My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 282: Super Invincible Explosive Skill

Chapter 282: Super Invincible Explosive Skill

Outside the residential area...

Wang Xu was driving his car with Li Yan in the passenger seat. The two of them were chatting and laughing.

Cui Fan lived in a different direction, while Li Yan lived in the same direction as Wang Xu, so Wang Xu offered to give Li Yan a ride.

As Li Yan sat in the car, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "You graduated just a year ago and already bought a car. Does the Maritime Bureau pay that well?"

"It's not that great, just average. I bought this car after working hard for a year and with some help from my parents," Wang Xu replied with a smile.

"I heard the Maritime Bureau is quite busy. How did you manage to come back to Tianyue?" Li Yan asked casually.

"Well... Some smugglers brought a batch of sea monsters to Tianyue City. I'm here to handle the handover," Wang Xu said with a serious expression.

"Sea monsters from the legends?" Li Yan asked in surprise, covering her mouth. "What do they look like? Are they like the ones on TV?"

"More or less. They're ugly, but their meat is tender and is said to be an aphrodisiac, which is why many wealthy people want to eat it. But the meat of sea monsters is poisonous, and eating too much of it can cause bodily mutations, so it's best to avoid it," Wang Xu replied, his face grave. Remembering something, he seemed momentarily fearful.

"I heard sea monsters have some mysterious abilities, like the superpowers of the immortals in legends?" Li Yan was very interested and asked eagerly.

Wang Xu shook his head. "What era are we living in? Why are you still so superstitious? There's no such thing as immortals in this world; technology is the true path!

Even if the immortals described in ancient texts were alive today, they wouldn't stand a chance against our modern weapons!"

Speaking of modern weapons, Wang Xu's eyes showed confidence.

In the mythical records of the Qin Yuan Nation, immortals and martial gods were indeed powerful, capable of flying and lifting a thousand-jin cauldron.
But could lifting a thousand-jin cauldron compare to the power of a tractor?

Even the highly mythologized martial arts, after being analyzed and studied by modern science, were found to have limited potential—just the exploitation of one's physique and bloodline.

Even the champion of the martial arts tournament, if shot, would lose most of his combat ability, not to mention more powerful technological weapons.

Studying martial arts is less beneficial than studying genetics.

As for myths, they are just legends.

If the gods from legends appeared and were hit by the "Eye of Space," could they survive?

The "Eye of Space" is the Qin Yuan Nation's most powerful weapon. Even a warship from Canxing would be destroyed immediately if hit by a single shot.

That's not something human power can withstand.

"Although sea monsters are nothing to worry about, we ordinary people should still avoid them. The wealthy have channels to remove any problems they get from eating them, but if ordinary people encounter them, they would likely be doomed," Wang Xu said with a serious expression.

"Is it that serious?"

"Yes, even worse than those horror stories!" Wang Xu chuckled.

At this time, after finishing his conversation with Cui Fan, Qi Yuan began to rest his eyes and meditate.

"I suppose those who are getting a second chance at life have already started... experiencing their fortuitous encounters?"

Qi Yuan didn't feel much about whether to reincarnate or not.

After all, even with foreknowledge, the most one could do was make more money or climb the ladder of power.

Qi Yuan didn't care about those things.

If he needed money, wasn't there still high-interest loans?

And if those were unavailable, weren't there those old and gullible white moons (people who had money)?

Surely, they would be more than willing to lend him money.

He was also too lazy to use foreknowledge to start a company or invest in some politician.

Once his health improved, practicing martial arts was the most important thing for him to do.

Lying in bed, he started to create a simplified version of the Qi Yuan Sutra.

Unfortunately, his current body quickly became drowsy from overthinking.

He struggled to create the Qi Yuan Sutra, needing to take short naps frequently.

"This body is really not one to stay in. I truly admire my willpower when I was on Blue Star."

Qi Yuan thought to himself.

On Blue Star, his body wasn’t any better than this one.

However, since this time he was only creating a simplified version, derived from the original Qi Yuan Sutra, it was relatively successful.

After about five hours, he finished a simplified version of the Qi Yuan Sutra that could be cultivated up to the seventh layer of Qi Refining.

"I even ended up with an extra trashy skill."

This time, the modification also produced an additional incomplete skill that could barely reach the seventh layer of Qi Refining.

Although this skill was nowhere near the simplified Qi Yuan Sutra, it was still created by Qi Yuan.

In the Canglan Realm, no cultivator could buy it even for a million spirit stones.

"Now that I need money... should I sell this skill?"

Thinking about this, Qi Yuan's eyes lit up.

"But before selling it, I need to give it a cool name.

As the saying goes, clothes make the man, a horse needs a good saddle. If I want to sell it for a high price, it has to have a grand and impressive name."

"How about calling it the 'Super Invincible Explosive Skill'?"

Qi Yuan was quite satisfied with the name he came up with.

A name that sounds so impressive and straightforward should fetch at least 90 million, right?

After all, it’s like charging one million for each word in the name.

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan registered an account on the hottest social media platform on Gongxing.

