Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 266 - Deep As The Ocean

Hyson was standing on the balcony, teasing his little birds when he received Raelle's call. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, he heard her say, "I didn't know you're so in demand."

Hyson put on a smug smile saying, "And now you know?"

"Yeah. Quite a lot of babies are waiting for you to be their father," replied Raelle making Hyson choke on air.

"What the...! What nonsense are you spouting?" he yelled.

"Didn't you see it online? 'Xiao Gege, let me carry your baby for you!' 'Handsome Ge, let's make a baby together.' And..."

"Stop!" exclaimed Hyson. "If I heard one more word like this from your mouth, I'm gonna lose my mind."

"What a surprise though! Your mind is already lost. Isn't that what you've been looking for all these years?" retorted Raelle.

"Ellie! My mind is with me!"

"Really? Check again, because I highly doubt it."

"Did you call me for this? To infuriate me?"

"Isn't that my special talent?" came Raelle's crisp response.

"Don't use your special talent on me then. I really am not in the mood for it." He took a pause and asked, "By the way, did you go online to read comments today? Where did the sunrise from? How come my best friend took the time to read online squabbles?"

"If it didn't concern you, I wouldn't have spared it my attention," answered Raelle.

"Awww. That really warmed my heart. But listen to my request, don't ever do it again. Your brain is already the epitome of craziness, I don't want you to learn weird things from people on the internet as well. Because at the end of the day, I'll be the one to suffer from your attacks!"

"Well, rest assured, I won't learn anything from them. They use so many slangs online that half of the things went over my head."

Hyson burst out laughing, "I never thought there'd come a day like this where even genius Raelle Xiang felt helpless before some slangs."

"Are you challenging me?"

Hyson's laughter died down immediately, "No way! I know my best friend is the best! No need to prove it. Gold never needs to prove its worth!" Hearing the 'tweet, tweet' of the birds, he smiled to himself and started tweeting like his birds, "Tweet! Tweet!"

"I knew you lost your mind," said Raelle.

"I did not," argued Hyson. "I'm just giving my cotton and candy some company."

"Why? Want to become a bird now?"

"I always wanted to be a bird. And I certainly would be as cute as my cotton and candy."

"Stop daydreaming already," responded Raelle.

"You chicken nugget! Keep your opinions to yourself!"

"And what are you? Chicken wings?"

Hyson seriously thought about it saying, "That's not bad. Being chicken wings, I'd have wings to fly."

"Idiot! Chicken can't fly!" reminded Raelle.

"One can always dream!"

"I really don't know why you dream so much?"

Hyson smiled at her question, "Dreams are quite beautiful and they are also limitless. I don't know what you find so attractive in reality that keeps you so realistic."

"You," she answered straightforwardly making him frown in confusion. "Opa, Yanyan, Yue, Bà, and of course, my Xian."

It took him a minute to realize that she was telling him what she found attractive in reality. It really amused him a lot.

"As always, your talent to make one speechless is exemplary."

"Anyway, I called you to tell you not to overthink things," said Raelle after she was done annoying him. "Even if someone is string up trouble behind the scenes, we'll take care of it. It won't affect your image or your group members."

"What about the movie crew?" asked Hyson. "Let's face it. None of them are involved in my accident. It was all one person's vendetta. I don't want to drag the other down as well."

"I told you to worry about yourself rather than worrying about others," said Raelle. "That one person with the vendetta was also a part of the movie crew."

"Ellie, let's not drag it."

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"Just let the movie continue shooting again. I won't be a part of it. Okay? But I have seen the desperation in Miss Sora's eyes. I know she takes her stories way too seriously. And I can see her hopes and dreams are associated with this movie, and I never want to take someone's hope from them."

"Perhaps, this is why you're called the good boy."

Hyson chuckled, "You and I both know, I am not that much of a good boy."

"I don't mind accepting your request," said Raelle after thinking carefully.

"And your condition for that is?" Hyson knew her well enough to be certain that she had a condition for accepting it after days. He had been requesting the same thing since the time this whole agenda began and yet she just avoided this topic. But now, she was not only willing to talk, she was even willing to accept.

"The condition is, Director Amiah Jade has to apologize to you in person!"

"That..." Hyson didn't know what to say to that. From what he had seen, he didn't think that Director Amiah Jade was that easy to deal with. He knew how arrogant she was. So, he didn't expect an apology from her. "Did she do something else to you?"

"What else she did doesn't really matter in your case." Raelle's eyes focused outside the glass wall as she went on, "It's a fact that she was indirectly the reason why you had to go through this accident. The least she can do is apologize. It's not like I'm asking for her life."

"Not everyone can accept their mistakes easily like you, Ellie. People are prideful."

"You think I am not prideful?" questioned Raelle.

"You?" repeated Hyson and raised his brow. "I really wonder what you are."

"And here I thought, you knew me."

"I do," said Hyson. "But you're as deep as the ocean. It's difficult to say what mysteries lie in your depth."

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