My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 281: Do Mentally Ill People Need to Find Jobs?

Chapter 281: Do Mentally Ill People Need to Find Jobs?

Language is a strange thing.
It might represent something more profound.

Qi Yuan stopped thinking about these things and sat down to ponder a few things.

"The Qi Yuan Sutra can't be practiced here; I need to cultivate a simplified version."

In this game world, Qi Yuan aimed to increase his strength.

Since he hadn't discovered any clear way to gain experience points by defeating monsters, cultivation seemed to be the only option.

Practicing the Qi Yuan Sutra is quite complicated. Not to mention the Stellar Golden Core, even establishing the Heavenly Dao Foundation is very hard to replicate.

So, Qi Yuan planned to create a simplified version of the Qi Yuan Sutra for cultivation.

The goal was to enhance his own strength.

After all, this body had merged with the innate seed, and the cultivation it returned to his original body wasn't the insignificant amount it used to be.

Qi Yuan's current plan was to quickly advance his cultivation level to gain the ability to protect himself.

Then, he could participate in the martial arts tournaments.

After all, if his aptitude for martial arts turned out to be poor and he couldn't win in the martial arts tournaments, he still had Daoist techniques, right?
It didn’t seem like there were any rules forbidding the use of immortal techniques in the martial arts tournaments.

Outside Jun'an Residential Area, two men and a woman were carrying fruit as they chatted and laughed, heading toward Qi Yuan's home.

Wang Xu adjusted his glasses. As a tall man, he was the center of attention among the three.

During their university days, Wang Xu was the class monitor. Leveraging his family connections and his own efforts, he now worked at the Maritime Bureau.

The Qin Yuan Nation's naval dominance is unparalleled on Gongxing, with booming maritime trade. A job at the Maritime Bureau is highly sought after.

Such a respectable job naturally attracted the envy of other classmates.

"Li Yan, do you still have feelings for Qi Yuan?"

Li Yan had a high ponytail, wearing bell-bottom pants over her long legs. She was tall, but her looks were only above average. Today, she wore light makeup, with a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

She smiled when she heard Wang Xu's words, "I was naive back then; now..."

She shook her head.

In college, she had been infatuated with Qi Yuan.

After all, Qi Yuan's looks were unmatched in their class.

She had always wanted to pursue Qi Yuan, but unfortunately, he rejected her every time.

Later, when she found out that Qi Yuan had developed a mental illness, she immediately distanced herself from him.

Qi Yuan might have had a handsome appearance, but she didn't want to marry someone with a mental illness.

Otherwise, if her girlfriends found out, it would be too embarrassing.

Their dorm had a girl who got pregnant right after graduation and married a young man from a small town.

Her roommates, while outwardly supportive, often gossiped about her behind her back, saying she was crazy for marrying down and had ruined her life.

With this kind of precedent, how could Li Yan ever want to have anything to do with Qi Yuan?

A one-night stand might be okay, but marriage was out of the question.

Otherwise, she would be ridiculed to no end.

"Sigh, Qi Yuan has had a tough life. He was an orphan, finally got into university, and then developed a mental illness. Now... he's seriously ill again. I wonder how he's doing," said the buzz-cut man, his eyes filled with sympathy.

However, there was a hint of greed in his gaze, well-hidden, unnoticed by the others.

"Sigh, misfortune always finds the unfortunate," Wang Xu lamented, feeling a sense of compassion.

Not long after, the three of them knocked on the door of Qi Yuan's home.

The buzz-cut man looked around, seeming quite satisfied.

Soon, the door opened.

Qi Yuan stood at the door, looking calmly at the three people outside. "Old classmates, you’re here. Come in and have a seat."

Wang Xu showed a look of surprise but quickly hid it. "Qi Yuan, your face... why are you so pale?"

Qi Yuan currently looked like a sickly person, as if he might die at any moment.

"Yes, I’m ill," Qi Yuan answered truthfully.

He looked at his three classmates, memories flooding back like a tide.

When the innate seed was still present, they had come to see Qi Yuan.

However, Qi Yuan was lying in a hospital bed, always asleep or unconscious, unable to speak, so there was no communication.

"Did you go to the hospital? Is it serious?" Li Yan asked with some concern.

After all, her former heartthrob was now like this, possibly on the brink of death. It made her a bit emo. Is this the price of growing up?

"It's not serious, just a minor issue," Qi Yuan waved his hand.

As long as he cultivates, these issues wouldn't even be problems.

Of course, he couldn't solve the curse-like issue with his body for now, but becoming an ordinary person and delaying the curse's recurrence was still doable.

"How can this be a minor issue? Look at your face!" Li Yan couldn’t help but say, her eyes turning red, as if she was genuinely worried about Qi Yuan.