[Young man, do you want to cultivate immortality?
Do you want to change your destiny?
For only 99.99 million, you can acquire the 'Super Invincible Explosive Skill'!]

As for the video, he just randomly took some photos of the starry sky, threw some text over it, and added a soul-stirring background music.

Of course, to sell the skill, he uploaded the first one percent of the content.

"Tip 10,000 Qin Yuan coins to message me."

"Tip 100,000 Qin Yuan coins to get my contact info."

Qi Yuan commented on his own video.

After all, he needed to set some barriers; what if someone started harassing him?
He was also too lazy to pick and choose. If it sold, great; if not, oh well.

"But still..."

Thinking it over, Qi Yuan decided to invest 100 yuan to buy some ad space for his video to increase exposure and views.

After all this, Zero-One returned under the cover of nightfall.

It carried several large bags and placed them in front of Qi Yuan.

Its eyes showed a worried expression. "Master, there isn't much money left in our account. We have less than 2,000 yuan remaining."

While speaking, it printed out the shopping list and handed it to Qi Yuan.

"That's okay. Help me crush these materials..." Qi Yuan began to instruct Zero-One.

Different materials required different processing methods, but most needed to be crushed.

His current strength was low, and he was quite weak. He had to rely on this not-so-smart robot.

"As you command." Zero-One received the order and went back to the kitchen with the bags.

About half an hour later, Zero-One returned with the processed materials.

The room was filled with the unique smell of herbs.

Qi Yuan waved his hand, and Zero-One obediently left the room.

The room was now left with only Qi Yuan.

He looked at the various herbal concoctions and began mixing them.

"Yingshan Blood Herb has a yin nature, Purple Mountain Grass has a yang nature, yin and yang balance..."

Qi Yuan drank the mixed herbal concoction, and a spicy, cool, yet uniquely fragrant taste hit his palate, akin to a combination of bitter melon and cilantro root.

The simplified Qi Yuan Sutra began to operate at this moment.

Qi Yuan's current body was too weak; if he didn’t replenish himself first, attempting to cultivate would lead to his demise.

Thus, the herbal concoction was necessary.

Spiritual energy entered his body at this moment.

Qi Yuan closed his eyes tightly, the cultivation technique continuously operating.

After some unknown time passed, through his tightly shut eyes, he seemed to see a wisp of spiritual light.

He reached out and grabbed it.

As the spiritual light was absorbed, his body began to change.

By the next morning, Qi Yuan opened his eyes.

"I'm at the second layer of Qi Refining..."

Qi Yuan looked at himself; his skin was even more white and translucent than before.

Inside his body, there was also a wisp of spiritual energy.

Of course, compared to his original body, this was negligible, but on Gongxing, it was enough to provide some self-defense.

"However... the feeling of weakness still persists."

The curse in his body still existed, and its impact on his body was still quite severe.

However, due to his cultivation advancement, his life expectancy had extended slightly.

"Lighten Body Technique!"

Qi Yuan immediately cast a spell on himself.

His body was too heavy; walking for a bit would leave him gasping for breath. This spell could alleviate that condition.

After using the Lighten Body Technique, Qi Yuan felt light as a feather, as if he had just removed sandbags tied to his legs.

He went to the bathroom, washed up, and then came to the living room.

"Zero-One, how's the research on martial arts? My health has greatly improved, and I want to practice martial arts to strengthen my body."

Qi Yuan used a tactful way to express his intentions.

He wasn’t practicing martial arts to court death; it was to strengthen his body.

The robot Zero-One paused for a moment and replied truthfully, "There are generally three ways to begin learning martial arts.

The first is to join a martial arts school; the second is to find a renowned martial arts master to become an apprentice; the third is to come across a martial arts manual by chance."

"Which martial arts schools in Tianyue City could allow me to begin learning martial arts?" Qi Yuan asked.

He immediately opted for the first option.

The second option essentially meant becoming someone else's disciple, which was troublesome and might even involve taking care of the master in their old age.

The third option was like something out of a TV drama.

So, the first option seemed the most reliable.

"There are 28 martial arts schools in Tianyue City that meet your criteria.

The nearest one is called Mingwu Martial Arts School, with a regular annual tuition fee of 7,800 yuan.

To learn authentic martial arts, the registration fee is 120,000 yuan per year."

"That expensive?" Qi Yuan was taken aback.

He didn’t have that much money right now.

It seemed he would need to get some money first.

There were currently two ways for him to get money.

One was through the high-interest loan from Cui Fan's side, and the other was the 'Super Invincible Explosive Skill.'

Thinking it over, he logged into his account to check the video he posted.

Thankfully, he had invested 100 yuan; the video had garnered over ten comments.

"Are you insane for money?"

"I am the creator god of mythical legends, now reborn. I urgently need startup funds. Give me a million, and I'll appoint you as the water god."

"This scammer isn't even professional!"

"How is this a scammer? It's clearly a comedy video. Otherwise, who would name an immortal cultivation technique 'Super Invincible Explosive Skill'?"

"At least he’s not scamming poor people."

