My Cell Prison

Chapter 278: Dempsey's gesture

Chapter 278: Dempsey's gesture

Surprisingly, it could not even be stopped with its eyes closed.

You know, Mia has done a perfect job in responding to the battle, all aspects have been considered.

The compound eye on her forehead was fully watching Han Dong's forehead ... Once there was any sign of opening her eyes, Mia immediately cut off her visual nerves.

But ...

The first session ended.

Instead of being upset, Mia walked to the edge of the field with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Inside Mia's head was imprinted the odd pupil of the eye from earlier, different from the small demonic eye she remembered, the pupil seemed to have some extra patterns on it.

It was also these patterns that caused Mia to instantly lose consciousness.

"Why ... why am I affected even though I don't have my eyes open. Fighting in close quarters, even a second of dullness can be extremely deadly.

Has Nicholas has been working on the eye all this while?

Not only that ... the strength and mobility of his body have increased."

A thought.

Mia, who was resting against the wall with her spider legs, suddenly showed a sickly smile, "Wow ... great! Nicholas ... I want it so bad."

During the fantasy, the four spider legs then kept rubbing in the air.


It was also during Mia's 'onset'.

Dempsey slowly came to the centre of the field.

Staring at Han Dong's 'G-arm' that was slowly returning to its original shape, and the small magic eye that was closing again.

"It's a good thing I'm the second one out to spar with you, otherwise I would have lost instantly as well.

If I'm not mistaken.

There is a 'distance' issue involved, isn't there?"

Dempsey nailed the key with a single word.

It was supposed to be a sparring match, and Han Dong had no intention to deliberately hide his ability.

"Brother Dempsey's insight is truly impressive ... It is indeed a matter of 'distance', as long as one is completely close, the little magic eye can function without any obstacles."

"Hmmm ..."

The wind was blowing beneath his feet.

Dempsey stepped on a whirlwind of air and immediately pulled away from Han Dong by ten meters.

He was originally both a magician and coming to a distance from his target was the most basic pre-battle preparation.

"Fellow Nicholas, do you still need to rest?"

"No need ... if I can finish the session as soon as possible, I can also rest early to prepare for tomorrow's journey to destiny."

Han Dong stretched lazily in front of Dempsey.

Although Dempsey would not take advantage of such a gap to suddenly sneak in, he was naturally still a little upset inside ...

"Since [Witch Kelonya] is no longer here, I will also bring out some real skills to accompany you to spar with the vice-captain ... General magic should not be able to fool your eyes."

From the small satchel he carried, Dempsey took out a series of vials containing.

5 litres of pure water, 4kg of carbon, 0.5 litres of ammonia, 0.2kg of lime, 100g of phosphorus, 45g of salt, 20g of saltpetre, 10g of sulphur, 1.5g of fluorine, 0.6g of iron, 0.4g of silicon and a few trace elements.


A unique alchemical spell was quickly drawn by Dempsey.

"This is alchemy?" Han Dong stared at such a scene with a vague sense of danger.

Mia on the side of the field also immediately cast a curious glance, opening her massive compound eyes to zoom in on the focus.

As Dempsey reached out and landed on the centre of the formation.

An alchemical array was used to achieve a balance of activation energy as well as a directed reconfiguration of the matter ...

With a flash of light.

The material is transformed into a part of Dempsey's body through the alchemical array.

"Human Alchemy"

On Dempsey's left shoulder blade, an additional arm was created.

It might seem to the casual observer that Dempsey had simply created an extra arm to assist in the casting of spells through this human alchemy.

But it is not that simple.

The little magic eye could also clearly peer into its inner workings.

"This hand ... is an independent life!?"

What Han Dong saw through the skin and dermal tissue of this arm was not exactly muscle, blood vessel, and bone structure.

Rather, it was a special arm that had a sound structure of small organs and exercised various functions of the human body.

At the same time, Dempsey's "sixth" finger appeared on the end of the arm.

In this posture, Dempsey exudes a sense of great danger.

What was the point of this?

If the students in the library had seen this scene, they would have understood.

There are certain restrictions on magicians themselves.

For example, if a magician was casting ice magic, then ice energy would flow throughout the body.

If, while releasing an ice arrow, one tries to release a fireball spell at the same time.

This would cause two repulsive energies to travel through the body, causing great damage to the physical body.

For this reason, apprentice magicians often choose to specialise in one area.

Even if they practice multiple spells at the same time, they can only rely on some special destiny equipment to achieve "simultaneous multiple spellcasting".

Otherwise, one can only release one type of magic and then cast another instead ... There must be a time gap in between.

Dempsey, on the other hand, has come up with a means of "simultaneous multiple spellcasting'.

Using the "human alchemy" of alchemy branch, a human arm is temporarily created.

It is connected to himself but isolated from himself as well.

The energy of the seeds flowed separately into the human arm and itself so that there would be no repulsion and the spell could be cast simultaneously. Multiple spell casting.

The Sixth Finger also 'regulates' and 'strengthens' the whole process of spellcasting.

This is the unknown battle style of [Little Magician Dempsey Martin], which he rarely uses in front of others.

The sparring began.

A vein of ice is placed against his skin and extends to his arms.

With the left hand, a "long bow of ice crystal" is held.

With his right hand, an icy arrow was formed at his fingertips as he drew the bow. ... The cold air caused ice crystals to form on the damp ground beneath Dempsey's feet.

At the same time.

A streak of fiery flame flowed over the third arm.

A ball of extreme fire coalesced in the palm area.

Ice properties freeze the enemy's armour.

The fire attribute burns the enemy's flesh.

When the two are fused and applied at the same time, they can achieve a "disintegration" effect, greatly damaging the armour and flesh. ... The effect is not as simple as 1+1=2.

The giant ball of fire is refined and compressed by the Sixth Finger, and then it is launched violently.

Trailing a fiery wake, it pointed straight at Han Dong.

Immediately afterwards, a cold arrow shot out together.

During their flight, the two distinctly different types of magic had a 'joint effect', with the fire and ice elements surrounding each other.

Once it hit, even the [Crusader] knight with extremely high defence would be seriously injured.

However, ... Han Dong had no intention of dodging.

A kind of flower pattern mark faintly emerged in the little devil's eyes.

Staring at the two distinctly different types of magic flying at him, Han Dong was able to parse out the 'magic pulse'.

"The magic constructed by this guy ... Dempsey is near perfect. However, any magic needs a temporary core to sustain it."

The "Plague Doctor's Short Blade" was cupped in his hand.

Han Dong took a slight step backward and locked onto 'a point'.

Swinging his right arm with all his might, he threw the short sword ...

The flying short sword collided head-on with the magic.


Flames and ice crystals are scattered in mid-air.

The sword, slightly blackened and covered with ice crystals, flips in the air a few times before plunging into the ground ...

"Magic Break" succeeded.

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