Although she no longer had feelings for Qi Yuan, she didn’t want to see him die so young.

"Li Yan, you're overthinking it. Qi Yuan can stand up and talk to us, so it shouldn’t be too bad," the buzz-cut man said.

Indeed, if he were truly gravely ill, he'd be bedridden.

If he could still stand up and speak, it meant it wasn’t too serious.

"Right, I'm fine. I can still eat six steamed buns in one sitting," Qi Yuan said as he sat down on a chair.

Although this kind of pain wasn’t much for him, he wasn’t into suffering needlessly. He would naturally find the most comfortable way.

"In a few days, I'll be fine," Qi Yuan said confidently.

His words relieved the others a bit.

At this point, Wang Xu asked, "Qi Yuan, you haven't found a job yet, have you?

Would you like me to introduce you to a job? The pay isn't high, but it's very relaxed and stable."

Wang Xu finally brought up his intention.

Currently, he was in a probationary period at the Maritime Bureau.

Helping someone like Qi Yuan, a martyr's child, could earn him a lot of points.

Qi Yuan was stunned when he heard this. "Aren't I mentally ill? Do mentally ill people need to find jobs?"

Do mentally ill people need to find jobs? Is there any company that would hire them?
Gongxing is too competitive if even the mentally ill have to look for work.

Wang Xu was taken aback.

It was the first time he heard someone with a mental illness say it so matter-of-factly: Do mentally ill people need to work?

It sounded particularly strange.

Li Yan was also stunned.

Then, after thinking it through, she understood. Mental illness doesn’t mean being stupid; it just means having some psychological issues.

"If you don't work, the government subsidy can indeed sustain you.

But..." Wang Xu hesitated, "Qi Yuan, what I’m about to say might be hurtful, so please don’t mind.

If you stay at home without a proper job, it will be hard for you to marry and have children.

Even with government-arranged matchmaking, those women won’t fancy you."

For the children of martyrs, the Qin Yuan Nation has many safeguards.

Not only do they receive various subsidies, but matchmaking is also arranged for them.

However, due to Qi Yuan’s mental issues, he would likely be at the bottom of the matchmaking market.

After all, what woman would want to take on such a burden?
"That's right, Qi Yuan. Without a stable job, the chances of success in matchmaking are too low.

Unlike Wang Xu, who works at the Maritime Bureau and is about to get promoted at a young age.

If he goes on a date, he’s like a hot commodity," Li Yan said, adjusting her hair and looking at Wang Xu with admiration.

"That’s an exaggeration. I just have a regular job," Wang Xu waved his hand, but his eyes couldn’t hide his pride. He looked at Qi Yuan and continued, "The job I found for you is very easy. You just have to guard a warehouse and make sure nothing gets stolen. It doesn’t require any skills; anyone can do it."

Li Yan also quickly chimed in, "Right, Qi Yuan, why don't you consider it?

Your parents wouldn’t want their lineage to end, would they?"

Qi Yuan smiled. "Working? That’s impossible."

He shook his head.

Returning to a modern society similar to Blue Star, and still being asked to work?

That was asking him to die, wasn’t it?
"Don't worry about me. Even if I don't work, I'll find a wife!" Qi Yuan said without hesitation.

If he wanted, he could go with Xiao Jia to the civil affairs bureau and get a marriage certificate.

And, after he strengthened a bit and brought the projection of his Stellar Golden Core into this universe, he could summon Ning Tao as well and get married.

However, this might lead to a charge of bigamy.

But Qi Yuan wasn’t afraid.

He had a certificate stating he was mentally ill.

This certificate was a protective charm.

He wasn’t afraid of breaking the law, let alone bigamy!

"This..." Wang Xu wanted to persuade him more.

After all, with Qi Yuan’s illness and without a job, getting married and having children would be incredibly difficult.

"If you don't have a job..." Li Yan wanted to say more, "You also won't have money to eat good food."

At this moment, the buzz-cut man’s eyes lit up. "Hey, you guys are too old-fashioned in your thinking.

With Qi Yuan’s situation, why wouldn’t he find a wife?

I know a girl who’s quite pretty and very kind. She’s been wanting to go on a date lately. I could introduce her to Qi Yuan."

Li Yan was stunned and whispered in the buzz-cut man's ear, "Don't ruin that girl's life."

Wang Xu looked at the buzz-cut man with a thoughtful expression. "What kind of girl is she, and what’s her character like?"

"She’s a very decent person. In college, she even received financial aid.

But she came from a poor background, from a remote area, but she’s very hardworking.

She’s always wanted a household registration in Tianyue... so," the buzz-cut man explained the girl's background.

