My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 40 Do Whatever You Want.

Li Rou was so tongue-tied with the appearance of these three ghosts that she couldn't even breathe straight much less answer the twisted questions of these ghosts. What should she do? What should she do? As she was fretting in her head, her face fell on Song Yan who was calmly sitting on the chair and sipping on the wine that she just poured. That's right! These things weren't touching Song Yan doesn't it mean that this girl was the one who was responsible for all of this? As long as Song Yan asked them to stop these three would stop right? Right!

After she thought it through, Li Rou immediately shouted at Song Yan, " Song Yan call these things off, if you do then I will let you shoot this movie as the female lead, you just have to call these things off—Arggh!" She shrieked in fright when Mu Leon suddenly advanced on her a bit too quickly, if she was a second late then half of her face would have been eaten!

" Oh but didn't you bring me here because you wanted me to please president Liao and get the role of the female lead?" asked Song Yan as she raised her brow and sipped another gulp of wine and elegantly swallowed it down. Before licking the rest of the droplets that were stuck on her lips, she didn't look bothered at all by what was happening in the room. " If I let president Liao go, he will let me film as the lead actress wouldn't he?"

Behind Li Rou, President Liao nodded his head like a chicken pecking on his food. " Yes, yes …as long as you let me go out of the room. I will let you act as the female lead." Right now, if Song Yan asked for his entire company, President Liao would have given her that too after all nothing was more important than one's life! He can always build another fortune but if he died what will happen to his wife and the company? His kids were still young!

At this moment, president Liao missed his strict wife a lot. Though she was ugly and fat at least she wasn't like this woman— who summoned spirits like she was summoning her pets!

" See?" said Song Yan as she raised her champagne glass and hooked her lips up. " Right now, I can even ask for his entire fortune and he would give me that too. Why don't you try something else?"

Li Rou's face turned ugly, her gaze drifted to the three monsters who were at the stand by like they were waiting for their master to order them to fetch her soul. Though Li Rou didn't want to agree to any conditions that Song Yan was going to put forward, she had no other choice, Song Yan was the only one who could save her life at the moment, even though it felt like she was cutting a part of her own flesh, she stiffly smiled. " Then what do you want Song Yan? What should I do for you to call them off?"

Li Rou no longer dared to act haughty in front of Song Yan, the woman was already scary enough, if she upset her, who knows what will happen to her?

Song Yan smiled as she placed the wine glass in her hand on the table in front of her and crossed her legs before leaning back on the chair. " Pay me."

" yes…yes.. just tell me how much you want? 100,000? Or 200,000? I will give you as much as you want!"

" Tsk, do you take me as a beggar? Believe it or not, I can have them maul you just like the dogs in the graveyard mauled them," said Song Yan with a disgruntled click of her tongue.

Li Rou shivered, and her gaze drifted over to the three figures. Mauled like them? If she was mauled like them then she wouldn't even survive!

" Then how much do you want?"

" Seven million RMB, not a cent less. You smuggled quite a lot from my payments, right? If I am not wrong then it amounts to at least five million RMB, I am just taking what belongs to me and the rest of the two million is my payment for taking care of these female ghosts." When she saw that Li Rou opened her mouth to argue, Song Yan settled the account easily.

The words that Li Rou wanted to say immediately got stuck in her throat, however before she could say anything she was knocked to the side by President Liao who came flying and knocked her aside. " Miss Song, do you want cash or cheque? I will give you eight million RMB just let me leave—"

" Sixteen million RMB" interrupting President Liao, Song Yan sarcastically smiled. " President Liao is such a rich and powerful president, you can summon and kill any woman as per your wishes, it will be a shame if I only took eight million yuan from you president."

Listening to Song Yan's sarcasm President Liao shivered however he still took out his phone and immediately sent Song Yan a total of sixteen million yuan. " There, I have sent the money to you, Miss Song. Now please let me go—"

Song Yan smiled as she saw her bank balance exceed ten million at once. " What's the hurry? Sister Li hasn't paid yet. Wait for her, after all, you two were partners in crime for so long. You can't leave her alone in this trouble all alone."

President Liao immediately turned to Li Rou after listening to Song Yan and growled, " pay the damn money woman!"

Li Rou shivered as she took out her phone and sent the money to Song Yan as well. " Th..there now let us go."

Song Yan checked her balance and nodded before she stood up from the chair and addressed the three female ghosts. " Do whatever you want just don't kill them or you won't be able to get nirvana."

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