Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 267 - Touched Her Heart

Meanwhile, at the hospital entrance, Sora was trying to drag Amiah with her. She was familiar with Amiah's stubbornness. But she didn't expect her to keep this attitude when someone's life was involved. Even when she learned the whole truth regarding Hyson's accident, she still wasn't willing to come with her to see him.


"Stop calling my name!" Sora yelled back. "Today, you have to accompany me at any cost!"

"Why should I?" retorted Amiah.

"Because Hyson's accident involves both of us," said Sora. "It really is rude that you don't even wanna check up on him."

"He's fine. So, why should I go see him?" Amiah shot back stubbornly.

Sora wanted to slap her face right now. "My brother told me that Hyson had internal bleeding which was found on time and they had to perform surgery to save his life. Do you still not realize how serious this could have been?" She softened her tone and added, "I know you're upset because you met your father last night but you need to get your bloody shit together! You're not a little girl now who is always throwing tantrums for no reason!"

"As my best friend, you shouldn't be talking to me like that," said Amiah.

"Since I'm your best friend, I know you better than anyone. I know what you are. Or how you are. Now, stop making a scene and come with me."

"You tricked me here," said Amiah. "You said we're just going out. Then why did you bring me to the hospital to see that guy?"

"If I had told you the truth, would you have come?" Even before Amiah could answer, she went on, "No, of course not! Your ego is everything to you after all."

"Even you think that I'm egoist?"

"That's a fact, Mia!" Sora didn't think it was gonna do any good to sugarcoat her words right now. She had always sugar-coated her words but what was the result? It only worsened Amiah's tantrums. Sora held her hand and looked at her with gentle eyes, "I know you're a nice girl. That's why we are friends for so long but sometimes, you choose to overlook the truth. But you also have your days.When it comes to your ego, you don't wanna bow down before anyone."

"You've already said all of this to me," reminded Amiah.

"And yet you're being like this?" questioned Sora.

Amiah was exasperated, "I listened to you and I even went to look for my brother to apologize to him. Didn't I tell you what happened? I was thrown out of my own house!"

"Well, technically, that isn't your house," Sora couldn't help but say.? Amiah glared at her unhappily, so she added, "Don't look at me like that. It's true. The house belongs to your father and since you don't even want to call him father, what right do you have to claim your right on that house?"

Amiah's eyes darkened at Sora's words, "Fine! He wanted to throw me out. I get it. But what right that woman had? Do you have any idea how mad I am right now? I just learned last night that the woman who almost ran me over with her car is actually my brother's rude wife! This is the worst news of my life! She doesn't deserve a person like my brother at all!"

"You're not your brother," reminded Sora. "Then how do you know that she is right for your brother or not? That's his decision. It's his life and she'd his wife. Why are you poking your nose into that?"

"Why do I feel like you're taking that woman's side right now?" asked Amiah with suspicious eyes.

Sora shook her head, "I'm just trying to think about everything rationally. You lose your thinking ability when you're being stubborn, so I have to keep my rationality in check, or else, we'll both be doomed!"

"Do I need to remind you that she's the reason we can't proceed with the shooting?"

Sora again shook her head, "You don't need to remind me of that at all. I already understand it." She took a deep breath and added, "But that doesn't matter right now. Haven't you seen today's agenda online? Even when someone tried to drag our production using Hyson's accident, that boy immediately went online to clear it up. Even though we are somewhat responsible for his accident, he still cleared our names and claimed that the crew had nothing to do with his injury at all. He is such a good person. I feel so ashamed to even face him and here you're arguing with me."

Amiah stayed quiet when she heard that. She of course learned about everything that's been happening on the internet. She didn't even know why she was so irked with this whole incident.

Seeing her silently acquiescing, Sora took her hand and took the elevator to the floor where Hyson was. She had learned about Hyson's condition through her brother and she even learned where he was staying since she wanted to come to see him again.

Earlier, Hyson had sent all the bodyguards to have lunch so, at this time, there was no one guarding his door. Sora knocked on the door but since Hyson was on the balcony, he didn't hear it at all. As Sora pushed open the door and stepped inside, they heard Hyson's voice coming from the balcony.

"Just let the movie continue shooting again. I won't be a part of it. Okay? But I have seen the desperation in Miss Sora's eyes. I know she takes her stories way too seriously. And I can see her hopes and dreams are associated with this movie, and I never want to take someone's hope from them."

Catching this part of the conversation, something complicated flashed through Sora's eyes and even Amiah's gaze changed. They couldn't understand the rest of the conversation but one thing was certain, Hyson was trying to request for their sake. And it deeply touched Sora's heart.

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