplicable traction, violent friction occurred, a trace of tiny electrical energy accumulated in the cloud, quickly He grew stronger and stronger. Once the momentum was enough, it turned into a lightning bolt in Victor's left hand.

Victor, which has been transformed into metal glass, the fingers approved by this lightning have restored the bright silver luster of the original magnetic metal. Although there are few, only about one-third of the fingers, it is indeed restored.

Little recovery, but more lightning!

At the beginning, the brewing was slow, so Victor was successfully set by Zhang Lan. The clouds that have been brewed now have accumulated a huge amount of electrical energy, and there is nowhere to vent. After being pulled by Victor, one after another Cleavage down, as if the thunder **** descended, mighty abnormal.

That thunderbolt is not only to help Victor restore the body, but also in disguise to block the attack of the Four Wonders. The power of thunder and lightning, there is no proper way, who dares to come close?

Zhang Lan in the distance looked at the scene in front of him, it was almost crying without tears, how could he be so cheap?

What's going on now? He really has no choice.

Victor's lightning was slowly recovering. He wanted to come through the baptism of lightning, his ability will evolve a lot, and now he can control the lightning for a short time, who can guarantee that he can't direct the lightning attack?

At this moment of anxiety, the bell of the bell tower in the distance rang, twelve, unconsciously, it was already midnight.

System: "Drip, the mysterious system has been successfully refreshed."


Prop card: Blood return card (C)-500 energy

Skill card: Shadow imitation (B)-900 energy points

Skill Card: Multiply (B)-880 energy points

Skill Card: Send Bad Worm (B)-750 energy points

Skill Card: Eight-door Dunjia-Chao Peacock (A)-1999 Energy Points

Lineage Card: White Eye (C)-999 energy points

Skill Card: Bondage (D)-50 energy points

Skill Card: Earth Dun Beheading in Heart (D)-99 energy points

Skill Card: Creation Regeneration-4599 Energy Points

Skill Card: Fairy Mode-4999 Energy Points


Only two options are lit, the others are gray and white, one is that the item card does not need to be unlocked, and the other is the redeemed soil escape heart decapitation.

What surprises him most is that the item card: blood back card, this time refreshed is C level! In other words, a card can restore it to its heyday!

Checked the remaining energy points.

Zhang Lan: "System, I want to buy three prop cards: blood return card (C)"

System: "Drip, successful deduction of 3500 energy points, successful redemption."

System: "Drip, there are only 3402 energy points left in the system, lock all redemption options, and the host will recharge to 5W energy points to unlock."

Zhang Lan: "......"

What the **** is this? Don't let money spend less money?

No time to worry about the system, Zhang Lan took a blood return card (C) from the system space and attached it to the forehead. The card instantly turned into a green light and flowed into Zhang Lan's body. Starting from the forehead, the cells that passed by were all dying from lifeless to energetic.

C-level energy recovery takes a certain time, about 10 seconds, Zhang Lan has no time to wait, stepping out of the shadows, rushing to the distance.

Talking about the exchange of kung fu, Victor has completely recovered his freedom. As expected, this guy has been able to simply control the lightning. It is naturally impossible to manufacture lightning from out of thin air, but if it is a simple control of lightning Has no problem.

Victor, who regained his freedom, the first thing was to control a thunder and lightning to kill the shadow avatar.

He didn't know that it was Zhang Lan's shadow avatar, but he knew that the current shadow avatar was the opposite brain, and he also hated Zhang Lan. Who would you kill without killing you first?

The tactful Zhang Lan sent her shadow avatar to go, otherwise this time it would really burp.

Victor saw that the avatar disappeared, but also realized that this was not Zhang Lan himself, or that he got into the ground again, he didn't need to guess, just need to continue attacking, he believed that Zhang Lan would come back by himself.

No, Victor had just controlled the lightning and flew Ben, Zhang Lan rushed out of a dark corner, and ran straight to this side, and his bravery, Victor predicted the speed of Zhang Lan. , Pulling a lightning to fall.

He was running at a sudden speed here, and suddenly stopped at a sudden brake. It was not that he had foreseen the landing of lightning, but he found another problem, stopped anxiously, and found a place to continue the cat.

Fortunately escaped the killing blow.

Zhang Lan: "System, why do I only supplement half of Chakra with a return card (C)?"

System: "Drip, the host's body is seriously damaged, and the energy contained in the card can only rejuvenate normal cells."

It turned out that because of the rapid recovery of the body before, the cells in the whole body were on the verge of death, and the blood return card (C) was Chakra recovered by the recovery of physical energy and mental strength, but his cell loss was too serious. As a result, only half of the cells draw all the energy.

After sorting out his thoughts, UU read books www. Zhang Lan once again took out a blood return card (C) and used it directly, and then just went out, completely unaware that his previous move was dangerously recovered. A life.

After all, as long as the first flash hits him, then the remaining lightning is one after another, which will directly bombard him to the point where the cells become scum.

Now Victor, called the pseudo-Thor of the Earth, is also not an exaggeration.

Zhang Lan, who is moving fast, is also quickly binding his handprints.

Write a chakra eyeopen

The art of shadow avatar

NinjutsuAvatar TechniqueNinjutsuAvatar Technique

Tu DunBeheading in Heart

Hao is not stingy with Chakra. A large amount of Chakra flows in. First, a shadow avatar is separated, and then the shadow avatar and the body are divided into a large number of avatars, which are diffused under this dark cloud. It is extremely vast, surrounded by Victor.

And in this chaotic crowd, Zhang Lan's body was cast into the earth and dived to the ground. He was going to find Tony and borrow his steel suit for use.

Otherwise, he couldn't get close to Victor.

Three hundred people may be just a number in the eyes of ordinary people, but there are really three hundred people around you, and when you rub your hands, that feeling is still very scary.

Especially, those three hundred people were also people who unified their clothes and their faces.

Victor at this time was like this, madly pulling the lightning to the ground, but he was destined to break only one phantom after another, because even if it was defined as a shadow avatar that contained Victor, it was already secretly. Dived to the side and discussed tactics with Susan.

success or failure, this time, Zhang Lan plans to kill Victor directly!

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