A girl from a poor family, very ambitious.

Tianyue City is a provincial capital in the Qin Yuan Nation.

A household registration here is quite valuable.

Especially for someone like Qi Yuan who owns a three-bedroom apartment.

If that house were sold, it would be worth four to five million Qin Yuan coins, which is something someone from a poor background might never be able to afford, even after a lifetime of hard work.

Wang Xu hesitated, "Qi Yuan is your old classmate. Don’t set him up. What if the girl..."

He didn’t want to say the rest.

What if it was a marriage scam?
After all, Qi Yuan had some mental issues.

If the girl played a few tricks, she could probably get hold of all Qi Yuan’s property and wealth.

"Don't worry, the girl I know is very honest," the buzz-cut man smiled. "She’s very traditional and conservative. Once she decides on someone, she probably won't give up for a lifetime.

Just the other day, she complained to me that after only three meetings, her matchmaking date was already eager to hold her hand. She looked down on him, so you can see how conservative she is."

The buzz-cut man chuckled.

Of course, these words were something the girl had said to him in bed.

At that time, the buzz-cut man had asked, "I’ve only met you twice; even that matchmaking guy met you more than me. So why..."

The girl had shaken her head and said, "You’re different. That was a matchmaking date."

Wang Xu heard this and said nothing.

"What’s wrong, Class Monitor? Don’t you trust me, Cui Fan?" the buzz-cut man asked, his voice tinged with resentment.

Wang Xu hesitated for a long time but couldn’t find the words.

Cui Fan continued indignantly, "Class Monitor, although I made mistakes in college and borrowed some high-interest loans, I’ve reformed since graduating. I’ve even got a decent job. Don’t judge me through tinted glasses!"

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Li Yan chimed in, "Wang Xu, Cui Fan is different now. He’s been promoted to a supervisor at a pharmaceutical company less than a year after graduation."

Qi Yuan’s eyes lit up at this.

Although he currently had subsidies, they only amounted to just over 2,000 a month.

That was barely enough for him to live on.

To buy various materials for cultivation and martial arts training, he needed more money.

Hearing Cui Fan talk about high-interest loans, many thoughts crossed Qi Yuan's mind.

How about imitating others... and taking out a high-interest loan?
Qi Yuan had seen many TV shows and anime where the protagonists, in their early entrepreneurial stages, lacked money.

What to do when short of cash?
Take out a high-interest loan!

And then simply don’t repay it!

After all, most of the high-interest loans in the Qin Yuan Nation operated on the edge of legality.

These lenders often had connections to organized crime and were involved in shady dealings.

Qi Yuan taking out a loan could even be considered ridding society of its scourges.

After all, he had no intention of repaying what he borrowed.

"I’m not getting involved in this. You just have to convince Qi Yuan," Wang Xu continued.

Whether it was for promotion or not, helping Qi Yuan wouldn’t hurt.

"Alright," the buzz-cut man said with a bright smile.

Qi Yuan also nodded and said thoughtfully, "Thank you."

The group chatted for a while longer in the house.

Concerned about Qi Yuan’s health, they didn’t stay long.

Qi Yuan watched the empty room and took out his phone. He found Cui Fan’s number in his contacts.

He thought for a moment and sent a message: "Cui Fan, can you lend me some money?"

Instead of seeking out loans himself, why not let someone else do it?

After all, Cui Fan didn’t seem to have any good intentions toward him.

"Huh? Lend you money? How much? What for?" Cui Fan replied quickly.

"Ten thousand. I’m a bit short of cash right now," Qi Yuan said casually.

"Well..." Cui Fan hesitated. If he wasn’t plotting to get Qi Yuan’s property, he wouldn’t bother with someone asking to borrow money. But this time, he still acted considerate, "I don’t have money right now. Sorry.

By the way, Qi Yuan, in three days, do you want to meet Xiao Mei? If you do, I can tell you a way to get some money."

"Sure," Qi Yuan smiled. This was exactly what he was waiting for.

Knowing Cui Fan’s personality, he wouldn’t just lend him ten thousand.

"I have a contact for a high-interest loan. How about in three days, after you meet Xiao Mei, you meet with the loan shark as well?" Cui Fan suggested.

"Hmm... Do they lend a lot? I’m really short of cash," Qi Yuan asked.

He wanted to borrow as much as possible.

"A lot. Don’t worry. With your house as collateral, you could easily borrow four or five million," Cui Fan replied honestly.

Qi Yuan's house was worth four to five million, but realistically, you wouldn’t get that much from a loan.

Moreover, both he and Xiao Mei were already tens of thousands in debt with high-interest loans.

Because they couldn’t repay the loans, they planned to scam Qi Yuan out of his house.

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