Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 52: Asphalt soup with braised little iron man

Chapter 52: Asphalt soup with braised little iron man

The time passed between Victor's play. In the eyes that Zhang Lanwang wanted to wear, a fiery red light slowly hit the horizon.

Johnny is back!

glanced at the dark clouds in the sky, um, it might rain tonight, or I would finish work early and go home.

The shadow avatar who had been standing by Zhang Lan finally acted, without any ninjutsu, Chakra is not enough! So slowly to the battlefield.

Victor immediately noticed the shadow avatar coming, seeing that he had no fear, thought it was a conspiracy, looked at him in a haze, and attacked Reid with his right hand.

Right now, Rhett is bullying.

Johnny descended from the sky, the flame on his body digested instantly, revealing his tight uniform.

"How can I be less? I am back. Hey, Ben, welcome back, it will be fun."

Victor slowly stood up from the ground, left his left hand away from Tony's chest, and instead stepped on his feet, moving his neck, preparing for a fierce battle.

"So, welcome the carnival! Hahahaha!"

Victor raised his hands high, his whole body flashed, and some uncontrolled light shone to the side, smashing the ground out of a small pit.

This is... New skills have evolved? You must know that Victor's electric shock was not impactful.

The preparatory activities were completed, and Victor then fired a shot at Johnny, preventing him from taking off by cremation, and blasting it away with just one blow.

Victor's single skill evolved surprisingly fast.

followed by another electric shock, smashing the Ben who wanted to get close, showing that the impact force is not ordinary.

Susan saw this, propped up a shield of thought, and dangerously caught Victor's third shot, but his footsteps could not stop sliding back, and his beautiful face was covered with difficulties.

"I can't hold it anymore!"

saw this while the neglected shadow avatar finally spoke.

Shadow avatar: "Rhett, I have a way, can I cover Victor?"

Reid: "But, that Iron Man he..."

Shadow avatar: "Don't worry about him, do your business."

Rhett heard that the forehead's forehead pattern was increased a lot. Due to the success of the last tactic, he turned into a roller, evading Victor's attack, and quickly rolled to Victor. When he was about to approach him, a jump jumped up and turned into a thin rubber cloth in the air, trying to wrap Victor.

"Harry, it's now!" The Shadow Doppelgator screamed.

Harry, who had been waiting on the ground for a while, immediately reached out from under the soil. This time, smartly he put on a set of rubber gloves for daily dishwashing, and pulled Tony under Victor's feet into the soil with one hand. Without leaving his head, he then released Tu Dun again, and took Tony to continue to dig deeper into the soil.

According to Zhang Lan's statement, as deep as you can drill, Tony's steel armor has the function of assisting breathing, and the harried Harry can also breathe in the soil without fear of suffocation.

Tony's abrupt disappearance left Victor's unprepared feet under his feet, and an electric shock aimed at Reid's head was distorted, only a small hole was opened in the rubber cloth, and then he was wrapped up by Reid.

"Ben pulled Ryder and found a chance to drag him out, Johnny, Superplanet, Susan, try to cover Johnny's flame, don't let it leak, otherwise this area will be over!" Shadow Dopant continued to give orders , Almost a long paragraph of tongue almost knotted.

Johnny: "Supernova? Reed said that the thing can't..."

Susan: "Now! Hurry up!"

Reid: "Hurry up!"

This book: "Hurry up!"

Shadow avatar: "Hurry up!"

Before Johnny finished speaking, he was interrupted by the four people's binge drinking. Now time is life. Reed's body has started to emit white plumes of smoke, and then it will burn.

Johnny shrugged innocently and ran forward. The sprint was full of fire and flew directly against the ground. On one side, he took Rhetts hands in time and threw them away as soon as he threw them. Too fierce, Rhett screamed on the wall.

Victor, who had just been liberated, had not yet seen the situation clearly. Johnny flew quickly, surrounding Victor, and the temperature of his body was also increasing. .

The high temperature of the aftermath is considered as an attack!

Victor released a few shocks in a meaningful way. He only had this skill, but they were all in vain. The eyes were all a fiery red, and he could not see where Johnny was.

Seeing that the plan was implemented smoothly, Zhang Lan let out a small sigh of relief. Susan had already started to wrap the scorching ball of fire with his thoughts. Although it seemed very reluctant, the tip of the nose was bloody, but It is indeed wrapped up.

maintained a warming for about six or seven seconds, Susan finally couldn't support it, his body was weak for a while, he fell down and was hugged tenderly by Reid.

Shadow avatar: "Johnny, okay, let go! Natasha, Natasha, you? It's you!"

Hearing the instruction to stop, Johnny rolled out of the small sun directly. Even the temperature was unacceptable to him.

As Johnny stopped heating, the small sun with no burning matter burned the air in that area and slowly dissipated. Victor's figure appeared, a silver-white shiny magnetic metal, in Although it does not melt at a temperature close to 8000 degrees Celsius, it is also exercised into a bright red iron block.

Now whoever posted it, the absolute teppanyaki is the kind that is cooked immediately.

The asphalt roads around were all turned into liquid and still rumbling slightly.

Asphalt soup with braised little iron man, I just dont know who has an appetite.

"Do you have any skills?" Victor could still make a sound under such high temperature.

'S avatar glanced around, four fire trucks had stabilized not far away, and several firefighters were building fire hoses. This was urgently transferred by Natasha Fangcai, and the suspended heart was also put down halfway. Cheng Zhu was on the chest and Victor popularized basic knowledge.

"Well... Victor, you know, what happens when you heat the hot metal quickly?"

Victor heard it, looked around in horror, and reached out to attack the fire truck. Susan was in a tired state at this time, and he could not stop being shocked, but could Zhang Lan on one side make him wish? ?

A handful of sand, has been prepared to withstand the must-have road of electric shock, and steadily blocked this wave of attack. This is the sand that Zhang Lan left his hand before to simulate the palm to release ninjutsu. It is his last. A little bit of sand~~Victor sees this and wants to continue the attack, but the opposite attack is already coming, four fire water guns, plus the one originally found by Reid, a full five Put the water gun and shoot at Victor Qiqi.


The water touched Victor, making it sizzling, turned into steam by the high temperature on his body, and buried his figure.

The fire water gun fired for a full minute, and the rising water vapor began to decrease, and slowly a stream of water flowed out from it.

Johnny's good-spoken statement: "Thank you for your help, I think it's okay, you can turn off the water gun."

However, no one paid attention to him, the fire gun was still spraying firmly, so that Johnny touched his nose a little embarrassedly. The shadow on the side observed quietly, and did not mean to stop Natasha immediately.

The previous water was transpired by the heat of Victor. The surrounding "asphalt soup" has not been cooled. Harry may still be below, and this piece must also be cooled.

He has already been able to think about the problem comprehensively. This is the wisdom of battle, and he has grown rapidly in battle.

It was another half a minute. After the water had begun to flow out of the pit burned by Johnny, the shadow avatar tried to test the water temperature and the temperature was warm.

"Okay, let's turn off the fire hose."

With the sound of the shadow doppelganger, Natasha in the distance motioned everyone to turn off the water flow switch, the water vapor had dissipated, and Victor, who was submerged by the water flow, finally showed his figure.

Like a statue, the right hand still maintains the posture of firing an electric shock, while the left hand points to the sky, like a lightning rod.

"This time, I don't believe there is any fool to save you?" Zhang Lan, hidden in the shadows in the distance, was very happy.

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