Looking at these comments, Qi Yuan was momentarily stunned.

"Isn't the name good?" He thought he chose well. "The people on Gongxing speak too harshly, unlike those on the Shenhua Forum."

On the Shenhua Forum, whenever he posted something, 99% of the comments were praises, overflowing with compliments.

It showed that society was harmonious, and cultivators were morally upright.

In contrast, the people on Gongxing were just keyboard warriors in the comment section.

"As the saying goes, 'help the world when capable; help yourself when not.' Once my divine skill is perfected, I will definitely work to correct the societal atmosphere and create a civilized and harmonious society."

Qi Yuan thought it over and added another comment on his own post.

"If you want it, come get it now. If I don’t need money anymore, I won’t bother selling it."

After writing this, Qi Yuan logged off.

Three days passed, and Qi Yuan's post gained more views and comments, eventually reaching a thousand.

This was normal.

He was a new user and a real person, so the platform provided some support.

Most of the comments were jokes.

Not a single person showed interest in buying the technique.

"The economic strength of this generation of netizens is weak; they can't even afford 9,999."

Qi Yuan decided not to pay attention anymore.

Whatever happened, happened; if it didn’t sell, it didn’t sell.

After all, he was about to go on a date with Xiao Mei.

And he also needed to meet with the loan shark contact through Cui Fan.

Qi Yuan stretched his lazy body, cast a Lighten Body Technique on himself, and then left his house.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Qi Yuan felt a sense of languor all over.

He glanced around with a curious expression.

This world was very similar to Blue Star, but its technology was clearly much more advanced.

Interstellar travel had already been realized, and there were even tourist routes established between Gongxing and Canxing. Every year, wealthy individuals and retired high-ranking officials would take spaceships to Canxing for tourism or even settle down.

Leaving the residential area, Qi Yuan took the subway.

The location he and Xiao Mei agreed on for their date was called Qin De Ji.

At first, he thought about choosing Yuan County snacks because of the online rumor that dates at Yuan County snacks would bring sparks.

But after thinking it over, he decided to go with the more trendy Qin De Ji.

Qin De Ji held a similar status in Qin Yuan Nation as Wallace did on Blue Star.

Choosing this place was a safe bet.

He soon arrived at Qin De Ji.

It was still early, and Qin De Ji had few customers, scattered sparsely around.

Occasionally, a delivery driver would come in to pick up some orders.

Qi Yuan stood in place, playing on his phone, occasionally checking the comments on his video.

Most of the comments were jokes or advertisements.

"Competing businesses?"

Looking at the comments below, Qi Yuan didn’t bother responding.

"This Xiao Mei is already ten minutes late..."

He glanced at the time, a strange expression on his face.

Logically, Xiao Mei and Cui Fan definitely had something planned.

Under such circumstances, why would she deliberately be late for the date? Did something change?

Qi Yuan decided to wait a few more minutes. If she didn’t show up, he would message Cui Fan to ask about the high-interest loan.

About five minutes later, a faint fragrance filled the air, and a tall woman in a tight black outfit walked in.

She had a stunning face with a somewhat fox-like charm.

Her figure, accentuated by the tight clothing, was extremely voluptuous.

She glanced at Qi Yuan, a deep, profound look flashing in her eyes.

She walked straight over and sat across from Qi Yuan.

"Hello, Qi Yuan. I’m Xiao Mei, your date today. I’m sorry I’m late... I got stuck in traffic."

Qi Yuan looked at the woman, his expression calm.

The woman before him was excessively alluring, with an inexplicable aura about her.

Having experienced multiple worlds, Qi Yuan could tell at a glance that this woman had killed someone before.

"The moment you spoke, my nose grew longer. Just as Zhang Wuji's mother said, the prettiest women are the best liars."

Qi Yuan casually remarked, not bothered by it.

"I’m hungry. Go ahead and order something."

He knew this date was likely to end without any result.

Might as well take the opportunity to eat something.

Since he was low on money now, wasn’t it fair to let his date pay for the meal?
"You order; I'm easy." Xiao Mei said, looking at Qi Yuan with a complicated expression.

"Since this is a date, let's eat something good. Otherwise, people will look down on us. Let's go with this 198 yuan family bucket." Qi Yuan said seriously.

"Okay." Xiao Mei didn’t react much.

But a man nearby couldn’t help but laugh, "Bro, you’re hilarious. Going on a date at Qin De Ji with such a beautiful woman?"

Especially with the idea of ordering something good, and a 198 yuan meal, it was just too funny.

Qi Yuan glanced at the man and pulled out a certificate from his pocket.

"Mind your own business."

The man was taken aback, thinking Qi Yuan was some public official.

Even the woman in the tight outfit was momentarily stunned.

However, when the man got a clear look at Qi Yuan's certificate, his expression turned odd.

He didn’t even finish his meal, quickly paying and leaving in a hurry.

He had encountered a lunatic!

Meanwhile, Qi Yuan was quite pleased; this certificate was proving very useful.

The woman across from him couldn’t help but smile, "Qi Yuan, you’re really something."

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