My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 87: Worst Side

Chapter 87: Worst Side

"Sam, I have some office work, I didn't expect it to pile up, can we go some other time?" Chance requested her.


"Great, I'll quickly go and bring over my laptop" Chance stood up from his seat.

"Wait, why will you bring your laptop here?" Samantha looked at him in confusion.

"Have you forgotten one of my conditions?" 

"But you said you have work" Samantha countered.

"I do, I'll work from here and will sit with you"

"How is that us spending two hours together?" 

Chance laughed at her innocence, "Sam, when I said we need to spend two hours it does not mean we have to keep talking to each other or keep roaming around. We just need to be in each other's presence. At times even that is enough"

Chance headed to his home leaving Samantha impressed with his words.

'Don't get swayed by him, please don't', she kept instructing herself.

Chance then got his files and laptop, he made himself comfortable on the couch and started working.

"Would you mind if I watch television?" Samantha didn't want to disturb him but she was bored doing nothing.

"Of course."

As usual, Samantha switched on to a cartoon channel and sat on the couch adjacent to the one Chance sitting on. She intentionally sat away from him to maintain some distance.

"You are so grown up and you prefer cartoons?" Chance was amused by her choice.

"Why? What's wrong with an adult watching cartoons?" She glared at him.

"There is nothing wrong with it, it is very cute actually"

Samantha ignored him to hide her blush and watched her cartoon.

Chance again wore his glasses and seriously started his work.

Next day would be his first day in his new branch, so he had to be even more careful and has to be prepared before meeting his new employees.

While watching her show, Samantha casually glanced to her right to see him seriously working.

There were frown lines on Chance's forehead as he seriously went through some data.

She couldn't move her sight away from him, she always felt even more attracted to Chance than she already was when he is working.

The always funny and always smiling Chance turns extremely serious when he is working on something which made him look more striking.

Chance felt Samantha's gaze on him and subconsciously he looked over, Samantha quickly turned her head away and looked at the TV screen. Embarrassment written all over her face. 

Chance lightly smiled but he decided to not shame her and continued doing his work.

Samantha expected him to tease her but he did not and seriously continue with his work.

'What is so important that he didn't even say a word?' Samantha complained in her heart and frowned at her own thoughts wondering what the fuck is wrong with her as she was hoping him to tease her and didn't like it when he gave more importance to his work.

After an hour, Chance casually glanced over and saw Samantha sleeping on the couch.

Her position was not very comfortable and he got worried seeing her state. Her head was bending down and her legs were stretched out.

Chance smiled seeing her sleep so carelessly, he kept his laptop and files aside and tried to adjust her sleeping position but failed.

He couldn't let her sleep like that in spite of knowing how much her body might ache the next day, so he carried her in his arms.

Chance was prepared to face her wrath but instead of suddenly waking up, she snuggled closer to him and made herself comfortable by resting her head on his chest.

He smiled seeing her actions.

'My love says one thing and does another' He had a huge grin on his face seeing how comfortable she was around him.

He gently placed her on the bed and while doing that he disturbed her sleep and she opened her eyes which looked dizzy.

Chance didn't get scared or startled as he was doing nothing wrong, he draped the comforter over her body and lovingly stroked her head, "Sleep" He ordered her and she closed her eyes, his voice was so soothing she slept again.

Chance stroked her head and smiled seeing her sleep again.

He then continued with his work sitting in her living room.

Next day When Samantha woke up, for a moment she was surprised to see herself comfortably sleeping on the bed.

If she remembered well, she slept on the couch

Samantha recollected seeing Chance for a moment before sleeping and wondered if it was a dream or he actually carried her to the room.

She got out of bed, freshened up and went out to the living room only to get a shock.

Chance was still working on his laptop. He looked serious and there was a coffee mug on the table. It was obvious he was still working since last night.

"You didn't sleep at all?" She questioned him in surprise.

Chance glanced at her as he didn't realize her presence, 'Fuck, I am not being careful around Danger-Ace, I couldn't detect her presence' He scolded himself for letting his guard down.

"Good morning Sam" He cheerfully greeted her and checked the time, "Wow, time passes so quickly" He commented.

"Why did you not sleep?" She looked worried.

Chance smirked at her, "Are you worried about me?"

Samantha narrowed her eyes at the tired looking man.

"I didn't expect my work to keep piling up, since I left New York in a haste, there were a few things I was supposed to look into so was wrapping them up" He explained.

"You are not feeling sleepy?"

"I am suffering from insomnia"

"Oh" This was a new information she came across.

"So, you never sleep?" 

Chance laughed at Samantha's innocent question.

"Sam, I'll die if I'll never sleep. I sleep but for very less hours and it is not a peaceful sleep; it is always a bit disturbed"

"Foniasophobia, Insomnia, OCD and what else are you suffering from?" She asked him.

Chance chuckled at her, "Curious to know more about me?"

Samantha rolled her eyes and tied her hair in a bun, "Go, freshen up and come, I'll prepare the breakfast" She ordered him and headed towards her kitchen.

"It is really nice to have a wife at home" Chance muttered to himself while closing his laptop.

"Did you say something?" Samantha asked him from the kitchen as she couldn't clearly hear his words but heard him murmuring something.

"Nope, nothing"

Chance stretched his body and packed his files and laptop, still some work was pending which he decided to complete later.

He freshened up, had a bath and was dressed up in a black suit and a white shirt. He checked himself out satisfactorily in the mirror and went to have breakfast with Samantha.

She prepared a good heavy breakfast for the two of them, she was still in her night pyjamas, with her hair tied in a bun.

"You look really cute in this outfit" Chance complimented her while eating the amazing food cooked by her.

"Seriously? Early in the morning you are flirting with me?"

"Should I then only flirt at night?"

"Can you just not flirt at all?" 

"The love of my life is looking so pretty and you are saying I should not praise her? Seriously?"

Samantha frowned at him, "Chance, how many women did you date till date?" Her sudden question surprised him.

"Why suddenly this question?" 

Till date Samantha never questioned him about his past relationships and he was hoping for things to stay like that.

He once confessed to her that in spite of being with many women she was the first person he truly fell for, even then she didn't ask him about it but now when suddenly Samantha asked him about his past, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

For the first time Samantha saw Chance acting nervous and anxious, she really enjoyed his reaction.

Her intention was only to taunt him about his flirting skills but now she understood her question brought him discomfort.

She smiled cheerfully and said, "It's okay, we are getting late, let's discuss this topic tonight" and continued eating her breakfast.

Chance looked shocked, he didn't expect she would want to discuss more about it, he felt very uncomfortable and Samantha was even more happy, she can finally have her revenge from him as he teased her multiple times.

"Why do you want to know?" Chance asked her.

"Curiosity" She casually exclaimed.


"Tonight, after dinner, we will discuss about this. Yayy, today's two hours are sorted. If you are not able to finish all the stories of your relationships tonight then no worries, we will continue it tomorrow." Her words implied, it is going to happen for sure and it is non-negotiable.

Chance gulped in fear as all his relationships were a mess.

Him as a boyfriend is his worst side which he was not very proud of and didn't wish Samantha to see it but since she said she wants to know about it, he will have to tell her everything.

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