My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 86: You Don't Like This Look?

Chapter 86: You Don't Like This Look?

"Samantha, do you realize how dangerous this is for you? Now, he can find everything about you" Bill alerted her.

"I know, sorry dad."

"We have to leave San Diego and shift somewhere else and this time you have to change your name."

"Dad no, I am not changing my name"

"No Samantha, last time I gave in to your stubbornness but this time I can't"

"Dad, since Grim Reaper asked us for help can we request him to not harm me?"

"Samantha, are you serious?"

She kept quiet.

"I'll make arrangements for us to shift from here" Bill then sighed in disappointment, "I feel bad for Chance, he shifted here for you and now we have to fake our deaths and leave this place" 

"Dad, isn't this a bit too much?" Samantha did not have the heart to fake her death and part from Chance like this.

"It is but"

"Can we two talk to Grim Reaper instead and make peace with him?" She suggested.

Bill laughed on the other side of the phone.

"Why are you laughing dad?" 

"You hate Grim Reaper so much but now you are suggesting to make peace with him"

"Yeah, that" 

"You like Chance a lot, don't you?"


"There is nothing wrong in accepting it"

"Hmm, I think I am falling in love with him"

Bill sighed in relief that his stubborn daughter at least accepted this, "I am glad someone was able to move your stone heart"

"But dad, I am not going to let things progress any further with Chance" She informed her intentions to him in advance so that he won't harbour any hopes.

"Whatever" Bill didn't bother himself with it as he had confidence in Chance. There was something about him that made him believe he won't fail at having what he wants.

The first time when Chance was able to find the red envelope he hid so well, since then Chance left a very strong impression of himself on Bill.

There was something about him, that didn't feel right but it felt very comforting.

Bill was not able to understand it well, he decided to dig deeper about Chance, just to be on the safe side as after all he might end up being his son-in-law so he had to know everything about him beforehand.

"Bye dad"

"Bye dear"

After a few hours, she closed her shop and went back home.

Tonight, she was supposed to prepare dinner for Chance so she bought a few necessary items on the way.

This was her first-time cooking something for him so she wanted everything to be perfect.

Although she wants to avoid this annoying person, there was also a soft corner in her heart for him which didn't let her ignore Chance.

After reaching home, she freshened up and started cooking dinner.

Chance was at his home going through some important files as next day he would be meeting his new team.

He lost the track of time while working and was deeply immersed in it when a doorbell interrupted him.

For a moment he was confused and then realized it must be Samantha, he checked the time and was surprised that it was already so late. He immediately opened the door.

Samantha prepared the dinner and came over to invite Chance.

When the door was opened, she was greeted by a tired looking man, wearing a blue shirt with the top two buttons of his shirt undone. What surprised her was, Chance wearing frameless glasses.

She had no idea he wears glasses as she never saw him in them.

Right now, Chance was looking more attractive than ever. The tiredness only added to his charm.

'Fuck, why does he have to look so good?' Samantha thought.

"Hey" Chance greeted her.

"The dinner is ready" She informed him.

"Wow, this sounds so good" He teased her but she looked clueless as she had no idea what he meant by that.

Seeing the confusion on her face, he explained, "You sound like my wife"

"Fuck you" Samantha walked away in anger and he stopped her.

"What is so offensive about it?"

"Chance, I am really very tired and I don't have the energy to fight with you"

"Then don't"

"Then don't talk like this and trouble me"

Chance smiled and agreed to her request.

"Come fast, the dinner might get cold"


Chance locked his door and headed to her home. He didn't remove the glasses.

"Why are you still wearing your glasses?" Samantha questioned him as he looked too good in them and she didn't want to drool over him.

"Why? You don't like this look?" Chance pointed at himself.

"No, I don't" She lied.

Chance chuckled at her reaction, "Liar"

"Excuse me?"

"The drool at the corner of your mouth just gave you away?" Chance pointed near her lips and Samantha immediately tried to wipe it away but there was nothing.

Chance was having a teasing smile on his face as he was enjoying every moment of it and Samantha glared at him in anger.

He always sees through her and keeps teasing her.

"Is this how you are going to be for the next few hours?" Samantha questioned him.

"Do you want me to?"

"If you irritate me then I won't take you out like I promised earlier"

Chance recollected they are supposed to go out after dinner as he requested Samantha to show him around and she promised to take him out as they are supposed to spend at least two hours according to his condition.

"Okay, I won't irritate you" Chance didn't wish to give her an opportunity to get rid of him so he promised to not trouble her.

Samantha smirked in victory and Chance followed her inside.

He removed his glasses and kept it in the shirt pocket.

"Near-sightedness or far-sightedness?" Samantha casually asked him while serving the food.

"Neither of them, these are special glasses I use to protect my eyes. It is straining to the eyes when I continuously look at the laptop screen so I use them. I don't have sight problems"


Samantha served him caprese garlic bread in appetizer, mushroom salad as a side dish and Salmon with creamy feta cucumbers in main course.

Chance was impressed with the dinner as he expected something very simple, he didn't think after coming from work Samantha would cook such an extravagant meal.

The food looked very tasty and he excitedly took a bite as for the first time, the love of his life, cooked for him.

When Chance tasted her food, he was frozen for a second.

Samantha got worried seeing his reaction, she wondered if there was something wrong with what she made.

"What happened? Is something wrong with the food?" Worry was evident in her tone.

Chance looked at her and shook his head, after eating the food in his mouth, he smiled at her, "I didn't expect you are this good at cooking" He genuinely praised her.

Samantha tried to not blush.

This was not the first time someone praised her cooking. Anyone who tasted the food cooked by her, were always in awe of it.

But hearing such sincere praise from the guy she likes, is an altogether a different feeling which Samantha was feeling right now.

"Thanks" She didn't meet his eyes.

Chance tried every dish and he loved it so much, without any hesitation he kept eating it while praising her every time.

After he was done having dinner, he sighed, "Sam, if you will keep making such amazing food for me everyday then I will gain a lot of weight" 

Samantha smiled, "Well, if you do then I definitely won't date you."


"Because I prefer hot guys" she joked.

"Don't worry, I'll double my work out, can you suggest a good gym?" 

"Are you serious?"

Chance smiled, "Not just because of your comment but because I have a habit of working out. In New York, I had my own private gym at home but now I am not putting those efforts to build one here, I'll just join a gym for the time being"

"Yeah, there are a few gyms, I'll send the list to you"

"Then can I have your number, please?"

Samantha glared at him.

"Come on, now we are even living next to each other. It is more convenient if I have your number" Chance pleaded with her.

"Fine" Samantha shared her real number with him and this time Chance immediately made a call to her.

The phone next to her rang and he sighed in relief as she finally gave him her number.

"Save mine" He smiled at her.

"Are you that relieved?" She sarcastically asked him.

"Yeah, I don't trust you very much" He honestly shared.

Samantha rolled her eyes.

"Are we going to that place you suggested?"

Chance looked too tired, "Only if you want to" Samantha informed him seeing his state.

"Sam, I have some office work, I didn't expect it to pile up, can we go some other time?" Chance requested her.

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