
Chapter 431: Let's Violently Quarrel

Chapter 431: Let's Violently Quarrel


While handling Operator Magic SwordEX, Naoki destroyed the approaching Kraken arms using the unleashed magic swords' flying dragon state.

Furthermore, the Handsome Host created from the unleashed state of the devil Gilbert'sNight King's Swordstarted running lightly on the sea.

When a tentacle stretched out to knock away the approaching Handsome Host, it charged forward with a smile, gently embraced it, and started eroding into the tentacle. The Handsome Host was skilled at going inside an opponent.

The Night King's Sword's connection to the Kraken's tentacle is complete.

When Naoki grasped that he was connected to the Kraken's tentacle by a magical power Path, he began operating the tentacle that was being dyed black with his own will.


Unlike the General Kraken, this Kraken had lost its intelligence, and it rampaged while screaming due to that situation. A part of its body hadn't merely been immobilized, but had started attacking it. That was making it panic.

Wrap around it.

As Naoki stated, the tentacle that had turned black started tying up the Kraken. That was the ability of theNight King's Sword. A heretical sword that eroded and manipulated the target. During the attack on East Dragon Village Zegan, Gilbert manipulated a dragon with this sword.

However, that ability was affected by an opponent's Wisdom and Resistance, and since Naoki had much less Magic Power than Gilbert, he couldn't use it to the same degree, but Naoki's ability to freely manipulate magic swords meant he could do it.

In any case, Naoki successfully manipulated one tentacle and sealed the Kraken's movements.

Then, with the Kraken unable to move, the White Party launched an all-out offensive. Naoki's flying dragons, Emily's arrows, Tatsuo's Mega Beams, the Lightning Sphere, and the Flame Griffon Knights simultaneously attacked, overwhelming the Kraken.

The mass production models Tatsuyoshi-kun A and B also came out from inside the crystal galley and added their throwing attacks. No matter how huge the squid was, after continuously receiving so many attacks, it was already at death's door.

(Alright, it went well over here. Now for Aneki and the rest.)

While feeling that the end of the battle was approaching, Naoki checked the other battlefields. Although the Yuuko-nee and Berserk Ogre combo hadn't caused much damage to their Kraken, their situation looked to be proceeding favorably.

On the other hand, Kazane and Yumika's battle was extremely fierce.

A 9 meter dragon against a truly gigantic squid; the part above the water's surface alone was 25 meters high. The kaijus' sword, katana, and 20 meter miniature battleship tonfas were grandly clashing.



Dragon Kazane and General Kraken exchanged screams and clashed.

(Our sizes are different. I can't win in power?)

While being blown away by a tonfa attack, Kazane calmly judged.

(In that case, how about this!)


Dragon Kazane distanced herself by flying in the sky, then spat out Fireballs in succession.


General Kraken rotated his tonfas to divert them. Flames scattered around, falling to the surface of the sea and causing sizzling sounds as they evaporated the seawater.

Evaporation? Ah, in that case...

While watching that situation, Kazane hit the sea's surface below her feet with a Cold Breath and descended to the frozen sea surface.

Orya! Orya! Orya! Orya!

Then, wielding the summoned swordGolden Duskand mystic swordYumika, she sent countless flying slashes at the General Kraken as she continuously spat out Fireballs.

The same move!

General Kraken repelled them with his tonfas. The repelled blades hit the surface of the sea, creating many water columns, and the steam created by the fragmented Fireballs striking the seawater obstructed his view of the surrounding area.


General Kraken looked at that with suspicion.

(Random firing would be too unthinkable. Did she want to limit my view?)

However, General Kraken was a squid with the soul of a warrior. He could tell if an enemy presence was approaching. Dragon Kazane is on the other side of that water wall in front of me... General Kraken thought, but his prediction was one step behind.

SkillKilling Legggggg!


Something passed through the water wall and rushed at him head-on with tremendous speed. General Kraken defended by crossing his tonfas,

I can't completely defend...?

The tonfas he was blocking with started cracking and breaking apart. That attack was Kazane BazookaTerra BusterAlternative.

It was a Kazane BazookaTerra Buster that substituted the flying ability of Angelization with the spell Fly. The power didn't really change, so wouldn't it be okay to call it Terra Buster as usual? Didn't she just want to add the word Alternative? It was a killer technique so marvelous that it even made one think that.

Starting with a Charged Killing Leg, Boost was used to accelerate, and the Fire Boost spells loaded in her Draghorn Tonfas added rotation as well as further acceleration; Remote Viewing allowed her to observe with a bird's-eye view, raising the accuracy of that flying kick that boasted of violent power.

Kazane's greatest attack, which she returned from a dragon to her original form to use, assaulted General Kraken. It was destroying the battleship tonfas.



Then, the tonfas were completely smashed. However, she didn't reach General Kraken. The armor of the battleships was harder than she had imagined. Then, floating in the air among the broken fragments of the battleships, Kazane faced General Kraken.

Unfortunate, little girl!!

Ahaha, I wonder about that?

Then, together with Kazane's words, from the sky, a huge katana...


The mystical swordYumikacut through the body of General Kraken.

Be careful of attacks from above.

Before she canceled Dragonization, she threw the mystical swordYumikainto the sky in advance. That was in order to do a surprise attack on General Kraken from above while he was focused on Kazane, and that plan was successful.

Yumika canceled her Mystical Sword Transformation and immediately used her Complete Dragon Transformation, then spread her wings and flew to Kazane.

Finish it, Kazane!!


Kazane tightly grabbed Yumika's hand, then rose into the air with Yumika's flight ability. Furthermore, the power of the two once again rose due toFriendship Tag-team. Then, she fired.

Now then, for the finishing blow, SkillMega Beeeam!!!!

Beams were emitted from both of Kazane's eyes, extending the cut inflicted by the sword from the sky until General Kraken was sliced right in half.

GUaAAAAAA, Mintia-samaAAAAA!?

The piercing Mega Beam cut through the sea and split it in two, just like Moses in The Ten Commandments. It was a Mega Beam that had its power increased byFriendship Tag-team. That power, 1.5 times more than usual, was tremendous.

General Kraken continued burning away. As the grudges accumulated over 600 years scattered away, his form gradually disappeared.

... It's over?

A single man was looking on sadly.

Following the instructions of the man Jinrai Barnes, who was late for everything, Shippuu gently turned back and headed toward the Island Turtle. General Kraken and the two Krakens had already been subjugated. There was no turn for Jinrai.

A drop of water spilled on Shippuu's back. Shippuu noticed and cried a singleNaa, then started running at a higher speed. A man's tears weren't something that should be shown to others. Shippuu knew that.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill Hand ()HaloEvolution Hand ()Kick DevilKick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv2Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-teamBattleship Tonfa Summoning

Kazane: Battleship Tonfa Summoning?

Yumika: 20-meter class miniature battleship tonfas? Even as a dragon, you wouldn't be able to use those, right?

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