My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 39 Attack Of Three Female Ghosts

" Li Rou! How dare you betray me!" When president Liao heard Song Yan he was completely sure that Li Rou was the one who betrayed him. There was no one other than her who knew about the matter of him killing Yu Min Tao, as for the workers who cleaned the scene, they were all his trustable workers. They wouldn't betray him no matter what, so the only person who could divulge this information was this woman!

" No, president Liao! I didn't! I didn't say a thing to this girl!"Li Rou's eyes immediately bulged in their sockets when she heard President Liao's shout, she might be good at scheming but Li Rou knew of her limitations. She knew that no matter how well her career flourished in the entertainment industry compared to such big bosses like president Liao she was and always be a small fry unless she got a strong backing. So, how could she betray President Liao? She immediately denied the accusations that were planted on her head.

" If you didn't then who did? Do you want to say the ghosts of those three came and told her that?" shouted President Liao as he picked the champagne bottle on the table and threw it at Li Rou's head, causing blood to gush out at once.

Li Rou shrieked, hand clamping on her forehead, she looked at the blood that was trickling down her face. This…so much blood! She was afraid of President Liao's raging tantrum but she was more angry at Song Yan who got her in this mess, no wonder this sly woman didn't even resist throughout the journey. She knew that something was up and wanted to use this matter to suppress her! Hah, did she really believe that she will be able to do that? Even if she knew about the death of those three actresses, what of it? Who will listen to her when she will be dumped in a mass graveyard like those three?

​ " Song Yan, you bitch! Today if I don't teach you a good lesson then my name won't be Li Rou!" shouted Li Rou as she grasped the wrist of the figure behind her without turning around. " You think you will be able to escape out of this place just because you know how those three actresses died? Wrong! If anything you will be joining them in hell!"

From behind came a  loud thump, startled Li Rou turned around and wiped the blood off her face and looked at President Liao who has fallen on the floor, he was pointing a shaking finger in her direction. And his mouth was working furiously as he gasped and heaved like he was suffering from an asthma attack. Even his eyes were popping.

" President Liao, don't worry. I will take care of this girl, I don't know where she heard about these things but once you are done playing with her, I will dump her body in the graveyard like always, I assure you the dogs there are fierce, even bones wouldn't be left after three days."

President Liao shook his head furiously as he jabbed his finger in the air pointing to the figure that was standing behind her. " Lo..o..k…d y..ou."

His words came out as a throaty croak like he was having a hard time breathing much less speaking.

Li Rou's brows jumped as she swallowed hard. What was this? What was making President Liao so scared? Was Song Yan holding a gun? That wasn't possible if it was a gun, then-President Liao would have already called his guards by now… so what was it? And from where was this smell of rotten meat was coming? Did a rat die around this room or something?

" Even a bone wouldn't be left eh?" A wasp-like grating voice came from her behind and Li Rou's insides swooped right down to the bottom of her stomach. She didn't even want to look at the hand that she was holding much less behind her— however, the human mind worked in some weird way, it especially egged a person to do exactly what they didn't want and the same thing happened with Li Rou while she was determined not to look down, her eyes were already looking at the dark, bony hand that was covered with black rotten flesh that was chewed and scratched here and there.

Li Rou clamped a hand on her mouth as her gagged reflex kicked in, she hurriedly dropped the hand that she was holding and turned around. And as soon as she turned around, Li Rou realised that she made the second biggest mistake of her life, the first was bringing Song Yan to this hotel!

'What naive little idiot? This girl was a blood-sucking vampire hiding in the dark!' roared Li Rou in her head, as she retreated.

" What is it, sister Li? Don't I look good? I am still wearing the sultry red dress you chose for me." croaked Lin Xiuying with her broken leg that was dragging behind her as she advanced on her, Li Rou could no longer recognize Lin Xiuying, the woman who was once as beautiful as a water lily rippling in a pure lake was now gone. In her place was a living corpse that was so ugly that Li Rou couldn't even bear to look at her.

"No, No, I am the most beautiful one aren't I?" asked Mu Lei whose face was half-eaten, she has been the vainest among the three of them and didn't change even now that she was dead. " Say, Sister Li, I am the prettiest one right?" She tilted her head and the eye and what was left inside her head dripped on her shoulder. Mu Lei glanced at it like it was dandruff. " Oops."

" Sister Li, do you know how it feels to be eaten alive?" asked Yu Min Tao as she creepily smiled. " I was choked to death but there was still some life left in me, you knew that didn't you? But you still threw me in that mass grave. I was slowly eaten by those hungry dogs— do you have any idea how it felt when those ugly mutts were mauling me?"

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