My Cell Prison

Chapter 277: The Bells

Chapter 277: The Bells

Witchcraft and magic are related in their roots.

But they are very different.

It requires special study and talent to be able to perform witchcraft through a 'vehicle'.

Apprentice witches living in the swamp are not able to perform sorcery right from the start, but often require a long period of basic study, during which there is always the possibility of the sorcery backfiring.

However, Dempsey, a student at the outer school, was able to cast a sorcery spell - [Black Mud Shield] - at will.

Even though Mia's face was calm, her heart was in shock.

If other people had seen it, they might have considered that Dempsey was minoring in a second profession.

But ... Han Dong could probably guess the mystery of it.

Probably, it was related to Dempsey's 'sixth finger'.

The witch was not here today, so Han Dong called Dempsey here for an 'unconventional' sparring session.

In a way.

Han Dong, Mia, and Dempsey ... belonged to the same category of people.

"How do you want to cut a deal?"

Listening to Dempsey's question, he seemed a little impatient.

In all the good months since returning from the training set, Dempsey had also made considerable progress and intended to take advantage of the current unoccupied environment to practice properly in 'real combat'.

And when facing the 'know-it-all' Han Dong, Dempsey was able to use some techniques that he would not normally see.

"I'll have a 'melee spar' with Mia first, and then a 'long-range spar' with you later."

"Oh ... alright."

Dempsey generated an earthen seat at the edge of the field and watched the first session intently.


Mia also looked a little impatient.

Since Han Dong had said this beforehand, she would stay with him for the night if she could satisfy him.

Mia did not go for any fancy stuff at all and offered her real strength right from the start ... wanting to end the cuttings quickly to free up more time for the two of them.


With a purple and black curse wrapped around her body, four long spider legs violently grew out of her back.

Dempsey, who was watching the fight from the sidelines, had seen Mia in her spider form before and was not surprised.

After a close current look, Dempsey quietly reached out a sixth finger and curled back a cursed thread, placing it on the tip of his tongue for a closer taste.

"Bug possessor?"


Mia's transformation wasn't over.

"Nicholas ... did you know that? The 'bell' we got from the cursed farm last time has revealed a secret after I deciphered the curse within.

The Bell itself seems to have originated from a 'High Foreign Demon' and is well versed in curses!

The main reason why he placed the bell in the underground area of the farm was to secretly cultivate the cursed individual and gradually invade Stuart Manor to seize ownership.

It's a pity that the Order got the jump on them."


Han Dong also could not help but recall the situation that day.

When leaving the basement of the farm, Han Dong unexpectedly turned back and vaguely glimpsed a mysterious presence, but then disappeared ... should be the [High-level Foreign Demon] that Mia had mentioned.

"The quality of the bell itself is even better than I expected ... For the past few months, I have been trying to penetrate and harness this bell in addition to learning the basics.

Nicholas, do you need me to use the bell's powers?"

"Why not use it? As I said, I'll only consider 'overnight' if I'm satisfied with the cut."

"Then you should be careful ..."

The bell was removed from Mia's waist by her, untying the layers of twisted spider silk.

No longer by ringing the bell and summoning the four members of the 'House of the Damned' to assist from the side-lines ... but by using the bell as an 'earring' and dangling it from Mia's earlobe.

In a moment.

A wisp of cursed air, completely different from the spider curse, spilled out from the bell.

It covered the surface of Mia's body, and then actually coalesced to form '18' iron nails that pierced into Mia's flesh together.

"This is! The iron nail curse that once acted on the farmer's body."

Mia gritted her teeth to endure the pain and nodded slightly, "That's right... bell contains a variety of distinctive 'possession curses', among which the iron nail curse is the best.

It can stimulate the body's potential to the maximum, provide defence, and ..."

Before the words were out of her mouth.

Only Mia's mouth showed slight signs of movement.


An iron nail entwined with a curse popped out from the tip of her tongue and pointed straight at Han Dong.

This was also one of the abilities granted by the bell.

The nail flew incredibly fast due to the power of the curse ... Once it pierced the target, the curse would erode the target's entire body.


The iron nail grazed the cheek.

Han Dong only slightly tilted his head, not at all alarmed by the 'sneak attack'.

Everything in detail, Han Dong could see clearly.

Mia covered her mask with a helpless face, ''Oops ... forgot about your nasty eye ability for a second! Making these small moves is not useful at all ... or come to the front.

I've been practicing with Wendy for the past few days, and I've gotten a lot better at fighting."

"Spider Field"

A dark purple spider web of light radiates out from under Mia's feet in a radius of about three meters.

Small spiders are created within the field, which can bite outsiders who step into the field or bind their targets by spitting silk rapidly.

Mia was about to charge forward when she suddenly asked, "By the way ... have a question for you! The sparring is limited to the two of us, right? Your 'little buddy' won't suddenly appear, will he?"

Mia was still wary of Miss Chen Li and Togo.

"No, it's just me."

"So ... In am coming! Please hug!"

Mia moved quickly on all four spider legs, a step faster than during the set thanks to the enhancement of the iron spike curse.

Forward dash, jump.

The four long spider legs with venom oozing out of their tips were fully open, ready to give Han Dong a loving hug.

"Bug Sense"

"Compound eye observation"

"Field Restriction"

Mia considered everything when she locked onto Han Dong, never giving him any chance to escape.

Even if the plague broke out, the "insect shell" on Mia's body could arrive for a period, enough to keep Han Dong pinned down.

"Nicholas ... I am going to want you today. Without the help of summons, your strength is only equivalent to the high level of the same class.

I have not been idle for a few months."

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

But just as the two were getting close, her long legs were about to hug Han Dong.

The 'little magic eye' on Han Dong's forehead suddenly opened.

Mia had naturally considered this and had shut down her visual nervous system as soon as she observed signs of squirming in Han Dong's forehead, but ...


With the visual system turned off.

Mia still saw an eye in the darkness.

An eye with an odd pattern on it ...


There was a loud bang.

Mia was grabbed by the right arm of a 'twisted, degenerate being with a huge eye' and pinned to the ground.

Any struggle would result in the spiked claws poking into Mia's body and injecting a lethal plague.

The small spiders in the surrounding field seemed to be afraid of Han Dong, not daring to climb up his body at all and hiding.

"Alright ... Dempsey! It's your turn."

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